The full migration instruction can be found at [angular2/docs/migration/](
* **core:** provide support for relative assets for components ([28860d3](, closes [#5634](
* **http:** use `any` for res.json() return ([cbf7888](, closes [#5636]( [#5646](
* **testing:** remove Symbol dummy shim ([c1ae49d](, closes [#5067]( [#5719](
* **package:** update RxJS to alpha.14 ([4432cf5](, closes [#5722](
### Features
* **testing:** package angular2_testing to prepare it for publishing ([cc8f1f9](, closes [#5682](
* **compiler:** support properties on SVG elements ([daaa8ee](, closes [#5653](
* **dynamic_component_loader:** leave the view tree in a consistent state when hydration fails ([0df8bc4](, closes [#5718](
* **form:** Form directives are exportedAs 'ngForm' (was 'form') ([8657ca4](, closes [#5658]( [#5709](
* **HtmlLexer:** handle CR in input stream per HTML spec ([9850e68](, closes [#5618]( [#5629](
* **HtmlLexer:** tag name must follow "<" without space ([47f1d12](
* **HtmlParser:** Do not add parent element for template children ([3a43861](, closes [#5638](
* **HtmlParser:** mark <source> elements as void ([50490b5](, closes [#5663]( [#5668](
* **npm:** move es6-shim from devDependencies to dependencies ([21542ed](
* **package:** relock RxJS to alpha.11 ([4b1618c](, closes [#5643]( [#5644](
* **router:** set correct redirect/default URL from hashchange ([aa85856](, closes [#5590]( [#5683](
### Features
* **HtmlLexer:** allow "<" in text tokens ([aecf681](, closes [#5550](
* **TemplateParser:** allow template elements regardless the namespace ([1f35048](, closes [#5703](
* The existing sfx bundle ( is replaced by UMD bundles:
angular2.umd.js and The new UMD bundles dont have
polyfills (zone.js, reflect-metadata) pre-appended. Those polyfills
can be easily loaded by including the angular-polyfills.js bundle.
* The `external-dependencies.js` bundle was removed.
Use `angular-polyfills.js` instead.
* Number and content of UMD bundles have changed:
- we only publish one bundle that contains: core, common, platform/browser, http, router, instrumentation and upgrade
- exported names have changed and now:
- core is exported as `ng.core`
- common is exported as `ng.common`
- platform/browser is exported as `ng.platform.browser`
- http is exported as `ng.http`
- router is exported as `ng.router`
- instrumentation is exported as `ng.instrumentation`
* **build:** change npm publish script not to remove angular folder when building benchpress ([47d0942](
* **build:** include benchpress into browser_tree ([87ac36f](
* **HtmlParser:** close void elements on all node types ([9c6b929](, closes [#5528](
* **HtmlParser:** do not add a tbody parent for tr inside thead & tfoot ([c58e7e0](, closes [#5403](
* **HtmlParser:** ng-content is not a void element ([e67e195](, closes [#5563]( [#5586](
* **WebWorker:** Add @AngularEntrypoint to worker_app bundle ([5e50859](, closes [#5588](
### Features
* **core:** remove typings from package.json to disallow 'import * as n from 'angular2''' ([9a65ea7](
* **HtmlParser:** add most common named character references ([d90a226](, closes [#5546]( [#5579](
* **HtmlParser:** better error message when a void tag has content ([62c2ed7](
* **HtmlParser:** enforce no end tag for void elements ([5660446](
* **HtmlParser:** enforce only void & foreign elts can be self closed ([d388c0a](, closes [#5591](
* **mocks:** Mark mock objects @Injectable() ([35e32bb](, closes [#5576](
* **router:** implement router link DSL ([4ea5b6e](, closes [#5557]( [#5562](
* **sourcemaps:** use inline source maps and inline sources in node_tree ([7e18d4c](, closes [#5617](
* **build:** do not reexport compiler from angular2/angular2 ([30d35b5](, closes [#5422](
* **build:** fix npm install not to depend on minimist ([6d70cd7](, closes [#5282](
* **core:** Export dev mode API in Dart. ([a3e6406](, closes [#5233](
* **core:** reexport PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES and PLATFORM_PIPES in dart ([01ebff4](
* **core:** Run component disposal before destroyRootHostView() to avoid crash if change det ([b22eddf](, closes [#5226](
* **core:** various dart-specific fixes for core and facades ([4a43230](
* **dart:** fix the static_browser platform not to include compiler ([ad6fb06](, closes [#5321](
* **dart/transform:** Consider of line numbers in inliner_for_test ([a31e2f5](, closes [#5281]( [#5285](
* **dart/transform:** Omit bootstrap.dart in ng_deps ([0db0252](, closes [#5315]( [#5348](
* **EventEmitter:** resolve onError and onComplete asynchronously ([019cb41](, closes [#4443](
* **examples:** Don't generate Dart code for TS examples in nested directories. ([b571baa](
* **forms:** scope value accessors, validators, and async validators to self ([ba64b5e](, closes [#5440](
* **http:** error on non-200 status codes ([201f189](, closes [#5130](
* **http:** Fix all requests defaulting to Get ([e1d7bdc](, closes [#5309]( [#5397](
* **http:** refactor 'require' statements to 'import' declarations for Rx ([bcd926a](, closes [#5287](
* **http:** return URL in Response ([46fc153](, closes [#5165](
* **parser:** do not crash on untokenizable quote prefixes ([b90de66](, closes [#5486](
* **renderer:** apply host element encapsulation also if the parent component is not encapsulate ([344776f](, closes [#5240](
* **router:** apply APP_BASE_HREF when using PathLocationStrategy ([ac38812](, closes [#5028](
* **router:** fix a typing issue ([4215afc](, closes [#5518](
* **transformers:** use BarbackMode instead of assertionEnabled to enable debug info generation ([7f3223b](, closes [#5245]( [#5466](
* **typings:** two errors not reported by our build: ([7f6289c](
* **web worker:** remove usages of deprecated zone API ([d59c20c](, closes [#5425](
### Features
* **bootstrap:** add platform and app initializers ([3c43a8c](, closes [#5355](
* **build:** add an option to disable type checks when running tests ([4e585bc](, closes [#5299](
* **Compiler:** case sensitive html parser ([86aeb8b](
* **Compiler:** case sensitive html parser ([a8edc1e](, closes [#4417]( [#5264](
* **Compiler:** case sensitive html parser ([36a423f](, closes [#4417]( [#5264](
* **Compiler:** case sensitive html parser ([adb8756](
* **core:** extract platforms out of core ([3f4628c](, closes [#5219](
* **core:** extract platforms out of core ([0eab4fc](, closes [#5219]( [#5280](
* **dart/transform:** Bail early for files with no deferred libraries ([f80321f](
* **dart/transform:** Do not re-process generated files ([8f91ff8](
* **router:** add support for APP_BASE_HREF to HashLocationStrategy ([1bec4f6](, closes [#4935]( [#5368]( [#5451](
* **router:** allow linking to auxiliary routes ([0b1ff2d](, closes [#4694](
* **templates:** introduce quoted expressions to support 3rd-party expression languages ([b6ec238](
* **testing:** use zones to avoid the need for injectAsync ([0c9596a](
specification. Now status codes less than 200 and greater than 299 will
cause Http's Observable to error.
