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import {FunctionWithParamTokens, injectAsync,RootTestComponent, TestComponentBuilder} from 'angular2/testing';
import {By} from 'angular2/angular2'
///////// Should be in testing /////////
export type DoneFn = {
fail: (err?:any) => void,
(done?:any): () => void
///////// injectAsync extensions ///
type PromiseLikeTestFn = (...args:any[]) => PromiseLike<any>;
type PromiseLikeTcbTestFn = (tcb: TestComponentBuilder, ...args:any[]) => PromiseLike<any>;
/** Run an async component test within Angular test bed using TestComponentBuilder
// Example
// it('async Component test', tcb => {
// // your test here
// // your test here
// // your test here
// return aPromise;
// });
// May precede the test fn with some injectables which will be passed as args AFTER the TestComponentBuilder
// Example:
// it('async Component test w/ injectables', [HeroService], (tcb, service:HeroService) => {
// // your test here
// return aPromise;
// });
export function injectTcb(testFn: (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => PromiseLike<any>): FunctionWithParamTokens;
export function injectTcb(dependencies: any[], testFn: PromiseLikeTcbTestFn): FunctionWithParamTokens;
export function injectTcb(dependencies: any[] | PromiseLikeTcbTestFn, testFn?: PromiseLikeTcbTestFn) {
if (typeof dependencies === 'function' ){
testFn = <PromiseLikeTcbTestFn>dependencies;
dependencies = [];
return injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder, ...(<any[]>dependencies)], testFn);
///////// inspectors and expectations /////////
export function getSelectedHtml(rootTC: RootTestComponent, selector: string) {
var debugElement = rootTC.debugElement.query(By.css(selector));
return debugElement && debugElement.nativeElement && debugElement.nativeElement.innerHTML;
export function expectSelectedHtml(rootTC: RootTestComponent, selector: string) {
return expect(getSelectedHtml(rootTC, selector));
export function getSelectedClassName(rootTC: RootTestComponent, selector: string) {
var debugElement = rootTC.debugElement.query(By.css(selector));
return debugElement && debugElement.nativeElement && debugElement.nativeElement.className;
export function expectSelectedClassName(rootTC: RootTestComponent, selector: string) {
return expect(getSelectedClassName(rootTC, selector));
export function getViewChildHtml(rootTC: RootTestComponent, elIndex: number = 0) {
let child = rootTC.debugElement.componentViewChildren[elIndex];
return child && child.nativeElement && child.nativeElement.innerHTML
export function expectViewChildHtml(rootTC: RootTestComponent, elIndex: number = 0) {
return expect(getViewChildHtml(rootTC, elIndex));
export function expectViewChildClass(rootTC: RootTestComponent, elIndex: number = 0) {
let child = rootTC.debugElement.componentViewChildren[elIndex];
return expect(child && child.nativeElement && child.nativeElement.className);
export function dispatchEvent(element: Element, eventType: string) {
element.dispatchEvent(new Event(eventType));
/** Let time pass so that DOM or Ng can react
// returns a promise that returns ("passes through")
// the value resolved in the previous `then` (if any)
// after delaying for [millis] which is zero by default.
// Example (passing along the rootTC w/ no delay):
// ...
// return rootTC; // optional
// })
// .then(tick)
// .then(rootTC:RTC => { .. do something ..});
// Example (passing along nothing in particular w/ 10ms delay):
// ...
// // don't care if it returns something or not
// })
// .then(_ => tick(_, 10)) // ten milliseconds pass
// .then(() => { .. do something ..});
export function tick(passThru?: any, millis: number = 0){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{
setTimeout(() => resolve(passThru), millis);