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#!/usr/bin/env node
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
// Must be imported first, because Angular decorators throw on load.
import 'reflect-metadata';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import * as tsickle from 'tsickle';
import {replaceTsWithNgInErrors} from './ngtsc/diagnostics';
import * as api from './transformers/api';
import {GENERATED_FILES} from './transformers/util';
refactor(ivy): implement a virtual file-system layer in ngtsc + ngcc (#30921) To improve cross platform support, all file access (and path manipulation) is now done through a well known interface (`FileSystem`). For testing a number of `MockFileSystem` implementations are provided. These provide an in-memory file-system which emulates operating systems like OS/X, Unix and Windows. The current file system is always available via the static method, `FileSystem.getFileSystem()`. This is also used by a number of static methods on `AbsoluteFsPath` and `PathSegment`, to avoid having to pass `FileSystem` objects around all the time. The result of this is that one must be careful to ensure that the file-system has been initialized before using any of these static methods. To prevent this happening accidentally the current file system always starts out as an instance of `InvalidFileSystem`, which will throw an error if any of its methods are called. You can set the current file-system by calling `FileSystem.setFileSystem()`. During testing you can call the helper function `initMockFileSystem(os)` which takes a string name of the OS to emulate, and will also monkey-patch aspects of the TypeScript library to ensure that TS is also using the current file-system. Finally there is the `NgtscCompilerHost` to be used for any TypeScript compilation, which uses a given file-system. All tests that interact with the file-system should be tested against each of the mock file-systems. A series of helpers have been provided to support such tests: * `runInEachFileSystem()` - wrap your tests in this helper to run all the wrapped tests in each of the mock file-systems. * `addTestFilesToFileSystem()` - use this to add files and their contents to the mock file system for testing. * `loadTestFilesFromDisk()` - use this to load a mirror image of files on disk into the in-memory mock file-system. * `loadFakeCore()` - use this to load a fake version of `@angular/core` into the mock file-system. All ngcc and ngtsc source and tests now use this virtual file-system setup. PR Close #30921
2019-06-06 20:22:32 +01:00
import {exitCodeFromResult, performCompilation, readConfiguration, formatDiagnostics, Diagnostics, ParsedConfiguration, filterErrorsAndWarnings} from './perform_compile';
import {performWatchCompilation, createPerformWatchHost} from './perform_watch';
refactor(ivy): implement a virtual file-system layer in ngtsc + ngcc (#30921) To improve cross platform support, all file access (and path manipulation) is now done through a well known interface (`FileSystem`). For testing a number of `MockFileSystem` implementations are provided. These provide an in-memory file-system which emulates operating systems like OS/X, Unix and Windows. The current file system is always available via the static method, `FileSystem.getFileSystem()`. This is also used by a number of static methods on `AbsoluteFsPath` and `PathSegment`, to avoid having to pass `FileSystem` objects around all the time. The result of this is that one must be careful to ensure that the file-system has been initialized before using any of these static methods. To prevent this happening accidentally the current file system always starts out as an instance of `InvalidFileSystem`, which will throw an error if any of its methods are called. You can set the current file-system by calling `FileSystem.setFileSystem()`. During testing you can call the helper function `initMockFileSystem(os)` which takes a string name of the OS to emulate, and will also monkey-patch aspects of the TypeScript library to ensure that TS is also using the current file-system. Finally there is the `NgtscCompilerHost` to be used for any TypeScript compilation, which uses a given file-system. All tests that interact with the file-system should be tested against each of the mock file-systems. A series of helpers have been provided to support such tests: * `runInEachFileSystem()` - wrap your tests in this helper to run all the wrapped tests in each of the mock file-systems. * `addTestFilesToFileSystem()` - use this to add files and their contents to the mock file system for testing. * `loadTestFilesFromDisk()` - use this to load a mirror image of files on disk into the in-memory mock file-system. * `loadFakeCore()` - use this to load a fake version of `@angular/core` into the mock file-system. All ngcc and ngtsc source and tests now use this virtual file-system setup. PR Close #30921
2019-06-06 20:22:32 +01:00
import {NodeJSFileSystem, setFileSystem} from './ngtsc/file_system';
export function main(
args: string[], consoleError: (s: string) => void = console.error,
config?: NgcParsedConfiguration, customTransformers?: api.CustomTransformers, programReuse?: {
program: api.Program | undefined,
modifiedResourceFiles?: Set<string>| null): number {
let {project, rootNames, options, errors: configErrors, watch, emitFlags} =
