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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
feat(testing): add implicit test module Every test now has an implicit module. It can be configured via `configureModule` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers, directives, pipes, ... The compiler now has to be configured separately via `configureCompiler` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers or define whether to use jit. BREAKING CHANGE: - Application providers can no longer inject compiler internals (i.e. everything from `@angular/compiler). Inject `Compiler` instead. This reflects the changes to `bootstrap` for module support (3f55aa609f60f130f1d69188ed057214b1267cb3). - Compiler providers can no longer be added via `addProviders` / `withProviders`. Use the new method `configureCompiler` instead. - Platform directives / pipes need to be provided via `configureModule` and can no longer be provided via the `PLATFORM_PIPES` / `PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES` tokens. - `setBaseTestProviders()` was renamed into `initTestEnvironment` and now takes a `PlatformRef` and a factory for a `Compiler`. - E.g. for the browser platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform, BrowserDynamicTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform(), BrowserDynamicTestModule); ``` - E.g. for the server platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-server/testing/server’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform, ServerTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform(), ServerTestModule); ``` Related to #9726 Closes #9846
2016-07-04 12:37:30 -04:00
import {NgIf} from '@angular/common';
import {CompilerConfig, XHR} from '@angular/compiler';
import {AppModule, Component, ComponentFactoryResolver, Directive, Injectable, Input, Pipe, ViewMetadata, provide} from '@angular/core';
import {TestComponentBuilder, addProviders, async, configureCompiler, configureModule, doAsyncPrecompilation, fakeAsync, inject, tick, withModule, withProviders} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/matchers';
feat(testing): add implicit test module Every test now has an implicit module. It can be configured via `configureModule` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers, directives, pipes, ... The compiler now has to be configured separately via `configureCompiler` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers or define whether to use jit. BREAKING CHANGE: - Application providers can no longer inject compiler internals (i.e. everything from `@angular/compiler). Inject `Compiler` instead. This reflects the changes to `bootstrap` for module support (3f55aa609f60f130f1d69188ed057214b1267cb3). - Compiler providers can no longer be added via `addProviders` / `withProviders`. Use the new method `configureCompiler` instead. - Platform directives / pipes need to be provided via `configureModule` and can no longer be provided via the `PLATFORM_PIPES` / `PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES` tokens. - `setBaseTestProviders()` was renamed into `initTestEnvironment` and now takes a `PlatformRef` and a factory for a `Compiler`. - E.g. for the browser platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform, BrowserDynamicTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform(), BrowserDynamicTestModule); ``` - E.g. for the server platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-server/testing/server’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform, ServerTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform(), ServerTestModule); ``` Related to #9726 Closes #9846
2016-07-04 12:37:30 -04:00
import {stringify} from '../../http/src/facade/lang';
import {PromiseWrapper} from '../../http/src/facade/promise';
// Services, and components for the tests.
