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=== Setting Up SSL/TLS on a Cluster
Shield allows for the installation of X.509 certificates that establish trust between nodes. When a client connects to a
node using SSL or TLS, the node will present its certificate to the client, and then as part of the handshake process the
node will prove that it owns the private key linked with the certificate. The client will then determine if the node's
certificate is valid, trusted, and matches the hostname or IP address it is trying to connect to. A node also acts as a
client when connecting to other nodes in the cluster, which means that every node must trust all of the other nodes in
the cluster.
The certificates used for SSL and TLS can be signed by a certificate authority (CA) or self-signed. The type of signing
affects how a client will trust these certificates. Self-signed certificates must be trusted individually, which means
that each node must have every other node's certificate installed. Certificates signed by a CA, can be trusted through
validation that the CA signed the certificate. This means that every node will only need the signing CA certificate
installed to trust the other nodes in the cluster.
The best practice with Shield is to use certificates signed by a CA. Self-signed certificates introduce a lot of
overhead as they require each client to trust every self-signed certificate. Self-signed certificates also limit
the elasticity of Elasticsearch as adding a new node to the cluster requires a restart of every node after
installing the new node's certificate. This overhead is not present when using a CA as a new node only needs a
certificate signed by the CA to establish trust with the other nodes in the cluster.
Many organizations have a CA to sign certificates for each nodes. If not, see
<<certificate-authority, Setting Up a Certificate Authority>> for instructions on setting up a CA.
The following steps will need to be repeated on each node to setup SSL/TLS:
* Install the CA certificate in the node's keystore
* Generate a private key and certificate for the node
* Create a signing request for the new node certificate
* Send the signing request to the CA
* Install the newly signed certificate in the node keystore
The steps in this procedure use the <<keytool,`keytool`>> command-line utility.
WARNING: Nodes that do not have SSL/TLS encryption enabled send passwords in plain text.
==== Set up a keystore
These instructions show how to place a CA certificate and a certificate for the node in a single keystore.
You can optionally store the CA certificate in a separate truststore. The configuration for this is
discussed later in this section.
First obtain the root CA certificate from your certificate authority. This certificate is used to verify that
any node certificate has been signed by the CA. Store this certificate in a keystore as a *trusted certificate*. With
the simplest configuration, Shield uses a keystore with a trusted certificate as a truststore.
The following shows how to create a keystore from a PEM encoded certificate. A _JKS file_ is a Java Key Store file.
It securely stores certificates.
keytool -importcert \
-keystore /home/es/config/node01.jks \
-file /Users/Download/cacert.pem <1>
<1> The Certificate Authority's own certificate.
The keytool command will prompt you for a password, which will be used to protect the integrity of the keystore. You
will need to remember this password as it will be needed for all further interactions with the keystore.
The keystore needs an update when the CA expires.
==== Generate a node private key and certificate
This step creates a private key and certificate that the node will use to identify itself. This step must
be done for every node.
`keytool -genkey` can generate a private key and certificate for your node. The following is a typical usage:
keytool -genkey \
-alias node01 \ <1>
-keystore node01.jks \ <2>
-keyalg RSA \
-keysize 2048 \
-validity 712 \
-ext san=dns:node01.example.com,ip: <3>
<1> An alias for this public/private key-pair.
<2> The keystore for this node -- will be created.
<3> The `SubjectAlternativeName` list for this host. The '-ext' parameter is optional and can be used to specify
additional DNS names and IP Addresses that the certificate will be valid for. Multiple DNS and IP entries can
be specified by separating each entry with a comma. If this option is used, *all* names and ip addresses must
be specified in this list.
This will create an RSA public/private key-pair with a key size of 2048 bits and store them in the `node01.jks` file.
The keystore is protected with the password of `myPass`. The `712` argument specifies the number of days that the
certificate is valid for -- two years, in this example.
The tool will prompt you for information to include in the certificate.
.Specifying the Node Identity
An Elasticsearch node with Shield will verify the hostname contained
in the certificate of each node it connects to. Therefore it is important
that each node's certificate contains the hostname or IP address used to connect
to the node. Hostname verification can be disabled, for more information see
the <<ref-ssl-tls-settings, Configuration Parameters for TLS/SSL>> section.
The recommended way to specify the node identity is by providing all names and
IP addresses of a node as a `SubjectAlternativeName` list using the the `-ext` option.
When using a commercial CA, internal DNS names and private IP addresses will not
be accepted as a `SubjectAlternativeName` due to https://cabforum.org/internal-names/[security concerns];
only publicly resolvable DNS names and IP addresses will be accepted. The use of an
internal CA is the most secure option for using private DNS names and IP addresses,
as it allows for node identity to be specified and verified. If you must use a commercial
CA and private DNS names or IP addresses, you will not be able to include the node
identity in the certificate and will need to disable <<ref-ssl-tls-settings, hostname verification>>.
Another way to specify node identity is by using the `CommonName` attribute
of the certificate. The first prompt from keytool, `What is your first and last name?`,
is asking for the `CommonName` attribute of certificate. When using the `CommonName` attribute
for node identity, a DNS name must be used. The rest of the prompts by keytool are for information only.
At the end, you will be prompted to optionally enter a password. The command line argument specifies the password for
the keystore. This prompt is asking if you want to set a different password that is specific to this certificate.
Doing so may provide some incremental improvement to security.
Here is a sample interaction with `keytool -genkey`
[source, shell]
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]: node01.example.com <1>
What is the name of your organizational unit?
[Unknown]: test
What is the name of your organization?
[Unknown]: Elasticsearch
What is the name of your City or Locality?
[Unknown]: Amsterdam
What is the name of your State or Province?
