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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import MagicString from 'magic-string';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {fromObject, generateMapFileComment} from 'convert-source-map';
import {AbsoluteFsPath} from '../../../src/ngtsc/path';
import {Import, ImportManager} from '../../../src/ngtsc/translator';
import {CompiledClass, DecorationAnalyzer} from '../../src/analysis/decoration_analyzer';
import {NgccReferencesRegistry} from '../../src/analysis/ngcc_references_registry';
import {ModuleWithProvidersInfo} from '../../src/analysis/module_with_providers_analyzer';
import {PrivateDeclarationsAnalyzer, ExportInfo} from '../../src/analysis/private_declarations_analyzer';
import {SwitchMarkerAnalyzer} from '../../src/analysis/switch_marker_analyzer';
import {Esm2015ReflectionHost} from '../../src/host/esm2015_host';
const _ = AbsoluteFsPath.fromUnchecked;
import {Renderer} from '../../src/rendering/renderer';
import {MockLogger} from '../helpers/mock_logger';
import {RenderingFormatter, RedundantDecoratorMap} from '../../src/rendering/rendering_formatter';
import {makeTestEntryPointBundle, createFileSystemFromProgramFiles} from '../helpers/utils';
import {MockFileSystem} from '../helpers/mock_file_system';
class TestRenderingFormatter implements RenderingFormatter {
addImports(output: MagicString, imports: Import[], sf: ts.SourceFile) {
output.prepend('\n// ADD IMPORTS\n');
addExports(output: MagicString, baseEntryPointPath: string, exports: ExportInfo[]) {
output.prepend('\n// ADD EXPORTS\n');
addConstants(output: MagicString, constants: string, file: ts.SourceFile): void {
output.prepend('\n// ADD CONSTANTS\n');
addDefinitions(output: MagicString, compiledClass: CompiledClass, definitions: string) {
output.prepend('\n// ADD DEFINITIONS\n');
removeDecorators(output: MagicString, decoratorsToRemove: RedundantDecoratorMap) {
output.prepend('\n// REMOVE DECORATORS\n');
rewriteSwitchableDeclarations(output: MagicString, sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): void {
output.prepend('\n// REWRITTEN DECLARATIONS\n');
output: MagicString, moduleWithProviders: ModuleWithProvidersInfo[],
importManager: ImportManager): void {
output.prepend('\n// ADD MODUlE WITH PROVIDERS PARAMS\n');
function createTestRenderer(
packageName: string, files: {name: string, contents: string}[],
dtsFiles?: {name: string, contents: string}[],
mappingFiles?: {name: string, contents: string}[]) {
const logger = new MockLogger();
const fs = new MockFileSystem(createFileSystemFromProgramFiles(files, dtsFiles, mappingFiles));
const isCore = packageName === '@angular/core';
const bundle = makeTestEntryPointBundle('es2015', 'esm2015', isCore, files, dtsFiles);
const typeChecker = bundle.src.program.getTypeChecker();
const host = new Esm2015ReflectionHost(logger, isCore, typeChecker, bundle.dts);
const referencesRegistry = new NgccReferencesRegistry(host);
const decorationAnalyses = new DecorationAnalyzer(
fs, bundle.src.program, bundle.src.options,,
typeChecker, host, referencesRegistry, bundle.rootDirs, isCore)
const switchMarkerAnalyses = new SwitchMarkerAnalyzer(host).analyzeProgram(bundle.src.program);
const privateDeclarationsAnalyses =
new PrivateDeclarationsAnalyzer(host, referencesRegistry).analyzeProgram(bundle.src.program);
const testFormatter = new TestRenderingFormatter();
spyOn(testFormatter, 'addExports').and.callThrough();
spyOn(testFormatter, 'addImports').and.callThrough();
spyOn(testFormatter, 'addDefinitions').and.callThrough();
spyOn(testFormatter, 'addConstants').and.callThrough();
spyOn(testFormatter, 'removeDecorators').and.callThrough();
spyOn(testFormatter, 'rewriteSwitchableDeclarations').and.callThrough();
spyOn(testFormatter, 'addModuleWithProvidersParams').and.callThrough();
const renderer = new Renderer(testFormatter, fs, logger, host, isCore, bundle);
return {renderer,
describe('Renderer', () => {
name: '/src/file.js',
`import { Directive } from '@angular/core';\nexport class A {\n foo(x) {\n return x;\n }\n}\nA.decorators = [\n { type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[a]' }] }\n];\n`
name: '/src/component.js',
`import { Component } from '@angular/core';\nexport class A {}\nA.decorators = [\n { type: Component, args: [{ selector: 'a', template: '{{ person!.name }}' }] }\n];\n`
const INPUT_PROGRAM_MAP = fromObject({
'version': 3,
'file': '/src/file.js',
'sourceRoot': '',
'sources': ['/src/file.ts'],
'names': [],
'sourcesContent': [INPUT_PROGRAM.contents]
` + INPUT_PROGRAM.contents;
const OUTPUT_PROGRAM_MAP = fromObject({
'version': 3,
'file': 'file.js',
'sources': ['/src/file.js'],
'sourcesContent': [INPUT_PROGRAM.contents],
