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synced 2025-03-03 09:29:11 +00:00
The change replaces the Vagrant box based fixture with a fixture based on docker compose and 2 docker images, one for an openldap server and one for a Shibboleth SAML Identity Provider. The configuration of both openldap and shibboleth is identical to the previous one, in order to minimize required changes in the tests
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# Load any additional property resources from a comma-delimited list
idp.additionalProperties=/conf/ldap.properties, /conf/saml-nameid.properties, /conf/services.properties, /conf/authn/duo.properties
# In most cases (and unless noted in the surrounding comments) the
# commented settings in the distributed files are the default
# behavior for V3.
# Uncomment them and change the value to change functionality.
# Set the entityID of the IdP
# Set the file path which backs the IdP's own metadata publishing endpoint at /shibboleth.
# Set to empty value to disable and return a 404.
# Set the scope used in the attribute resolver for scoped attributes
# General cookie properties (maxAge only applies to persistent cookies)
# Note the default for idp.cookie.secure, you will usually want it set.
#idp.cookie.secure = false
#idp.cookie.httpOnly = true
#idp.cookie.domain =
#idp.cookie.path =
#idp.cookie.maxAge = 31536000
# HSTS/CSP response headers
#idp.hsts = max-age=0
# X-Frame-Options value, set to DENY or SAMEORIGIN to block framing
#idp.frameoptions = DENY
# Content-Security-Policy value, set to match X-Frame-Options default
#idp.csp = frame-ancestors 'none';