[Unknown]: Amsterdam
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: NL
Is CN=node01.example.com, OU=test, O=elasticsearch, L=Amsterdam, ST=Amsterdam, C=NL correct?
[no]: yes
Enter key password for <mydomain>
(RETURN if same as keystore password):
<1> The DNS name or hostname of the node must be used here if you do not specify a `SubjectAlternativeName` list using the
`-ext` option.
Now you have a certificate and private key stored in `node01.jks`.
==== Create a certificate signing request
The next step is to get the node certificate signed by your CA. To do this you must generate a _Certificate Signing
Request_ (CSR) with the `keytool -certreq` command:
[source, shell]
keytool -certreq \
-alias node01 \ <1>
-keystore node01.jks \
-file node01.csr \
-keyalg rsa \
-ext san=dns:node01.example.com,ip: <2>
<1> The same `alias` that you specified when creating the public/private key-pair in <<private-key>>.
<2> The `SubjectAlternativeName` list for this host. The `-ext` parameter is optional and can be used to specify
additional DNS names and IP Addresses that the certificate will be valid for. Multiple DNS and IP entries can
be specified by separating each entry with a comma. If this option is used, *all* names and ip addresses must
be specified in this list.
The resulting file -- `node01.csr` -- is your _Certificate Signing Request_, or _CSR file_.
===== Send the signing request
Send the CSR file to the Certificate Authority for signing. The Certificate Authority will sign the certificate and
return a signed version of the certificate. See <<sign-csr>> if you are running your own Certificate Authority.
NOTE: When running multiple nodes on the same host, the same signed certificate can be used on each node or a unique
certificate can be requested per node if your CA supports multiple certificates with the same common name.
==== Install the newly signed certificate
Replace the existing unsigned certificate by importing the new signed certificate from your CA into the node keystore:
[source, shell]
keytool -importcert \
-keystore node01.jks \
-file node01-signed.crt \ <1>
-alias node01 <2>
<1> This name of the signed certificate file that you received from the CA.
<2> The `alias` must be the same as the alias that you used in <<private-key>>.
NOTE: keytool confuses some PEM-encoded certificates with extra text headers as DER-encoded certificates, giving
this error: `java.security.cert.CertificateParsingException: invalid DER-encoded certificate data`. The text information
can be deleted from the certificate. The following openssl command will remove the text headers:
[source, shell]
openssl x509 -in node01-signed.crt -out node01-signed-noheaders.crt
==== Configure the keystores and enable SSL
NOTE: All ssl related node settings that are considered to be highly sensitive and therefore are not exposed via the
{ref}/cluster-nodes-info.html#cluster-nodes-info[nodes info API].
You need to configure the node to enable SSL, identify itself using
its signed certificate, and verify the identify of incoming connections.
The settings below should be added to the main `elasticsearch.yml` config file.
===== Node identity
The `node01.jks` contains the certificate that `node01` will use to identify
itself to other nodes in the cluster, to transport clients, and to HTTPS
clients. Add the following to `elasticsearch.yml`:
[source, yaml]
shield.ssl.keystore.path: /home/es/config/node01.jks <1>
shield.ssl.keystore.password: myPass <2>
<1> The full path to the node keystore file.
<2> The password used to decrypt the `node01.jks` keystore.
If you specified a different password than the keystore password when executing the `keytool -genkey` command, you will
need to specify that password in the `elasticsearch.yml` configuration file:
[source, yaml]
shield.ssl.keystore.key_password: myKeyPass <1>
<1> The password entered at the end of the `keytool -genkey` command
===== Optional truststore configuration
The truststore holds the trusted CA certificates. Shield will use the keystore as the truststore
by default. You can optionally provide a separate path for the truststore. In this case, Shield
will use the keystore for the node's private key and the configured truststore for trusted certificates.
First obtain the CA certificates that will be trusted. Each of these certificates need to be imported into a truststore
by running the following command for each CA certificate:
keytool -importcert \
-keystore /home/es/config/truststore.jks \ <1>
-file /Users/Download/cacert.pem <2>
<1> The full path to the truststore file. If the file does not exist it will be created.
<2> A trusted CA certificate.
The keytool command will prompt you for a password, which will be used to protect the integrity of the truststore. You
will need to remember this password as it will be needed for all further interactions with the truststore.
Add the following to `elasticsearch.yml`:
[source, yaml]
shield.ssl.truststore.path: /home/es/config/truststore.jks <1>
shield.ssl.truststore.password: myPass <2>
<1> The full path to the truststore file.
<2> The password used to decrypt the `truststore.jks` keystore.
==== Enable SSL on the transport layer
Enable SSL on the transport networking layer to ensure that communication between nodes is encrypted. Add the following
value to the `elasticsearch.yml` configuration file:
[source, yaml]
shield.transport.ssl: true
Regardless of this setting, transport clients can only connect to the cluster with a valid username and password.
==== Disable multicast
Multicast {ref}/modules-discovery.html[discovery] is
not supported with shield. To properly secure node communications, disable multicast by setting the following values
in the `elasticsearch.yml` configuration file:
[source, yaml]
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["node01:9300", "node02:9301"]
You can learn more about unicast configuration in the {ref}/modules-discovery.html[Zen Discovery] documentation.
==== Enable SSL on the HTTP layer
SSL should be enabled on the HTTP networking layer to ensure that communication between HTTP clients and the cluster is
[source, yaml]
shield.http.ssl: true
Regardless of this setting, HTTP clients can only connect to the cluster with a valid username and password.
Congratulations! At this point, you have a node with encryption enabled for both HTTPS and the transport layers.
Your node will correctly present its certificate to other nodes or clients when connecting. There are optional,
more advanced features you may use to further configure or protect your node. They are described in the following