'names': [],
'mappings': ';;;;;;;;;;AAAA;;;;;;;;;'
const MERGED_OUTPUT_PROGRAM_MAP = fromObject({
'version': 3,
'sources': ['/src/file.ts'],
'names': [],
'mappings': ';;;;;;;;;;AAAA',
'file': 'file.js',
'sourcesContent': [INPUT_PROGRAM.contents]
describe('renderProgram()', () => {
it('should render the modified contents; and a new map file, if the original provided no map file.',
() => {
const {renderer, decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses} =
createTestRenderer('test-package', [INPUT_PROGRAM]);
const result = renderer.renderProgram(
decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses);
.toEqual(RENDERED_CONTENTS + '\n' + generateMapFileComment(''));
it('should render as JavaScript', () => {
const {renderer, decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses,
testFormatter} = createTestRenderer('test-package', [COMPONENT_PROGRAM]);
renderer.renderProgram(decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses);
const addDefinitionsSpy = testFormatter.addDefinitions as jasmine.Spy;
`A.ngComponentDef = ɵngcc0.ɵɵdefineComponent({ type: A, selectors: [["a"]], factory: function A_Factory(t) { return new (t || A)(); }, consts: 1, vars: 1, template: function A_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
} if (rf & 2) {
} }, encapsulation: 2 });
/*@__PURE__*/ ɵngcc0.ɵsetClassMetadata(A, [{
type: Component,
args: [{ selector: 'a', template: '{{ person!.name }}' }]
}], null, null);`);
describe('calling RenderingFormatter methods', () => {
it('should call addImports with the source code and info about the core Angular library.',
() => {
const {renderer, decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses,
testFormatter} = createTestRenderer('test-package', [INPUT_PROGRAM]);
const result = renderer.renderProgram(
decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses);
const addImportsSpy = testFormatter.addImports as jasmine.Spy;
fix(ivy): reuse default imports in type-to-value references (#29266) This fixes an issue with commit b6f6b117. In this commit, default imports processed in a type-to-value conversion were recorded as non-local imports with a '*' name, and the ImportManager generated a new default import for them. When transpiled to ES2015 modules, this resulted in the following correct code: import i3 from './module'; // somewhere in the file, a value reference of i3: {type: i3} However, when the AST with this synthetic import and reference was transpiled to non-ES2015 modules (for example, to commonjs) an issue appeared: var module_1 = require('./module'); {type: i3} TypeScript renames the imported identifier from i3 to module_1, but doesn't substitute later references to i3. This is because the import and reference are both synthetic, and never went through the TypeScript AST step of "binding" which associates the reference to its import. This association is important during emit when the identifiers might change. Synthetic (transformer-added) imports will never be bound properly. The only possible solution is to reuse the user's original import and the identifier from it, which will be properly downleveled. The issue with this approach (which prompted the fix in b6f6b117) is that if the import is only used in a type position, TypeScript will mark it for deletion in the generated JS, even though additional non-type usages are added in the transformer. This again would leave a dangling import. To work around this, it's necessary for the compiler to keep track of identifiers that it emits which came from default imports, and tell TS not to remove those imports during transpilation. A `DefaultImportTracker` class is implemented to perform this tracking. It implements a `DefaultImportRecorder` interface, which is used to record two significant pieces of information: * when a WrappedNodeExpr is generated which refers to a default imported value, the ts.Identifier is associated to the ts.ImportDeclaration via the recorder. * when that WrappedNodeExpr is later emitted as part of the statement / expression translators, the fact that the ts.Identifier was used is also recorded. Combined, this tracking gives the `DefaultImportTracker` enough information to implement another TS transformer, which can recognize default imports which were used in the output of the Ivy transform and can prevent them from being elided. This is done by creating a new ts.ImportDeclaration for the imports with the same ts.ImportClause. A test verifies that this works. PR Close #29266
2019-03-11 19:54:07 -04:00
{specifier: '@angular/core', qualifier: 'ɵngcc0'}
it('should call addDefinitions with the source code, the analyzed class and the rendered definitions.',
