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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import * as ng from '@angular/compiler';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {getDirectiveClassLike, getPathToNodeAtPosition} from '../src/utils';
describe('getDirectiveClassLike()', () => {
it('should return a directive class', () => {
const sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(
'foo.ts', `
declarations: [],
class AppModule {}
const result = sourceFile.forEachChild(c => {
const directive = getDirectiveClassLike(c);
if (directive) {
return directive;
const {decoratorId, classDecl} = result !;
expect((decoratorId as ts.Identifier).text).toBe('NgModule');
expect(classDecl.name !.text).toBe('AppModule');
describe('getPathToNodeAtPosition', () => {
const html = '<div c></div>';
const nodes: ng.Node[] = [];
beforeAll(() => {
const parser = new ng.HtmlParser();
const {rootNodes, errors} = parser.parse(html, 'url');
it('must capture element', () => {
// First, try to get a Path to the Element
// <|div c></div>
// ^ cursor is here
const position = html.indexOf('div');
const path = getPathToNodeAtPosition(nodes, position);
// There should be just 1 node in the path, the Element node
expect(path.head instanceof ng.Element).toBe(true);
it('must capture attribute', () => {
// Then, try to get a Path to the Attribute
// <div |c></div>
// ^ cusor is here, before the attribute
const position = html.indexOf('c');
const path = getPathToNodeAtPosition(nodes, position);
expect(path.head instanceof ng.Element).toBe(true);
expect(path.tail instanceof ng.Attribute).toBe(true);
it('must capture attribute before cursor', () => {
// Finally, try to get a Path to the attribute after the 'c' text
// <div c|></div>
// ^ cursor is here, after the attribute
const position = html.indexOf('c') + 1;
const path = getPathToNodeAtPosition(nodes, position);
expect(path.head instanceof ng.Element).toBe(true);
expect(path.tail instanceof ng.Attribute).toBe(true);