Tianli Feng 7135eaf9de
Add support to generate code coverage report with JaCoCo (#1236)
* Apply JaCoCo Gradle plugin to the root project, and to all the sub-projects through BuildPlugin.
* Add 3 Gradle tasks: codeCoverageReport, codeCoverageReportForUnitTest, codeCoverageReportForIntegrationTest to generate code coverage report for all the tests, unit tests, and integration tests correspondingly.
* Attach Gradle codeCoverageReport task to check task.
* Remove outdated code of giving JaCoCo files permission when Java security manager enabled

Signed-off-by: Tianli Feng <>
2021-09-20 11:06:35 -07:00

94 lines
4.1 KiB

* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* The OpenSearch Contributors require contributions made to
* this file be licensed under the Apache-2.0 license or a
* compatible open source license.
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
repositories {
allprojects {
plugins.withId('jacoco') {
// The default JaCoCo version in Gradle 6.6.1 is 0.8.5, but at least version 0.8.6 officially supports Java 14
jacoco.toolVersion = '0.8.7'
def codeCoverageReportTask = tasks.register("codeCoverageReport", JacocoReport) {
description = 'Generates aggregate report from all subprojects.'
executionData.setFrom fileTree(dir: '.', include: '**/build/jacoco/*.exec')
tasks.register("codeCoverageReportForUnitTest", JacocoReport) {
description = 'Generates aggregate report from all subprojects for unit test.'
executionData.setFrom fileTree(dir: '.', include: '**/build/jacoco/test.exec')
tasks.register("codeCoverageReportForIntegrationTest", JacocoReport) {
description = 'Generates aggregate report from all subprojects for integration test.'
// These kinds of tests are integration test, and the tests can be ran by Gradle tasks with the same name
def integrationTestExecPathList = ['**/build/jacoco/integTest.exec',
'**/build/jacoco/yamlRestTest.exec' ]
executionData.setFrom fileTree(dir: '.', include: integrationTestExecPathList)
tasks.withType(JacocoReport).configureEach {
group = JavaBasePlugin.VERIFICATION_GROUP
// Select projects with corresponding tests in order to run proper tests and select proper classes to generate the report
def projectsWithJavaPlugin = subprojects.findAll { it.pluginManager.hasPlugin('java') }
def projectsWithUnitTest = projectsWithJavaPlugin.findAll { it.tasks.findByName('test').enabled }
def projectsWithIntegTest = projectsWithJavaPlugin.findAll {it.tasks.findByName('integTest')}
def projectsWithInternalClusterTest = projectsWithJavaPlugin.findAll {it.tasks.findByName('internalClusterTest')}
def projectsWithJavaRestTest = projectsWithJavaPlugin.findAll {it.tasks.findByName('javaRestTest')}
def projectsWithYamlRestTest = projectsWithJavaPlugin.findAll {it.tasks.findByName('yamlRestTest')}
def projectsWithIntegrationTest = projectsWithIntegTest + projectsWithInternalClusterTest + projectsWithJavaRestTest + projectsWithYamlRestTest
def projectsWithTest = projectsWithUnitTest + projectsWithIntegrationTest
def selectedProjects
switch (name) {
case "codeCoverageReportForUnitTest":
dependsOn projectsWithUnitTest.test
selectedProjects = projectsWithUnitTest
case "codeCoverageReportForIntegrationTest":
dependsOn projectsWithIntegTest.integTest
dependsOn projectsWithInternalClusterTest.internalClusterTest
dependsOn projectsWithJavaRestTest.javaRestTest
dependsOn projectsWithYamlRestTest.yamlRestTest
selectedProjects = projectsWithIntegrationTest
dependsOn projectsWithUnitTest.test
dependsOn projectsWithIntegTest.integTest
dependsOn projectsWithInternalClusterTest.internalClusterTest
dependsOn projectsWithJavaRestTest.javaRestTest
dependsOn projectsWithYamlRestTest.yamlRestTest
selectedProjects = projectsWithTest
sourceDirectories.setFrom files(selectedProjects.sourceSets.main.allSource.srcDirs)
classDirectories.setFrom files(selectedProjects.sourceSets.main.output)
reports {
// Code coverage report in HTML and CSV formats are on demand, in case they take extra disk space.
xml.enabled System.getProperty('', 'true').toBoolean()
html.enabled System.getProperty('', 'false').toBoolean()
csv.enabled System.getProperty('', 'false').toBoolean()
if (System.getProperty("tests.coverage")) {
// Attach code coverage report task to Gradle check task
project.getTasks().named(JavaBasePlugin.CHECK_TASK_NAME).configure {
dependsOn codeCoverageReportTask