2017-03-02 00:22:24 -08:00
# private variable to track folds within this script
travisFoldStack = ( )
function travisFoldStart( ) {
local foldName = " ${ 0 #./ } ${ 1 } "
# get current time as nanoseconds since the beginning of the epoch
foldStartTime = $( date +%s%N)
# convert all non alphanum chars except for "-" and "." to "--"
local sanitizedFoldName = ${ foldName //[^[ : alnum : ] \- \. ]/-- }
# strip trailing "-"
sanitizedFoldName = ${ sanitizedFoldName %- }
# push the foldName onto the stack
travisFoldStack += ( " ${ sanitizedFoldName } | ${ foldStartTime } " )
echo ""
2017-03-05 01:49:10 -08:00
if [ [ ${ TRAVIS :- } ] ] ; then
echo " travis_fold:start: ${ sanitizedFoldName } "
echo " travis_time:start: ${ sanitizedFoldName } "
2017-03-02 00:22:24 -08:00
local enterArrow = " ===> ${ foldName } ==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==> "
# keep all messages consistently wide 80chars regardless of the foldName
echo ${ enterArrow : 0 : 100 }
# turn on verbose mode so that we have better visibility into what's going on
# http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_02_03.html#table_02_01
set -x
function travisFoldEnd( ) {
set +x
local foldName = " ${ 0 #./ } ${ 1 } "
# convert all non alphanum chars except for "-" and "." to "--"
local sanitizedFoldName = ${ foldName //[^[ : alnum : ] \- \. ]/-- }
# strip trailing "-"
sanitizedFoldName = ${ sanitizedFoldName %- }
# consult and update travisFoldStack
local lastFoldIndex = $( expr ${# travisFoldStack [@] } - 1)
local lastFoldString = ${ travisFoldStack [ $lastFoldIndex ] }
# split the string by | and then turn that into an array
local lastFoldArray = ( ${ lastFoldString // \| / } )
local lastSanitizedFoldName = ${ lastFoldArray [0] }
2017-03-05 01:49:10 -08:00
if [ [ ${ TRAVIS :- } ] ] ; then
local lastFoldStartTime = ${ lastFoldArray [1] }
local foldFinishTime = $( date +%s%N)
local foldDuration = $( expr ${ foldFinishTime } - ${ lastFoldStartTime } )
# write into build-perf.log file
local logIndent = $( expr ${ lastFoldIndex } \* 2)
printf " %6ss% ${ logIndent } s: %s\n " $( expr ${ foldDuration } / 1000000000) " " " ${ foldName } " >> ${ LOGS_DIR } /build-perf.log
2017-03-02 00:22:24 -08:00
# pop
travisFoldStack = ( ${ travisFoldStack [@] : 0 : lastFoldIndex } )
# check for misalignment
if [ [ ${ lastSanitizedFoldName } != ${ sanitizedFoldName } ] ] ; then
echo " Travis fold mis-alignment detected! travisFoldEnd expected sanitized fold name ' ${ lastSanitizedFoldName } ', but received ' ${ sanitizedFoldName } ' (after sanitization) "
exit 1
local returnArrow = " <=== ${ foldName } <==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<== "
# keep all messages consistently wide 80chars regardless of the foldName
echo ${ returnArrow : 0 : 100 }
echo ""
2017-03-05 01:49:10 -08:00
if [ [ ${ TRAVIS :- } ] ] ; then
echo " travis_time:end: ${ sanitizedFoldName } :start= ${ lastFoldStartTime } ,finish= ${ foldFinishTime } ,duration= ${ foldDuration } "
echo " travis_fold:end: ${ sanitizedFoldName } "
2017-03-02 00:22:24 -08:00
function travisFoldReturnArrows( ) {
# print out return arrows so that it's easy to see the end of the script in the log
echo ""
returnArrow = " <=== ${ 0 #./ } <==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<== "
# keep all messages consistently wide 80chars regardless of the foldName
echo ${ returnArrow : 0 : 100 }
echo "<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==<==="
echo ""