() => {
const {renderer, decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses,
testFormatter} = createTestRenderer('test-package', [INPUT_PROGRAM]);
const result = renderer.renderProgram(
decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses);
const addDefinitionsSpy = testFormatter.addDefinitions as jasmine.Spy;
name: _('A'),
decorators: [jasmine.objectContaining({name: _('Directive')})]
`A.ngDirectiveDef = ɵngcc0.ɵɵdefineDirective({ type: A, selectors: [["", "a", ""]], factory: function A_Factory(t) { return new (t || A)(); } });
/*@__PURE__*/ ɵngcc0.ɵsetClassMetadata(A, [{
type: Directive,
args: [{ selector: '[a]' }]
}], null, { foo: [] });`);
it('should call removeDecorators with the source code, a map of class decorators that have been analyzed',
() => {
const {renderer, decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses,
testFormatter} = createTestRenderer('test-package', [INPUT_PROGRAM]);
const result = renderer.renderProgram(
decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses);
const removeDecoratorsSpy = testFormatter.removeDecorators as jasmine.Spy;
// Each map key is the TS node of the decorator container
// Each map value is an array of TS nodes that are the decorators to remove
const map = removeDecoratorsSpy.calls.first().args[1] as Map<ts.Node, ts.Node[]>;
const keys = Array.from(map.keys());
.toEqual(`[\n { type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[a]' }] }\n]`);
const values = Array.from(map.values());
.toEqual(`{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[a]' }] }`);
it('should render classes without decorators if handler matches', () => {
const {renderer, decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses,
testFormatter} = createTestRenderer('test-package', [{
name: '/src/file.js',
contents: `
import { Directive, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
export class UndecoratedBase { test = null; }
UndecoratedBase.propDecorators = {
test: [{
type: ViewChild,
args: ["test", {static: true}]
decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses);
const addDefinitionsSpy = testFormatter.addDefinitions as jasmine.Spy;
`UndecoratedBase.ngBaseDef = ɵngcc0.ɵɵdefineBase({ viewQuery: function (rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
ɵngcc0.ɵɵstaticViewQuery(_c0, true, null);
} if (rf & 2) {
var _t;
ɵngcc0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = ɵngcc0.ɵɵloadViewQuery()) && (ctx.test = _t.first);
} } });`);
it('should call renderImports after other abstract methods', () => {
// This allows the other methods to add additional imports if necessary
const {renderer, decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses,
testFormatter} = createTestRenderer('test-package', [INPUT_PROGRAM]);
const addExportsSpy = testFormatter.addExports as jasmine.Spy;
const addDefinitionsSpy = testFormatter.addDefinitions as jasmine.Spy;
const addConstantsSpy = testFormatter.addConstants as jasmine.Spy;
const addImportsSpy = testFormatter.addImports as jasmine.Spy;
decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses);
describe('source map merging', () => {
it('should merge any inline source map from the original file and write the output as an inline source map',
() => {
const {decorationAnalyses, renderer, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses} =
'test-package', [{
contents: INPUT_PROGRAM.contents + '\n' + INPUT_PROGRAM_MAP.toComment()
const result = renderer.renderProgram(
decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses);
it('should merge any external source map from the original file and write the output to an external source map',
() => {
const sourceFiles = [{
contents: INPUT_PROGRAM.contents + '\n//#'
const mappingFiles =
[{name: + '.map', contents: INPUT_PROGRAM_MAP.toJSON()}];
const {decorationAnalyses, renderer, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses} =
createTestRenderer('test-package', sourceFiles, undefined, mappingFiles);
const result = renderer.renderProgram(
decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses);
.toEqual(RENDERED_CONTENTS + '\n' + generateMapFileComment(''));
describe('@angular/core support', () => {
it('should render relative imports in ESM bundles', () => {
const CORE_FILE = {
name: '/src/core.js',
`import { NgModule } from './ng_module';\nexport class MyModule {}\nMyModule.decorators = [\n { type: NgModule, args: [] }\n];\n`
const R3_SYMBOLS_FILE = {
// r3_symbols in the file name indicates that this is the path to rewrite core imports to
name: '/src/r3_symbols.js',
contents: `export const NgModule = () => null;`
// The package name of `@angular/core` indicates that we are compiling the core library.
