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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {PullsListCommitsResponse, PullsMergeParams} from '@octokit/rest';
import {prompt} from 'inquirer';
import {parseCommitMessage} from '../../../commit-message/parse';
import {GitClient} from '../../../utils/git/index';
import {GithubApiMergeMethod} from '../config';
import {PullRequestFailure} from '../failures';
import {PullRequest} from '../pull-request';
import {matchesPattern} from '../string-pattern';
import {MergeStrategy, TEMP_PR_HEAD_BRANCH} from './strategy';
/** Configuration for the Github API merge strategy. */
export interface GithubApiMergeStrategyConfig {
/** Default method used for merging pull requests */
default: GithubApiMergeMethod;
/** Labels which specify a different merge method than the default. */
labels?: {pattern: string, method: GithubApiMergeMethod}[];
/** Separator between commit message header and body. */
* Merge strategy that primarily leverages the Github API. The strategy merges a given
* pull request into a target branch using the API. This ensures that Github displays
* the pull request as merged. The merged commits are then cherry-picked into the remaining
* target branches using the local Git instance. The benefit is that the Github merged state
* is properly set, but a notable downside is that PRs cannot use fixup or squash commits.
export class GithubApiMergeStrategy extends MergeStrategy {
constructor(git: GitClient, private _config: GithubApiMergeStrategyConfig) {
async merge(pullRequest: PullRequest): Promise<PullRequestFailure|null> {
const {githubTargetBranch, prNumber, targetBranches, requiredBaseSha, needsCommitMessageFixup} =
// If the pull request does not have its base branch set to any determined target
// branch, we cannot merge using the API.
if (targetBranches.every(t => t !== githubTargetBranch)) {
return PullRequestFailure.mismatchingTargetBranch(targetBranches);
// In cases where a required base commit is specified for this pull request, check if
// the pull request contains the given commit. If not, return a pull request failure.
// This check is useful for enforcing that PRs are rebased on top of a given commit.
// e.g. a commit that changes the code ownership validation. PRs which are not rebased
// could bypass new codeowner ship rules.
if (requiredBaseSha && !this.git.hasCommit(TEMP_PR_HEAD_BRANCH, requiredBaseSha)) {
return PullRequestFailure.unsatisfiedBaseSha();
const method = this._getMergeActionFromPullRequest(pullRequest);
const cherryPickTargetBranches = targetBranches.filter(b => b !== githubTargetBranch);
// First cherry-pick the PR into all local target branches in dry-run mode. This is
// purely for testing so that we can figure out whether the PR can be cherry-picked
// into the other target branches. We don't want to merge the PR through the API, and
// then run into cherry-pick conflicts after the initial merge already completed.
const failure = await this._checkMergability(pullRequest, cherryPickTargetBranches);
// If the PR could not be cherry-picked into all target branches locally, we know it can't
// be done through the Github API either. We abort merging and pass-through the failure.
if (failure !== null) {
return failure;
const mergeOptions: PullsMergeParams = {
pull_number: prNumber,
merge_method: method,
if (needsCommitMessageFixup) {
// Commit message fixup does not work with other merge methods as the Github API only
// allows commit message modifications for squash merging.
if (method !== 'squash') {
return PullRequestFailure.unableToFixupCommitMessageSquashOnly();
await this._promptCommitMessageEdit(pullRequest, mergeOptions);
let mergeStatusCode: number;
let targetSha: string;
try {
// Merge the pull request using the Github API into the selected base branch.
const result = await this.git.github.pulls.merge(mergeOptions);
mergeStatusCode = result.status;
targetSha =;
} catch (e) {
// Note: Github usually returns `404` as status code if the API request uses a
// token with insufficient permissions. Github does this because it doesn't want
// to leak whether a repository exists or not. In our case we expect a certain
// repository to exist, so we always treat this as a permission failure.
if (e.status === 403 || e.status === 404) {
return PullRequestFailure.insufficientPermissionsToMerge();
throw e;
// Pull request cannot be merged due to merge conflicts.
if (mergeStatusCode === 405) {
return PullRequestFailure.mergeConflicts([githubTargetBranch]);
if (mergeStatusCode !== 200) {
return PullRequestFailure.unknownMergeError();
// If the PR does not need to be merged into any other target branches,
// we exit here as we already completed the merge.
if (!cherryPickTargetBranches.length) {
return null;
// Refresh the target branch the PR has been merged into through the API. We need
// to re-fetch as otherwise we cannot cherry-pick the new commits into the remaining
// target branches.
