Ryan Ernst 381ed235e9
Re-enable plugin and upgrade bats tests (#51565) (#56999)
While the tests remained in place, the execution of these tests were
lost when creating the DistroTestPlugin. This commit restores executing
2020-05-20 08:34:05 -07:00

477 lines
15 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bats
# This file is used to test the installation and removal
# of plugins after Elasticsearch has been installed with tar.gz,
# rpm, and deb.
# WARNING: This testing file must be executed as root and can
# dramatically change your system. It should only be executed
# in a throw-away VM like those made by the Vagrantfile at
# the root of the Elasticsearch source code. This should
# cause the script to fail if it is executed any other way:
[ -f /etc/is_vagrant_vm ] || {
>&2 echo "must be run on a vagrant VM"
exit 1
# The test case can be executed with the Bash Automated
# Testing System tool available at
# Thanks to Sam Stephenson!
# Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
# license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright
# ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
# the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Common test cases for both tar and rpm/deb based plugin tests
# This file is symlinked to both 25_tar_plugins.bats and 50_modules_and_plugins.bats so its
# executed twice - once to test plugins using the tar distribution and once to
# test files using the rpm distribution or the deb distribution, whichever the
# system uses.
# Load test utilities
load $BATS_UTILS/utils.bash
load $BATS_UTILS/modules.bash
load $BATS_UTILS/plugins.bash
setup() {
# The rules on when we should clean an reinstall are complex - all the
# jvm-example tests need cleaning because they are rough on the filesystem.
# The first and any tests that find themselves without an ESHOME need to
# clean as well.... this is going to mostly only happen on the first
# non-jvm-example-plugin-test _and_ any first test if you comment out the
# other tests. Commenting out lots of test cases seems like a reasonably
# common workflow.
if [ $BATS_TEST_NUMBER == 1 ] ||
[[ $BATS_TEST_NAME =~ install_a_sample_plugin ]] ||
[ ! -d "$ESHOME" ]; then
if [[ "$BATS_TEST_FILENAME" =~ 25_tar_plugins.bats$ ]]; then
load $BATS_UTILS/tar.bash
install() {
export ESHOME=/tmp/elasticsearch
export ESPLUGIN_COMMAND_USER=elasticsearch
load $BATS_UTILS/packages.bash
if is_rpm; then
elif is_dpkg; then
install() {
@test "[$GROUP] install a sample plugin with a symlinked plugins path" {
# Clean up after the last time this test was run
rm -rf /var/plugins.*
rm -rf /var/old_plugins.*
rm -rf "$ESPLUGINS"
# The custom plugins directory is not under /tmp or /var/tmp because
# systemd's private temp directory functionally means different
# processes can have different views of what's in these directories
local es_plugins=$(mktemp -p /var -d -t 'plugins.XXXX')
chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch "$es_plugins"
ln -s "$es_plugins" "$ESPLUGINS"
# check that symlinked plugin was actually picked up
curl -XGET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/plugins?h=component' | sed 's/ *$//' > /tmp/installed
echo "custom-settings" > /tmp/expected
diff /tmp/installed /tmp/expected
curl -XGET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?include_defaults&filter_path=defaults.custom.simple' > /tmp/installed
echo -n '{"defaults":{"custom":{"simple":"foo"}}}' > /tmp/expected
diff /tmp/installed /tmp/expected
unlink "$ESPLUGINS"
@test "[$GROUP] install a sample plugin with a custom CONFIG_DIR" {
# Clean up after the last time we ran this test
rm -rf /tmp/config.*
ES_PATH_CONF="$ESCONFIG" install_plugin_example
ES_PATH_CONF="$ESCONFIG" start_elasticsearch_service
# check that symlinked plugin was actually picked up
curl -XGET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/plugins?h=component' | sed 's/ *$//' > /tmp/installed
echo "custom-settings" > /tmp/expected
diff /tmp/installed /tmp/expected
curl -XGET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?include_defaults&filter_path=defaults.custom.simple' > /tmp/installed
echo -n '{"defaults":{"custom":{"simple":"foo"}}}' > /tmp/expected
diff /tmp/installed /tmp/expected
ES_PATH_CONF="$ESCONFIG" remove_plugin_example
@test "[$GROUP] install a sample plugin from a directory with a space" {
rm -rf "/tmp/plugins with space"
mkdir -p "/tmp/plugins with space"
local zip=$(ls $BATS_PLUGINS/custom-settings-*.zip)
local zipname=$(basename $zip)
cp $zip "/tmp/plugins with space"
install_plugin_example "/tmp/plugins with space/$zipname"
@test "[$GROUP] install a sample plugin to elasticsearch directory with a space" {
[ "$GROUP" == "TAR PLUGINS" ] || skip "Test case only supported by TAR PLUGINS"
move_elasticsearch "/tmp/elastic search"
