2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// #docplaster
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
import {
async, ComponentFixture, fakeAsync, inject, TestBed, tick
} from '@angular/core/testing';
import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { DebugElement } from '@angular/core';
import {
2016-09-21 20:01:44 -07:00
ActivatedRoute, ActivatedRouteStub, click, newEvent, Router, RouterStub
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
} from '../../testing';
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
import { Hero } from '../model';
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
import { HeroDetailComponent } from './hero-detail.component';
import { HeroDetailService } from './hero-detail.service';
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
import { HeroModule } from './hero.module';
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
////// Testing Vars //////
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
let activatedRoute: ActivatedRouteStub;
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let comp: HeroDetailComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<HeroDetailComponent>;
let page: Page;
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
////// Tests //////
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
describe('HeroDetailComponent', () => {
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
beforeEach(() => {
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
activatedRoute = new ActivatedRouteStub();
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
describe('with HeroModule setup', heroModuleSetup);
describe('when override its provided HeroDetailService', overrideSetup);
describe('with FormsModule setup', formsModuleSetup);
describe('with SharedModule setup', sharedModuleSetup);
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
function overrideSetup() {
// #docregion stub-hds
class StubHeroDetailService {
testHero = new Hero(42, 'Test Hero');
getHero(id: number | string): Promise<Hero> {
return Promise.resolve(true).then(() => Object.assign({}, this.testHero) );
saveHero(hero: Hero): Promise<Hero> {
return Promise.resolve(true).then(() => Object.assign(this.testHero, hero) );
// #enddocregion stub-hds
// the `id` value is irrelevant because ignored by service stub
beforeEach(() => activatedRoute.testParams = { id: 99999 } );
// #docregion setup-override
beforeEach( async(() => {
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
imports: [ HeroModule ],
providers: [
{ provide: ActivatedRoute, useValue: activatedRoute },
{ provide: Router, useClass: RouterStub},
// #enddocregion setup-override
// HeroDetailService at this level is IRRELEVANT!
{ provide: HeroDetailService, useValue: {} }
// #docregion setup-override
// Override component's own provider
// #docregion override-component-method
.overrideComponent(HeroDetailComponent, {
set: {
providers: [
{ provide: HeroDetailService, useClass: StubHeroDetailService }
// #enddocregion override-component-method
// #enddocregion setup-override
// #docregion override-tests
let hds: StubHeroDetailService;
beforeEach( async(() => {
// get the component's injected StubHeroDetailService
hds = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(HeroDetailService);
it('should display stub hero\'s name', () => {
it('should save stub hero change', fakeAsync(() => {
const origName = hds.testHero.name;
const newName = 'New Name';
page.nameInput.value = newName;
page.nameInput.dispatchEvent(newEvent('input')); // tell Angular
expect(comp.hero.name).toBe(newName, 'component hero has new name');
expect(hds.testHero.name).toBe(origName, 'service hero unchanged before save');
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2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
tick(); // wait for async save to complete
expect(hds.testHero.name).toBe(newName, 'service hero has new name after save');
expect(page.navSpy.calls.any()).toBe(true, 'router.navigate called');
// #enddocregion override-tests
it('fixture injected service is not the component injected service',
inject([HeroDetailService], (service: HeroDetailService) => {
expect(service).toEqual({}, 'service injected from fixture');
expect(hds).toBeTruthy('service injected into component');
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
import { HEROES, FakeHeroService } from '../model/testing';
import { HeroService } from '../model';
const firstHero = HEROES[0];
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
function heroModuleSetup() {
// #docregion setup-hero-module
beforeEach( async(() => {
imports: [ HeroModule ],
// #enddocregion setup-hero-module
// declarations: [ HeroDetailComponent ], // NO! DOUBLE DECLARATION
// #docregion setup-hero-module
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
providers: [
{ provide: ActivatedRoute, useValue: activatedRoute },
{ provide: HeroService, useClass: FakeHeroService },
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
{ provide: Router, useClass: RouterStub},
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
// #enddocregion setup-hero-module
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// #docregion route-good-id
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
describe('when navigate to existing hero', () => {
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
let expectedHero: Hero;
beforeEach( async(() => {
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
expectedHero = firstHero;
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
activatedRoute.testParams = { id: expectedHero.id };
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// #docregion selected-tests
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
it('should display that hero\'s name', () => {
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// #enddocregion route-good-id
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
it('should navigate when click cancel', () => {
2016-09-21 20:01:44 -07:00
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
expect(page.navSpy.calls.any()).toBe(true, 'router.navigate called');
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
it('should save when click save but not navigate immediately', () => {
2016-09-21 20:01:44 -07:00
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
expect(page.saveSpy.calls.any()).toBe(true, 'HeroDetailService.save called');
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
expect(page.navSpy.calls.any()).toBe(false, 'router.navigate not called');
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
it('should navigate when click save and save resolves', fakeAsync(() => {
2016-09-21 20:01:44 -07:00
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
tick(); // wait for async save to complete
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
expect(page.navSpy.calls.any()).toBe(true, 'router.navigate called');
// #docregion title-case-pipe
it('should convert hero name to Title Case', fakeAsync(() => {
const inputName = 'quick BROWN fox';
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
const titleCaseName = 'Quick Brown Fox';
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// simulate user entering new name into the input box
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
page.nameInput.value = inputName;
// dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.
