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library angular2.src.web_workers.ui;
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:core';
import 'package:angular2/src/web_workers/shared/message_bus.dart'
show MessageBus;
import 'package:angular2/src/web_workers/ui/impl.dart'
show bootstrapUICommon, WebWorkerApplication;
import 'package:angular2/src/web_workers/shared/isolate_message_bus.dart';
* Bootstrapping a WebWorker
* You instantiate a WebWorker application by calling bootstrap with the URI of your worker's index script
* Note: The WebWorker script must call bootstrapWebworker once it is set up to complete the bootstrapping process
Future<IsolateInstance> bootstrap(String uri) async {
var instance = await spawnWebWorker(Uri.parse(uri));
instance.app = bootstrapUICommon(instance.bus);
return instance;
* To be called from the main thread to spawn and communicate with the worker thread
Future<IsolateInstance> spawnWebWorker(Uri uri) async {
var receivePort = new ReceivePort();
var isolateEndSendPort = receivePort.sendPort;
var isolate = await Isolate.spawnUri(uri, const [], isolateEndSendPort);
var source = new UIMessageBusSource(receivePort);
var sendPort = await source.sink;
var sink = new IsolateMessageBusSink(sendPort);
var bus = new IsolateMessageBus(sink, source);
return new IsolateInstance(null, isolate, bus);
class UIMessageBusSource extends IsolateMessageBusSource {
UIMessageBusSource(ReceivePort port) : super(port);
Future<SendPort> get sink => stream.firstWhere((message) {
return message is SendPort;
* Wrapper class that exposes the {@link WebWorkerApplication}
* Isolate instance and underlying {@link MessageBus} for lower level message passing.
class IsolateInstance {
WebWorkerApplication app;
final Isolate isolate;
final MessageBus bus;
IsolateInstance(this.app, this.isolate, this.bus);