{selector: 'child-comp', template: `<span>Original {{childBinding}}</span>`, directives: []})
class ChildComp {
childBinding: string;
constructor() { this.childBinding = 'Child'; }
@Component({selector: 'child-comp', template: `<span>Mock</span>`})
class MockChildComp {
selector: 'parent-comp',
template: `Parent(<child-comp></child-comp>)`,
directives: [ChildComp]
class ParentComp {
@Component({selector: 'my-if-comp', template: `MyIf(<span *ngIf="showMore">More</span>)`})
class MyIfComp {
showMore: boolean = false;
@Component({selector: 'child-child-comp', template: `<span>ChildChild</span>`})
class ChildChildComp {
selector: 'child-comp',
template: `<span>Original {{childBinding}}(<child-child-comp></child-child-comp>)</span>`,
directives: [ChildChildComp]
class ChildWithChildComp {
childBinding: string;
constructor() { this.childBinding = 'Child'; }
@Component({selector: 'child-child-comp', template: `<span>ChildChild Mock</span>`})
class MockChildChildComp {
class FancyService {
value: string = 'real value';
getAsyncValue() { return Promise.resolve('async value'); }
getTimeoutValue() {
return new Promise(
(resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve('timeout value'); }, 10); });
class MockFancyService extends FancyService {
value: string = 'mocked out value';
selector: 'my-service-comp',
providers: [FancyService],
template: `injected value: {{fancyService.value}}`
class TestProvidersComp {
constructor(private fancyService: FancyService) {}
selector: 'my-service-comp',
viewProviders: [FancyService],
template: `injected value: {{fancyService.value}}`
class TestViewProvidersComp {
constructor(private fancyService: FancyService) {}
feat(testing): add implicit test module Every test now has an implicit module. It can be configured via `configureModule` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers, directives, pipes, ... The compiler now has to be configured separately via `configureCompiler` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers or define whether to use jit. BREAKING CHANGE: - Application providers can no longer inject compiler internals (i.e. everything from `@angular/compiler). Inject `Compiler` instead. This reflects the changes to `bootstrap` for module support (3f55aa609f60f130f1d69188ed057214b1267cb3). - Compiler providers can no longer be added via `addProviders` / `withProviders`. Use the new method `configureCompiler` instead. - Platform directives / pipes need to be provided via `configureModule` and can no longer be provided via the `PLATFORM_PIPES` / `PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES` tokens. - `setBaseTestProviders()` was renamed into `initTestEnvironment` and now takes a `PlatformRef` and a factory for a `Compiler`. - E.g. for the browser platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform, BrowserDynamicTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform(), BrowserDynamicTestModule); ``` - E.g. for the server platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-server/testing/server’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform, ServerTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform(), ServerTestModule); ``` Related to #9726 Closes #9846
2016-07-04 12:37:30 -04:00
@Directive({selector: '[someDir]', host: {'[title]': 'someDir'}})
class SomeDirective {
someDir: string;
@Pipe({name: 'somePipe'})
class SomePipe {
transform(value: string): any { return `transformed ${value}`; }
@Component({selector: 'comp', template: `<div [someDir]="'someValue' | somePipe"></div>`})
class CompUsingModuleDirectiveAndPipe {
class SomeNestedModule {
selector: 'comp',
templateUrl: '/base/modules/@angular/platform-browser/test/static_assets/test.html'
feat(testing): add implicit test module Every test now has an implicit module. It can be configured via `configureModule` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers, directives, pipes, ... The compiler now has to be configured separately via `configureCompiler` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers or define whether to use jit. BREAKING CHANGE: - Application providers can no longer inject compiler internals (i.e. everything from `@angular/compiler). Inject `Compiler` instead. This reflects the changes to `bootstrap` for module support (3f55aa609f60f130f1d69188ed057214b1267cb3). - Compiler providers can no longer be added via `addProviders` / `withProviders`. Use the new method `configureCompiler` instead. - Platform directives / pipes need to be provided via `configureModule` and can no longer be provided via the `PLATFORM_PIPES` / `PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES` tokens. - `setBaseTestProviders()` was renamed into `initTestEnvironment` and now takes a `PlatformRef` and a factory for a `Compiler`. - E.g. for the browser platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform, BrowserDynamicTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform(), BrowserDynamicTestModule); ``` - E.g. for the server platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-server/testing/server’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform, ServerTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform(), ServerTestModule); ``` Related to #9726 Closes #9846
2016-07-04 12:37:30 -04:00
class CompWithUrlTemplate {
export function main() {
describe('using the async helper', () => {
var actuallyDone: boolean;
beforeEach(() => { actuallyDone = false; });
afterEach(() => { expect(actuallyDone).toEqual(true); });
it('should run normal tests', () => { actuallyDone = true; });
it('should run normal async tests', (done: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
setTimeout(() => {
actuallyDone = true;
}, 0);
it('should run async tests with tasks',
async(() => { setTimeout(() => { actuallyDone = true; }, 0); }));
it('should run async tests with promises', async(() => {
var p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(resolve, 10); });
p.then(() => { actuallyDone = true; });
describe('using the test injector with the inject helper', () => {
describe('setting up Providers', () => {
beforeEach(() => addProviders([{provide: FancyService, useValue: new FancyService()}]));
it('should use set up providers', inject([FancyService], (service: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
expect(service.value).toEqual('real value');
it('should wait until returned promises',
async(inject([FancyService], (service: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
(value: any /** TODO #9100 */) => { expect(value).toEqual('async value'); });
(value: any /** TODO #9100 */) => { expect(value).toEqual('timeout value'); });
it('should allow the use of fakeAsync',
fakeAsync(inject([FancyService], (service: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
var value: any /** TODO #9100 */;
service.getAsyncValue().then(function(val: any /** TODO #9100 */) { value = val; });
expect(value).toEqual('async value');
it('should allow use of "done"', (done: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
inject([FancyService], (service: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
let count = 0;
let id = setInterval(() => {
if (count > 2) {
}, 5);
})(); // inject needs to be invoked explicitly with ().
