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synced 2025-03-03 17:39:15 +00:00
This is related to elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch#1217. This PR removes the default password of "changeme" from the reserved users. This PR adds special behavior for authenticating the reserved users. No ReservedRealm user can be authenticated until its password is set. The one exception to this is the elastic user. The elastic user can be authenticated with an empty password if the action is a rest request originating from localhost. In this scenario where an elastic user is authenticated with a default password, it will have metadata indicating that it is in setup mode. An elastic user in setup mode is only authorized to execute a change password request. Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@e1e101a237
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=== Java Client and Security
{security} supports the Java http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/java-api/current/transport-client.html[transport client] for Elasticsearch.
The transport client uses the same transport protocol that the cluster nodes use
for inter-node communication. It is very efficient as it does not have to marshall
and unmarshall JSON requests like a typical REST client.
NOTE: Using the Java Node Client with secured clusters is not recommended or
==== Configuring the Transport Client to work with a Secured Cluster
To use the transport client with a secured cluster, you need to:
. Configure a user with the privileges required to start the transport client.
A default `transport_client` role is built-in to {xpack} that grants the
appropriate cluster permissions for the transport client to work with the secured
cluster. The transport client uses the _Nodes Info API_ to fetch information about
the nodes in the cluster.
. Add the {xpack} transport JAR file to your CLASSPATH. You can download the {xpack}
distribution and extract the JAR file manually or you can get it from the
https://artifacts.elastic.co/maven/org/elasticsearch/client/x-pack-transport/{version}/x-pack-transport-{version}.jar[Elasticsearch Maven repository].
As with any dependency, you will also need its transitive dependencies. Refer to the
https://artifacts.elastic.co/maven/org/elasticsearch/client/x-pack-transport/{version}/x-pack-transport-{version}.pom[X-Pack POM file
for your version] when downloading for offline usage.
If you are using Maven, you need to add the {xpack} JAR file as a dependency in
your project's `pom.xml` file:
<project ...>
<!-- add the elasticsearch repo -->
<!-- add the x-pack jar as a dependency -->
If you are using Gradle, you need to add the {xpack} JAR file as a dependency in
your `build.gradle` file:
repositories {
/* ... Any other repositories ... */
// Add the Elasticsearch Maven Repository
maven {
url "https://artifacts.elastic.co/maven"
dependencies {
compile "org.elasticsearch.client:x-pack-transport:{version}"
/* ... */
If you are using a repository manager such as https://www.sonatype.com/nexus-repository-oss[Nexus OSS] within your
company, you need to add the repository as per the following screenshot:
image::images/nexus.png["Adding the Elastic repo in Nexus",link="images/nexus.png"]
Then in your project's `pom.xml` if using maven, add the following repositories and dependencies definitions:
<name>Elastic Local Nexus</name>
. Set up the transport client. At a minimum, you must configure `xpack.security.user` to
include the name and password of your transport client user in your requests. The
following snippet configures the user credentials globally--every request
submitted with this client includes the `transport_client_user` credentials in
its headers.
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.client.PreBuiltXPackTransportClient;
TransportClient client = new PreBuiltXPackTransportClient(Settings.builder()
.put("cluster.name", "myClusterName")
.put("xpack.security.user", "transport_client_user:x-pack-test-password")
.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress("localhost", 9300))
.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress("localhost", 9301));
WARNING: If you configure a transport client without SSL, passwords are sent in
clear text.
You can also add an `Authorization` header to each request. If you've configured
global authorization credentials, the `Authorization` header overrides the global
authentication credentials. This is useful when an application has multiple users
who access Elasticsearch using the same client. You can set the global token to
a user that only has the `transport_client` role, and add the `transport_client`
role to the individual users.
For example, the following snippet adds the `Authorization` header to a search
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.SecureString;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.InetSocketTransportAddress;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.client.PreBuiltXPackTransportClient;
import static org.elasticsearch.xpack.security.authc.support.UsernamePasswordToken.basicAuthHeaderValue;
TransportClient client = new PreBuiltXPackTransportClient(Settings.builder()
.put("cluster.name", "myClusterName")
.put("xpack.security.user", "transport_client_user:x-pack-test-password")
.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), 9300))
.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), 9301))
String token = basicAuthHeaderValue("test_user", new SecureString("x-pack-test-password".toCharArray()));
client.filterWithHeader(Collections.singletonMap("Authorization", token))
. Enable SSL to authenticate clients and encrypt communications. To enable SSL,
you need to:
.. Configure the paths to the client's key and certificate in addition to the certificate authorities.
Client authentication requires every client to have a certification signed by a trusted CA.
NOTE: Client authentication is enabled by default. For information about
disabling client authentication, see <<disabling-client-auth, Disabling Client Authentication>>.
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.client.PreBuiltXPackTransportClient;
TransportClient client = new PreBuiltXPackTransportClient(Settings.builder()
.put("cluster.name", "myClusterName")
.put("xpack.security.user", "transport_client_user:x-pack-test-password")
.put("xpack.ssl.key", "/path/to/client.key")
.put("xpack.ssl.certificate", "/path/to/client.crt")
.put("xpack.ssl.certificate_authorities", "/path/to/ca.crt")
.. Enable the SSL transport by setting `xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled` to `true` in the
client configuration.
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.client.PreBuiltXPackTransportClient;
TransportClient client = new PreBuiltXPackTransportClient(Settings.builder()
.put("cluster.name", "myClusterName")
.put("xpack.security.user", "transport_client_user:x-pack-test-password")
.put("xpack.ssl.key", "/path/to/client.key")
.put("xpack.ssl.certificate", "/path/to/client.crt")
.put("xpack.ssl.certificate_authorities", "/path/to/ca.crt")
.put("xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled", "true")
.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), 9300))
.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), 9301))
===== Disabling Client Authentication
If you want to disable client authentication, you can use a client-specific
transport protocol. For more information see <<separating-node-client-traffic, Separating Node to Node and Client Traffic>>.
If you are not using client authentication and sign the Elasticsearch node
certificates with your own CA, you need to provide the path to the CA
certificate in your client configuration.
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.client.PreBuiltXPackTransportClient;
TransportClient client = new PreBuiltXPackTransportClient(Settings.builder()
.put("cluster.name", "myClusterName")
.put("xpack.security.user", "test_user:x-pack-test-password")
.put("xpack.ssl.certificate_authorities", "/path/to/ca.crt")
.put("xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled", "true")
.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress("localhost", 9300))
.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress("localhost", 9301));
NOTE: If you are using a public CA that is already trusted by the Java runtime,
you do not need to set the `xpack.ssl.certificate_authorities`.
===== Connecting Anonymously
To enable the transport client to connect anonymously, you must assign the
anonymous user the privileges defined in the <<java-transport-client-role,transport_client>>
role. Anonymous access must also be enabled, of course. For more information,
see <<anonymous-access,Enabling Anonymous Access>>.
==== Security Client
{security} exposes its own API through the `SecurityClient` class. To get a hold
of a `SecurityClient` you'll first need to create the `XPackClient`, which is a
wrapper around the existing Elasticsearch clients (any client class implementing
The following example shows how you can clear {security}'s realm caches using
the `SecurityClient`:
Client client = ... // create the transport client
XPackClient xpackClient = new XPackClient(client);
SecurityClient securityClient = xpackClient.security();
ClearRealmCacheResponse response = securityClient.authc().prepareClearRealmCache()
.realms("ldap1", "ad1") <1>
<1> Clears the `ldap1` and `ad1` realm caches for the `rdeniro` user.