See for related npm issue. A common symptom is that the `from` property of various dependencies in `npm-shrinkwrap.json` "arbitrarily" changes depending on when and where the shrinkwrap command was run.
1. run `npm install -D <packagename>@<version|latest>` or `npm update <packagename>` to update to the latest version that matches version constraint in `package.json`
2. relock the dependencies with `npm shrinkwrap --dev`
3. clean up the shrinkwrap file for review with `./tools/npm/clean-shrinkwrap.js`
4. these steps should change 2 files: `npm-shrinkwrap.json` and `npm-shrinkwrap.clean.json`. Optionally if you used `npm install ...` in the first step, `package.json` might be modified as well
5. commit changes to these three files and you are done