describe('using beforeEach', () => {
beforeEach(inject([FancyService], (service: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
service.value = 'value modified in beforeEach';
it('should use modified providers',
inject([FancyService], (service: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
expect(service.value).toEqual('value modified in beforeEach');
describe('using async beforeEach', () => {
beforeEach(async(inject([FancyService], (service: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
(value: any /** TODO #9100 */) => { service.value = value; });
it('should use asynchronously modified value',
inject([FancyService], (service: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
expect(service.value).toEqual('async value');
describe('per test providers', () => {
it('should allow per test providers',
withProviders(() => [{provide: FancyService, useValue: new FancyService()}])
.inject([FancyService], (service: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
expect(service.value).toEqual('real value');
it('should return value from inject', () => {
let retval = withProviders(() => [{provide: FancyService, useValue: new FancyService()}])
.inject([FancyService], (service: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
expect(service.value).toEqual('real value');
return 10;
feat(testing): add implicit test module Every test now has an implicit module. It can be configured via `configureModule` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers, directives, pipes, ... The compiler now has to be configured separately via `configureCompiler` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers or define whether to use jit. BREAKING CHANGE: - Application providers can no longer inject compiler internals (i.e. everything from `@angular/compiler). Inject `Compiler` instead. This reflects the changes to `bootstrap` for module support (3f55aa609f60f130f1d69188ed057214b1267cb3). - Compiler providers can no longer be added via `addProviders` / `withProviders`. Use the new method `configureCompiler` instead. - Platform directives / pipes need to be provided via `configureModule` and can no longer be provided via the `PLATFORM_PIPES` / `PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES` tokens. - `setBaseTestProviders()` was renamed into `initTestEnvironment` and now takes a `PlatformRef` and a factory for a `Compiler`. - E.g. for the browser platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform, BrowserDynamicTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform(), BrowserDynamicTestModule); ``` - E.g. for the server platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-server/testing/server’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform, ServerTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform(), ServerTestModule); ``` Related to #9726 Closes #9846
2016-07-04 12:37:30 -04:00
describe('using the test injector with modules', () => {
let moduleConfig: any;
beforeEach(() => {
moduleConfig = {
providers: [FancyService],
directives: [SomeDirective],
pipes: [SomePipe],
precompile: [CompUsingModuleDirectiveAndPipe],
modules: [SomeNestedModule]
describe('setting up a module', () => {
beforeEach(() => configureModule(moduleConfig));
it('should use set up providers', inject([FancyService], (service: FancyService) => {
expect(service.value).toEqual('real value');
it('should use set up directives and pipes',
inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
let compFixture = tcb.createSync(CompUsingModuleDirectiveAndPipe);
let el = compFixture.debugElement;
expect(el.children[0].properties['title']).toBe('transformed someValue');
it('should use set up nested modules',
inject([SomeNestedModule], (nestedModule: SomeNestedModule) => {
it('should use set up precompile components',
inject([ComponentFactoryResolver], (resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) => {
describe('per test modules', () => {
it('should use set up providers',
withModule(() => moduleConfig).inject([FancyService], (service: FancyService) => {
expect(service.value).toEqual('real value');
it('should use set up directives and pipes',
withModule(() => moduleConfig)
.inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
let compFixture = tcb.createSync(CompUsingModuleDirectiveAndPipe);
let el = compFixture.debugElement;
expect(el.children[0].properties['title']).toBe('transformed someValue');
it('should use set up nested modules',
withModule(() => moduleConfig)
.inject([SomeNestedModule], (nestedModule: SomeNestedModule) => {
