
656 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {publicApiInternal, SerializationOptions} from '../lib/serializer';
const classesAndInterfaces = `
export declare class A {
field: string;
method(a: string): number;
export interface B {
field: A;
export declare class C {
someProp: string;
propWithDefault: number;
private privateProp;
protected protectedProp: number;
constructor(someProp: string, propWithDefault: number, privateProp: any, protectedProp: number);
describe('unit test', () => {
let _warn: any = null;
let warnings: string[] = [];
beforeEach(() => {
_warn = console.warn;
console.warn = (...args: string[]) => warnings.push(args.join(' '));
afterEach(() => {
console.warn = _warn;
warnings = [];
_warn = null;
it('should ignore private methods', () => {
const input = `
export declare class A {
fa(): void;
protected fb(): void;
private fc();
const expected = `
export declare class A {
fa(): void;
protected fb(): void;
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected);
it('should support overloads functions', () => {
const input = `
export declare function group(steps: AnimationMetadata[], options?: AnimationOptions | null): AnimationGroupMetadata;
export declare function registerLocaleData(data: any, extraData?: any): void;
export declare function registerLocaleData(data: any, localeId?: string, extraData?: any): void;
const expected = `
export declare function group(steps: AnimationMetadata[], options?: AnimationOptions | null): AnimationGroupMetadata;
export declare function registerLocaleData(data: any, extraData?: any): void;
export declare function registerLocaleData(data: any, localeId?: string, extraData?: any): void;
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected);
it('should ignore private props', () => {
const input = `
export declare class A {
fa: any;
protected fb: any;
private fc;
const expected = `
export declare class A {
fa: any;
protected fb: any;
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected);
it('should support imports without capturing imports', () => {
const input = `
import {A} from './classes_and_interfaces';
export declare class C {
field: A;
const expected = `
export declare class C {
field: A;
check({'classes_and_interfaces.d.ts': classesAndInterfaces, 'file.d.ts': input}, expected);
it('should throw on aliased reexports', () => {
const input = `
export { A as Apple } from './classes_and_interfaces';
{'classes_and_interfaces.d.ts': classesAndInterfaces, 'file.d.ts': input},
'Symbol "A" was aliased as "Apple". Aliases are not supported.');
it('should remove reexported external symbols', () => {
const input = `
export { Foo } from 'some-external-module-that-cannot-be-resolved';
const expected = `
check({'classes_and_interfaces.d.ts': classesAndInterfaces, 'file.d.ts': input}, expected);
['file.d.ts(1,1): error: No export declaration found for symbol "Foo"']);
it('should sort exports', () => {
const input = `
export declare type E = string;
export interface D {
e: number;
export declare var e: C;
export declare class C {
e: number;
d: string;
export declare function b(): boolean;
export declare const a: string;
const expected = `
export declare const a: string;
export declare function b(): boolean;
export declare class C {
d: string;
e: number;
export interface D {
e: number;
export declare var e: C;
export declare type E = string;
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected);
it('should sort class members', () => {
const input = `
export class A {
f: number;
static foo(): void;
c: string;
static a: boolean;
static bar(): void;
const expected = `
export class A {
c: string;
f: number;
static a: boolean;
static bar(): void;
static foo(): void;
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected);
it('should sort interface members', () => {
const input = `
export interface A {
(): void;
[key: string]: any;
c(): void;
a: number;
new (): Object;
const expected = `
export interface A {
a: number;
(): void;
new (): Object;
[key: string]: any;
c(): void;
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected);
it('should sort class members including readonly', () => {
const input = `
export declare class DebugNode {
private _debugContext;
nativeNode: any;
listeners: any[];
parent: any | null;
constructor(nativeNode: any, parent: DebugNode | null, _debugContext: any);
readonly injector: any;
readonly componentInstance: any;
readonly context: any;
readonly references: {
[key: string]: any;
readonly providerTokens: any[];
const expected = `
export declare class DebugNode {
readonly componentInstance: any;
readonly context: any;
readonly injector: any;
listeners: any[];
nativeNode: any;
parent: any | null;
readonly providerTokens: any[];
readonly references: {
[key: string]: any;
constructor(nativeNode: any, parent: DebugNode | null, _debugContext: any);
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected);
it('should sort two call signatures', () => {
const input = `
export interface A {
(b: number): void;
(a: number): void;
const expected = `
export interface A {
(a: number): void;
(b: number): void;
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected);
it('should sort exports including re-exports', () => {
const submodule = `
export declare var e: C;
export declare class C {
e: number;
d: string;
const input = `
export * from './submodule';
export declare type E = string;
export interface D {
e: number;
export declare function b(): boolean;
export declare const a: string;
const expected = `
export declare const a: string;
export declare function b(): boolean;
export declare class C {
d: string;
e: number;
export interface D {
e: number;
export declare var e: C;
export declare type E = string;
check({'submodule.d.ts': submodule, 'file.d.ts': input}, expected);
it('should remove module comments', () => {
const input = `
* An amazing module.
