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import {AsyncTestCompleter, beforeEach, ddescribe, describe, expect, iit, inject, it, xdescribe, xit} from 'angular2/testing_internal';
import {I18nHtmlParser} from 'angular2/src/i18n/i18n_html_parser';
import {Message, id} from 'angular2/src/i18n/message';
import {Parser} from 'angular2/src/core/change_detection/parser/parser';
import {Lexer} from 'angular2/src/core/change_detection/parser/lexer';
import {StringMapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {HtmlParser, HtmlParseTreeResult} from 'angular2/src/compiler/html_parser';
import {HtmlAst, HtmlAstVisitor, HtmlElementAst, HtmlAttrAst, HtmlTextAst, HtmlCommentAst, htmlVisitAll} from 'angular2/src/compiler/html_ast';
import {serializeXmb, deserializeXmb} from 'angular2/src/i18n/xmb_serializer';
import {ParseError, ParseLocation} from 'angular2/src/compiler/parse_util';
import {humanizeDom} from '../../test/compiler/html_ast_spec_utils';
export function main() {
describe('I18nHtmlParser', () => {
function parse(template: string, messages: {[key: string]: string}): HtmlParseTreeResult {
var parser = new Parser(new Lexer());
let htmlParser = new HtmlParser();
let msgs = '';
StringMapWrapper.forEach(messages, (v, k) => msgs += `<msg id="${k}">${v}</msg>`);
let res = deserializeXmb(`<message-bundle>${msgs}</message-bundle>`, 'someUrl');
return new I18nHtmlParser(htmlParser, parser, res.content, res.messages)
.parse(template, 'someurl');
it('should delegate to the provided parser when no i18n', () => {
expect(humanizeDom(parse('<div>a</div>', {}))).toEqual([
[HtmlElementAst, 'div', 0], [HtmlTextAst, 'a', 1]
it('should replace attributes', () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message('some message', 'meaning', null))] = 'another message';
'<div value=\'some message\' i18n-value=\'meaning|comment\'></div>', translations)))
.toEqual([[HtmlElementAst, 'div', 0], [HtmlAttrAst, 'value', 'another message']]);
it('should replace elements with the i18n attr', () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message('message', 'meaning', null))] = 'another message';
expect(humanizeDom(parse('<div i18n=\'meaning|desc\'>message</div>', translations))).toEqual([
[HtmlElementAst, 'div', 0], [HtmlTextAst, 'another message', 1]
it('should handle interpolation', () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message('<ph name="0"/> and <ph name="1"/>', null, null))] =
'<ph name="1"/> or <ph name="0"/>';
expect(humanizeDom(parse('<div value=\'{{a}} and {{b}}\' i18n-value></div>', translations)))
.toEqual([[HtmlElementAst, 'div', 0], [HtmlAttrAst, 'value', '{{b}} or {{a}}']]);
it('should handle nested html', () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message('<ph name="e0">a</ph><ph name="e2">b</ph>', null, null))] =
'<ph name="e2">B</ph><ph name="e0">A</ph>';
expect(humanizeDom(parse('<div i18n><a>a</a><b>b</b></div>', translations))).toEqual([
[HtmlElementAst, 'div', 0],
[HtmlElementAst, 'b', 1],
[HtmlTextAst, 'B', 2],
[HtmlElementAst, 'a', 1],
[HtmlTextAst, 'A', 2],
it('should support interpolation', () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message(
'<ph name="e0">a</ph><ph name="e2"><ph name="t3">b<ph name="0"/></ph></ph>', null,
null))] = '<ph name="e2"><ph name="t3"><ph name="0"/>B</ph></ph><ph name="e0">A</ph>';
expect(humanizeDom(parse('<div i18n><a>a</a><b>b{{i}}</b></div>', translations))).toEqual([
[HtmlElementAst, 'div', 0],
[HtmlElementAst, 'b', 1],
[HtmlTextAst, '{{i}}B', 2],
[HtmlElementAst, 'a', 1],
[HtmlTextAst, 'A', 2],
it('should i18n attributes of placeholder elements', () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message('<ph name="e0">a</ph>', null, null))] = '<ph name="e0">A</ph>';
translations[id(new Message('b', null, null))] = 'B';
expect(humanizeDom(parse('<div i18n><a value="b" i18n-value>a</a></div>', translations)))
[HtmlElementAst, 'div', 0],
[HtmlElementAst, 'a', 1],
[HtmlAttrAst, 'value', 'B'],
[HtmlTextAst, 'A', 2],
it('should preserve non-i18n attributes', () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message('message', null, null))] = 'another message';
expect(humanizeDom(parse('<div i18n value="b">message</div>', translations))).toEqual([
[HtmlElementAst, 'div', 0], [HtmlAttrAst, 'value', 'b'],
[HtmlTextAst, 'another message', 1]
it('should extract from partitions', () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message('message1', 'meaning1', null))] = 'another message1';
translations[id(new Message('message2', 'meaning2', null))] = 'another message2';
let res = parse(`<!-- i18n: meaning1|desc1 -->message1<!-- /i18n --><!-- i18n: meaning2|desc2 -->message2<!-- /i18n -->`, translations);
[HtmlTextAst, 'another message1', 0],
[HtmlTextAst, 'another message2', 0],
it('should preserve original positions', () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message('<ph name="e0">a</ph><ph name="e2">b</ph>', null, null))] =
'<ph name="e2">B</ph><ph name="e0">A</ph>';
let res =
(<any>parse('<div i18n><a>a</a><b>b</b></div>', translations).rootNodes[0]).children;
describe('errors', () => {
it('should error when giving an invalid template', () => {
expect(humanizeErrors(parse('<a>a</b>', {}).errors)).toEqual([
'Unexpected closing tag "b"'
it('should error when no matching message (attr)', () => {
let mid = id(new Message('some message', null, null));
expect(humanizeErrors(parse('<div value=\'some message\' i18n-value></div>', {}).errors))
.toEqual([`Cannot find message for id '${mid}'`]);
it('should error when no matching message (text)', () => {
let mid = id(new Message('some message', null, null));
expect(humanizeErrors(parse('<div i18n>some message</div>', {}).errors)).toEqual([
`Cannot find message for id '${mid}'`
it('should error when a non-placeholder element appears in translation', () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message('some message', null, null))] = '<a>a</a>';
expect(humanizeErrors(parse('<div i18n>some message</div>', translations).errors)).toEqual([
`Unexpected tag "a". Only "ph" tags are allowed.`
it('should error when a placeholder element does not have the name attribute', () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message('some message', null, null))] = '<ph>a</ph>';
expect(humanizeErrors(parse('<div i18n>some message</div>', translations).errors)).toEqual([
`Missing "name" attribute.`
it('should error when the translation refers to an invalid expression', () => {
let translations: {[key: string]: string} = {};
translations[id(new Message('hi <ph name="0"/>', null, null))] = 'hi <ph name="99"/>';
humanizeErrors(parse('<div value=\'hi {{a}}\' i18n-value></div>', translations).errors))
.toEqual(['Invalid interpolation index \'99\'']);
function humanizeErrors(errors: ParseError[]): string[] {
return => error.msg);