Helps you organize an application into cohesive blocks of functionality.
An Angular module identifies the components, directives, and pipes that the application uses along with the list of external Angular modules that the application needs, such as `FormsModule`.
Every Angular application has an application root-module class. By convention, the class is
called `AppModule` and resides in a file named `app.module.ts`.
For details and examples, see the [Angular Modules (NgModule)](guide/ngmodule) page.
You can bootstrap multiple apps in the same `index.html`, each app with its own top-level root.
## camelCase
~~~ {.l-sub-section}
The practice of writing compound words or phrases such that each word or abbreviation begins with a capital letter
_except the first letter, which is lowercase_.
Function, property, and method names are typically spelled in camelCase. For example, `square`, `firstName`, and `getHeroes`. Notice that `square` is an example of how you write a single word in camelCase.
camelCase is also known as *lower camel case* to distinguish it from *upper camel case*, or [PascalCase](guide/glossary#pascalcase).
In Angular documentation, "camelCase" always means *lower camel case*.
{@a component}
## Component
~~~ {.l-sub-section}
An Angular class responsible for exposing data to a [view](guide/glossary#view) and handling most of the view’s display and user-interaction logic.
The *component* is one of the most important building blocks in the Angular system.
It is, in fact, an Angular [directive](guide/glossary#directive) with a companion [template](guide/glossary#template).
A *function* that adds metadata to a class, its members (properties, methods) and function arguments.
Decorators are a JavaScript language [feature](, implemented in TypeScript and proposed for ES2016 (also known as ES7).
To apply a decorator, position it immediately above or to the left of the item it decorates.
Angular has its own set of decorators to help it interoperate with your application parts.
The following example is a `@Component` decorator that identifies a
class as an Angular [component](guide/glossary#component) and an `@Input` decorator applied to the `name` property
of that component. The elided object argument to the `@Component` decorator would contain the pertinent component metadata.
export class AppComponent {
constructor(@Inject('SpecialFoo') public foo:Foo) {}
@Input() name:string;
The scope of a decorator is limited to the language feature
that it decorates. None of the decorations shown here will "leak" to other
classes that follow it in the file.
~~~ {}
Always include parentheses `()` when applying a decorator.
## Dependency injection
~~~ {.l-sub-section}
A design pattern and mechanism
for creating and delivering parts of an application to other
parts of an application that request them.
Angular developers prefer to build applications by defining many simple parts
that each do one thing well and then wiring them together at runtime.
These parts often rely on other parts. An Angular [component](guide/glossary#component)
part might rely on a service part to get data or perform a calculation. When
part "A" relies on another part "B," you say that "A" depends on "B" and
that "B" is a dependency of "A."
You can ask a "dependency injection system" to create "A"
for us and handle all the dependencies.
If "A" needs "B" and "B" needs "C," the system resolves that chain of dependencies
and returns a fully prepared instance of "A."
Angular provides and relies upon its own sophisticated
dependency-injection system
to assemble and run applications by "injecting" application parts
into other application parts where and when needed.
At the core, an [`injector`](guide/glossary#injector) returns dependency values on request.
The expression `injector.get(token)` returns the value associated with the given token.
A token is an Angular type (`OpaqueToken`). You rarely need to work with tokens directly; most
methods accept a class name (`Foo`) or a string ("foo") and Angular converts it
to a token. When you write `injector.get(Foo)`, the injector returns
the value associated with the token for the `Foo` class, typically an instance of `Foo` itself.
During many of its operations, Angular makes similar requests internally, such as when it creates a [`component`](guide/glossary#component) for display.
The `Injector` maintains an internal map of tokens to dependency values.
If the `Injector` can't find a value for a given token, it creates
a new value using a `Provider` for that token.
A [provider](guide/glossary#provider) is a recipe for
creating new instances of a dependency value associated with a particular token.
An injector can only create a value for a given token if it has
a `provider` for that token in its internal provider registry.
Registering providers is a critical preparatory step.
Angular registers some of its own providers with every injector.
A cohesive block of code dedicated to a single purpose.
Angular apps are modular.
In general, you assemble an application from many modules, both the ones you write and the ones you acquire from others.
A module *exports* something of value in that code, typically one thing such as a class;
a module that needs that class *imports* it.
The structure of Angular modules and the import/export syntax
is based on the [ES2015 module standard](
An application that adheres to this standard requires a module loader to
load modules on request and resolve inter-module dependencies.
Angular doesn't include a module loader and doesn't have a preference
for any particular third-party library (although most examples use SystemJS).
You can use any module library that conforms to the standard.
Modules are typically named after the file in which the exported thing is defined.
The Angular [DatePipe](
class belongs to a feature module named `date_pipe` in the file `date_pipe.ts`.
You rarely access Angular feature modules directly. You usually import them from an Angular [scoped package](guide/glossary#scoped-package) such as `@angular/core`.
It relates a lookup token to code—sometimes called a "recipe"—that can create a dependency value.
{@a Q}
## Reactive forms
~~~ {.l-sub-section}
A technique for building Angular forms through code in a component.
The alternative technique is [template-driven forms](guide/glossary#template-driven-forms).
When building reactive forms:
- The "source of truth" is the component. The validation is defined using code in the component.
- Each control is explicitly created in the component class with `new FormControl()` or with `FormBuilder`.
- The template input elements do *not* use `ngModel`.
- The associated Angular directives are all prefixed with `Form`, such as `FormGroup`, `FormControl`, and `FormControlName`.
Reactive forms are powerful, flexible, and a good choice for more complex data-entry form scenarios, such as dynamic generation of form controls.
## Router
~~~ {.l-sub-section}
Most applications consist of many screens or [views](guide/glossary#view).
The user navigates among them by clicking links and buttons,
and performing other similar actions that cause the application to
replace one view with another.
The Angular component router is a richly featured mechanism for configuring and managing the entire view navigation process, including the creation and destruction
A separate [Angular module](guide/glossary#angular-module) that provides the necessary service providers and directives for navigating through application views.
A chunk of HTML that Angular uses to render a [view](guide/glossary#view) with
the support and guidance of an Angular [directive](guide/glossary#directive),
most notably a [component](guide/glossary#component).
## Template-driven forms
~~~ {.l-sub-section}
A technique for building Angular forms using HTML forms and input elements in the view.
The alternate technique is [Reactive Forms](guide/glossary#reactive-forms).
When building template-driven forms:
- The "source of truth" is the template. The validation is defined using attributes on the individual input elements.
- [Two-way binding](guide/glossary#data-binding) with `ngModel` keeps the component model synchronized with the user's entry into the input elements.
- Behind the scenes, Angular creates a new control for each input element, provided you have set up a `name` attribute and two-way binding for each input.
- The associated Angular directives are all prefixed with `ng` such as `ngForm`, `ngModel`, and `ngModelGroup`.
Template-driven forms are convenient, quick, and simple. They are a good choice for many basic data-entry form scenarios.