# Note that all of the tests from here to the end of the file expect to be run
# in sequence and don't take well to being run one at a time.
@test "[$GROUP] install a sample plugin" {
@test "[$GROUP] install icu plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin analysis icu icu4j-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install kuromoji plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin analysis kuromoji
@test "[$GROUP] install nori plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin analysis nori
@test "[$GROUP] install phonetic plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin analysis phonetic commons-codec-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install smartcn plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin analysis smartcn
@test "[$GROUP] install stempel plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin analysis stempel
@test "[$GROUP] install ukrainian plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin analysis ukrainian morfologik-fsa-*.jar morfologik-stemming-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install gce plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin discovery gce google-api-client-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install discovery-azure-classic plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin discovery azure-classic azure-core-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install discovery-ec2 plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin discovery ec2 aws-java-sdk-core-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install ingest-attachment plugin" {
# we specify the version on the poi-4.0.1.jar so that the test does
# not spuriously pass if the jar is missing but the other poi jars
# are present
install_and_check_plugin ingest attachment bcprov-jdk15on-*.jar tika-core-*.jar pdfbox-*.jar poi-4.0.1.jar poi-ooxml-4.0.1.jar poi-ooxml-schemas-*.jar poi-scratchpad-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] check ingest-common module" {
check_module ingest-common jcodings-*.jar joni-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] check ingest-geoip module" {
check_module ingest-geoip geoip2-*.jar jackson-annotations-*.jar jackson-databind-*.jar maxmind-db-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] check ingest-user-agent module" {
check_module ingest-user-agent
@test "[$GROUP] check lang-expression module" {
# we specify the version on the asm-5.0.4.jar so that the test does
# not spuriously pass if the jar is missing but the other asm jars
# are present
check_secure_module lang-expression antlr4-runtime-*.jar asm-5.0.4.jar asm-commons-*.jar asm-tree-*.jar lucene-expressions-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] check lang-mustache module" {
check_secure_module lang-mustache compiler-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] check lang-painless module" {
check_secure_module lang-painless antlr4-runtime-*.jar asm-util-*.jar asm-tree-*.jar asm-commons-*.jar asm-analysis-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install murmur3 mapper plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin mapper murmur3
@test "[$GROUP] install annotated-text mapper plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin mapper annotated-text
@test "[$GROUP] check reindex module" {
check_module reindex
@test "[$GROUP] install repository-hdfs plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin repository hdfs hadoop-client-*.jar hadoop-common-*.jar hadoop-annotations-*.jar hadoop-auth-*.jar hadoop-hdfs-client-*.jar htrace-core4-*.jar guava-*.jar protobuf-java-*.jar commons-logging-*.jar commons-cli-*.jar commons-collections-*.jar commons-configuration-*.jar commons-io-*.jar commons-lang-*.jar servlet-api-*.jar slf4j-api-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install size mapper plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin mapper size
@test "[$GROUP] install repository-azure plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin repository azure azure-storage-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install repository-gcs plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin repository gcs google-api-services-storage-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install repository-s3 plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin repository s3 aws-java-sdk-core-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install store-smb plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin store smb
@test "[$GROUP] install transport-nio plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin transport nio
