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synced 2025-03-02 08:59:09 +00:00
The system level tests for our distributions have historically be run in vagrant, and thus the name of the gradle project has been "vagrant". However, as we move to running these tests in other environments (eg GCP) the name vagrant no longer makes sense. This commit renames the project to "os" (short for operating system), since these tests ensure all of our distributions run correctly on our supported operating systems.
477 lines
15 KiB
477 lines
15 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env bats
# This file is used to test the installation and removal
# of plugins after Elasticsearch has been installed with tar.gz,
# rpm, and deb.
# WARNING: This testing file must be executed as root and can
# dramatically change your system. It should only be executed
# in a throw-away VM like those made by the Vagrantfile at
# the root of the Elasticsearch source code. This should
# cause the script to fail if it is executed any other way:
[ -f /etc/is_vagrant_vm ] || {
>&2 echo "must be run on a vagrant VM"
exit 1
# The test case can be executed with the Bash Automated
# Testing System tool available at https://github.com/sstephenson/bats
# Thanks to Sam Stephenson!
# Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
# license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright
# ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
# the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Common test cases for both tar and rpm/deb based plugin tests
# This file is symlinked to both 25_tar_plugins.bats and 50_modules_and_plugins.bats so its
# executed twice - once to test plugins using the tar distribution and once to
# test files using the rpm distribution or the deb distribution, whichever the
# system uses.
# Load test utilities
load $BATS_UTILS/utils.bash
load $BATS_UTILS/modules.bash
load $BATS_UTILS/plugins.bash
setup() {
# The rules on when we should clean an reinstall are complex - all the
# jvm-example tests need cleaning because they are rough on the filesystem.
# The first and any tests that find themselves without an ESHOME need to
# clean as well.... this is going to mostly only happen on the first
# non-jvm-example-plugin-test _and_ any first test if you comment out the
# other tests. Commenting out lots of test cases seems like a reasonably
# common workflow.
if [ $BATS_TEST_NUMBER == 1 ] ||
[[ $BATS_TEST_NAME =~ install_a_sample_plugin ]] ||
[ ! -d "$ESHOME" ]; then
if [[ "$BATS_TEST_FILENAME" =~ 25_tar_plugins.bats$ ]]; then
load $BATS_UTILS/tar.bash
install() {
export ESHOME=/tmp/elasticsearch
export ESPLUGIN_COMMAND_USER=elasticsearch
load $BATS_UTILS/packages.bash
if is_rpm; then
elif is_dpkg; then
install() {
@test "[$GROUP] install a sample plugin with a symlinked plugins path" {
# Clean up after the last time this test was run
rm -rf /var/plugins.*
rm -rf /var/old_plugins.*
rm -rf "$ESPLUGINS"
# The custom plugins directory is not under /tmp or /var/tmp because
# systemd's private temp directory functionally means different
# processes can have different views of what's in these directories
local es_plugins=$(mktemp -p /var -d -t 'plugins.XXXX')
chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch "$es_plugins"
ln -s "$es_plugins" "$ESPLUGINS"
# check that symlinked plugin was actually picked up
curl -XGET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/plugins?h=component' | sed 's/ *$//' > /tmp/installed
echo "custom-settings" > /tmp/expected
diff /tmp/installed /tmp/expected
curl -XGET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?include_defaults&filter_path=defaults.custom.simple' > /tmp/installed
echo -n '{"defaults":{"custom":{"simple":"foo"}}}' > /tmp/expected
diff /tmp/installed /tmp/expected
unlink "$ESPLUGINS"
@test "[$GROUP] install a sample plugin with a custom CONFIG_DIR" {
# Clean up after the last time we ran this test
rm -rf /tmp/config.*
ES_PATH_CONF="$ESCONFIG" install_plugin_example
ES_PATH_CONF="$ESCONFIG" start_elasticsearch_service
# check that symlinked plugin was actually picked up
curl -XGET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/plugins?h=component' | sed 's/ *$//' > /tmp/installed
echo "custom-settings" > /tmp/expected
diff /tmp/installed /tmp/expected
curl -XGET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?include_defaults&filter_path=defaults.custom.simple' > /tmp/installed
echo -n '{"defaults":{"custom":{"simple":"foo"}}}' > /tmp/expected
diff /tmp/installed /tmp/expected
ES_PATH_CONF="$ESCONFIG" remove_plugin_example
@test "[$GROUP] install a sample plugin from a directory with a space" {
rm -rf "/tmp/plugins with space"
mkdir -p "/tmp/plugins with space"
local zip=$(ls $BATS_PLUGINS/custom-settings-*.zip)
local zipname=$(basename $zip)
cp $zip "/tmp/plugins with space"
install_plugin_example "/tmp/plugins with space/$zipname"
@test "[$GROUP] install a sample plugin to elasticsearch directory with a space" {
[ "$GROUP" == "TAR PLUGINS" ] || skip "Test case only supported by TAR PLUGINS"
move_elasticsearch "/tmp/elastic search"
