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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {Bar} from 'cli-progress';
import {cpus} from 'os';
import {exec} from 'shelljs';
const AVAILABLE_THREADS = Math.max(cpus().length - 1, 1);
type CallbackFunction = (file: string, code?: number, stdout?: string, stderr?: string) => void;
* Run the provided commands in parallel for each provided file.
* A promise is returned, completed when the command has completed running for each file.
export function runInParallel(providedFiles: string[], cmd: string, callback: CallbackFunction) {
return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
if (providedFiles.length === 0) {
return resolve();
// The progress bar instance to use for progress tracking.
const progressBar =
new Bar({format: `[{bar}] ETA: {eta}s | {value}/{total} files`, clearOnComplete: true});
// A local copy of the files to run the command on.
const files = providedFiles.slice();
// An array to represent the current usage state of each of the threads for parallelization.
const threads = new Array<boolean>(AVAILABLE_THREADS).fill(false);
// Recursively run the command on the next available file from the list using the provided
// thread.
function runCommandInThread(thread: number) {
// Get the next file.
const file = files.pop();
// If no file was pulled from the array, return as there are no more files to run against.
if (!file) {
`${cmd} ${file}`,
{async: true, silent: true},
(code, stdout, stderr) => {
// Run the provided callback function.
callback(file, code, stdout, stderr);
// Note in the progress bar another file being completed.
// If more files exist in the list, run again to work on the next file,
// using the same slot.
if (files.length) {
return runCommandInThread(thread);
// If not more files are available, mark the thread as unused.
threads[thread] = false;
// If all of the threads are false, as they are unused, mark the progress bar
// completed and resolve the promise.
if (threads.every(active => !active)) {
// Mark the thread as in use as the command execution has been started.
threads[thread] = true;
// Start the progress bar
progressBar.start(files.length, 0);
// Start running the command on files from the least in each available thread.
threads.forEach((_, idx) => runCommandInThread(idx));