// Number of commits that have landed in the target branch. This could vary from
// the count of commits in the PR due to squashing.
const targetCommitsCount = method === 'squash' ? 1 : pullRequest.commitCount;
// Cherry pick the merged commits into the remaining target branches.
const failedBranches = await this.cherryPickIntoTargetBranches(
`${targetSha}~${targetCommitsCount}..${targetSha}`, cherryPickTargetBranches, {
// Commits that have been created by the Github API do not necessarily contain
// a reference to the source pull request (unless the squash strategy is used).
// To ensure that original commits can be found when a commit is viewed in a
// target branch, we add a link to the original commits when cherry-picking.
linkToOriginalCommits: true,
// We already checked whether the PR can be cherry-picked into the target branches,
// but in case the cherry-pick somehow fails, we still handle the conflicts here. The
// commits created through the Github API could be different (i.e. through squash).
if (failedBranches.length) {
return PullRequestFailure.mergeConflicts(failedBranches);
return null;
* Prompts the user for the commit message changes. Unlike as in the autosquash merge
* strategy, we cannot start an interactive rebase because we merge using the Github API.
* The Github API only allows modifications to PR title and body for squash merges.
private async _promptCommitMessageEdit(pullRequest: PullRequest, mergeOptions: PullsMergeParams) {
const commitMessage = await this._getDefaultSquashCommitMessage(pullRequest);
const {result} = await prompt<{result: string}>({
type: 'editor',
name: 'result',
message: 'Please update the commit message',
default: commitMessage,
// Split the new message into title and message. This is necessary because the
// Github API expects title and message to be passed separately.
const [newTitle, ...newMessage] = result.split(COMMIT_HEADER_SEPARATOR);
// Update the merge options so that the changes are reflected in there.
mergeOptions.commit_title = `${newTitle} (#${pullRequest.prNumber})`;
mergeOptions.commit_message = newMessage.join(COMMIT_HEADER_SEPARATOR);
* Gets a commit message for the given pull request. Github by default concatenates
* multiple commit messages if a PR is merged in squash mode. We try to replicate this
* behavior here so that we have a default commit message that can be fixed up.
private async _getDefaultSquashCommitMessage(pullRequest: PullRequest): Promise<string> {
const commits = (await this._getPullRequestCommitMessages(pullRequest))
.map(message => ({message, parsed: parseCommitMessage(message)}));
const messageBase = `${pullRequest.title}${COMMIT_HEADER_SEPARATOR}`;
if (commits.length <= 1) {
return `${messageBase}${commits[0].parsed.body}`;
const joinedMessages = => `* ${c.message}`).join(COMMIT_HEADER_SEPARATOR);
return `${messageBase}${joinedMessages}`;
/** Gets all commit messages of commits in the pull request. */
private async _getPullRequestCommitMessages({prNumber}: PullRequest) {
const request = this.git.github.pulls.listCommits.endpoint.merge(
{...this.git.remoteParams, pull_number: prNumber});
const allCommits: PullsListCommitsResponse = await this.git.github.paginate(request);
return{commit}) => commit.message);
* Checks if given pull request could be merged into its target branches.
* @returns A pull request failure if it the PR could not be merged.
private async _checkMergability(pullRequest: PullRequest, targetBranches: string[]):
Promise<null|PullRequestFailure> {
const revisionRange = this.getPullRequestRevisionRange(pullRequest);
const failedBranches =
this.cherryPickIntoTargetBranches(revisionRange, targetBranches, {dryRun: true});
if (failedBranches.length) {
return PullRequestFailure.mergeConflicts(failedBranches);
return null;
/** Determines the merge action from the given pull request. */
private _getMergeActionFromPullRequest({labels}: PullRequest): GithubApiMergeMethod {
if (this._config.labels) {
const matchingLabel =
this._config.labels.find(({pattern}) => labels.some(l => matchesPattern(l, pattern)));
if (matchingLabel !== undefined) {
return matchingLabel.method;
return this._config.default;