# Note that all of the tests from here to the end of the file expect to be run
# in sequence and don't take well to being run one at a time.
@test "[$GROUP] install a sample plugin" {
@test "[$GROUP] install icu plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin analysis icu icu4j-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install kuromoji plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin analysis kuromoji
@test "[$GROUP] install nori plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin analysis nori
@test "[$GROUP] install phonetic plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin analysis phonetic commons-codec-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install smartcn plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin analysis smartcn
@test "[$GROUP] install stempel plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin analysis stempel
@test "[$GROUP] install ukrainian plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin analysis ukrainian morfologik-fsa-*.jar morfologik-stemming-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install gce plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin discovery gce google-api-client-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install discovery-azure-classic plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin discovery azure-classic azure-core-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install discovery-ec2 plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin discovery ec2 aws-java-sdk-core-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install ingest-attachment plugin" {
# we specify the version on the poi-4.0.0.jar so that the test does
# not spuriously pass if the jar is missing but the other poi jars
# are present
install_and_check_plugin ingest attachment bcprov-jdk15on-*.jar tika-core-*.jar pdfbox-*.jar poi-4.0.0.jar poi-ooxml-4.0.0.jar poi-ooxml-schemas-*.jar poi-scratchpad-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] check ingest-common module" {
check_module ingest-common jcodings-*.jar joni-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] check ingest-geoip module" {
check_module ingest-geoip geoip2-*.jar jackson-annotations-*.jar jackson-databind-*.jar maxmind-db-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] check ingest-user-agent module" {
check_module ingest-user-agent
@test "[$GROUP] check lang-expression module" {
# we specify the version on the asm-5.0.4.jar so that the test does
# not spuriously pass if the jar is missing but the other asm jars
# are present
check_secure_module lang-expression antlr4-runtime-*.jar asm-5.0.4.jar asm-commons-*.jar asm-tree-*.jar lucene-expressions-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] check lang-mustache module" {
check_secure_module lang-mustache compiler-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] check lang-painless module" {
check_secure_module lang-painless antlr4-runtime-*.jar asm-debug-all-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install murmur3 mapper plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin mapper murmur3
@test "[$GROUP] install annotated-text mapper plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin mapper annotated-text
@test "[$GROUP] check reindex module" {
check_module reindex
@test "[$GROUP] install repository-hdfs plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin repository hdfs hadoop-client-*.jar hadoop-common-*.jar hadoop-annotations-*.jar hadoop-auth-*.jar hadoop-hdfs-client-*.jar htrace-core4-*.jar guava-*.jar protobuf-java-*.jar commons-logging-*.jar commons-cli-*.jar commons-collections-*.jar commons-configuration-*.jar commons-io-*.jar commons-lang-*.jar servlet-api-*.jar slf4j-api-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install size mapper plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin mapper size
@test "[$GROUP] install repository-azure plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin repository azure azure-storage-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install repository-gcs plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin repository gcs google-api-services-storage-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install repository-s3 plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin repository s3 aws-java-sdk-core-*.jar
@test "[$GROUP] install store-smb plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin store smb
@test "[$GROUP] install transport-nio plugin" {
install_and_check_plugin transport nio
@test "[$GROUP] check the installed plugins can be listed with 'plugins list' and result matches the list of plugins in plugins pom" {