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2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
// Tell Angular to update the output span through the title pipe
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// #enddocregion title-case-pipe
// #enddocregion selected-tests
// #docregion route-good-id
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2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// #enddocregion route-good-id
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2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// #docregion route-no-id
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
describe('when navigate with no hero id', () => {
beforeEach( async( createComponent ));
it('should have hero.id === 0', () => {
it('should display empty hero name', () => {
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// #enddocregion route-no-id
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// #docregion route-bad-id
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
describe('when navigate to non-existant hero id', () => {
beforeEach( async(() => {
activatedRoute.testParams = { id: 99999 };
it('should try to navigate back to hero list', () => {
expect(page.gotoSpy.calls.any()).toBe(true, 'comp.gotoList called');
expect(page.navSpy.calls.any()).toBe(true, 'router.navigate called');
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// #enddocregion route-bad-id
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
// Why we must use `fixture.debugElement.injector` in `Page()`
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
it('cannot use `inject` to get component\'s provided HeroDetailService', () => {
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
let service: HeroDetailService;
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(HeroDetailComponent);
// Throws because `inject` only has access to TestBed's injector
// which is an ancestor of the component's injector
inject([HeroDetailService], (hds: HeroDetailService) => service = hds )
.toThrowError(/No provider for HeroDetailService/);
// get `HeroDetailService` with component's own injector
service = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(HeroDetailService);
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { TitleCasePipe } from '../shared/title-case.pipe';
function formsModuleSetup() {
// #docregion setup-forms-module
beforeEach( async(() => {
imports: [ FormsModule ],
declarations: [ HeroDetailComponent, TitleCasePipe ],
providers: [
{ provide: ActivatedRoute, useValue: activatedRoute },
{ provide: HeroService, useClass: FakeHeroService },
{ provide: Router, useClass: RouterStub},
// #enddocregion setup-forms-module
it('should display 1st hero\'s name', fakeAsync(() => {
const expectedHero = firstHero;
activatedRoute.testParams = { id: expectedHero.id };
createComponent().then(() => {
import { SharedModule } from '../shared/shared.module';
function sharedModuleSetup() {
// #docregion setup-shared-module
beforeEach( async(() => {
imports: [ SharedModule ],
declarations: [ HeroDetailComponent ],
providers: [
{ provide: ActivatedRoute, useValue: activatedRoute },
{ provide: HeroService, useClass: FakeHeroService },
{ provide: Router, useClass: RouterStub},
// #enddocregion setup-shared-module
it('should display 1st hero\'s name', fakeAsync(() => {
const expectedHero = firstHero;
activatedRoute.testParams = { id: expectedHero.id };
createComponent().then(() => {
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
/////////// Helpers /////
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// #docregion create-component
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
/** Create the HeroDetailComponent, initialize it, set test variables */
function createComponent() {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(HeroDetailComponent);
comp = fixture.componentInstance;
page = new Page();
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// 1st change detection triggers ngOnInit which gets a hero
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return fixture.whenStable().then(() => {
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// 2nd change detection displays the async-fetched hero
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// #enddocregion create-component
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// #docregion page
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
class Page {
gotoSpy: jasmine.Spy;
navSpy: jasmine.Spy;
saveSpy: jasmine.Spy;
saveBtn: DebugElement;
cancelBtn: DebugElement;
nameDisplay: HTMLElement;
nameInput: HTMLInputElement;
constructor() {
// Use component's injector to see the services it injected.
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
const compInjector = fixture.debugElement.injector;
const hds = compInjector.get(HeroDetailService);
const router = compInjector.get(Router);
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2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
this.gotoSpy = spyOn(comp, 'gotoList').and.callThrough();
2016-09-19 19:57:59 -07:00
this.navSpy = spyOn(router, 'navigate');
2016-09-21 11:27:11 -07:00
this.saveSpy = spyOn(hds, 'saveHero').and.callThrough();
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
/** Add page elements after hero arrives */
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
addPageElements() {
if (comp.hero) {
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// have a hero so these elements are now in the DOM
const buttons = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('button'));
2016-09-13 14:39:39 -07:00
this.saveBtn = buttons[0];
this.cancelBtn = buttons[1];
this.nameDisplay = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('span')).nativeElement;
this.nameInput = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement;
2016-09-17 12:44:34 -07:00
// #enddocregion page