* A few private helpers (e.g., platformCommon or applicationCommon) were removed or replaced with other helpers. Look at PLATFORM_COMMON_PROVIDERS, APPLICATION_COMMON_PROVIDERS, BROWSER_PROVIDERS, BROWSER_APP_PROVIDERS to see if they export the providers you need.
* **core:** Export dev mode API in Dart. ([a3e6406](, closes [#5233](
* **core:** reexport PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES and PLATFORM_PIPES in dart ([01ebff4](
* **core:** various dart-specific fixes for core and facades ([4a43230](
* **renderer:** apply host element encapsulation also if the parent component is not encapsulate ([344776f](, closes [#5240](
* **benchmarks:** fix tracing categories to work with Dartium ([64bd963](, closes [#5209](
* **build:** EMFILE error on Windows when executing JS unit tests ([1dc8a0a](, closes [#4525]( [#4796](
* **compiler:** don’t lowercase attributes to support svg ([6133f2c](, closes [#5166](
* **compiler:** remove style when []='exp' evaluates to null ([f1989e7](, closes [#5110]( [#5114](
* **core:** Add an error state for ChangeDetectors that is set when bindings or lifecycle ev ([d1b54d6](, closes [#4323]( [#4953](
* **core:** Provide setDevMode() to enable/disable development mode in Javascript. ([4bb9c46](
* **core:** Unload components when individually disposed. ([1ff1792](
* **forms:** Export the NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR binding token. ([fee5dea](
* **forms:** update compose to handle null validators ([9d58f46](
* **http:** use Observable<Response> on Http methods ([a9b1270](, closes [#5017](
* **http:** use Response for JSONP errors ([31687ef](
* **JsonPipe:** marks json pipe as not pure Marked json pipe as not pure so that it runs all the ([fc016b5](, closes [#4821](
* **material:** Disable md-grid-list tests until #5132 is fixed. ([0b11051](
* **ng-content:** wildcard ng-content has to go last. ([39626a9](, closes [#5016](
* **NgFor:** allow default templates with ng-for-template ([2d0c8f1](, closes [#5161](
* **Pipe:** pure is an optional argument ([7ba426c](
* **Pipes:** mark date & slice as non-pure ([2f1f83a](
* **playground:** fix the inbox example ([6240245](
* remove deprecated zone API usage in testability ([3593d85](, closes [#5084](
* **router:** properly serialize aux routes ([23784a2](
* remove internal usages of deprecated overrideOnTurnDone ([c814dfb](, closes [#5079](
* **router:** respond to hashchange events ([53bddec](, closes [#5013](
* **RouterLink:** do not prevent default behavior if target set on anchor element ([a69e7fe](, closes [#4233]( [#5082](
* **setup:** set tsconfig so that it works in editors ([fb8b815](
* **shadow_css:** strip comments and fix logic for parsing rules. ([d8775e0](, closes [#5037]( [#5011](
* **test:** "integration tests svg should support svg elements" fails in non-Chrome browsers ([c4964e7](, closes [#4987]( [#5000](
* **test:** Android browser does not support calc() a CSS unit value ([e37799a](, closes [#5001](
* **WebWorker:** Don't send messages when the buffer is empty ([8485ef9](, closes [#4138](
* **WebWorker:** Fix bug causing multi browser demo to crash ([eba7073](, closes [#4839](
* **ChangeDetector:** Add support for short-circuiting ([7e92d2e](
* **core:** add support for ambient directives ([5948aba](
* **core:** add support for ambient directives to dart transformers ([4909fed](, closes [#5129](
* **core:** make transformers handle @Input/@Output/@HostBinding/@HostListener ([16bc238](, closes [#5080](
* **core:** renam AMBIENT_DIRECTIVES and AMBIENT_PIPES into PLATFORM_DIRECTIVES and PLATFORM ([e27665c](, closes [#5201](
* **dart:** Support forcing dev mode via enableDevMode in Dart. ([a8d9dbf](, closes [#5193](
* **forms:** update FormBuilder to support async validations ([1c322f1](, closes [#5020](
* **forms:** Use the DefaultValueAccessor for controls with an ng-default-control attribute. ([f21e782](, closes [#5076](
* **router:** provide RouteConfig object for AuxRoute ([0ebe283](, closes [#4319](
### Performance Improvements
* **dart/transform:** Restrict visibility/mutability of codegen ([45b33c5](, closes [#5009](
* Previously, the controlsErrors getter of ControlGroup and ControlArray returned the errors of their direct children. This was confusing because the result did not include the errors of nested children (ControlGroup -> ControlGroup -> Control). Making controlsErrors to include such errors would require inventing some custom serialization format, which applications would have to understand.
Since controlsErrors was just a convenience method, and it was causing confusing, we are removing it. If you want to get the errors of the whole form serialized into a single object, you can manually traverse the form and accumulate the errors. This way you have more control over how the errors are serialized.
* **benchmarks:** update react and polymer benchmarks and get tree update numbers for all of the b ([bc10dc3](, closes [#4709](
* **benchpress:** increase sampling frequency ([127d6b6](, closes [#4985](
* **ChangeDetector:** support for NaN ([1316c3e](, closes [#4853](
* **compiler:** support events on a template element that are consumed via a direct expression ([3118d5c](, closes [#4883](
* **dart/transform:** Fix issue with deferred in .ng_deps ([6be95ae](
* **debug_element:** don’t descend into merged embedded views on `componentChildren`. ([60bedb4](, closes [#4920](
* **default_value_accessor:** support custom input elements that fire custom change events. ([56a9b02](, closes [#4878](
* **di:** allow dependencies as flat array ([6514b8c](
* **facades:** reduce node count by 1 in assertionsEnabled ([edfa35b](
* **forms:** handle control change in NgFormControl ([d29a9a9](
* **lint:** enforce that module-private members have @internal. ([098201d](, closes [#4645]( [#4989](
* **ng_class:** support sets correctly ([2957b0b](, closes [#4910](
* **render:** create svg elements with the right namespace ([ac52bfd](, closes [#4506]( [#4949](
* **renderer:** support `xlink:href` attribute in svg ([540b8c2](, closes [#4956](
* **router:** fix error message text ([280cd33](
* **router:** respect LocationStrategy when constructing hrefs in links ([2a3e11d](, closes [#4333](
* **style_url_resolver:** include `asset:` urls into precompiled stylesheets. ([d8b3601](, closes [#4926](
* **url_resolver:** always replace `package:` in Dart, even if it came from `baseUrl`. ([fd9b675](, closes [#4775](
* **change detection:** remove support for "if" ([0a94021](, closes [#4616](
* **core:** PlatformRef and ApplicationRef support registration of disposal functions. ([8dd3082](
* **dart/transform:** Add getters, setters, methods to NgDepsModel ([d68955a](
* **forms:** Implement a way to manually set errors on a control ([ed4826b](, closes [#4917](
* **forms:** support adding validators to ControlGroup via template ([7580628](, closes [#4954](
* **ngUpgrade:** simple example ([9d0d33f](
* move NgZone to Stream/Observable-based callback API ([491e1fd](
* upgrade clang-format to 1.0.32. ([4a1b873](
* **Parser:** associate pipes right to left ([4639f44](, closes [#4605]( [#4716](
* **router:** add support for route links with no leading slash ([07cdc2f](, closes [#4623](
* **router:** Make RootRouter disposable to allow cleanup of Location subscription. ROUTER_PRO ([2e059dc](, closes [#4915](
* **router:** Support unsubscription from Location by returning the subscription. ([2674eac](
* **validators:** Add a pending state to AbstractControl ([c9fba3f](
* **validators:** Allow errors at both the group/array level or their children ([28d88c5](
#### ControlGroup.errors and ControlArray.errors have changed
* Before: ControlGroup.errors and ControlArray.errors returned a reduced value of their children controls' errors.
