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synced 2025-03-05 10:29:14 +00:00
Drops the inline callouts from the painless reference book. These callouts are incompatible with Asciidoctor and we'd very much like to switch to Asciidoctor for building this book, partially because Asciidoctor is actively developed and AsciiDoc is not, and partially because it builds the book three times faster.
126 lines
2.9 KiB
126 lines
2.9 KiB
=== Literals
Use a literal to specify a value directly in an
<<painless-operators, operation>>.
==== Integers
Use an integer literal to specify an integer type value in decimal, octal, or
hex notation of a <<primitive-types, primitive type>> `int`, `long`, `float`,
or `double`. Use the following single letter designations to specify the
primitive type: `l` or `L` for `long`, `f` or `F` for `float`, and `d` or `D`
for `double`. If not specified, the type defaults to `int`. Use `0` as a prefix
to specify an integer literal as octal, and use `0x` or `0X` as a prefix to
specify an integer literal as hex.
INTEGER: '-'? ( '0' | [1-9] [0-9]* ) [lLfFdD]?;
OCTAL: '-'? '0' [0-7]+ [lL]?;
HEX: '-'? '0' [xX] [0-9a-fA-F]+ [lL]?;
* Integer literals.
0 <1>
0D <2>
1234L <3>
-90f <4>
-022 <5>
0xF2A <6>
<1> `int 0`
<2> `double 0.0`
<3> `long 1234`
<4> `float -90.0`
<5> `int -18` in octal
<6> `int 3882` in hex
==== Floats
Use a floating point literal to specify a floating point type value of a
<<primitive-types, primitive type>> `float` or `double`. Use the following
single letter designations to specify the primitive type: `f` or `F` for `float`
and `d` or `D` for `double`. If not specified, the type defaults to `double`.
DECIMAL: '-'? ( '0' | [1-9] [0-9]* ) (DOT [0-9]+)? EXPONENT? [fFdD]?;
EXPONENT: ( [eE] [+\-]? [0-9]+ );
* Floating point literals.
0.0 <1>
1E6 <2>
0.977777 <3>
-126.34 <4>
89.9F <5>
<1> `double 0.0`
<2> `double 1000000.0` in exponent notation
<3> `double 0.977777`
<4> `double -126.34`
<5> `float 89.9`
==== Strings
Use a string literal to specify a <<string-type, `String` type>> value with
either single-quotes or double-quotes. Use a `\"` token to include a
double-quote as part of a double-quoted string literal. Use a `\'` token to
include a single-quote as part of a single-quoted string literal. Use a `\\`
token to include a backslash as part of any string literal.
STRING: ( '"' ( '\\"' | '\\\\' | ~[\\"] )*? '"' )
| ( '\'' ( '\\\'' | '\\\\' | ~[\\'] )*? '\'' );
* String literals using single-quotes.
'single-quoted string literal'
'\'single-quoted with escaped single-quotes\' and backslash \\'
'single-quoted with non-escaped "double-quotes"'
* String literals using double-quotes.
"double-quoted string literal"
"\"double-quoted with escaped double-quotes\" and backslash: \\"
"double-quoted with non-escaped 'single-quotes'"
==== Characters
Character literals are not specified directly. Instead, use the
<<string-character-casting, cast operator>> to convert a `String` type value
into a `char` type value.