it('should use set up precompile components',
withModule(() => moduleConfig)
.inject([ComponentFactoryResolver], (resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) => {
describe('precompile components with template url', () => {
beforeEach(async(() => {
configureModule({precompile: [CompWithUrlTemplate]});
feat(testing): add implicit test module Every test now has an implicit module. It can be configured via `configureModule` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers, directives, pipes, ... The compiler now has to be configured separately via `configureCompiler` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers or define whether to use jit. BREAKING CHANGE: - Application providers can no longer inject compiler internals (i.e. everything from `@angular/compiler). Inject `Compiler` instead. This reflects the changes to `bootstrap` for module support (3f55aa609f60f130f1d69188ed057214b1267cb3). - Compiler providers can no longer be added via `addProviders` / `withProviders`. Use the new method `configureCompiler` instead. - Platform directives / pipes need to be provided via `configureModule` and can no longer be provided via the `PLATFORM_PIPES` / `PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES` tokens. - `setBaseTestProviders()` was renamed into `initTestEnvironment` and now takes a `PlatformRef` and a factory for a `Compiler`. - E.g. for the browser platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform, BrowserDynamicTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform(), BrowserDynamicTestModule); ``` - E.g. for the server platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-server/testing/server’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform, ServerTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform(), ServerTestModule); ``` Related to #9726 Closes #9846
2016-07-04 12:37:30 -04:00
it('should allow to createSync components with templateUrl after async precompilation',
inject([TestComponentBuilder], (builder: TestComponentBuilder) => {
let fixture = builder.createSync(CompWithUrlTemplate);
expect(fixture.nativeElement).toHaveText('from external template\n');
feat(testing): add implicit test module Every test now has an implicit module. It can be configured via `configureModule` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers, directives, pipes, ... The compiler now has to be configured separately via `configureCompiler` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers or define whether to use jit. BREAKING CHANGE: - Application providers can no longer inject compiler internals (i.e. everything from `@angular/compiler). Inject `Compiler` instead. This reflects the changes to `bootstrap` for module support (3f55aa609f60f130f1d69188ed057214b1267cb3). - Compiler providers can no longer be added via `addProviders` / `withProviders`. Use the new method `configureCompiler` instead. - Platform directives / pipes need to be provided via `configureModule` and can no longer be provided via the `PLATFORM_PIPES` / `PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES` tokens. - `setBaseTestProviders()` was renamed into `initTestEnvironment` and now takes a `PlatformRef` and a factory for a `Compiler`. - E.g. for the browser platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform, BrowserDynamicTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform(), BrowserDynamicTestModule); ``` - E.g. for the server platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-server/testing/server’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform, ServerTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform(), ServerTestModule); ``` Related to #9726 Closes #9846
2016-07-04 12:37:30 -04:00
describe('setting up the compiler', () => {
describe('providers', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
let xhrGet = jasmine.createSpy('xhrGet').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve('Hello world!'));
configureCompiler({providers: [{provide: XHR, useValue: {get: xhrGet}}]});
it('should use set up providers',
fakeAsync(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
let compFixture = tcb.createFakeAsync(CompWithUrlTemplate);
expect(compFixture.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello world!');
describe('useJit true', () => {
beforeEach(() => { configureCompiler({useJit: true}); });
it('should set the value into CompilerConfig',
inject([CompilerConfig], (config: CompilerConfig) => {
describe('useJit false', () => {
