Rory Hunter c46a0e8708
Apply 2-space indent to all gradle scripts (#49071)
Backport of #48849. Update `.editorconfig` to make the Java settings the
default for all files, and then apply a 2-space indent to all `*.gradle`
files. Then reformat all the files.
2019-11-14 11:01:23 +00:00

80 lines
2.8 KiB

import org.elasticsearch.gradle.OS
import org.gradle.initialization.BuildRequestMetaData
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
long startTime =
buildScan {
URL jenkinsUrl = System.getenv('JENKINS_URL') ? new URL(System.getenv('JENKINS_URL')) : null
String buildNumber = System.getenv('BUILD_NUMBER')
String buildUrl = System.getenv('BUILD_URL')
String jobName = System.getenv('JOB_NAME')
String nodeName = System.getenv('NODE_NAME')
tag OS.current().name()
if (jobName) {
value 'Job name', jobName
if (buildNumber) {
value 'Job number', buildNumber
if (jenkinsUrl?.host?.endsWith('')) {
buildScan.server = ''
if (nodeName) {
link 'System logs', "" +
buildFinished {
link 'System metrics', "" +
"${nodeName}?_g=()&metricTime=(autoReload:!f,refreshInterval:5000," +
"time:(from:${startTime - TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)},interval:%3E%3D1m," +
"to:${System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)}))"
// Jenkins-specific build scan metadata
if (jenkinsUrl) {
tag 'CI'
tag jobName
link 'Jenkins Build', buildUrl
link 'GCP Upload', "${jobName}/build/${buildNumber}.tar.bz2"
System.getenv().getOrDefault('NODE_LABELS', '').split(' ').each {
value 'Jenkins Worker Label', it
// Add SCM information
def isPrBuild = System.getenv('ROOT_BUILD_CAUSE_GHPRBCAUSE') != null
if (isPrBuild) {
value 'Git Commit ID', System.getenv('ghprbActualCommit')
value 'Git Branch', System.getenv('ghprbTargetBranch')
tag System.getenv('ghprbTargetBranch')
tag "pr/${System.getenv('ghprbPullId')}"
tag 'pull-request'
link 'Source', "${System.getenv('ghprbActualCommit')}"
link 'Pull Request', System.getenv('ghprbPullLink')
} else {
if (System.getenv('GIT_BRANCH')) {
def branch = System.getenv('GIT_BRANCH').split('/').last()
value 'Git Branch', branch
tag branch
if (System.getenv('GIT_COMMIT')) {
value 'Git Commit ID', System.getenv('GIT_COMMIT')
link 'Source', "${System.getenv('GIT_COMMIT')}"
background {
def changes = "git diff --name-only ${System.getenv('GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT')}..${System.getenv('GIT_COMMIT')}".execute().text.trim()
value 'Git Changes', changes
} else {
tag 'LOCAL'