config || readNgcCommandLineAndConfiguration(args);
if (configErrors.length) {
return reportErrorsAndExit(configErrors, /*options*/ undefined, consoleError);
if (watch) {
const result = watchMode(project, options, consoleError);
return reportErrorsAndExit(result.firstCompileResult, options, consoleError);
let oldProgram: api.Program|undefined;
if (programReuse !== undefined) {
oldProgram = programReuse.program;
const {diagnostics: compileDiags, program} = performCompilation({
emitCallback: createEmitCallback(options), customTransformers, modifiedResourceFiles
if (programReuse !== undefined) {
programReuse.program = program;
return reportErrorsAndExit(compileDiags, options, consoleError);
export function mainDiagnosticsForTest(
args: string[], config?: NgcParsedConfiguration,
programReuse?: {program: api.Program | undefined},
modifiedResourceFiles?: Set<string>| null): ReadonlyArray<ts.Diagnostic|api.Diagnostic> {
let {project, rootNames, options, errors: configErrors, watch, emitFlags} =
config || readNgcCommandLineAndConfiguration(args);
if (configErrors.length) {
return configErrors;
let oldProgram: api.Program|undefined;
if (programReuse !== undefined) {
oldProgram = programReuse.program;
const {diagnostics: compileDiags, program} = performCompilation({
emitCallback: createEmitCallback(options),
if (programReuse !== undefined) {
programReuse.program = program;
return compileDiags;
function createEmitCallback(options: api.CompilerOptions): api.TsEmitCallback|undefined {
const transformDecorators =
(options.enableIvy === false && options.annotationsAs !== 'decorators');
const transformTypesToClosure = options.annotateForClosureCompiler;
if (!transformDecorators && !transformTypesToClosure) {
return undefined;
if (transformDecorators) {
// This is needed as a workaround for https://github.com/angular/tsickle/issues/635
// Otherwise tsickle might emit references to non imported values
// as TypeScript elided the import.
options.emitDecoratorMetadata = true;
const tsickleHost: Pick<
tsickle.TsickleHost, 'shouldSkipTsickleProcessing'|'pathToModuleName'|
'convertIndexImportShorthand'|'transformDecorators'|'transformTypesToClosure'> = {
shouldSkipTsickleProcessing: (fileName) =>
/\.d\.ts$/.test(fileName) || GENERATED_FILES.test(fileName),
pathToModuleName: (context, importPath) => '',
shouldIgnoreWarningsForPath: (filePath) => false,
fileNameToModuleId: (fileName) => fileName,
googmodule: false,
untyped: true,
convertIndexImportShorthand: false, transformDecorators, transformTypesToClosure,
if (options.annotateForClosureCompiler || options.annotationsAs === 'static fields') {
return ({
customTransformers = {},
}) =>
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-require-imports only depend on tsickle if requested
program, {...tsickleHost, options, host, moduleResolutionHost: host}, host, options,
targetSourceFile, writeFile, cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles, {
beforeTs: customTransformers.before,
afterTs: customTransformers.after,
} else {
return ({
customTransformers = {},
}) =>
targetSourceFile, writeFile, cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles,
{after: customTransformers.after, before: customTransformers.before});
export interface NgcParsedConfiguration extends ParsedConfiguration { watch?: boolean; }
export function readNgcCommandLineAndConfiguration(args: string[]): NgcParsedConfiguration {
const options: api.CompilerOptions = {};
const parsedArgs = require('minimist')(args);
if (parsedArgs.i18nFile) options.i18nInFile = parsedArgs.i18nFile;
if (parsedArgs.i18nFormat) options.i18nInFormat = parsedArgs.i18nFormat;
if (parsedArgs.locale) options.i18nInLocale = parsedArgs.locale;
const mt = parsedArgs.missingTranslation;
if (mt === 'error' || mt === 'warning' || mt === 'ignore') {
options.i18nInMissingTranslations = mt;
const config = readCommandLineAndConfiguration(
args, options, ['i18nFile', 'i18nFormat', 'locale', 'missingTranslation', 'watch']);
const watch = parsedArgs.w || parsedArgs.watch;
return {...config, watch};
export function readCommandLineAndConfiguration(
args: string[], existingOptions: api.CompilerOptions = {},
ngCmdLineOptions: string[] = []): ParsedConfiguration {
let cmdConfig = ts.parseCommandLine(args);
const project = cmdConfig.options.project || '.';
const cmdErrors = cmdConfig.errors.filter(e => {
if (typeof e.messageText === 'string') {
const msg = e.messageText;
return !ngCmdLineOptions.some(o => msg.indexOf(o) >= 0);
return true;
if (cmdErrors.length) {
return {
rootNames: [],
options: cmdConfig.options,
errors: cmdErrors,
emitFlags: api.EmitFlags.Default
const allDiagnostics: Diagnostics = [];
const config = readConfiguration(project, cmdConfig.options);
const options = {...config.options, ...existingOptions};
if (options.locale) {
options.i18nInLocale = options.locale;
return {
rootNames: config.rootNames, options,
errors: config.errors,
emitFlags: config.emitFlags
function getFormatDiagnosticsHost(options?: api.CompilerOptions): ts.FormatDiagnosticsHost {
const basePath = options ? options.basePath : undefined;
return {
getCurrentDirectory: () => basePath || ts.sys.getCurrentDirectory(),
// We need to normalize the path separators here because by default, TypeScript
// compiler hosts use posix canonical paths. In order to print consistent diagnostics,
// we also normalize the paths.
