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Angular2 templates are now case-sensitive and use camelCase in many places where dash-case was previously used ([design doc] (
## Overview
Where you used to write:
<my-cmp (some-event)="someAction()" [some-property]="expression" #some-var>
in order to:
- bind to the `someEvent` event,
- bind to the `someProperty` property,
- create a `someVar` local variable
You should now write:
<my-cmp (someEvent)="someAction()" [someProperty]="expression" #someVar>
- while tag name are case sensitive, the best practice is to use dash case for component elements so that the browser
interpret them as custom elements,
- `(some-event)` would now bind to the `some-event` event (i.e. there is no implicit dash to camel case conversion),
- `(some-property)` would now bind to the `some-property` property (i.e. there is no implicit dash to camel case conversion),
- `#some-var` is not allowed any more ("-" can not be used in variable names).
## Migration
#### Templates
1. Directives selectors, property bindings, event bindings, template variables and template element attributes should be changed to camel case:
- `<p *ng-if="cond">` should be changed to `<p *ngIf="cond">`,
- `<my-cmp [my-prop]="exp">` should be changed to `<my-cmp [myProp]="exp">`,
- `<my-cmp (my-event)="action()">` should be changed to `<my-cmp (myEvent)="action()">`,
- `<my-cmp [(my-prop)]="prop">` should be changed to `<my-cmp [(myProp)]="prop">`,
- `<input #my-input>` should be changed to `<input #myInput>`,
- `<template ng-for #my-item [ng-for-of]=items #my-index="index">` should be changed to `<template ngFor="#my-item" [ngForOf]=items #myIndex="index">`,
Note: while the tag names are now case-sensitive the best practice is to keep them lower-dash-cased so that the browser
treat them as custom elements. Using dashes in custom element names is required by the [Custom Element HTML Spec](
This explains why the `<router-outlet>` component is left unchanged.
`on-`, `bindon-`, `bind-` and `var-` prefixes are still part of the canonical syntax and should remain unchanged (lower cased):
- `on-some-event` should be changed to `on-someEvent`,
- `bind-my-prop` should be changed to `bind-myProp`,
- `bindon-my-prop` should be changed to `bindon-myProp`,
- `var-my-var` should be changed to `var-myVar`.
2. Update variable binding
- `<p #var1="a-b" var-var2="c-d">` should be changed to `<p #var1="aB" var-var2="cD">`
3. The `template` attribute values should also be updated in the same way
`<p template="ng-for #my-item of items #my-index = index">` should be changed to `<p template="ngFor #myItem of items #myIndex = index">`.
Note that both angular directives and your own directives must be updated in the same way.
#### Directives and Components
Take the following steps to upgrade your directives and components:
1. Update the selector:
@Directive({selector: 'tag[attr][name=value]'})
@Component({selector: 'tag[attr][name=value]'})
Tag and attributes names are case sensitive:
- For tag names, the best practice is to keep them lower dash cased, do not update them,
- For attribute names, the best practice is to convert them from lower dash case to camel case.
- `custom-tag` should stay `custom-tag` (do not update tag names),
- `[attr-name]` should be updated to `[attrName]`,
- `[attr-name=someValue]` should be updated to `[attrName=someValue]`,
- `custom-tag[attr-name=someValue]` should be updated to `custom-tag[attrName=someValue]`
Note: attribute values and classes are still matched case insensitive.
2. Update the inputs
@Directive({inputs: ['myProp', 'myOtherProp: my-attr-name']})
As attribute names are now case sensitive, they should be converted from dash to camel case where they are specified.
The previous decorator becomes:
@Directive({inputs: ['myProp', 'myOtherProp: myAttrName']})
- only the long syntax (with ":") needs not be updated,
- `properties` is the legacy name for `inputs` and should be updated in the same way - it is a good idea to replace
`properties` with `inputs` at the same time as support for the former will be removed soon.
The same applies for the `@Input` decorator:
@Input() myProp;
@Input('my-attr-name') myProp;
That is they only need to be updated when the attribute name is specified:
@Input() myProp; // Nothing to update
@Input('myAttrName') myProp; // Convert the attribute name to camel case
3. Update the outputs
Update the outputs in the same way the inputs are updated:
@Directive({outputs: ['myEvent', 'myOtherEvent: my-event-name']})
should be updated to:
@Directive({outputs: ['myEvent', 'myOtherEvent: myEventName']})
If you use `events` instead of `outputs` you should update in the same way and switch to `outputs` as `events` is deprecated.
@Output() myEvent;
@Output('my-event-name') myEvent;
should be changed to:
@Output() myEvent;
@Output('myEventName') myEvent;
4. Update the host bindings
host: {
'[some-prop]': 'exp',
'[style.background-color]': 'exp',
'[class.some-class]': 'exp',
'(some-event)': 'action()',
'some-attr': 'value'
should be changed to:
host: {
'[someProp]': 'exp',
'[style.background-color]': 'exp',
'[class.some-class]': 'exp',
'(someEvent)': 'action()',
'some-attr': 'value'
The property bindings (`[...]`) and event bindings (`(...)`) must be updated in the same way as they are updated in a
template (reminder: `[attr.]`, `[class.]` and `[style.]` should not be converted to camel case).
5. Update export name
exportAs: 'some-name'
should be changed to:
exportAs: 'someName'