
193 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {isSyntaxError, syntaxError} from '@angular/compiler';
import {MetadataBundler, createBundleIndexHost} from '@angular/tsc-wrapped';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import * as api from './transformers/api';
import * as ng from './transformers/entry_points';
const TS_EXT = /\.ts$/;
export type Diagnostics = ts.Diagnostic[] | api.Diagnostic[];
function isTsDiagnostics(diagnostics: any): diagnostics is ts.Diagnostic[] {
return diagnostics && diagnostics[0] && (diagnostics[0].file || diagnostics[0].messageText);
function formatDiagnostics(cwd: string, diags: Diagnostics): string {
if (diags && diags.length) {
if (isTsDiagnostics(diags)) {
return ts.formatDiagnostics(diags, {
getCurrentDirectory: () => cwd,
getCanonicalFileName: fileName => fileName,
getNewLine: () => ts.sys.newLine
} else {
return diags
.map(d => {
let res = api.DiagnosticCategory[d.category];
if (d.span) {
res +=
` at ${d.span.start.file.url}(${d.span.start.line + 1},${d.span.start.col + 1})`;
if (d.span && d.span.details) {
res += `: ${d.span.details}, ${d.message}\n`;
} else {
res += `: ${d.message}\n`;
return res;
} else
return '';
* Throw a syntax error exception with a message formatted for output
* if the args parameter contains diagnostics errors.
* @param cwd The directory to report error as relative to.
* @param args A list of potentially empty diagnostic errors.
export function throwOnDiagnostics(cwd: string, ...args: Diagnostics[]) {
if (args.some(diags => !!(diags && diags[0]))) {
throw syntaxError( => {
if (diags && diags[0]) {
return formatDiagnostics(cwd, diags);
.filter(message => !!message)
function syntheticError(message: string): ts.Diagnostic {
return {
file: null as any as ts.SourceFile,
start: 0,
length: 0,
messageText: message,
category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
code: 0
export function readConfiguration(
project: string, basePath: string,
checkFunc: (cwd: string, ...args: any[]) => void = throwOnDiagnostics,
existingOptions?: ts.CompilerOptions) {
// Allow a directory containing tsconfig.json as the project value
// Note, TS@next returns an empty array, while earlier versions throw
const projectFile =
fs.lstatSync(project).isDirectory() ? path.join(project, 'tsconfig.json') : project;
let {config, error} = ts.readConfigFile(projectFile, ts.sys.readFile);
if (error) checkFunc(basePath, [error]);
const parseConfigHost = {
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: true,
fileExists: fs.existsSync,
readDirectory: ts.sys.readDirectory,
readFile: ts.sys.readFile
const parsed = ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(config, parseConfigHost, basePath, existingOptions);
checkFunc(basePath, parsed.errors);
// Default codegen goes to the current directory
// Parsed options are already converted to absolute paths
const ngOptions = config.angularCompilerOptions || {};
// Ignore the genDir option
ngOptions.genDir = basePath;
return {parsed, ngOptions};
function getProjectDirectory(project: string): string {
let isFile: boolean;
try {
isFile = fs.lstatSync(project).isFile();
} catch (e) {
// Project doesn't exist. Assume it is a file has an extension. This case happens
// when the project file is passed to set basePath but no tsconfig.json file exists.
// It is used in tests to ensure that the options can be passed in without there being
// an actual config file.
isFile = path.extname(project) !== '';
// If project refers to a file, the project directory is the file's parent directory
// otherwise project is the project directory.
return isFile ? path.dirname(project) : project;
export function performCompilation(
basePath: string, files: string[], options: ts.CompilerOptions, ngOptions: any,
consoleError: (s: string) => void = console.error,
checkFunc: (cwd: string, ...args: any[]) => void = throwOnDiagnostics,
tsCompilerHost?: ts.CompilerHost) {
try {
ngOptions.basePath = basePath;
ngOptions.genDir = basePath;
let host = tsCompilerHost || ts.createCompilerHost(options, true);
host.realpath = p => p;
const rootFileNames = => path.normalize(f));
const addGeneratedFileName = (fileName: string) => {
if (fileName.startsWith(basePath) && TS_EXT.exec(fileName)) {
if (ngOptions.flatModuleOutFile && !ngOptions.skipMetadataEmit) {
const {host: bundleHost, indexName, errors} =
createBundleIndexHost(ngOptions, rootFileNames, host);
if (errors) checkFunc(basePath, errors);
if (indexName) addGeneratedFileName(indexName);
host = bundleHost;
const ngHostOptions = {...options, ...ngOptions};
const ngHost = ng.createHost({tsHost: host, options: ngHostOptions});
const ngProgram =
ng.createProgram({rootNames: rootFileNames, host: ngHost, options: ngHostOptions});
// Check parameter diagnostics
checkFunc(basePath, ngProgram.getTsOptionDiagnostics(), ngProgram.getNgOptionDiagnostics());
// Check syntactic diagnostics
checkFunc(basePath, ngProgram.getTsSyntacticDiagnostics());
// Check TypeScript semantic and Angular structure diagnostics
basePath, ngProgram.getTsSemanticDiagnostics(), ngProgram.getNgStructuralDiagnostics());
// Check Angular semantic diagnostics
checkFunc(basePath, ngProgram.getNgSemanticDiagnostics());
emitFlags: api.EmitFlags.Default |
((ngOptions.skipMetadataEmit || ngOptions.flatModuleOutFile) ? 0 : api.EmitFlags.Metadata)
} catch (e) {
if (isSyntaxError(e)) {
return 1;
throw e;
return 0;