* After: ControlGroup.errors and ControlArray.errors return the errors of the group and array, and ControlGroup.controlsErrors and ControlArray.controlsErrors return the reduce value of their children controls' errors.
#### Errors format has changed from validators
Now errors from a control or an array's children are prefixed with 'controls' while errors from the object itself are left at the root level.
Given a Control group as follows:
var group = new ControlGroup({
login: new Control("", required),
password: new Control("", required),
passwordConfirm: new Control("", required)
login: {required: true},
password: {required: true},
passwordConfirm: {required: true},
controls: {
login: {required: true},
password: {required: true},
passwordConfirm: {required: true},
#### Pipes are now associated right to left
* Before: `1 + 1 | pipe:a | pipe:b` was parsed as `(1 + 1) | pipe:(a | pipe:b)`
* After: `1 + 1 | pipe:a | pipe:b` is parsed as `((1 + 1) | pipe:a) | pipe:b`
#### NgZone Moved to Stream/Observable-based callback API
* deprecates these methods in NgZone: overrideOnTurnStart, overrideOnTurnDone, overrideOnEventDone, overrideOnErrorHandler
* introduces new API in NgZone that may shadow other API used by existing applications.
#### Directives no longer match to variable names
You can no longer use a #foo or a var-foo to apply directive [foo], although it didn't work properly anyway.
This commit is fixing breakage caused by the switch to pre-compiler (exact SHA unknown).
* **compiler:** attribute case in IE9 ([b89c5bc](, closes [#4743](
* **compiler:** explicitly support event bindings also on `<template>` elements ([cec8b58](, closes [#4712](
* **dart/transform:** Parse directives agnostic of annotation order ([efddc90](
* **forms:** emit value changes after errors and status are set ([b716d23](, closes [#4714](
* **style_compiler:** don’t resolve absolute urls that start with a `/` during compilation ([a941fb0](, closes [#4763](
* **style_compiler:** don’t touch urls in stylesheets and keep stylesheets with absolute urls in templ ([7dde18b](, closes [#4740](
* **testing:** let DOM adapter dictate XHR implementation for tests ([d7ab5d4](
* **transformers:** show nice error message when an invalid uri is found ([6436f96](, closes [#4731](
### Features
* **forms:** add input[type=number] value accessor ([65c737f](, closes [#4014]( [#4761](
* **ngUpgrade:** add support for upgrade/downgrade of injectables ([d896e43](, closes [#4766](
* **ngUpgrade:** faster ng2->ng1 adapter by only compiling ng1 once ([053b7a5](
* **query:** add filter and reduce to QueryList ([bfbf18d](, closes [#4710](
* **compiler:** merge `class` and `style` attributes from the element with the host attributes ([eacc8e3](, closes [#4583]( [#4680](
* **compiler:** shadow CSS @import test in some browsers ([0def28e](, closes [#4629](
* **test_lib:** don't mock out XHR via MockXHR by default in tests ([6abed8d](, closes [#4539]( [#4682](
* **typings:** add more missing typings. ([aab0c57](, closes [#4636](
* **typings:** fix typings which were previously unchecked ([c178ad4](, closes [#4625](
* **typings:** missing types in ListWrapper typings ([597f79e](
* **typings**: `*.d.ts` files are now bundled with npm package, `tsd link` or `tsd install` no longer needed ([95f9846](
* **core:** desugar [()] to [prop] and (prop-change) ([7c6130c](, closes [#4658](
* **di:** change the params of Provider and provide to start with "use" ([1aeafd3](, closes [#4684](
* **di:** rename Binding into Provider ([1eb0162](, closes [#4416]( [#4654](
* **ngFor:** support a custom template ([6207b1a](, closes [#4637](
* **ngUpgrade:** support for content project from ng1->ng2 ([cd90e6e](
* **ngUpgrade:** transclude content from ng2->ng1 ([19c1bd7](, closes [#4640](
-`angular2/test_lib` is now called `angular2/testing`
-`test_lib.js` -> `testing.js`
-`import {...} from 'angular2/test_lib'` -> `import {...} from 'angular2/testing'`
- [()] desugaring changed:
<cmp[(prop)]="field"> was desugared to <cmp[prop]="field"(prop)="field=$event">
<cmp[(prop)]="field"> is desugared to <cmp[prop]="field"(prop-change)="field=$event">
- "DI Binding" terminology has changed to "DI Providers" to avoid conflicts/confusion with data-binding. All commonly used apis that use "bind" or "binding" in the name still work but are deprecated and will be removed in future alpha releases. Please update your code:
* **location:** improve the 'No base href set' error message ([15ab6f6](
* **render:** recurse into components/embedded templates not until all elements in a view have ([6d4bd5d](, closes [#4551]( [#4601](
* **XhrBackend:** setRequestHeader takes a string arg ([6b00b60](, closes [#4597](
### Features
* **core:** add syntax sugar to make @View optional ([bd31b01](
* **dart/transform:** Track timing of transform tasks ([0757265](
* **router:** allow async routes to be defined with "loader" ([ee32b1b](
* **transformers:** update transformers to handle components without @View ([a2e7ae5](
* **upgrade:** support binding of Ng1 form Ng2 ([8e1d2fb](, closes [#4542](
* **core:** keep styles for `ViewEncapsulation.Native` isolated per component ([0299d4a](, closes [#4513]( [#4524](
* **core:** set `ViewEncapsulation.Emulated` as the default again ([a9aef8e](, closes [#4494](
* **gulp:** use the new karma.Server api ([758efba](, closes [#4375](
* **karma:** 1.x transport is now called 'polling' instead of 'xhr-polling' ([39e9bb6](
* add test_lib.d.ts to type definitions in generated package.json ([4ebb1a9](
* **karma-dart-evalcache:** make the code compatible with karma 0.13.x ([a649992](
* **npm_publish:** update transitive typings provided in npm distribution ([2ebc74d](
* **render:** keep bindings of components in content and view in the right order ([6fe8b85](, closes [#4522]( [#4523](
* **shims:** Don't rely on prefixed requestAnimationFrame ([9679fc9](, closes [#4394](
* **tslint:** fix d.ts file paths for node_modules dependencies ([2628631](
* **typings:** repair broken type-checking for StringMap ([208f3d4](, closes [#4487](
* **upgrade:** support binding of Ng2 form Ng1 ([09371a3](, closes [#4458](
*`Renderer.registerComponent` now takes an additional argument ([0299d4a](
* **api:** remove animation from public API ([f7d46e7](
* **api:** remove DomRenderer from public API ([105db02](, closes [#4187](
* **benchpress:** make benchpress fit for chrome 45 ([67b9414](, closes [#3411]( [#3982](
* **browser:** make Firefox to work with es6-shim ([e166f6f](
* **bug:** reflect Dart interfaces from superclass as well ([577ee37](, closes [#4221]( [#4222](
* **build:** add config for outputting the missing test_lib.d.ts file ([f6108c5](
* **build:** lazy-require es6-shim in the a1 router to prevent npm/gulp issues ([e4f94f0](
* **build:** lock dart dev version ([43cca2d](
* **build:** switch to cjs output for es5. ([e9ad100](, closes [#3974](
* **build:** temporarily test dart with dart2js instead of pub serve ([eb7839e](
* **build:** Use Angular's testability API to wait for end of e2e tests ([33593cf](, closes [#3911](
* **bundles:** add explicit format: cjs for empty files. ([ef61b81](
* **change_detection:** _throwError should not mask the original exception ([cec4b36](
