
280 lines
12 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<name>QA: Elasticsearch Vagrant Tests</name>
<description>Tests the Elasticsearch distribution artifacts on virtual
machines using vagrant and bats.</description>
<!-- The documentation for how to run this is in ../../Vagrantfile -->
<testCommand>sudo ES_CLEAN_BEFORE_TEST=true bats $BATS/${testScripts}</testCommand>
<allDebBoxes>precise, trusty, vivid, wheezy, jessie</allDebBoxes>
<allRpmBoxes>centos-6, centos-7, fedora-22, oel-7</allRpmBoxes>
<!-- Unless rpmbuild is available on the host we can't test rpm based
boxes because we can't build the rpm and they fail without the rpm.
So to get good coverage you'll need to run this on a system with
rpmbuild installed - either osx via homebrew or fedora/centos/rhel.
<!-- rpmbuild location : default to /usr/bin/rpmbuild -->
<!-- Clean the location where we keep the distribution artifacts
to make sure that there aren't any old versions in there. -->
<!-- Put the distribution artifacts some place the test can get at
them -->
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"
classpathref="maven.dependency.classpath" />
<ant antfile="src/dev/ant/vagrant-integration-tests.xml"
<target unless="${skipTests}">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"
classpathref="maven.dependency.classpath" />
<echo message="Running package tests on ${boxesToTest}"/>
<ant antfile="src/dev/ant/vagrant-integration-tests.xml"
<!-- The following profiles change which boxes are run and whether or
not this build depends on the rpm artifact. We only depend on the
rpm artifact if this machine is capable of building it and we only
test on the rpm based distributions if the rpm is available
because the tests require it to be. -->
<!-- Test on all boxes -->
<!-- Enable the rpm artifact and rpm-boxes because we're on an
rpm-based distribution. -->
<proposedBoxesToTest>${debBoxes}, ${rpmBoxes}</proposedBoxesToTest>
<!-- Enable the rpm artifact and rpm-boxes because we're on an
rpm-based distribution. -->
<proposedBoxesToTest>${debBoxes}, ${rpmBoxes}</proposedBoxesToTest>
<!-- Only set boxesToTest if it hasn't been set on the command
line. -->
<!-- This profile manipulates what is run. -->
<!-- Smoke tests the VMs but doesn't actually run the bats tests -->
<testCommand>echo skipping tests</testCommand>