* @module
* Foo function.
export declare function foo(): boolean;
export declare const bar: number;
const expected = `
export declare const bar: number;
export declare function foo(): boolean;
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected);
it('should remove class and field comments', () => {
const input = `
* Does something really cool.
export declare class A {
* A very interesting getter.
b: string;
* A very useful field.
name: string;
const expected = `
export declare class A {
b: string;
name: string;
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected);
it('should skip symbols matching specified pattern', () => {
const input = `
export const __a__: string;
export class B {
const expected = `
export class B {
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected, {stripExportPattern: /^__.*/});
it('should throw on using module imports in expression position that were not explicitly allowed',
() => {
const input = `
import * as foo from './foo';
export declare class A extends foo.A {
{'file.d.ts': input},
'file.d.ts(2,32): error: Module identifier "foo" is not allowed. ' +
'Remove it from source or allow it via --allowModuleIdentifiers.');
it('should throw on using module imports in type position that were not explicitly allowed',
() => {
const input = `
import * as foo from './foo';
export type A = foo.A;
{'file.d.ts': input},
'file.d.ts(2,17): error: Module identifier "foo" is not allowed. ' +
'Remove it from source or allow it via --allowModuleIdentifiers.');
it('should not throw on using explicitly allowed module imports', () => {
const input = `
import * as foo from './foo';
export declare class A extends foo.A {
const expected = `
export declare class A extends foo.A {
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected, {allowModuleIdentifiers: ['foo']});
it('should not throw if module imports, that were not explicitly allowed, are not used', () => {
const input = `
import * as foo from './foo';
export declare class A {
const expected = `
export declare class A {
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected);
it('should copy specified jsdoc tags of exports in docstrings', () => {
const input = `
* @deprecated This is useless now
export declare class A {
* @experimental
export declare const b: string;
* @stable
export declare var c: number;
const expected = `
/** @deprecated */
export declare class A {
/** @experimental */
export declare const b: string;
export declare var c: number;
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected, {exportTags: {toCopy: ['deprecated', 'experimental']}});
it('should copy specified jsdoc tags of fields in docstrings', () => {
const input = `
/** @otherTag */
export declare class A {
* @stable
value: number;
* @experimental
* @otherTag
* @deprecated
foo(): void;
const expected = `
export declare class A {
value: number;
/** @experimental */ constructor();
/** @deprecated */ foo(): void;
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected, {memberTags: {toCopy: ['deprecated', 'experimental']}});
it('should copy specified jsdoc tags of parameters in docstrings', () => {
const input = `
export declare class A {
foo(str: string, /** @deprecated */ value: number): void;
const expected = `
export declare class A {
foo(str: string, /** @deprecated */ value: number): void;
check({'file.d.ts': input}, expected, {paramTags: {toCopy: ['deprecated', 'experimental']}});
it('should throw on using banned jsdoc tags on exports', () => {
const input = `
* @stable
export declare class A {
value: number;
{'file.d.ts': input},
'file.d.ts(4,1): error: Banned jsdoc tags - "@stable" - were found on `A`.',
{exportTags: {banned: ['stable']}});
it('should throw on using banned jsdoc tags on fields', () => {