* **code size:** do not rely on Uri in BrowserDomAdapter ([9dc1d6a](, closes [#4182](
* **compiler:** const is not supported in IE9 and IE10 ([b44c13b](, closes [#4465](
* **compiler:** Implement Token#toString for Operator ([3b9c086](, closes [#4049](
* **compiler:** minor cleanups and fixes ([0ed6fc4](
* **compiler:** remove attributes when expression in []='exp' evaluates to null ([045cc82](, closes [#4150]( [#4163](
* **core:** Document the new bootstrap APIs. Also rename rootBindings() to platformBindings( ([06f8330](, closes [#4218](
* **core:** export bootstrap from core exports for JS ([4fd9cc2](, closes [#4097](
* **debug:** make debug tools take ComponentRef ([70586b6](, closes [#4203](
* **DirectiveResolver:** Synced with latest changes ([86bda28](, closes [#3928](
* **dist:** don't distribute the HTML dart api docs ([be6d92c](, closes [#4115]( [#4211](
* **dts generation:** add support for type aliases ([d782616](, closes [#3952](
* **dts generation:** rewrite the d.ts file code generator to fix bugs and apply type remap correctly ([ad3b9cf](
* **exceptions:** NoAnnotationError message is not displayed ([eaa20f6](, closes [#4215]( [#4223](
* **facade:** workaround for lack of Symbol.iterator in es6-shim ([390aacd](, closes [#4219]( [#4216](
* **forms:** Also update viewModel in NgFormControl ([70f6a46](
* **forms:** avoid issues with nulls checking on validation status and other form states. ([7714d6a](, closes [#4338](
* **forms:** Update NgModel's viewModel when model changes ([e36966b](, closes [#3627](
* **http:** change http interfaces to types ([3d6e3c2](, closes [#4024](
* **http:** throw if url is not string or Request ([3525d8a](, closes [#4245]( [#4257](
* **ListWrapper:** make list slice in dart return empty list if start and end are inverted like JS ([bced3aa](
* **NgClass:** ignore empty and blank class names ([73351ac](, closes [#4033]( [#4173](
* **router:** throw when generating non-terminal link ([8aec215](, closes [#3979]( [#4092](
* **router:** use StringWrapper.startsWith ([6e0ca7f](
* **services:** export title service ([e2f5d87](, closes [#4271](
* **sfx:** Include ngHttp in SFX bundle ([283415b](, closes [#3933](
* **shims:** add requestAnimationFrame shim for IE9 and Android ([4f56a01](, closes [#4209](
* **shims:** to return empty string when no name ([3a7b50f](
* **test:** Android browser does not support ([c83207f](
* **test:** AngularProfiler should check before using modern APIs ([abc4ef3](
* **test:** do not set ng.probe when ng is null or undefined ([df7f59b](
* **test:** make `evalModule` faster by caching spawned modules in the browser ([67c79ba](
* **test:** PostMessageBusSink tests failing in slow browsers ([55290b9](
* **test:** StyleCompiler tests failing in Android browsers ([d646463](
* **upgrade:** assert correct interleaving of evaluation. ([a562230](, closes [#4436](
* **WebWorker:** Add zone support to MessageBus ([f3da37c](, closes [#4053](
* **WebWorker:** Fix Todo Server demo and add test to ensure the demo can bootstrap. ([696edde](, closes [#3970](
* **animate:** adds basic support for CSS animations on enter and leave ([39ce9d3](, closes [#3876](
* **change_detection:** allow triggering CD form ChangeDetectorRef ([63e7859](, closes [#4144](
* **code size:** make assertionsEnabled() statically computable by dart2js ([241632a](, closes [#4198](
* **compiler:** allow to create ChangeDetectors from parsed templates ([2fea0c2](, closes [#3950](
* **compiler:** support creating template commands ([0246b2a](, closes [#4142](
* **core:** Add a long-form syntax for Angular bootstrapping. ([97d1844](, closes [#3852](
* **core:** add sugar to use ContentChildren and ViewChildren as prop decorators ([2e9de0b](, closes [#4237](
* **core:** add support for @ContentChild and @ViewChild ([c2a60f1](, closes [#4251](
* **core:** add support for @HostBinding and @HostListener ([df8e15c](, closes [#3996](
* **core:** add support for @Property and @Event decorators ([896add7](, closes [#3992](
* **core:** add support for ContentChildren and ViewChildren ([5dbe292](
* **core:** renames Property into Input and Event into Output ([adbfd29](
* **core:** Support multiple ChangeDetectors in a single LifeCycle. ([4f57990](
* **core:** support properties and events in addition to inputs and outputs to make transiti ([c9901c5](, closes [#4482](
* **CORE_DIRECTIVES:** add NgStyle to CORE_DIRECTIVES ([5f15363](, closes [#4096]( [#4161](
* **http:** Add support for strings as http method names ([34518f0](, closes [#4331](
* **ng_for:** Add Even and Odd variables to ng_for ([a15b679](, closes [#4181](
* **NgFor:** $last property support ([be95411](, closes [#3991](
* **pipes:** add slice pipe that supports start and end indexes ([c2043ec](
* **pipes:** add support for pure pipes ([a8bdb69](, closes [#3966](
* **query:** implement query update mechanism based on views. ([5ebeaf7](, closes [#3973](
* **query:** make QueryList notify on changes via an observable ([3aa2047](, closes [#4395](
* **query:** remove the 3-query-per-element limit ([4efc4a5](, closes [#4336](
* **render:** add generic view factory based on the template commands ([1cf4575](, closes [#4367](
* **router:** enforce convention of CamelCase names in route aliases ([5298eb0](, closes [#4083](
* **router:** introduce new navigate method ([d9036c6](, closes [#4040]( [#4074](
* **StringWrapper:** add support for JS slice method to string ([0808eea](
* **TestComponentBuilder:** add #overrideBindings and #overrideViewBindings ([f91c087](, closes [#4052](
* **tests:** add helper to eval a module ([2a126f7](
* **transformers:** record setters for query fields ([589ce31](, closes [#4344](
* **upgrade:** Allow including ng2/1 components in ng1/2 ([8427863](, closes [#3539](
#### Query
[make QueryList notify on changes via an observable](
* **bundle:** don't include System.config in dev bundle ([a94f051](, closes [#3826]( [#3862](
* **ComponentUrlMapper:** support relative template URLs in Dartium ([7c7888d](, closes [#2771]( [#3743](
* **core:** Fix type error ([6c3c606](
* **http:** change type declarations to interfaces and export EventEmitter ([10437ab](
* **router:** re-export of Type ([b8be4bf](, closes [#3632]( [#3704](
* **core:** remove the (^ syntax and make all DOM events bubbling ([60ce884](, closes [#3864](
* **docs:** document code size management tools for Dart ([6532171](
* **docs:** document unused reflection info tracking ([46f751b](
* **exception_handler:** changed ExceptionHandler to use console.error instead of console.log ([3bb27de](, closes [#3812](
* **router:** router-link-active CSS class support ([36eb9d3](, closes [#3209](
* **WebWorker:** Expose MessageBroker API ([358908e](, closes [#3942](
* **.d.ts:** show unknown fields as ‘any’ not ‘void’. ([a0b2408](, closes [#3637](
* **build:** do not run build/pubbuild.dart twice ([e72305e](, closes [#3831](
* **build:** make e2e tests faster ([c2279dd](, closes [#3822](
* **change_detection:** fixed reflect properties as attributes ([a9ce454](, closes [#3761](
* **change_detection:** update the right change detector when using ON_PUSH mode ([195c5c2](
