
128 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {existsSync, readFileSync} from 'fs';
import * as multimatch from 'multimatch';
import {join} from 'path';
import {parse as parseYaml} from 'yaml';
import {getRepoBaseDir} from '../../utils/config';
import {bold, debug, info} from '../../utils/console';
import {GitClient} from '../../utils/git/index';
/** Compare the upstream master to the upstream g3 branch, if it exists. */
export async function printG3Comparison(git: GitClient) {
const angularRobotFilePath = join(getRepoBaseDir(), '.github/angular-robot.yml');
if (!existsSync(angularRobotFilePath)) {
return debug('No angular robot configuration file exists, skipping.');
/** The configuration defined for the angular robot. */
const robotConfig = parseYaml(readFileSync(angularRobotFilePath).toString());
/** The files to be included in the g3 sync. */
const includeFiles = robotConfig?.merge?.g3Status?.include || [];
/** The files to be expected in the g3 sync. */
const excludeFiles = robotConfig?.merge?.g3Status?.exclude || [];
if (includeFiles.length === 0 && excludeFiles.length === 0) {
debug('No g3Status include or exclude lists are defined in the angular robot configuration,');
/** The latest sha for the g3 branch. */
const g3Ref = getShaForBranchLatest('g3');
/** The latest sha for the master branch. */
const masterRef = getShaForBranchLatest('master');
if (!g3Ref && !masterRef) {
return debug('Exiting early as either the g3 or master was unable to be retrieved');
/** The statistical information about the git diff between master and g3. */
const stats = getDiffStats();'g3 branch check'));
info(`${stats.commits} commits between g3 and master`);
if (stats.files === 0) {
info('✅ No sync is needed at this time');
} else {
info(`${stats.files} files changed, ${stats.insertions} insertions(+), ${
stats.deletions} deletions(-) will be included in the next sync`);
/** Fetch and retrieve the latest sha for a specific branch. */
function getShaForBranchLatest(branch: string) {
/** The result fo the fetch command. */
const fetchResult = git.runGraceful([
'fetch', '-q', `${git.remoteConfig.owner}/${}.git`,
if (fetchResult.status !== 0 &&
fetchResult.stderr.includes(`couldn't find remote ref ${branch}`)) {
debug(`No '${branch}' branch exists on upstream, skipping.`);
return false;
return git.runGraceful(['rev-parse', 'FETCH_HEAD']).stdout.trim();
* Get git diff stats between master and g3, for all files and filtered to only g3 affecting
* files.
function getDiffStats() {
/** The diff stats to be returned. */
const stats = {
insertions: 0,
deletions: 0,
files: 0,
commits: 0,
// Determine the number of commits between master and g3 refs. */
stats.commits = parseInt(['rev-list', '--count', `${g3Ref}..${masterRef}`]).stdout, 10);
// Get the numstat information between master and g3['diff', `${g3Ref}...${masterRef}`, '--numstat'])
// Remove the extra space after git's output.
// Split each line of git output into array
// Split each line from the git output into components parts: insertions,
// deletions and file name respectively
.map(line => line.split('\t'))
// Parse number value from the insertions and deletions values
// Example raw line input:
// 10\t5\tsrc/file/name.ts
.map(line => [Number(line[0]), Number(line[1]), line[2]] as [number, number, string])
// Add each line's value to the diff stats, and conditionally to the g3
// stats as well if the file name is included in the files synced to g3.
.forEach(([insertions, deletions, fileName]) => {
if (checkMatchAgainstIncludeAndExclude(fileName, includeFiles, excludeFiles)) {
stats.insertions += insertions;
stats.deletions += deletions;
stats.files += 1;
return stats;
/** Determine whether the file name passes both include and exclude checks. */
function checkMatchAgainstIncludeAndExclude(
file: string, includes: string[], excludes: string[]) {
return (, file, includes).length >= 1 &&, file, excludes).length === 0);