Clinton Gormley ff4a2519f2 Update experimental labels in the docs ()

Removed experimental label from:
* Painless
* Diversified Sampler Agg
* Sampler Agg
* Significant Terms Agg
* Terms Agg document count error and execution_hint
* Cardinality Agg precision_threshold
* Pipeline Aggregations
* index.shard.check_on_startup
* (added warning)
* Preloading data into the file system cache
* foreach ingest processor
* Field caps API
* Profile API

Added experimental label to:
* Moving Average Agg Prediction

Changed experimental to beta for:
* Adjacency matrix agg
* Normalizers
* Tasks API
* Index sorting

Labelled experimental in Lucene:
* ICU plugin custom rules file
* Flatten graph token filter
* Synonym graph token filter
* Word delimiter graph token filter
* Simple pattern tokenizer
* Simple pattern split tokenizer

Replaced experimental label with warning that details may change in the future:
* Analysis explain output format
* Segments verbose output format
* Percentile Agg compression and HDR Histogram
* Percentile Rank Agg HDR Histogram
2017-07-18 14:06:22 +02:00

95 lines
3.6 KiB

=== Painless Debugging
==== Debug.Explain
Painless doesn't have a[REPL]
and while it'd be nice for it to have one one day, it wouldn't tell you the
whole story around debugging painless scripts embedded in Elasticsearch because
the data that the scripts have access to or "context" is so important. For now
the best way to debug embedded scripts is by throwing exceptions at choice
places. While you can throw your own exceptions
(`throw new Exception('whatever')`), Painless's sandbox prevents you from
accessing useful information like the type of an object. So Painless has a
utility method, `Debug.explain` which throws the exception for you. For
example, you can use {ref}/search-explain.html[`_explain`] to explore the
context available to a {ref}/query-dsl-script-query.html[script query].
PUT /hockey/player/1?refresh
POST /hockey/player/1/_explain
"query": {
"script": {
"script": "Debug.explain(doc.goals)"
// TEST[s/_explain/_explain?error_trace=false/ catch:/painless_explain_error/]
// The test system sends error_trace=true by default for easier debugging so
// we have to override it to get a normal shaped response
Which shows that the class of `doc.first` is
`org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.ScriptDocValues.Longs` by responding with:
"error": {
"type": "script_exception",
"to_string": "[1, 9, 27]",
"painless_class": "org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.ScriptDocValues.Longs",
"java_class": "org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.ScriptDocValues$Longs",
"status": 500
// TESTRESPONSE[s/\.\.\./"script_stack": $body.error.script_stack, "script": $body.error.script, "lang": $body.error.lang, "caused_by": $body.error.caused_by, "root_cause": $body.error.root_cause, "reason": $body.error.reason/]
You can use the same trick to see that `_source` is a `LinkedHashMap`
in the `_update` API:
POST /hockey/player/1/_update
"script": "Debug.explain(ctx._source)"
// TEST[continued s/_update/_update?error_trace=false/ catch:/painless_explain_error/]
The response looks like:
"error" : {
"root_cause": ...,
"type": "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "failed to execute script",
"caused_by": {
"type": "script_exception",
"to_string": "{gp=[26, 82, 1], last=gaudreau, assists=[17, 46, 0], first=johnny, goals=[9, 27, 1]}",
"painless_class": "LinkedHashMap",
"java_class": "java.util.LinkedHashMap",
"status": 400
// TESTRESPONSE[s/"root_cause": \.\.\./"root_cause": $body.error.root_cause/]
// TESTRESPONSE[s/\.\.\./"script_stack": $body.error.caused_by.script_stack, "script": $body.error.caused_by.script, "lang": $body.error.caused_by.lang, "caused_by": $body.error.caused_by.caused_by, "reason": $body.error.caused_by.reason/]
// TESTRESPONSE[s/"to_string": ".+"/"to_string": $body.error.caused_by.to_string/]
Once you have a class you can go to <<painless-api-reference>> to see a list of
available methods.