* **compiler:** detect and report error for views with empty templateUrl ([215c4aa](, closes [#3762]( [#3768](
* **dart:** bad export in core.dart ([984e7b8](
* **examples:** Modifies web worker examples to be compatible with systemjs 0.18.10. ([675cb87](, closes [#3630](
* **http:** allow using JSONP_INJECTABLES and HTTP_INJECTABLES in same injector ([5725f71](, closes [#3365]( [#3390](
* **http/http:** allow for commonjs as ngHttp ([16eb8ce](, closes [#3633](
* **injector:** support getRootInjectors on dehydrated injectors. ([92da543](, closes [#3760](
* **injectors:** reset the construction counter in dynamic strategy. ([272ad61](, closes [#3635](
*<template> tag for browsers that do not suppor them ([ddcfd46](, closes [#3636](
* **karma:** corrected race condition with RX loading ([8dc509f](
* **parser:** detect and report interpolation in expressions ([b039ec3](, closes [#3645]( [#3750](
* **router:** allow router-link to link to redirects ([72e0b8f](, closes [#3335]( [#3624](
* **router:** subscribe should return subscription ([5c95b37](, closes [#3491]( [#3695](
* **typings:** include static members ([894af28](, closes [#3175]( [#3780](
* **ViewLoader:** provide componentId in missing template / templateUrl errors ([3871f89](
* wtf paramater passing on scope ([9afcb00](, closes [#3726](
### Features
* track unused reflection data ([8336881](
* **browser:** support Edge ([3b49652](, closes [#3667](
* **build:** added a temporary fix to make test.unit.dart work ([85ec34d](
* **change_detection:** added support for observable components and directives ([e8e430e](
* **change_detection:** do not reparse AST when using generated detectors ([d2d0715](
* **docs:** export type info for var and const exports ([9262727](, closes [#3700](
* **facade:** add maximum method for ListWrapper ([b5c4d8b](
* **router:** add reuse support for angular 1.x router ([ddb62fe](, closes [#3698](
* **url_resolver:** Allow a developer to customize their package prefix ([9cc1cd2](, closes [#3794](
* **CSSClass:** change selector to ng-class ([ff1b110](, closes [#3498](
* **dart:** @proxy is a value, not a factory ([b4a0629](, closes [#3494](
* **docs:** export bootstrap in core.ts but not in core.dart ([5f7d4fa](
* **exception_handler:** log errors that are thrown by the compiler ([07b9be7](
* **NgClass:** take initial classes into account during cleanup ([ed25a29](, closes [#3557](
* **presubmit:** uses proper branch instead of hard coded ([96e34c1](, closes [#3552](
* **query:** do not visit dehydrated injectors. ([6c9e712](
* **router:** fix regression with generating links to async routes ([26d2ea8](, closes [#3650](
* **router:** throw when component in route config is not defined ([903a0f0](, closes [#3265]( [#3569](
* **test_lib:** run unit tests in default Documnent ([a37de36](, closes [#3501]( [#3475](
* **testability:** properly throw when no testability available ([841206c](
* **testability:** throw if no testability available ([08dbe87](
* **Testability:** fix type error in getAllAngularTestability (dart) ([574bbea](
* **transformers:** be more specific in the imports to rewrite ([86eb46a](, closes [#3473]( [#3523](
* improper use package name in facade ([64ebf27](, closes [#3613](
* **typescript:** update to typescript with fixed system emit ([ac31191](, closes [#3594](
* **UrlResolver:** encode URLs before resolving ([4f5e405](, closes [#3543]( [#3545](
* **WebWorkers:** Run XHR requests on the UI ([2968517](, closes [#3652](
### Features
* **change_detection:** added an example demonstrating how to use observable models ([52da220](, closes [#3684](
* **change_detection:** added an experimental support for observables ([cbfc9cb](
* **change_detection:** request a change detection check when an event happens ([5e6317f](, closes [#3679](
* **compiler:** allow binding to className using class alias ([a7a1851](, closes [#2364](
* **coreDirectives:** add NgClass to coreDirectives ([6bd95c1](, closes [#3534](
* **dart/transform:** Support `part` directives ([aa480fe](, closes [#1817](
* **di:** added resolveAndInstantiate and instantiateResolved to Injector ([06da60f](
* **npm:** publish bundles and their typings in npm distribution ([7b3cca2](, closes [#3555](
* **pipe:** added the Pipe decorator and the pipe property to View ([5b5d31f](, closes [#3572](
* **pipes:** changed PipeTransform to make onDestroy optional ([839edaa](
* **PropertyBindingParser:** support onbubble-event as an alternate syntax for (^event) ([1f54e64](, closes [#3448]( [#3616](
* **query:** allow to query for `TemplateRef` ([585ea5d](, closes [#3202](
* **query:** view query is properly updated when dom changes. ([2150a8f](, closes [#3033]( [#3439](
* **query_list:** delegate `toString` to `_results` array ([35a83b4](, closes [#3004](
* **refactor:** replaced ObservablePipe and PromisePipe with AsyncPipe ([106a28b](
* **XHRConnection:** use xhr status code ([96eefdf](, closes [#2841](
* **browser_adapter:** fix clearNodes() in IE ([70bc485](, closes [#3295]( [#3355](
* **collection:** is not supported (Safari) ([12e4c73](, closes [#3015]( [#3389](
* **compiler:** Allow components to use any style of selector. Fixes #1602 ([c20a5d6](, closes [#1602](
* **core:** export LifeCycle at top-level modules ([4e76cac](, closes [#3395](
* **dart/transform:** Remove malfunctioning zone error handler ([68a581a](, closes [#3368](
* **docs:** add ViewDefinition, DirectiveMetadata to public API ([d4ded1a](, closes [#3346](
* **parser:** detect empty expression in strings to interpolate ([4422819](, closes [#3412]( [#3451](
* **query:** view query should not be updated when subviews are attached. ([34acef5](
* **render:** allow to configure when templates are serialized to strings ([dd06a87](, closes [#3418]( [#3433](
* **router:** ensure navigation via back button works ([7bf7ec6](, closes [#2201](
* **testing:** Fixed race condition in WebWorker and Routing tests ([eee2146](
### Features
* **WebWorkers:** Add WebWorker Todo Example. Add support for more DOM events. ([d44827a](
* **WebWorkers:** Add WebWorker Todo Example. Add support for more DOM events. ([c5cb700](
* implement web-tracing-framework support ([77875a2](, closes [#2610](
* **compiler:** introduce schema for elements ([d894aa9](, closes [#3353](
* **core:** made directives shadow native element properties ([3437d56](
* **pipes:** replaces iterable and key value diffing pipes with services ([392de4a](
* enable the decorators compiler option. ([0bb78b7](
* export a proper promise type. ([861be30](
* upgrade ts2dart to 0.7.1. ([a62a6ba](
* **router:** add `back()` support to `MockLocationStrategy` ([60f38ea](
* **testability:** Expose function getAllAngularTestabilities ([7b94bbf](
* **transformers:** add more information to factory debug reflection ([be79942](
### Performance Improvements
* **change_detection:** do not check intermediate results ([c1ee943](
* **change_detection:** do not generate onAllChangesDone when not needed ([adc2739](
* **change_detection:** removed the currentProto property ([71ea199](
* Directives that previously injected Pipes to get iterableDiff or keyvalueDiff, now should inject IterableDiffers and KeyValueDiffers.