beforeEach(() => { configureCompiler({useJit: false}); });
it('should set the value into CompilerConfig',
inject([CompilerConfig], (config: CompilerConfig) => {
describe('errors', () => {
var originalJasmineIt: any;
var originalJasmineBeforeEach: any;
var patchJasmineIt = () => {
var deferred = PromiseWrapper.completer();
originalJasmineIt = jasmine.getEnv().it;
jasmine.getEnv().it = (description: string, fn: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
var done = () => { deferred.resolve(); };
(<any>done).fail = (err: any /** TODO #9100 */) => { deferred.reject(err); };
return null;
return deferred.promise;
var restoreJasmineIt = () => { jasmine.getEnv().it = originalJasmineIt; };
var patchJasmineBeforeEach = () => {
var deferred = PromiseWrapper.completer();
originalJasmineBeforeEach = jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach;
jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach = (fn: any) => {
var done = () => { deferred.resolve(); };
(<any>done).fail = (err: any /** TODO #9100 */) => { deferred.reject(err); };
return null;
return deferred.promise;
var restoreJasmineBeforeEach =
2016-05-20 19:11:49 -04:00
() => { jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach = originalJasmineBeforeEach; };
it('should fail when an asynchronous error is thrown', (done: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
var itPromise = patchJasmineIt();
var barError = new Error('bar');
it('throws an async error',
async(inject([], () => { setTimeout(() => { throw barError; }, 0); })));
() => {'Expected test to fail, but it did not'); },
(err) => {
it('should fail when a returned promise is rejected', (done: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
var itPromise = patchJasmineIt();
it('should fail with an error from a promise', async(inject([], () => {
var deferred = PromiseWrapper.completer();
var p = deferred.promise.then(() => { expect(1).toEqual(2); });
return p;
() => {'Expected test to fail, but it did not'); },
(err) => {
expect(err.message).toEqual('Uncaught (in promise): baz');
describe('using addProviders', () => {
beforeEach(() => addProviders([{provide: FancyService, useValue: new FancyService()}]));
beforeEach(inject([FancyService], (service: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
expect(service.value).toEqual('real value');
describe('nested addProviders', () => {
it('should fail when the injector has already been used', () => {
expect(() => {
beforeEach(() => addProviders([{provide: FancyService, useValue: new FancyService()}]));
'addProviders can\'t be called after the injector has been already created for this test. ' +
'This is most likely because you\'ve already used the injector to inject a beforeEach or the ' +
'current `it` function.');
feat(testing): add implicit test module Every test now has an implicit module. It can be configured via `configureModule` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers, directives, pipes, ... The compiler now has to be configured separately via `configureCompiler` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers or define whether to use jit. BREAKING CHANGE: - Application providers can no longer inject compiler internals (i.e. everything from `@angular/compiler). Inject `Compiler` instead. This reflects the changes to `bootstrap` for module support (3f55aa609f60f130f1d69188ed057214b1267cb3). - Compiler providers can no longer be added via `addProviders` / `withProviders`. Use the new method `configureCompiler` instead. - Platform directives / pipes need to be provided via `configureModule` and can no longer be provided via the `PLATFORM_PIPES` / `PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES` tokens. - `setBaseTestProviders()` was renamed into `initTestEnvironment` and now takes a `PlatformRef` and a factory for a `Compiler`. - E.g. for the browser platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform, BrowserDynamicTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform(), BrowserDynamicTestModule); ``` - E.g. for the server platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-server/testing/server’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform, ServerTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform(), ServerTestModule); ``` Related to #9726 Closes #9846
2016-07-04 12:37:30 -04:00
describe('precompile', () => {
let xhrGet: jasmine.Spy;
beforeEach(() => {
xhrGet = jasmine.createSpy('xhrGet').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve('Hello world!'));
