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include ../_util-fns
An Angular module class describes how the application parts fit together.
Every application has at least one Angular module, the _root_ module
that you [bootstrap](#main) to launch the application.
You can call it anything you want. The conventional name is `AppModule`.
The [setup](setup.html) instructions produce a new project with the following minimal `AppModule`.
You'll evolve this module as your application grows.
+makeExample('setup/ts/app/app.module.ts','', 'app/app.module.ts')(format='.')
After the `import` statements, you come to a class adorned with the
**`@NgModule`** [_decorator_](glossary.html#decorator '"Decorator" explained').
The `@NgModule` decorator identifies `AppModule` as an Angular module class (also called an `NgModule` class).
`@NgModule` takes a _metadata_ object that tells Angular how to compile and launch the application.
* **_imports_** — the `BrowserModule` that this and every application needs to run in a browser.
* **_declarations_** — the application's lone component, which is also ...
* **_bootstrap_** — the _root_ component that Angular creates and inserts into the `index.html` host web page.
The [Angular Modules (NgModules)](ngmodule.html) guide dives deeply into the details of Angular modules.
All you need to know at the moment is a few basics about these three properties.
### The _imports_ array
Angular modules are a way to consolidate features that belong together into discrete units.
Many features of Angular itself are organized as Angular modules.
HTTP services are in the `HttpModule`. The router is in the `RouterModule`.
Eventually you may create a feature module.
Add a module to the `imports` array when the application requires its features.
_This_ application, like most applications, executes in a browser.
Every application that executes in a browser needs the `BrowserModule` from `@angular/platform-browser`.
So every such application includes the `BrowserModule` in its _root_ `AppModule`'s `imports` array.
Other guide and cookbook pages will tell you when you need to add additional modules to this array.
**Only `NgModule` classes** go in the `imports` array. Don't put any other kind of class in `imports`.
Don't confuse the `import` statements at the top of the file with the Angular module's `imports` array.
They have different jobs.
The _JavaScript_ `import` statements give you access to symbols _exported_ by other files
so you can reference them within _this_ file.
They have nothing to do with Angular and Angular knows nothing about them.
The _module's_ `imports` array tells Angular about specific Angular modules — classes decorated with `@NgModule` —
that the application needs to function properly.
### The _declarations_ array
You must declare _every_ component in one (and _only one_) `NgModule` class.
You tell Angular which components belong to the `AppModule` by listing it in the module's `declarations` array.
As you create more components, you'll add them to `declarations`.
You'll learn to create two other kinds of classes —
[directives](attribute-directives.html) and [pipes](pipes.html) —
that you must also add to the `declarations` array.
**Only _declarables_** — _components_, _directives_ and _pipes_ — belong in the `declarations` array.
Don't put any other kind of class in `declarations`; _not_ `NgModule` classes, _not_ service classes, _not_ model classes.
### The _bootstrap_ array
You launch the application by [_bootstrapping_](#main) the root `AppModule`.
Among other things, the _bootstrapping_ process creates the component(s) listed in the `bootstrap` array
and inserts each one into the browser DOM.
Each bootstrapped component is the base of its own tree of components.
Inserting a bootstrapped component usually triggers a cascade of component creations that fill out that tree.
While you can put more than one component tree on a host web page, that's not typical.
Most applications have only one component tree and they bootstrap a single _root_ component.
You can call the one _root_ component anything you want but most developers call it `AppComponent`.
Which brings us to the _bootstrapping_ process itself.
## Bootstrap in _main.ts_
There are many ways to bootstrap an application.
The variations depend upon how you want to compile the application and where you want to run it.
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In the beginning, you will compile the application dynamically with the _Just-in-Time (JIT)_ compiler
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and you'll run it in a browser. You can learn about other options later.
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The recommended place to bootstrap a JIT-compiled browser application is in a separate file
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in the `app` folder named `app/main.ts`
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This code creates a browser platform for dynamic (JIT) compilation and
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bootstraps the `AppModule` described above.
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The _bootstrapping_ process sets up the execution environment,
digs the _root_ `AppComponent` out of the module's `bootstrap` array,
creates an instance of the component and inserts it within the element tag identified by the component's `selector`.
The `AppComponent` selector — here and in most documentation samples — is `my-app`
so Angular looks for a `<my-app>` tag in the `index.html` like this one ...
... and displays the `AppComponent` there.
This file is very stable. Once you've set it up, you may never change it again.
## QuickStart's _AppModule_
Every Angular application must have a root `NgModule`, even the [QuickStart](../quickstart.html).
You didn't see it but it was there.
A script in the `index.html` generated a hidden `AppModule` and bootstrapped it for you
so you could focus on the `AppComponent` and discover the _essential Angular_ more quickly.
If you're feeling adventurous, add your own `AppModule` and `main.ts` to the
live code in the _QuickStart_ plunker.
Remove the following `<script>` tag from the `index.html` and see _your_ work in action.
+makeExample('quickstart/ts/index.html','autobootstrap','Remove this script tag from "index.html"')(format='.')