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synced 2025-03-28 02:48:38 +00:00
- Replaces more abstract docs about object structure and values source with task-based examples. - Relocates several sections from the current `misc.asciidoc` file. - Alphabetically sorts agg categories in the nav. - Removes the matrix agg family. Moves the stats matrix agg under the metric agg family
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435 lines
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= Aggregations
An aggregation summarizes your data as metrics, statistics, or other analytics.
Aggregations help you answer questions like:
* What's the average load time for my website?
* Who are my most valuable customers based on transaction volume?
* What would be considered a large file on my network?
* How many products are in each product category?
{es} organizes aggregations into three categories:
* <<search-aggregations-metrics,Metric>> aggregations that calculate metrics,
such as a sum or average, from field values.
* <<search-aggregations-bucket,Bucket>> aggregations that
group documents into buckets, also called bins, based on field values, ranges,
or other criteria.
* <<search-aggregations-pipeline,Pipeline>> aggregations that take input from
other aggregations instead of documents or fields.
=== Run an aggregation
You can run aggregations as part of a <<search-your-data,search>> by specifying the <<search-search,search API>>'s `aggs` parameter. The
following search runs a
<<search-aggregations-bucket-terms-aggregation,terms aggregation>> on
GET /my-index-000001/_search
"aggs": {
"my-agg-name": {
"terms": {
"field": "my-field"
// TEST[setup:my_index]
// TEST[s/my-field/http.request.method/]
Aggregation results are in the response's `aggregations` object:
"took": 78,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 1,
"successful": 1,
"skipped": 0,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": {
"value": 5,
"relation": "eq"
"max_score": 1.0,
"hits": [...]
"aggregations": {
"my-agg-name": { <1>
"doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
"sum_other_doc_count": 0,
"buckets": []
// TESTRESPONSE[s/"took": 78/"took": "$body.took"/]
// TESTRESPONSE[s/\.\.\.$/"took": "$body.took", "timed_out": false, "_shards": "$body._shards", /]
// TESTRESPONSE[s/"hits": \[\.\.\.\]/"hits": "$body.hits.hits"/]
// TESTRESPONSE[s/"buckets": \[\]/"buckets":\[\{"key":"get","doc_count":5\}\]/]
<1> Results for the `my-agg-name` aggregation.
=== Change an aggregation's scope
Use the `query` parameter to limit the documents on which an aggregation runs:
GET /my-index-000001/_search
"query": {
"range": {
"@timestamp": {
"gte": "now-1d/d",
"lt": "now/d"
"aggs": {
"my-agg-name": {
"terms": {
"field": "my-field"
// TEST[setup:my_index]
// TEST[s/my-field/http.request.method/]
=== Return only aggregation results
By default, searches containing an aggregation return both search hits and
aggregation results. To return only aggregation results, set `size` to `0`:
GET /my-index-000001/_search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"my-agg-name": {
"terms": {
"field": "my-field"
// TEST[setup:my_index]
// TEST[s/my-field/http.request.method/]
=== Run multiple aggregations
You can specify multiple aggregations in the same request:
GET /my-index-000001/_search
"aggs": {
"my-first-agg-name": {
"terms": {
"field": "my-field"
"my-second-agg-name": {
"avg": {
"field": "my-other-field"
// TEST[setup:my_index]
// TEST[s/my-field/http.request.method/]
// TEST[s/my-other-field/http.response.bytes/]
=== Run sub-aggregations
Bucket aggregations support bucket or metric sub-aggregations. For example, a
terms aggregation with an <<search-aggregations-metrics-avg-aggregation,avg>>
sub-aggregation calculates an average value for each bucket of documents. There
is no level or depth limit for nesting sub-aggregations.
GET /my-index-000001/_search
"aggs": {
"my-agg-name": {
"terms": {
"field": "my-field"
"aggs": {
"my-sub-agg-name": {
"avg": {
"field": "my-other-field"
// TEST[setup:my_index]
// TEST[s/_search/_search?size=0/]
// TEST[s/my-field/http.request.method/]
// TEST[s/my-other-field/http.response.bytes/]
The response nests sub-aggregation results under their parent aggregation:
"aggregations": {
"my-agg-name": { <1>
"doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
"sum_other_doc_count": 0,
"buckets": [
"key": "foo",
"doc_count": 5,
"my-sub-agg-name": { <2>
"value": 75.0
// TESTRESPONSE[s/\.\.\./"took": "$body.took", "timed_out": false, "_shards": "$body._shards", "hits": "$body.hits",/]
// TESTRESPONSE[s/"key": "foo"/"key": "get"/]
// TESTRESPONSE[s/"value": 75.0/"value": $body.aggregations.my-agg-name.buckets.0.my-sub-agg-name.value/]
<1> Results for the parent aggregation, `my-agg-name`.