* Previously, if an element had a property, Angular would update that property even if there was a directive placed on the same element with the same property. Now, the directive would have to explicitly update the native elmement by either using hostProperties or the renderer.
* addresses a couple ddc type errors ([f1e42920](
* **.d.ts:** Correct new Type interface return type ([78fdf9a1](, closes [#2399](, [#3316](
* **build:** don't trigger travis on g3sync branch ([61b77034](
* allow class names with mixed case ([a8b57256](, closes [#3001](, [#3264](
* correctly clean up on destroy ([1438922f](, closes [#3249](, [#3256](
* **core:** fix type error in setElementProperty ([448264be](, closes [#3279](
* **element_injector:** do not throw when cannot find element when trying to report an error ([03c8e742](
* **presubmit:** corrected user/email for git push ([e40ff368](
* **projection:**
* allow more bound render elements than app elements. ([46502e4d](, closes [#3236](, [#3247](
* allow to project to a non text node ([b44b06c2](, closes [#3230](, [#3241](
* **query:** the view should not be visible to @Query. ([1d450294](
* **transformer:**
* Fix generation of `annotations` argument when registering functions. ([2faa8985](
* Don't throw on annotations that don't match a descriptor. ([f575ba60](, closes [#3280](
* Loggers now are per zone and each transform runs in its own zone ([bd65b63c](
* **typings:** test our .d.ts with --noImplicitAny ([19d8b221](
* **url_resolver:** in Dart make package urls relative to AppRootUrl ([469afda5](
* **.d.ts:** Correct new Type interface return type ([78fdf9a](, closes [#2399]( [#3316](
* **build:** don't trigger travis on g3sync branch ([61b7703](
* **class:** allow class names with mixed case ([a8b5725](, closes [#3001]( [#3264](
* **class:** correctly clean up on destroy ([1438922](, closes [#3249]( [#3256](
* **core:** fix type error in setElementProperty ([448264b](, closes [#3279](
* **element_injector:** do not throw when cannot find element when trying to report an error ([03c8e74](
* **lowercase,uppercase:** make stateless pipes ([4dc6d74](, closes [#3173]( [#3189](
* **presubmit:** corrected user/email for git push ([e40ff36](
* **projection:** allow more bound render elements than app elements. ([46502e4](, closes [#3236]( [#3247](
* **projection:** allow to project to a non text node ([b44b06c](, closes [#3230]( [#3241](
* **query:** the view should not be visible to @Query. ([1d45029](
* **transformer:** Don't throw on annotations that don't match a descriptor. ([f575ba6](, closes [#3280](
* **transformer:** Fix generation of `annotations` argument when registering functions. ([2faa898](
* **transformer:** Loggers now are per zone and each transform runs in its own zone ([bd65b63](
* **typings:** test our .d.ts with --noImplicitAny ([19d8b22](
* **url_resolver:** in Dart make package urls relative to AppRootUrl ([469afda](
* addresses a couple ddc type errors ([f1e4292](
* **change_detection:** generate checkNoChanges only in dev mode ([71bb4b3](
* **change_detection:** provide error context for change detection errors ([c2bbda0](
* **compiler:** introduce schema for elements ([d894aa9](, closes [#3353](
* **core:** provide an error context when an exception happens in an error handler ([8543c34](
* **dart/transform:** Populate `lifecycle` from lifecycle interfaces ([8ad4ad5](, closes [#3181](
* **di:** added context to runtime DI errors ([5a86f85](
* **exception_handler:** change ExceptionHandler to output context ([fdf226a](
* **exception_handler:** print originalException and originalStack for all exceptions ([e744409](
* **http:** call complete on request complete ([6fac901](, closes [#2635](
* **change_detect:** Handle '$' in change detector strings ([f1e8176](
* **change_detect:** Sort `DirectiveMetadata` properties during processing ([b2a0be8](
* **content_projection:** allow to project text nodes to a place without bindings ([a472eac](, closes [#3163]( [#3179](
* **di:** do not rely on the fact that types are canonicalized ([2147ce4](
* **di:** fixed dynamic component loading of components created in child injector ([5749692](
* **element_injector:** inject the containing change detector ref to directives ([7879761](
* **examples:** add a couple entrypoints, adjust pubspec, fix change detector bug in Dart ([b03560b](
* **facade:** use base element to get base href ([8296dce](
* **forms:** default the initial value of Control to null ([5b597de](
* **forms:** do not reset the value of the input when it came from the view ([b123159](
* **html_adapter:** Implement hasAttribute and getAttribute. ([e988f59](
* **ng_for:** fixed ng_for to pass a change detector ref to the pipe registry ([583c5ff](
* **publish:** add force flag for pub publish script ([621604d](, closes [#3077](
* **router:** improve error for missing base href ([011fab3](, closes [#3096](
* **router:** improve error messages for routes with no config ([8bdca5c](, closes [#2323](
* **router:** throw when reserved characters used in route definition ([c6409cb](, closes [#3021](
* **transformers:** fix sort order for reflective imports ([762a94f](
* **view_manager:** allow to create host views even if there is an embedded view at the same place. ([116b64d](
### Features
* FunctionWithParamTokens.execute now returns the value of the function ([3dd05ef](
* **compiler:** attach components and project light dom during compilation. ([b1df545](, closes [#2529](
* upgrade ts2dart to 0.6.9. ([3810e4b](
* **change_detection:** added support for ObservableList from package:observe ([d449ea5](
* **compiler:** Support $baseUrl in HTML attributes when loading a template. ([e942709](
* **core:** add ability to reflect DOM properties as attributes ([903ff90](, closes [#2910](
* **facade:** add getTypeNameForDebugging function ([ccb4163](
* **http:** add support for JSONP requests ([81abc39](, closes [#2905]( [#2818](
* **pipes:** changed .append to .extend ([4c8ea12](
* **router:** add interfaces for route definitions in RouteConfig ([4d28167](, closes [#2261](
* **transformers:** expose DI transformer for use by packages ([2bc1217](, closes [#2814](