"$ESHOME/bin/elasticsearch-plugin" list | cut -d'@' -f1 > /tmp/installed
compare_plugins_list "/tmp/installed" "'plugins list'"
@test "[$GROUP] start elasticsearch with all plugins installed" {
@test "[$GROUP] check the installed plugins matches the list of build plugins" {
curl -s localhost:9200/_cat/plugins?h=c | sed 's/ *$//' > /tmp/installed
compare_plugins_list "/tmp/installed" "_cat/plugins"
@test "[$GROUP] stop elasticsearch" {
@test "[$GROUP] remove a sample plugin" {
@test "[$GROUP] remove icu plugin" {
remove_plugin analysis-icu
@test "[$GROUP] remove kuromoji plugin" {
remove_plugin analysis-kuromoji
@test "[$GROUP] remove nori plugin" {
remove_plugin analysis-nori
@test "[$GROUP] remove phonetic plugin" {
remove_plugin analysis-phonetic
@test "[$GROUP] remove smartcn plugin" {
remove_plugin analysis-smartcn
@test "[$GROUP] remove stempel plugin" {
remove_plugin analysis-stempel
@test "[$GROUP] remove ukrainian plugin" {
remove_plugin analysis-ukrainian
@test "[$GROUP] remove gce plugin" {
remove_plugin discovery-gce
@test "[$GROUP] remove discovery-azure-classic plugin" {
remove_plugin discovery-azure-classic
@test "[$GROUP] remove discovery-ec2 plugin" {
remove_plugin discovery-ec2
@test "[$GROUP] remove ingest-attachment plugin" {
remove_plugin ingest-attachment
@test "[$GROUP] remove murmur3 mapper plugin" {
remove_plugin mapper-murmur3
@test "[$GROUP] remove annotated-text mapper plugin" {
remove_plugin mapper-annotated-text
@test "[$GROUP] remove size mapper plugin" {
remove_plugin mapper-size
@test "[$GROUP] remove repository-azure plugin" {
remove_plugin repository-azure
@test "[$GROUP] remove repository-gcs plugin" {
remove_plugin repository-gcs
@test "[$GROUP] remove repository-hdfs plugin" {
remove_plugin repository-hdfs
@test "[$GROUP] remove repository-s3 plugin" {
remove_plugin repository-s3
@test "[$GROUP] remove store-smb plugin" {
remove_plugin store-smb
@test "[$GROUP] remove transport-nio plugin" {
remove_plugin transport-nio
@test "[$GROUP] start elasticsearch with all plugins removed" {
@test "[$GROUP] check that there are now no plugins installed" {
curl -s localhost:9200/_cat/plugins > /tmp/installed
local installedCount=$(cat /tmp/installed | wc -l)
[ "$installedCount" == "0" ] || {
echo "Expected all plugins to be removed but found $installedCount:"
cat /tmp/installed
@test "[$GROUP] stop elasticsearch" {
@test "[$GROUP] install a sample plugin with different logging modes and check output" {
local relativePath=${1:-$(readlink -m $BATS_PLUGINS/custom-settings-*.zip)}
sudo -E -u $ESPLUGIN_COMMAND_USER "$ESHOME/bin/elasticsearch-plugin" install --batch "file://$relativePath" > /tmp/plugin-cli-output
# exclude progress line
local loglines=$(cat /tmp/plugin-cli-output | grep -v "^[[:cntrl:]]" | wc -l)
[ "$loglines" -eq "2" ] || {
echo "Expected 2 lines excluding progress bar but the output had $loglines lines and was:"
cat /tmp/plugin-cli-output
local relativePath=${1:-$(readlink -m $BATS_PLUGINS/custom-settings-*.zip)}
sudo -E -u $ESPLUGIN_COMMAND_USER ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Des.logger.level=DEBUG" "$ESHOME/bin/elasticsearch-plugin" install --batch "file://$relativePath" > /tmp/plugin-cli-output
local loglines=$(cat /tmp/plugin-cli-output | grep -v "^[[:cntrl:]]" | wc -l)
[ "$loglines" -gt "2" ] || {
echo "Expected more than 2 lines excluding progress bar but the output had $loglines lines and was:"
cat /tmp/plugin-cli-output
@test "[$GROUP] test java home with space" {
# preserve JAVA_HOME
local java_home=$JAVA_HOME
# create a JAVA_HOME with a space
local java=$(which java)
local temp=`mktemp -d --suffix="java home"`
mkdir -p "$temp/bin"
ln -s "$java" "$temp/bin/java"
export JAVA_HOME="$temp"
# this will fail if the elasticsearch-plugin script does not
# properly handle JAVA_HOME with spaces
"$ESHOME/bin/elasticsearch-plugin" list
rm -rf "$temp"
# restore JAVA_HOME
export JAVA_HOME=$java_home
@test "[$GROUP] test ES_JAVA_OPTS" {
# preserve ES_JAVA_OPTS
local es_java_opts=$ES_JAVA_OPTS
export ES_JAVA_OPTS="-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal"
# this will fail if ES_JAVA_OPTS is not passed through
"$ESHOME/bin/elasticsearch-plugin" list | grep MaxHeapSize
# restore ES_JAVA_OPTS
export ES_JAVA_OPTS=$es_java_opts
@test "[$GROUP] test umask" {
install_plugin_example $(readlink -m $BATS_PLUGINS/custom-settings-*.zip) 0077
@test "[$GROUP] hostname" {
local temp=`mktemp -d`
cp "$ESCONFIG"/elasticsearch.yml "$temp"
echo 'node.name: ${HOSTNAME}' >> "$ESCONFIG"/elasticsearch.yml
[ "$(curl -XGET localhost:9200/_cat/nodes?h=name)" == "$HOSTNAME" ]
cp "$temp"/elasticsearch.yml "$ESCONFIG"/elasticsearch.yml
rm -rf "$temp"