I observed a test failure with the message 'Attempted to append to non-started appender mock' from an assertion in `OpenSearchTestCase::after`. I believe this indicates that a MockLogAppender (which is named "mock") was added as an appender to the static logging context and some other test in the same JVM happened to cause a logging statement to hit that appender and cause an error, which then caused an unrelated test to fail (because they share static state with the logger). Almost all usages of MockLogAppender start it immediately after creation. I found a few that did not and fixed those. I also made a static helper in MockLogAppender to start it upon creation. Signed-off-by: Andrew Ross <andrross@amazon.com>
OpenSearch is a community-driven, open source fork of Elasticsearch and Kibana following the licence change in early 2021. We're looking to sustain (and evolve!) a search and analytics suite for the multitude of businesses who are dependent on the rights granted by the original, Apache v2.0 License.
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