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:api: create-index
:request: CreateIndexRequest
:response: CreateIndexResponse
=== Create Index API
==== Create Index Request
A +{request}+ requires an `index` argument:
<1> The index to create
==== Index settings
Each index created can have specific settings associated with it.
<1> Settings for this index
==== Index mappings
An index may be created with mappings for its document types
<1> The type to define
<2> The mapping for this type, provided as a JSON string
The mapping source can be provided in different ways in addition to the
`String` example shown above:
<1> Mapping source provided as a `Map` which gets automatically converted
to JSON format
<1> Mapping source provided as an `XContentBuilder` object, the Elasticsearch
built-in helpers to generate JSON content
==== Index aliases
Aliases can be set at index creation time
<1> The alias to define
==== Providing the whole source
The whole source including all of its sections (mappings, settings and aliases)
can also be provided:
<1> The source provided as a JSON string. It can also be provided as a `Map`
or an `XContentBuilder`.
==== Optional arguments
The following arguments can optionally be provided:
<1> Timeout to wait for the all the nodes to acknowledge the index creation as a `TimeValue`
<1> Timeout to connect to the master node as a `TimeValue`
<1> The number of active shard copies to wait for before the create index API returns a
response, as an `int`
<2> The number of active shard copies to wait for before the create index API returns a
response, as an `ActiveShardCount`
==== Create Index Response
The returned +{response}+ allows to retrieve information about the executed
operation as follows:
<1> Indicates whether all of the nodes have acknowledged the request
<2> Indicates whether the requisite number of shard copies were started for each shard in the index before timing out