* **dom:** Only send values for existing properties to js interior ([153660f](, closes [#3149](
* **build:** reduce the deploy upload. ([4264bd3](
* **build:** remove the travis deploy step, which is broken. ([206c9bd](
* **compiler:** keep `DOM.hasProperty` in sync between browser and transformer. ([b3a763a](, closes [#2984]( [#2981](
* **css_shim:** fixes multiple uses of polyfill-unscoped-rule. ([749d043](
* **di:** do not use exceptions to detect if reflection is enabled ([a621046](
* **di:** hostInjector and viewInjector support nested arrays ([0ed5dd0](
* **example:** add missing todo ([1427d73](
* **package.json:** move some deps into dev deps. ([546a8f9](, closes [#2448](
* **router:** ensure that page refresh with hash URLs works ([c177d88](, closes [#2920](
* **router:** export lifecycle hooks in bundle ([97ef1c2](
* **router:** fix broken `HashLocationStrategy` string issue for dart ([d6dadc6](
* **transformer:** Event getters now use property name not event name ([cf103de](
* **transformer:** fix 'pub build' in examples ([6258929](
* **tsconfig:** target should be lower case ([0792f1a](, closes [#2938](
### Features
* **build:** Allow building in windows without admin priviledges ([f1f5784](, closes [#2873](
* **forms:** changed all form directives to have basic control attributes ([3f7ebde](
* **license:** include license files in dev and dev.sfx bundles ([1eab4f5](
* **pipes:** add date pipe ([b716046](, closes [#2877](
* **pipes:** add number (decimal, percent, currency) pipes ([3143d18](
* **router:** allow generating links with numeric params ([d828664](
* **router:** child routers should delegate navigation to the root router ([1c94c32](
* **transformer:** Fix string interpolation for bindings. ([311b477](
* **transformer:** Put paramater data in the same order as the reflected version. ([2b45bd2](
* **transformer:** Support prefixed annotations in the transformer. ([9e1158d](
### Features
* upgrade t2dart to 0.6.8. ([d381c5f](
* **NgStyle:** Export NgStyle in angular2/directives ([edf5053](, closes [#2878](
* **router:** support deep-linking to siblings ([286a249](, closes [#2807](
* **transformer:** Support @Injectable() on static functions ([7986e7c](
* **typings:** mark void methods in angular2.d.ts ([a56d33d](
# 2.0.0-alpha.29 (2015-07-01)
### Bug Fixes
* **Router:** mark Pipeline and RouteRegistry as Injectable ([eea989b](, closes [#2755](
* **build:** Reduce rx typings to what we actually require. ([8bab6dd](
* **build:** add missing return types now enforced by linter ([4489199](
* **build:** fix paths in `test.typings` task ([1c8a589](
* **bundle:** don’t bundle traceur/reflect into benchpress ([da4de21](
* export top-level pipe factories as const ([393f703](
* **docs:** link to clang-format ([f1cf529](
* **docs:** to run js test 'gulp docs' is needed ([3e65037](, closes [#2762](
* **dynamic_component_loader:** check whether the dynamically loaded component has already been destroyed ([d6cef88](, closes [#2748]( [#2767](
* **transformer:** Add getters for `events`. ([5a21dc5](
* **transformer:** Don't hang on bad urls and log better errors ([d037c08](
* **transformer:** Fix annotation_matcher for NgForm directive. ([9c76850](
* **typings:** Minor issues preventing angular2.d.ts from working in TS 1.4. ([7a4a3c8](
### Features
* **NgStyle:** add new NgStyle directive ([b50edfd](, closes [#2665](
* **benchpress:** initial support for firefox ([0949a4b](, closes [#2419](
* **build:** add tslint to the build. ([bc585f2](
* upgrade clang-format and gulp-clang-format. ([1f7296c](
* **di:** changed InstantiationError to print the original stack ([eb0fd79](
* **http:** refactor library to work in dart ([55bf0e5](, closes [#2415](
* **lang:** added originalException and originalStack to BaseException ([56245c6](
* **pipes:** support arguments in transform function ([600d53c](
* **router:** support deep-linking to anywhere in the app ([f66ce09](, closes [#2642](
* **transformers:** provide a flag to disable inlining views ([dcdd730](, closes [#2658](
### Performance Improvements
* **Compiler:** do not resolve bindings for cached ProtoViews ([7a7b3a6](
* THe appInjector property has been removed. Instead use viewInjector or hostInjector.
* **benchmarks:** add waits for naive scrolling benchmark to ensure loading ([d8929c1](, closes [#1706](
* **benchpress:** do not throw on unkown frame timestamp event ([ed3af5f](, closes [#2622](
* **change detection:** preserve memoized results from pure functions ([5beaf6d](
* **compiler:** make text interpolation more robust ([9d4111d](, closes [#2591](
* **docs:** Fix docs for Directive.compileChildren ([9700e80](
* **injectors:** sync injector tree with dom element tree. ([d800d2f](
* **parse5:** do not try to insert empty text node ([0a2f6dd](
* **render:** fix failing tests in dynamic_component_loader.ts ([6149ce2](
* **router:** return promise with error handler ([bc798b1](
* **CSSClass:** add support for string and array expresions ([8c993dc](, closes [#2025](
* **element_injector:** support multiple injectables with the same token ([c899b0a](
* **host:** limits host properties to renames ([92ffc46](
* **mock:** add mock module and bundle ([2932377](, closes [#2325](
* **query:** added support for querying by var bindings ([b0e2ebd](
* **render:** don’t use the reflector for setting properties ([0a51ccb](, closes [#2637](
* add constructors without type arguments. ([35e882e](
* **router:** add support for hash-based location ([a67f231](, closes [#2555](
* update clang-format to 1.0.21. ([254e58c](
* upgrade ts2dart to 0.6.4. ([58b38c9](
* **router:** enforce usage of ... syntax for parent to child component routes ([2d2ae9b](
* **transformers:** inline styleUrls to view directive ([f2ef90b](, closes [#2566](
* - `Compiler.compile` has been removed, the only way to compile
components dynamically is via `Compiler.compileInHost`
-`DynamicComponentLoader.loadIntoExistingLocation` has changed:
* renamed into `loadIntoLocation`
* will always create the host element as well
* requires an element with a variable inside of the host component view
next to which it will load new component.