const input = `
export declare class A {
* @stable
value: number;
{'file.d.ts': input},
'file.d.ts(5,3): error: Banned jsdoc tags - "@stable" - were found on `value`.',
{memberTags: {banned: ['stable']}});
it('should throw on using banned jsdoc tags on parameters', () => {
const input = `
export declare class A {
foo(/** @stable */ param: number): void;
{'file.d.ts': input},
'file.d.ts(2,22): error: Banned jsdoc tags - "@stable" - were found on `param`.',
{paramTags: {banned: ['stable']}});
it('should throw on missing required jsdoc tags on exports', () => {
const input = `
/** @experimental */
export declare class A {
value: number;
{'file.d.ts': input},
'file.d.ts(2,1): error: Required jsdoc tags - One of the tags: "@stable" - must exist on `A`.',
{exportTags: {requireAtLeastOne: ['stable']}});
it('should throw on missing required jsdoc tags on fields', () => {
const input = `
/** @experimental */
export declare class A {
value: number;
{'file.d.ts': input},
'file.d.ts(3,3): error: Required jsdoc tags - One of the tags: "@stable" - must exist on `value`.',
{memberTags: {requireAtLeastOne: ['stable']}});
it('should throw on missing required jsdoc tags on parameters', () => {
const input = `
/** @experimental */
export declare class A {
foo(param: number): void;
{'file.d.ts': input},
'file.d.ts(3,7): error: Required jsdoc tags - One of the tags: "@stable" - must exist on `param`.',
{paramTags: {requireAtLeastOne: ['stable']}});
it('should require at least one of the requireAtLeastOne tags', () => {
const input = `
/** @experimental */
export declare class A {
foo(param: number): void;
{'file.d.ts': input},
'file.d.ts(3,7): error: Required jsdoc tags - One of the tags: "@stable", "@foo", "@bar" - must exist on `param`.',
{paramTags: {requireAtLeastOne: ['stable', 'foo', 'bar']}});
it('should allow with one of the requireAtLeastOne tags found', () => {
const input = `
* @foo
* @bar
* @stable
export declare class A {
* @foo
export declare const b: string;
* @bar
export declare var c: number;
* @stable
export declare function d(): void;
const expected = `
export declare class A {
export declare const b: string;
export declare var c: number;
export declare function d(): void;
{'file.d.ts': input}, expected,
{exportTags: {requireAtLeastOne: ['stable', 'foo', 'bar']}});
function getMockHost(files: {[name: string]: string}): ts.CompilerHost {
return {
getSourceFile: (sourceName, languageVersion) => {
if (!files[sourceName]) return undefined;
return ts.createSourceFile(
sourceName, stripExtraIndentation(files[sourceName]), languageVersion, true);
writeFile: (name, text, writeByteOrderMark) => {},
fileExists: (filename) => !!files[filename],
readFile: (filename) => stripExtraIndentation(files[filename]),
getDefaultLibFileName: () => 'lib.ts',
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => true,
getCanonicalFileName: (filename) => filename,
getCurrentDirectory: () => './',
getNewLine: () => '\n',
getDirectories: () => []
function check(
files: {[name: string]: string}, expected: string, options: SerializationOptions = {}) {
const actual = publicApiInternal(getMockHost(files), 'file.d.ts', {}, options);
function checkThrows(
files: {[name: string]: string}, error: string, options: SerializationOptions = {}) {
expect(() => publicApiInternal(getMockHost(files), 'file.d.ts', {}, options)).toThrowError(error);
function stripExtraIndentation(text: string) {
let lines = text.split('\n');
// Ignore first and last new line
lines = lines.slice(1, lines.length - 1);
const commonIndent = lines.reduce((min, line) => {
const indent = /^( *)/.exec(line)![1].length;
// Ignore empty line
return line.length ? Math.min(min, indent) : min;
}, text.length);
return => line.substr(commonIndent)).join('\n') + '\n';