const {decorationAnalyses, renderer, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses,
testFormatter} = createTestRenderer('@angular/core', [CORE_FILE, R3_SYMBOLS_FILE]);
decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses);
const addDefinitionsSpy = testFormatter.addDefinitions as jasmine.Spy;
.toContain(`/*@__PURE__*/ ɵngcc0.setClassMetadata(`);
const addImportsSpy = testFormatter.addImports as jasmine.Spy;
fix(ivy): reuse default imports in type-to-value references (#29266) This fixes an issue with commit b6f6b117. In this commit, default imports processed in a type-to-value conversion were recorded as non-local imports with a '*' name, and the ImportManager generated a new default import for them. When transpiled to ES2015 modules, this resulted in the following correct code: import i3 from './module'; // somewhere in the file, a value reference of i3: {type: i3} However, when the AST with this synthetic import and reference was transpiled to non-ES2015 modules (for example, to commonjs) an issue appeared: var module_1 = require('./module'); {type: i3} TypeScript renames the imported identifier from i3 to module_1, but doesn't substitute later references to i3. This is because the import and reference are both synthetic, and never went through the TypeScript AST step of "binding" which associates the reference to its import. This association is important during emit when the identifiers might change. Synthetic (transformer-added) imports will never be bound properly. The only possible solution is to reuse the user's original import and the identifier from it, which will be properly downleveled. The issue with this approach (which prompted the fix in b6f6b117) is that if the import is only used in a type position, TypeScript will mark it for deletion in the generated JS, even though additional non-type usages are added in the transformer. This again would leave a dangling import. To work around this, it's necessary for the compiler to keep track of identifiers that it emits which came from default imports, and tell TS not to remove those imports during transpilation. A `DefaultImportTracker` class is implemented to perform this tracking. It implements a `DefaultImportRecorder` interface, which is used to record two significant pieces of information: * when a WrappedNodeExpr is generated which refers to a default imported value, the ts.Identifier is associated to the ts.ImportDeclaration via the recorder. * when that WrappedNodeExpr is later emitted as part of the statement / expression translators, the fact that the ts.Identifier was used is also recorded. Combined, this tracking gives the `DefaultImportTracker` enough information to implement another TS transformer, which can recognize default imports which were used in the output of the Ivy transform and can prevent them from being elided. This is done by creating a new ts.ImportDeclaration for the imports with the same ts.ImportClause. A test verifies that this works. PR Close #29266
2019-03-11 19:54:07 -04:00
{specifier: './r3_symbols', qualifier: 'ɵngcc0'}
it('should render no imports in FESM bundles', () => {
const CORE_FILE = {
name: '/src/core.js',
contents: `export const NgModule = () => null;
export class MyModule {}\nMyModule.decorators = [\n { type: NgModule, args: [] }\n];\n`
const {decorationAnalyses, renderer, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses,
testFormatter} = createTestRenderer('@angular/core', [CORE_FILE]);
decorationAnalyses, switchMarkerAnalyses, privateDeclarationsAnalyses);
const addDefinitionsSpy = testFormatter.addDefinitions as jasmine.Spy;
.toContain(`/*@__PURE__*/ setClassMetadata(`);
const addImportsSpy = testFormatter.addImports as jasmine.Spy;