-`DynamicComponentLoader.loadNextToExistingLocation` was renamed into
-`DynamicComponentLoader.loadIntoNewLocation` is removed
* use `DynamicComponentLoader.loadNextToLocation` instead
and then move the view nodes
manually around via `DomRenderer.getRootNodes()`
-`AppViewManager.{create,destroy}Free{Host,Embedded}View` was removed
* use `AppViewManager.createViewInContainer` and then move the view nodes
manually around via `DomRenderer.getRootNodes()`
-`Renderer.detachFreeView` was removed. Use `DomRenderer.getRootNodes()`
to get the root nodes of a view and detach them manually.
# 2.0.0-alpha.27 (2015-06-17)
### Bug Fixes
* **Compiler:** fix text nodes after content tags ([d599fd3](, closes [#2095](
* **DirectiveMetadata:** add support for events, changeDetection ([b4e82b8](
* **JsonPipe:** always transform to json ([e77710a](
* **Parser:** Parse pipes in arguments ([f974532](, closes [#1680](
* **ShadowDom:** fix emulation integration spec to test all 3 strategies ([6e38515](, closes [#2546](
* **benchmarks:** Do not apply the angular transformer to e2e tests ([cee2682](, closes [#2454](
* **bootstrap:** temporary disable jit change detection because of a bug in handling pure functio ([9908def](
* **broccoli:** ensure that inputTrees are stable ([928ec1c](
* **build:** Minify files for angular2.min.js bundle ([76797df](
* **build:** ensure that asset files are copied over to example directories ([60b97b2](
* **build:** only pass ts files to ts2dart transpilation. ([b5431e4](
* **bundle:** makes interfaces.ts non-empty when transpiled. ([83e99fc](
* **change detect:** Fix bug in JIT change detectors ([e0fbd4b](
* **diffing-broccoli-plugin:** wrapped trees are always stable ([7611f92](
* **docs:** Working generated angular2.d.ts ([7141c15](
* **docs:** ensure no duplicates in alias names of docs ([05d02fa](
* **docs:** order class members in order of declaration ([ea27704](, closes [#2569](
* **docs:** update link paths in annotations ([dd23bab](, closes [#2452]( [#2475](
* **dynamic_component_loader:** Fix for ts2dart issue ([bbfb4e1](
* **dynamic_component_loader:** implemented dispose for dynamically-loaded components ([21dcfc8](
* **element_injector:** changed visibility rules to expose hostInjector of the component to its shadow d ([c51aef9](
* **forms:** fixed the handling of the select element ([f1541e6](
* **forms:** fixed the selector of NgRequiredValidator ([35197ac](
* **forms:** getError does not work without path ([a858f6a](
* **forms:** updated form examples to contain select elements ([c34cb01](
* **life_cycle:** throw when recursively reentering LifeCycle.tick ([af35ab5](
* **locals:** improved an error message ([4eb8c9b](
* Class factory now adds annotations ([bc9e482](
* Improve error message on missing dependency ([2ccc65d](
* add types for ts2dart's façade handling. ([f3d7418](
* compare strings with StringWrapper.equals ([633cf63](
* corrected var/# parsing in template ([a418397](, closes [#2084](
* declare var global. ([1346660](
* improve type of TreeNode.children. ([c3c2ad1](
* improve type safety by typing `refs`. ([4ae7df2](
* include error message in the stack trace ([8d081ea](
* increase the stack frame size for tests ([ab8eb4f](
* makes NgModel work in strict mode ([eb3586d](
* **ng_zone:** updated zone not to run onTurnDown when invoking run synchronously from onTurnDo ([15dab7c](
* **npm:** update scripts and readme for npm packages. ([8923103](, closes [#2377](
* **router:** avoid two slash values between the baseHref and the path ([cdc7b03](
* rename FORWARD_REF to forwardRef in the Angular code base. ([c4ecbf0](
* **router:** do not prepend the root URL with a starting slash ([e372cc7](
* **selector:** select by attribute independent of value and order ([9bad70b](, closes [#2513](
* **shadow_dom:** moves the imported nodes into the correct location. ([92d5658](
* **view:** local variables override local variables set by ng-for ([d8e2795](
### Features
* **AstTranformer:** add support for missing nodes ([da60381](
* **BaseRequestOptions:** add merge method to make copies of options ([93596df](
* **Directive:** Have a single which mimics HTML ([f3b4937](, closes [#2268](
* **ElementInjector:** throw if multiple directives define the same host injectable ([6a6b43d](
* **Events:** allow a different event vs field name ([29c72ab](, closes [#2272]( [#2344](
* **FakeAsync:** check pending timers at the end of fakeAsync in Dart ([53694eb](
* **Http:** add Http class ([b68e561](, closes [#2530](
* **Parser:** support if statements in actions ([7d32879](, closes [#2022](
* **View:** add support for styleUrls and styles ([ac3e624](, closes [#2382](
* **benchpress:** add mean frame time metric ([6834c49](, closes [#2474](
* **benchpress:** more smoothness metrics ([35589a6](
* **broccoli:** improve merge-trees plugin and add "overwrite" option ([dc8dac7](
* **build:** add `test.unit.dartvm` for a faster roundtrip of dartvm tests ([46eeee6](
* **change detect:** Throw on attempts to use dehydrated detector ([b6e95bb](
* **dart/change_detect:** Add type to ChangeDetector context ([5298055](, closes [#2070](
* **dart/transform:** Add onInit and onCheck hooks in Dart ([17c6d6a](
* **dart/transform:** Allow absolute urls in templates ([a187c78](
* **dart/transform:** Record Type interfaces ([dc6e7eb](, closes [#2204](
* **dart/transform:** Use the best available Change Detectors ([8e3bf39](, closes [#502](
* **diffing-broccoli-plugin:** support multiple inputTrees ([41ae8e7](, closes [#1815]( [#2064](
* **e2e:** added e2e tests for forms ([552d1ed](
* **forms:** added hasError and getError methods to all controls ([1a4d237](
* **forms:** changed forms to capture submit events and fires synthetic ng-submit events ([5fc23ca](
* **forms:** export validator directives as part of formDirectives ([73bce40](
* **forms:** set exportAs to form for all form related directives ([e7e82cb](
* **forms.ts:** formInjectables with FormBuilder ([a6cb86b](, closes [#2367](
* adjust formatting for clang-format v1.0.19. ([a6e7123](
* support decorator chaining and class creation in ES5 ([c3ae34f](, closes [#2534](
* update ts2dart to 0.6.1. ([9613772](
* **http:** add basic http service ([2156810](, closes [#2028](
* **query:** adds support for descendants and more list apis. ([355ab5b](
* **query:** notify on changes ([5bfcca2](
* **router:** add routing to async components ([cd95e07](
* **router:** allow configuring app base href via token ([cab1d0e](
* **transform:** update for ([591f742](
* **view:** added support for exportAs, so any directive can be assigned to a variable ([69b75b7](
* upgrade to clang-format v1.0.19. ([1c2abbc](
### Performance Improvements
* **RouterLink:** use hostListeners for click ([92f1af8](, closes [#2401](
* **render:** don't create property setters if not needed ([4f27611](
* **render:** don’t create an intermediate element array in renderer ([9cd510a](
* **render:** only create `LightDom` instances if the element has children ([ca09701](
* **render:** precompute # bound text nodes and root nodes in `DomProtoView` ([24e647e](