2017-04-13 22:35:13 +01:00
'use strict'; // necessary for es6 output in node
2017-02-22 18:13:21 +00:00
import { browser, element, by } from 'protractor';
describe('Lifecycle hooks', function () {
beforeAll(function () {
it('should open correctly', function () {
it('should support peek-a-boo', function () {
let pabComp = element(by.css('peek-a-boo-parent peek-a-boo'));
expect(pabComp.isPresent()).toBe(false, 'should not be able to find the "peek-a-boo" component');
let pabButton = element.all(by.css('peek-a-boo-parent button')).get(0);
let updateHeroButton = element.all(by.css('peek-a-boo-parent button')).get(1);
expect(pabButton.getText()).toContain('Create Peek');
pabButton.click().then(function () {
expect(pabButton.getText()).toContain('Destroy Peek');
expect(pabComp.isDisplayed()).toBe(true, 'should be able to see the "peek-a-boo" component');
expect(updateHeroButton.isPresent()).toBe(true, 'should be able to see the update hero button');
return updateHeroButton.click();
}).then(function () {
return pabButton.click();
}).then(function () {
expect(pabComp.isPresent()).toBe(false, 'should no longer be able to find the "peek-a-boo" component');
it('should support OnChanges hook', function () {
let onChangesViewEle = element.all(by.css('on-changes div')).get(0);
let inputEles = element.all(by.css('on-changes-parent input'));
let heroNameInputEle = inputEles.get(1);
let powerInputEle = inputEles.get(0);
let titleEle = onChangesViewEle.element(by.css('p'));
let changeLogEles = onChangesViewEle.all(by.css('div'));
expect(titleEle.getText()).toContain('Windstorm can sing');
expect(changeLogEles.count()).toEqual(2, 'should start with 2 messages');
expect(titleEle.getText()).toContain('Windstorm-foo- can sing');
expect(changeLogEles.count()).toEqual(2, 'should still have 2 messages');
expect(titleEle.getText()).toContain('Windstorm-foo- can sing-bar-');
// 7 == 2 previously + length of '-bar-'
expect(changeLogEles.count()).toEqual(7, 'should have 7 messages now');
it('should support DoCheck hook', function () {
let doCheckViewEle = element.all(by.css('do-check div')).get(0);
let inputEles = element.all(by.css('do-check-parent input'));
let heroNameInputEle = inputEles.get(1);
let powerInputEle = inputEles.get(0);
let titleEle = doCheckViewEle.element(by.css('p'));
let changeLogEles = doCheckViewEle.all(by.css('div'));
let logCount: number;
expect(titleEle.getText()).toContain('Windstorm can sing');
changeLogEles.count().then(function(count: number) {
// 3 messages to start
expect(count).toEqual(3, 'should start with 3 messages');
logCount = count;
return heroNameInputEle.sendKeys('-foo-');
}).then(function () {
expect(titleEle.getText()).toContain('Windstorm-foo- can sing');
return changeLogEles.count();
}).then(function(count: number) {
// one more for each keystroke
expect(count).toEqual(logCount + 5, 'should add 5 more messages');
logCount = count;
return powerInputEle.sendKeys('-bar-');
}).then(function () {
expect(titleEle.getText()).toContain('Windstorm-foo- can sing-bar-');
expect(changeLogEles.count()).toEqual(logCount + 6, 'should add 6 more messages');
it('should support AfterView hooks', function () {
let parentEle = element(by.tagName('after-view-parent'));
let buttonEle = parentEle.element(by.tagName('button')); // Reset
let commentEle = parentEle.element(by.className('comment'));
let logEles = parentEle.all(by.css('h4 ~ div'));
let childViewInputEle = parentEle.element(by.css('my-child-view input'));
let logCount: number;
expect(commentEle.isPresent()).toBe(false, 'comment should not be in DOM');
logEles.count().then(function(count: number) {
logCount = count;
return childViewInputEle.sendKeys('-test-');
}).then(function() {
expect(commentEle.isPresent()).toBe(true, 'should have comment because >10 chars');
expect(commentEle.getText()).toContain('long name');
return logEles.count();
}).then(function(count: number) {
2017-04-13 22:35:13 +01:00
expect(logCount + 7).toBeGreaterThan(count - 3,
'7 additional log messages should have been added');
expect(logCount + 7).toBeLessThan(count + 3,
'7 additional log messages should have been added');
2017-02-22 18:13:21 +00:00
logCount = count;
return buttonEle.click();
}).then(function() {
expect(logEles.count()).toBeLessThan(logCount, 'log should shrink after reset');
it('should support AfterContent hooks', function () {
let parentEle = element(by.tagName('after-content-parent'));
let buttonEle = parentEle.element(by.tagName('button')); // Reset
let commentEle = parentEle.element(by.className('comment'));
let logEles = parentEle.all(by.css('h4 ~ div'));
let childViewInputEle = parentEle.element(by.css('my-child input'));
let logCount: number;
expect(commentEle.isPresent()).toBe(false, 'comment should not be in DOM');
logEles.count().then(function(count: number) {
logCount = count;
return childViewInputEle.sendKeys('-test-');
}).then(function() {
expect(commentEle.isPresent()).toBe(true, 'should have comment because >10 chars');
expect(commentEle.getText()).toContain('long name');
return logEles.count();
}).then(function(count: number) {
expect(logCount + 5).toEqual(count, '5 additional log messages should have been added');
logCount = count;
return buttonEle.click();
}).then(function() {
expect(logEles.count()).toBeLessThan(logCount, 'log should shrink after reset');
it('should support spy\'s OnInit & OnDestroy hooks', function () {
let inputEle = element(by.css('spy-parent input'));
let addHeroButtonEle = element(by.cssContainingText('spy-parent button', 'Add Hero'));
let resetHeroesButtonEle = element(by.cssContainingText('spy-parent button', 'Reset Heroes'));
let heroEles = element.all(by.css('spy-parent div[mySpy'));
let logEles = element.all(by.css('spy-parent h4 ~ div'));
expect(heroEles.count()).toBe(2, 'should have two heroes displayed');
expect(logEles.count()).toBe(2, 'should have two log entries');
inputEle.sendKeys('-test-').then(function() {
return addHeroButtonEle.click();
}).then(function() {
expect(heroEles.count()).toBe(3, 'should have added one hero');
expect(logEles.count()).toBe(3, 'should now have 3 log entries');
return resetHeroesButtonEle.click();
}).then(function() {
expect(heroEles.count()).toBe(0, 'should no longer have any heroes');
expect(logEles.count()).toBe(7, 'should now have 7 log entries - 3 orig + 1 reset + 3 removeall');
it('should support "spy counter"', function () {
let updateCounterButtonEle = element(by.cssContainingText('counter-parent button', 'Update'));
let resetCounterButtonEle = element(by.cssContainingText('counter-parent button', 'Reset'));
let textEle = element(by.css('counter-parent my-counter > div'));
let logEles = element.all(by.css('counter-parent h4 ~ div'));
expect(textEle.getText()).toContain('Counter = 0');
expect(logEles.count()).toBe(2, 'should start with two log entries');
updateCounterButtonEle.click().then(function() {
expect(textEle.getText()).toContain('Counter = 1');
expect(logEles.count()).toBe(3, 'should now have 3 log entries');
return resetCounterButtonEle.click();
}).then(function() {
expect(textEle.getText()).toContain('Counter = 0');
expect(logEles.count()).toBe(7, 'should now have 7 log entries - 3 prev + 1 reset + 2 destroy + 1 init');