configureCompiler({providers: [{provide: XHR, useValue: {get: xhrGet}}]});
it('should report an error for precompile components with templateUrl which never call doAsyncPrecompile',
() => {
var itPromise = patchJasmineIt();
() =>
it('should fail',
withModule(() => { return {precompile: [CompWithUrlTemplate]}; })
(resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) => {
`This test module precompiles the component ${stringify(CompWithUrlTemplate)} which is using a "templateUrl", but precompilation was never done. ` +
'Please call "doAsyncPrecompilation" before "inject".');
feat(testing): add implicit test module Every test now has an implicit module. It can be configured via `configureModule` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers, directives, pipes, ... The compiler now has to be configured separately via `configureCompiler` (from @angular/core/testing) to add providers or define whether to use jit. BREAKING CHANGE: - Application providers can no longer inject compiler internals (i.e. everything from `@angular/compiler). Inject `Compiler` instead. This reflects the changes to `bootstrap` for module support (3f55aa609f60f130f1d69188ed057214b1267cb3). - Compiler providers can no longer be added via `addProviders` / `withProviders`. Use the new method `configureCompiler` instead. - Platform directives / pipes need to be provided via `configureModule` and can no longer be provided via the `PLATFORM_PIPES` / `PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES` tokens. - `setBaseTestProviders()` was renamed into `initTestEnvironment` and now takes a `PlatformRef` and a factory for a `Compiler`. - E.g. for the browser platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform, BrowserDynamicTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( browserTestCompiler, browserDynamicTestPlatform(), BrowserDynamicTestModule); ``` - E.g. for the server platform: BEFORE: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS} from ‘@angular/platform-server/testing/server’; setBaseTestProviders(TEST_SERVER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, TEST_SERVER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS); ``` AFTER: ``` import {setBaseTestProviders} from ‘@angular/core/testing’; import {serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform, ServerTestModule} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing’; initTestEnvironment( serverTestCompiler, serverTestPlatform(), ServerTestModule); ``` Related to #9726 Closes #9846
2016-07-04 12:37:30 -04:00
describe('test component builder', function() {
it('should instantiate a component with valid DOM',
async(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
tcb.createAsync(ChildComp).then((componentFixture) => {
expect(componentFixture.debugElement.nativeElement).toHaveText('Original Child');
it('should allow changing members of the component',
async(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
tcb.createAsync(MyIfComp).then((componentFixture) => {
componentFixture.debugElement.componentInstance.showMore = true;
it('should override a template',
async(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
tcb.overrideTemplate(MockChildComp, '<span>Mock</span>')
.then((componentFixture) => {
it('should override a view',
async(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
ChildComp, new ViewMetadata({template: '<span>Modified {{childBinding}}</span>'}))
.then((componentFixture) => {
expect(componentFixture.debugElement.nativeElement).toHaveText('Modified Child');
it('should override component dependencies',
async(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
tcb.overrideDirective(ParentComp, ChildComp, MockChildComp)
.then((componentFixture) => {
it('should override child component\'s dependencies',
async(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
tcb.overrideDirective(ParentComp, ChildComp, ChildWithChildComp)
.overrideDirective(ChildWithChildComp, ChildChildComp, MockChildChildComp)
.then((componentFixture) => {
.toHaveText('Parent(Original Child(ChildChild Mock))');
it('should override a provider',
async(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
TestProvidersComp, [{provide: FancyService, useClass: MockFancyService}])
.then((componentFixture) => {
.toHaveText('injected value: mocked out value');
it('should override a viewProvider',
async(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
TestViewProvidersComp, [{provide: FancyService, useClass: MockFancyService}])
.then((componentFixture) => {
.toHaveText('injected value: mocked out value');