<2> Results for `my-agg-name`'s sub-aggregation, `my-sub-agg-name`.
=== Add custom metadata
Use the `meta` object to associate custom metadata with an aggregation:
GET /my-index-000001/_search
"aggs": {
"my-agg-name": {
"terms": {
"field": "my-field"
"meta": {
"my-metadata-field": "foo"
// TEST[setup:my_index]
// TEST[s/_search/_search?size=0/]
The response returns the `meta` object in place:
"aggregations": {
"my-agg-name": {
"meta": {
"my-metadata-field": "foo"
"doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
"sum_other_doc_count": 0,
"buckets": []
// TESTRESPONSE[s/\.\.\./"took": "$body.took", "timed_out": false, "_shards": "$body._shards", "hits": "$body.hits",/]
=== Return the aggregation type
By default, aggregation results include the aggregation's name but not its type.
To return the aggregation type, use the `typed_keys` query parameter.
GET /my-index-000001/_search?typed_keys
"aggs": {
"my-agg-name": {
"histogram": {
"field": "my-field",
"interval": 1000
// TEST[setup:my_index]
// TEST[s/typed_keys/typed_keys&size=0/]
// TEST[s/my-field/http.response.bytes/]
The response returns the aggregation type as a prefix to the aggregation's name.
IMPORTANT: Some aggregations return a different aggregation type from the
type in the request. For example, the terms,
<<search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation,significant terms>>,
and <<search-aggregations-metrics-percentile-aggregation,percentiles>>
aggregations return different aggregations types depending on the data type of
the aggregated field.
"aggregations": {
"histogram#my-agg-name": { <1>
"buckets": []
// TESTRESPONSE[s/\.\.\./"took": "$body.took", "timed_out": false, "_shards": "$body._shards", "hits": "$body.hits",/]
// TESTRESPONSE[s/"buckets": \[\]/"buckets":\[\{"key":1070000.0,"doc_count":5\}\]/]
<1> The aggregation type, `histogram`, followed by a `#` separator and the aggregation's name, `my-agg-name`.
=== Use scripts in an aggregation
Some aggregations support <<modules-scripting,scripts>>. You can
use a `script` to extract or generate values for the aggregation:
GET /my-index-000001/_search
"aggs": {
"my-agg-name": {
"histogram": {
"interval": 1000,
"script": {
"source": "doc['my-field'].value.length()"
// TEST[setup:my_index]
// TEST[s/my-field/http.request.method/]
If you also specify a `field`, the `script` modifies the field values used in
the aggregation. The following aggregation uses a script to modify `my-field`
GET /my-index-000001/_search
"aggs": {
"my-agg-name": {
"histogram": {
"field": "my-field",
"interval": 1000,
"script": "_value / 1000"
// TEST[setup:my_index]
// TEST[s/my-field/http.response.bytes/]
Some aggregations only work on specific data types. Use the `value_type`
parameter to specify a data type for a script-generated value or an unmapped
field. `value_type` accepts the following values:
* `boolean`
* `date`
* `double`, used for all floating-point numbers
* `long`, used for all integers
* `ip`
* `string`
GET /my-index-000001/_search
"aggs": {
"my-agg-name": {
"histogram": {
"field": "my-field",
"interval": 1000,
"script": "_value / 1000",
"value_type": "long"
// TEST[setup:my_index]
// TEST[s/my-field/http.response.bytes/]
=== Aggregation caches
For faster responses, {es} caches the results of frequently run aggregations in
the <<shard-request-cache,shard request cache>>. To get cached results, use the
same <<shard-and-node-preference,`preference` string>> for each search. If you
don't need search hits, <<return-only-agg-results,set `size` to `0`>> to avoid
filling the cache.
{es} routes searches with the same preference string to the same shards. If the
shards' data doesn’t change between searches, the shards return cached
aggregation results.
=== Limits for `long` values
When running aggregations, {es} uses <<number,`double`>> values to hold and
represent numeric data. As a result, aggregations on <<number,`long`>> numbers
greater than +2^53^+ are approximate.