# Set the location of user-supplied web flow definitions
#idp.webflows = %{idp.home}/flows
# Set the location of Velocity view templates
#idp.views = %{idp.home}/views
# Settings for internal AES encryption key
#idp.sealer.storeType = JCEKS
#idp.sealer.updateInterval = PT15M
#idp.sealer.aliasBase = secret
# Settings for public/private signing and encryption key(s)
# During decryption key rollover, point the ".2" properties at a second
# keypair, uncomment in credentials.xml, then publish it in your metadata.
#idp.encryption.key.2 = %{idp.home}/credentials/idp-encryption-old.key
#idp.encryption.cert.2 = %{idp.home}/credentials/idp-encryption-old.crt
# Sets the bean ID to use as a default security configuration set
#idp.security.config = shibboleth.DefaultSecurityConfiguration
# To downgrade to SHA-1, set to shibboleth.SigningConfiguration.SHA1
#idp.signing.config = shibboleth.SigningConfiguration.SHA256
# To upgrade to AES-GCM encryption, set to shibboleth.EncryptionConfiguration.GCM
# This is unlikely to work for all SPs, but this is a quick way to test them.
#idp.encryption.config = shibboleth.EncryptionConfiguration.CBC
# Configures trust evaluation of keys used by services at runtime
# Defaults to supporting both explicit key and PKIX using SAML metadata.
#idp.trust.signatures = shibboleth.ChainingSignatureTrustEngine
# To pick only one set to one of:
# shibboleth.ExplicitKeySignatureTrustEngine, shibboleth.PKIXSignatureTrustEngine
#idp.trust.certificates = shibboleth.ChainingX509TrustEngine
# To pick only one set to one of:
# shibboleth.ExplicitKeyX509TrustEngine, shibboleth.PKIXX509TrustEngine
# If true, encryption will happen whenever a key to use can be located, but
# failure to encrypt won't result in request failure.
#idp.encryption.optional = false
# Configuration of client- and server-side storage plugins
#idp.storage.cleanupInterval = PT10M
#idp.storage.htmlLocalStorage = false
# Set to true to expose more detailed errors in responses to SPs
#idp.errors.detailed = false
# Set to false to skip signing of SAML response messages that signal errors
#idp.errors.signed = true
# Name of bean containing a list of Java exception classes to ignore
#idp.errors.excludedExceptions = ExceptionClassListBean
# Name of bean containing a property set mapping exception names to views
#idp.errors.exceptionMappings = ExceptionToViewPropertyBean
# Set if a different default view name for events and exceptions is needed
#idp.errors.defaultView = error
# Set to false to disable the IdP session layer
#idp.session.enabled = true
# Set to "shibboleth.StorageService" for server-side storage of user sessions
#idp.session.StorageService = shibboleth.ClientSessionStorageService
# Size of session IDs
#idp.session.idSize = 32
# Bind sessions to IP addresses
#idp.session.consistentAddress = true
# Inactivity timeout
#idp.session.timeout = PT60M
# Extra time to store sessions for logout
#idp.session.slop = PT0S
# Tolerate storage-related errors
#idp.session.maskStorageFailure = false
# Track information about SPs logged into
#idp.session.trackSPSessions = false
# Support lookup by SP for SAML logout
#idp.session.secondaryServiceIndex = false
# Length of time to track SP sessions
#idp.session.defaultSPlifetime = PT2H
# Regular expression matching login flows to enable, e.g. IPAddress|Password
# Default lifetime and timeout of various authentication methods
#idp.authn.defaultLifetime = PT60M
#idp.authn.defaultTimeout = PT30M
# Whether to populate relying party user interface information for display
# during authentication, consent, terms-of-use.
#idp.authn.rpui = true
# Whether to prioritize "active" results when an SP requests more than
# one possible matching login method (V2 behavior was to favor them)
#idp.authn.favorSSO = false
# Whether to fail requests when a user identity after authentication
# doesn't match the identity in a pre-existing session.
#idp.authn.identitySwitchIsError = false
# Set to "shibboleth.StorageService" or custom bean for alternate storage of consent
#idp.consent.StorageService = shibboleth.ClientPersistentStorageService
# Set to "shibboleth.consent.AttributeConsentStorageKey" to use an attribute
# to key user consent storage records (and set the attribute name)
#idp.consent.attribute-release.userStorageKey = shibboleth.consent.PrincipalConsentStorageKey
#idp.consent.attribute-release.userStorageKeyAttribute = uid
#idp.consent.terms-of-use.userStorageKey = shibboleth.consent.PrincipalConsentStorageKey
#idp.consent.terms-of-use.userStorageKeyAttribute = uid
# Suffix of message property used as value of consent storage records when idp.consent.compareValues is true.
# Defaults to text displayed to the user.
#idp.consent.terms-of-use.consentValueMessageCodeSuffix = .text
# Flags controlling how built-in attribute consent feature operates
#idp.consent.allowDoNotRemember = true
#idp.consent.allowGlobal = true
#idp.consent.allowPerAttribute = false
# Whether attribute values and terms of use text are compared
#idp.consent.compareValues = false
# Maximum number of consent records for space-limited storage (e.g. cookies)
#idp.consent.maxStoredRecords = 10
# Maximum number of consent records for larger/server-side storage (0 = no limit)
#idp.consent.expandedMaxStoredRecords = 0
# Time in milliseconds to expire consent storage records.
#idp.consent.storageRecordLifetime = P1Y
# Whether to lookup metadata, etc. for every SP involved in a logout
# for use by user interface logic; adds overhead so off by default.
#idp.logout.elaboration = false
# Whether to require logout requests/responses be signed/authenticated.
#idp.logout.authenticated = true
# Message freshness and replay cache tuning
#idp.policy.messageLifetime = PT3M
#idp.policy.clockSkew = PT3M
# Set to custom bean for alternate storage of replay cache
#idp.replayCache.StorageService = shibboleth.StorageService
#idp.replayCache.strict = true
# Toggles whether to allow outbound messages via SAML artifact
#idp.artifact.enabled = true
# Suppresses typical signing/encryption when artifact binding used
#idp.artifact.secureChannel = true
# May differ to direct SAML 2 artifact lookups to specific server nodes
#idp.artifact.endpointIndex = 2
# Set to custom bean for alternate storage of artifact map state
#idp.artifact.StorageService = shibboleth.StorageService
# Comma-delimited languages to use if not match can be found with the
# browser-supported languages, defaults to an empty list.
# Storage service used by CAS protocol
# Defaults to shibboleth.StorageService (in-memory)
# MUST be server-side storage (e.g. in-memory, memcached, database)
# NOTE that idp.session.StorageService requires server-side storage
# when CAS protocol is enabled
# CAS service registry implementation class
# F-TICKS auditing - set a salt to include hashed username