getCanonicalFileName: fileName => fileName.replace(/\\/g, '/'),
getNewLine: () => {
// Manually determine the proper new line string based on the passed compiler
// options. There is no public TypeScript function that returns the corresponding
// new line string. see: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/29581
if (options && options.newLine !== undefined) {
return options.newLine === ts.NewLineKind.LineFeed ? '\n' : '\r\n';
return ts.sys.newLine;
function reportErrorsAndExit(
allDiagnostics: Diagnostics, options?: api.CompilerOptions,
consoleError: (s: string) => void = console.error): number {
const errorsAndWarnings = filterErrorsAndWarnings(allDiagnostics);
printDiagnostics(errorsAndWarnings, options, consoleError);
return exitCodeFromResult(allDiagnostics);
export function watchMode(
project: string, options: api.CompilerOptions, consoleError: (s: string) => void) {
return performWatchCompilation(createPerformWatchHost(project, diagnostics => {
printDiagnostics(diagnostics, options, consoleError);
}, options, options => createEmitCallback(options)));
function printDiagnostics(
diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<ts.Diagnostic|api.Diagnostic>,
options: api.CompilerOptions | undefined, consoleError: (s: string) => void): void {
if (diagnostics.length === 0) {
const formatHost = getFormatDiagnosticsHost(options);
consoleError(formatDiagnostics(diagnostics, formatHost));
// CLI entry point
if (require.main === module) {
const args = process.argv.slice(2);
refactor(ivy): implement a virtual file-system layer in ngtsc + ngcc (#30921) To improve cross platform support, all file access (and path manipulation) is now done through a well known interface (`FileSystem`). For testing a number of `MockFileSystem` implementations are provided. These provide an in-memory file-system which emulates operating systems like OS/X, Unix and Windows. The current file system is always available via the static method, `FileSystem.getFileSystem()`. This is also used by a number of static methods on `AbsoluteFsPath` and `PathSegment`, to avoid having to pass `FileSystem` objects around all the time. The result of this is that one must be careful to ensure that the file-system has been initialized before using any of these static methods. To prevent this happening accidentally the current file system always starts out as an instance of `InvalidFileSystem`, which will throw an error if any of its methods are called. You can set the current file-system by calling `FileSystem.setFileSystem()`. During testing you can call the helper function `initMockFileSystem(os)` which takes a string name of the OS to emulate, and will also monkey-patch aspects of the TypeScript library to ensure that TS is also using the current file-system. Finally there is the `NgtscCompilerHost` to be used for any TypeScript compilation, which uses a given file-system. All tests that interact with the file-system should be tested against each of the mock file-systems. A series of helpers have been provided to support such tests: * `runInEachFileSystem()` - wrap your tests in this helper to run all the wrapped tests in each of the mock file-systems. * `addTestFilesToFileSystem()` - use this to add files and their contents to the mock file system for testing. * `loadTestFilesFromDisk()` - use this to load a mirror image of files on disk into the in-memory mock file-system. * `loadFakeCore()` - use this to load a fake version of `@angular/core` into the mock file-system. All ngcc and ngtsc source and tests now use this virtual file-system setup. PR Close #30921
2019-06-06 20:22:32 +01:00
// We are running the real compiler so run against the real file-system
setFileSystem(new NodeJSFileSystem());
process.exitCode = main(args);
2016-11-30 16:45:40 -08:00