2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
///<reference path="../typings/angularjs/angular.d.ts"/>
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
* decorates $compileProvider so that we have access to routing metadata
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
function compilerProviderDecorator($compileProvider,
$$directiveIntrospectorProvider: DirectiveIntrospectorProvider) {
let directive = $compileProvider.directive;
$compileProvider.directive = function(name: string, factory: Function) {
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
$$directiveIntrospectorProvider.register(name, factory);
return directive.apply(this, arguments);
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
* private service that holds route mappings for each controller
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
class DirectiveIntrospectorProvider {
private directiveBuffer: any[] = [];
private directiveFactoriesByName: {[name: string]: Function} = {};
private onDirectiveRegistered: (name: string, factory: Function) => any = null;
register(name: string, factory: Function) {
if (angular.isArray(factory)) {
factory = factory[factory.length - 1];
this.directiveFactoriesByName[name] = factory;
if (this.onDirectiveRegistered) {
this.onDirectiveRegistered(name, factory);
} else {
this.directiveBuffer.push({name: name, factory: factory});
$get() {
let fn: any = newOnControllerRegistered => {
this.onDirectiveRegistered = newOnControllerRegistered;
while (this.directiveBuffer.length > 0) {
let directive = this.directiveBuffer.pop();
this.onDirectiveRegistered(directive.name, directive.factory);
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
fn.getTypeByName = name => this.directiveFactoriesByName[name];
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
return fn;
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
* @name ngOutlet
* @description
* An ngOutlet is where resolved content goes.
* ## Use
* ```html
* <div ng-outlet="name"></div>
* ```
* The value for the `ngOutlet` attribute is optional.
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
function ngOutletDirective($animate, $q: ng.IQService, $router) {
let rootRouter = $router;
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
return {
restrict: 'AE',
transclude: 'element',
terminal: true,
priority: 400,
require: ['?^^ngOutlet', 'ngOutlet'],
link: outletLink,
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
controller: class {},
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
controllerAs: '$$ngOutlet'
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
function outletLink(scope, element, attrs, ctrls, $transclude) {
class Outlet {
constructor(private controller, private router) {}
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
private currentController;
private currentInstruction;
private currentScope;
private currentElement;
private previousLeaveAnimation;
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
private cleanupLastView() {
if (this.previousLeaveAnimation) {
this.previousLeaveAnimation = null;
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
if (this.currentScope) {
this.currentScope = null;
if (this.currentElement) {
this.previousLeaveAnimation = $animate.leave(this.currentElement);
this.previousLeaveAnimation.then(() => this.previousLeaveAnimation = null);
this.currentElement = null;
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
reuse(instruction) {
let next = $q.when(true);
let previousInstruction = this.currentInstruction;
this.currentInstruction = instruction;
if (this.currentController && this.currentController.$onReuse) {
next = $q.when(
this.currentController.$onReuse(this.currentInstruction, previousInstruction));
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-08-31 00:25:46 -04:00
return next;
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
canReuse(nextInstruction) {
let result;
if (!this.currentInstruction ||
this.currentInstruction.componentType !== nextInstruction.componentType) {
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
result = false;
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
} else if (this.currentController && this.currentController.$canReuse) {
result = this.currentController.$canReuse(nextInstruction, this.currentInstruction);
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
} else {
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
result = nextInstruction === this.currentInstruction ||
angular.equals(nextInstruction.params, this.currentInstruction.params);
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-08-31 00:25:46 -04:00
return $q.when(result);
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
canDeactivate(instruction) {
if (this.currentController && this.currentController.$canDeactivate) {
return $q.when(
this.currentController.$canDeactivate(instruction, this.currentInstruction));
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
return $q.when(true);
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
deactivate(instruction) {
if (this.currentController && this.currentController.$onDeactivate) {
return $q.when(
this.currentController.$onDeactivate(instruction, this.currentInstruction));
2015-08-31 00:25:46 -04:00
return $q.when();
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
activate(instruction) {
let previousInstruction = this.currentInstruction;
this.currentInstruction = instruction;
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
let componentName = this.controller.$$componentName = instruction.componentType;
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
if (typeof componentName !== 'string') {
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
throw new Error('Component is not a string for ' + instruction.urlPath);
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
this.controller.$$routeParams = instruction.params;
this.controller.$$template = '<div ' + dashCase(componentName) + '></div>';
this.controller.$$router = this.router.childRouter(instruction.componentType);
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
let newScope = scope.$new();