@test "[$GROUP] check the installed plugins can be listed with 'plugins list' and result matches the list of plugins in plugins pom" {
"$ESHOME/bin/elasticsearch-plugin" list | cut -d'@' -f1 > /tmp/installed
compare_plugins_list "/tmp/installed" "'plugins list'"
@test "[$GROUP] start elasticsearch with all plugins installed" {
@test "[$GROUP] check the installed plugins matches the list of build plugins" {
curl -s localhost:9200/_cat/plugins?h=c | sed 's/ *$//' > /tmp/installed
compare_plugins_list "/tmp/installed" "_cat/plugins"
@test "[$GROUP] stop elasticsearch" {
@test "[$GROUP] remove a sample plugin" {
@test "[$GROUP] remove icu plugin" {
remove_plugin analysis-icu
@test "[$GROUP] remove kuromoji plugin" {
remove_plugin analysis-kuromoji
@test "[$GROUP] remove nori plugin" {
remove_plugin analysis-nori
@test "[$GROUP] remove phonetic plugin" {
remove_plugin analysis-phonetic
@test "[$GROUP] remove smartcn plugin" {
remove_plugin analysis-smartcn
@test "[$GROUP] remove stempel plugin" {
remove_plugin analysis-stempel
@test "[$GROUP] remove ukrainian plugin" {
remove_plugin analysis-ukrainian
@test "[$GROUP] remove gce plugin" {
remove_plugin discovery-gce
@test "[$GROUP] remove discovery-azure-classic plugin" {
remove_plugin discovery-azure-classic
@test "[$GROUP] remove discovery-ec2 plugin" {
remove_plugin discovery-ec2
@test "[$GROUP] remove ingest-attachment plugin" {
remove_plugin ingest-attachment
@test "[$GROUP] remove murmur3 mapper plugin" {
remove_plugin mapper-murmur3
@test "[$GROUP] remove annotated-text mapper plugin" {
remove_plugin mapper-annotated-text
@test "[$GROUP] remove size mapper plugin" {
remove_plugin mapper-size
@test "[$GROUP] remove repository-azure plugin" {
remove_plugin repository-azure
@test "[$GROUP] remove repository-gcs plugin" {
remove_plugin repository-gcs
@test "[$GROUP] remove repository-hdfs plugin" {
remove_plugin repository-hdfs
@test "[$GROUP] remove repository-s3 plugin" {
remove_plugin repository-s3
@test "[$GROUP] remove store-smb plugin" {
remove_plugin store-smb
@test "[$GROUP] remove transport-nio plugin" {
remove_plugin transport-nio
@test "[$GROUP] start elasticsearch with all plugins removed" {
@test "[$GROUP] check that there are now no plugins installed" {
curl -s localhost:9200/_cat/plugins > /tmp/installed
local installedCount=$(cat /tmp/installed | wc -l)
[ "$installedCount" == "0" ] || {
echo "Expected all plugins to be removed but found $installedCount:"
cat /tmp/installed
@test "[$GROUP] stop elasticsearch" {
@test "[$GROUP] install a sample plugin with different logging modes and check output" {
local relativePath=${1:-$(readlink -m $BATS_PLUGINS/custom-settings-*.zip)}
sudo -E -u $ESPLUGIN_COMMAND_USER "$ESHOME/bin/elasticsearch-plugin" install --batch "file://$relativePath" > /tmp/plugin-cli-output
# exclude progress line
local loglines=$(cat /tmp/plugin-cli-output | grep -v "^[[:cntrl:]]" | wc -l)
[ "$loglines" -eq "3" ] || {
echo "Expected 3 lines excluding progress bar but the output had $loglines lines and was:"
cat /tmp/plugin-cli-output
local relativePath=${1:-$(readlink -m $BATS_PLUGINS/custom-settings-*.zip)}
sudo -E -u $ESPLUGIN_COMMAND_USER ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Des.logger.level=DEBUG" "$ESHOME/bin/elasticsearch-plugin" install --batch "file://$relativePath" > /tmp/plugin-cli-output
local loglines=$(cat /tmp/plugin-cli-output | grep -v "^[[:cntrl:]]" | wc -l)
[ "$loglines" -gt "2" ] || {
echo "Expected more than 2 lines excluding progress bar but the output had $loglines lines and was:"
cat /tmp/plugin-cli-output
@test "[$GROUP] test java home with space" {
# preserve JAVA_HOME
local java_home=$JAVA_HOME
# create a JAVA_HOME with a space
local java=$(which java)
local temp=`mktemp -d --suffix="java home"`
mkdir -p "$temp/bin"
ln -s "$java" "$temp/bin/java"
export JAVA_HOME="$temp"
# this will fail if the elasticsearch-plugin script does not
# properly handle JAVA_HOME with spaces
"$ESHOME/bin/elasticsearch-plugin" list
rm -rf "$temp"
# restore JAVA_HOME
export JAVA_HOME=$java_home
@test "[$GROUP] test ES_JAVA_OPTS" {
# preserve ES_JAVA_OPTS
local es_java_opts=$ES_JAVA_OPTS
export ES_JAVA_OPTS="-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal"
# this will fail if ES_JAVA_OPTS is not passed through
"$ESHOME/bin/elasticsearch-plugin" list | grep MaxHeapSize
# restore ES_JAVA_OPTS
export ES_JAVA_OPTS=$es_java_opts
@test "[$GROUP] test umask" {
install_plugin_example $(readlink -m $BATS_PLUGINS/custom-settings-*.zip) 0077
@test "[$GROUP] hostname" {
local temp=`mktemp -d`
cp "$ESCONFIG"/elasticsearch.yml "$temp"
echo ' ${HOSTNAME}' >> "$ESCONFIG"/elasticsearch.yml
[ "$(curl -XGET localhost:9200/_cat/nodes?h=name)" == "$HOSTNAME" ]
cp "$temp"/elasticsearch.yml "$ESCONFIG"/elasticsearch.yml
rm -rf "$temp"