This document explains how to enable Angular service worker support in projects that you created with the [Angular CLI](cli). It then uses a simple example to show you a service worker in action, demonstrating loading and basic caching.
To set up the Angular service worker in your project, use the CLI command `ng add @angular/pwa`. It takes care of configuring your app to use service workers by adding the `service-worker` package along
* Includes a link to add the `manifest.json` file.
* Adds meta tags for `theme-color`.
5. Installs icon files to support the installed Progressive Web App (PWA).
6. Creates the service worker configuration file called [`ngsw-config.json`](/guide/service-worker-config), which specifies the caching behaviors and other settings.
Because `ng serve` does not work with service workers, you must use a separate HTTP server to test your project locally. You can use any HTTP server. The example below uses the [http-server]( package from npm. To reduce the possibility of conflicts and avoid serving stale content, test on a dedicated port and disable caching.
With the server running, you can point your browser at http://localhost:8080/. Your application should load normally.
**Tip:** When testing Angular service workers, it's a good idea to use an incognito or private window in your browser to ensure the service worker doesn't end up reading from a previous leftover state, which can cause unexpected behavior.
For applications that do not use the Angular service worker, refreshing now would display Chrome's Internet disconnected page that says "There is no Internet connection".
If you look at the Network tab, you can verify that the service worker is active.
<imgsrc="generated/images/guide/service-worker/sw-active.png"alt="Requests are marked as from ServiceWorker">
Notice that under the "Size" column, the requests state is `(from ServiceWorker)`. This means that the resources are not being loaded from the network. Instead, they are being loaded from the service worker's cache.
### What's being cached?
Notice that all of the files the browser needs to render this application are cached. The `ngsw-config.json` boilerplate configuration is set up to cache the specific resources used by the CLI:
* Images and fonts directly under the configured `outputPath` (by default `./dist/<project-name>/`) or `resourcesOutputPath`. See [`ng build`](cli/build) for more information about these options.
<divclass="alert is-helpful">
Pay attention to two key points:
1. The generated `ngsw-config.json` includes a limited list of cachable fonts and images extentions. In some cases, you might want to modify the glob pattern to suit your needs.
1. If `resourcesOutputPath` or `assets` paths are modified after the generation of configuration file, you need to change the paths manually in `ngsw-config.json`.
Now look at how the browser and service worker handle the updated application.
1. Open http://localhost:8080 again in the same window. What happens?
<imgsrc="generated/images/guide/service-worker/welcome-msg-en.png"alt="It still says Welcome to Service Workers!">
What went wrong? Nothing, actually. The Angular service worker is doing its job and serving the version of the application that it has **installed**, even though there is an update available. In the interest of speed, the service worker doesn't wait to check for updates before it serves the application that it has cached.
If you look at the `http-server` logs, you can see the service worker requesting `/ngsw.json`. This is how the service worker checks for updates.
The service worker installed the updated version of your app *in the background*, and the next time the page is loaded or reloaded, the service worker switches to the latest version.