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
let clone = $transclude(newScope, clone => {
$animate.enter(clone, null, this.currentElement || element);
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
this.currentElement = clone;
this.currentScope = newScope;
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
// TODO: prefer the other directive retrieving the controller
// by debug mode
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
this.currentController = this.currentElement.children().eq(0).controller(componentName);
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
if (this.currentController && this.currentController.$onActivate) {
return this.currentController.$onActivate(instruction, previousInstruction);
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
return $q.when();
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
let parentCtrl = ctrls[0], myCtrl = ctrls[1],
router = (parentCtrl && parentCtrl.$$router) || rootRouter;
myCtrl.$$currentComponent = null;
router.registerPrimaryOutlet(new Outlet(myCtrl, router));
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
* This directive is responsible for compiling the contents of ng-outlet
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
function ngOutletFillContentDirective($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
priority: -400,
require: 'ngOutlet',
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
link: (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) => {
let template = ctrl.$$template;
let link = $compile(element.contents());
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
// TODO: move to primary directive
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
let componentInstance = scope[ctrl.$$componentName];
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
if (componentInstance) {
ctrl.$$currentComponent = componentInstance;
componentInstance.$router = ctrl.$$router;
componentInstance.$routeParams = ctrl.$$routeParams;
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
* @name ngLink
* @description
* Lets you link to different parts of the app, and automatically generates hrefs.
* ## Use
* The directive uses a simple syntax: `ng-link="componentName({ param: paramValue })"`
2015-10-19 10:37:32 -04:00
* ### Example
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
* ```js
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
* angular.module('myApp', ['ngComponentRouter'])
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
* .controller('AppController', ['$router', function($router) {
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
* $router.config({ path: '/user/:id', component: 'user' });
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
* this.user = { name: 'Brian', id: 123 };
* });
* ```
* ```html
* <div ng-controller="AppController as app">
* <a ng-link="user({id: app.user.id})">{{app.user.name}}</a>
* </div>
* ```
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
function ngLinkDirective($router, $parse) {
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
let rootRouter = $router;
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
return {require: '?^^ngOutlet', restrict: 'A', link: ngLinkDirectiveLinkFn};
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
function ngLinkDirectiveLinkFn(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
let router = (ctrl && ctrl.$$router) || rootRouter;
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
if (!router) {
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
let instruction = null;
let link = attrs.ngLink || '';
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
function getLink(params) {
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
instruction = router.generate(params);
return './' + angular.stringifyInstruction(instruction);
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
let routeParamsGetter = $parse(link);
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
// we can avoid adding a watcher if it's a literal
if (routeParamsGetter.constant) {
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
let params = routeParamsGetter();
element.attr('href', getLink(params));
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
} else {
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
scope.$watch(() => routeParamsGetter(scope), params => element.attr('href', getLink(params)),
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
element.on('click', event => {
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
if (event.which !== 1 || !instruction) {
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
refactor(angular_1_router): use directives for route targets
Previously, route configuration took a controller constructor function as the value of
`component` in a route definition:
{ route: '/', component: MyController }
Based on the name of the controller, we used to use a componentMapper service to
determine what template to pair with each controller, how to bind the instance to
the $scope.
To make the 1.x router more semantically alligned with Angular 2, we now route to a directive.
Thus a route configuration takes a normalized directive name:
{ route: '/', component: 'myDirective' }
In order to avoid name collisions, lifecycle hooks are now prefixed with `$`. Before:
MyController.prototype.onActivate = ...
MyController.prototype.$onActivate = ...
Same for `$canActivate` (which now lives on the directive factory function),
`$canDeactivate`, `$canReuse`, and `$onDeactivate` hooks.
2015-09-18 18:53:50 -04:00
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
function dashCase(str: string): string {
return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, match => '-' + match.toLowerCase());
2015-08-20 16:19:34 -04:00
2015-09-27 19:12:23 -04:00
* A module for adding new a routing system Angular 1.
angular.module('ngComponentRouter', [])
.directive('ngOutlet', ngOutletDirective)
.directive('ngOutlet', ngOutletFillContentDirective)
.directive('ngLink', ngLinkDirective);
* A module for inspecting controller constructors
.provider('$$directiveIntrospector', DirectiveIntrospectorProvider)