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2018-03-24 01:12:42 -04:00
# Introduction to modules
# 模块简介
2018-03-24 01:12:42 -04:00
<img src="generated/images/guide/architecture/module.png" alt="Module" class="left">
Angular apps are modular and Angular has its own modularity system called _NgModules_. An NgModule is a container for a cohesive block of code dedicated to an application domain, a workflow, or a closely related set of capabilities. It can contain components, service providers, and other code files whose scope is defined by the containing NgModule. It can import functionality that is exported from other NgModules, and export selected functionality for use by other NgModules.
Angular 应用是模块化的,它拥有自己的模块化系统,称作 *NgModule*
一个 NgModule 就是一个容器,用于存放一些内聚的代码块,这些代码块专注于某个应用领域、某个工作流或一组紧密相关的功能。
它可以包含一些组件、服务提供商或其它代码文件,其作用域由包含它们的 NgModule 定义。
它还可以导入一些由其它模块中导出的功能,并导出一些指定的功能供其它 NgModule 使用。
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Every Angular app has at least one NgModule class, [the _root module_](guide/bootstrapping), which is conventionally named `AppModule` and resides in a file named `app.module.ts`. You launch your app by *bootstrapping* the root NgModule.
每个 Angular 应用都至少有一个 NgModule 类,也就是[根模块](guide/bootstrapping),它习惯上命名为 `AppModule`,并位于一个名叫 `app.module.ts` 的文件中。*引导*这个根模块就可以启动你的应用。
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While a small application might have only one NgModule, most apps have many more _feature modules_. The _root_ NgModule for an app is so named because it can include child NgModules in a hierarchy of any depth.
虽然小型的应用可能只有一个 NgModule不过大多数应用都会有很多*特性模块*。应用的*根模块*之所以叫根模块,是因为它可以包含任意深度的层次化子模块。
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## NgModule metadata
2018-03-24 04:33:17 -04:00
## `@NgModule` 元数据
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An NgModule is defined as a class decorated with `@NgModule`. The `@NgModule` decorator is a function that takes a single metadata object, whose properties describe the module. The most important properties are as follows.
NgModule 是一个带有 `@NgModule` 装饰器的类。`@NgModule` 装饰器是一个函数,它接受一个元数据对象,该对象的属性用来描述这个模块。其中最重要的属性如下。
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* `declarations`&mdash;The [components](guide/architecture-components), _directives_, and _pipes_ that belong to this NgModule.
2018-05-07 01:06:47 -04:00
`declarations`(可声明对象表) —— 那些属于本 NgModule 的[组件](guide/architecture-components)、*指令*、*管道*。
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* `exports`&mdash;The subset of declarations that should be visible and usable in the _component templates_ of other NgModules.
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`exports`(导出表) —— 那些能在其它模块的*组件模板*中使用的可声明对象的子集。
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* `imports`&mdash;Other modules whose exported classes are needed by component templates declared in _this_ NgModule.
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`imports`(导入表) —— 那些导出了*本*模块中的组件模板所需的类的其它模块。
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* `providers`&mdash;Creators of [services](guide/architecture-services) that this NgModule contributes to the global collection of services; they become accessible in all parts of the app. (You can also specify providers at the component level, which is often preferred.)
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`providers` —— 本模块向全局服务中贡献的那些[服务](guide/architecture-services)的创建器。
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* `bootstrap`&mdash;The main application view, called the _root component_, which hosts all other app views. Only the _root NgModule_ should set this `bootstrap` property.
2018-05-07 01:06:47 -04:00
`bootstrap` —— 应用的主视图,称为*根组件*。它是应用中所有其它视图的宿主。只有*根模块*才应该设置这个 `bootstrap` 属性。
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Here's a simple root NgModule definition:
下面是一个简单的根 NgModule 定义:
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<code-example path="architecture/src/app/mini-app.ts" region="module" title="src/app/app.module.ts" linenums="false"></code-example>
<div class="alert is-helpful">
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The `export` of `AppComponent` is just to show how to export; it isn't actually necessary in this example. A root NgModule has no reason to _export_ anything because other modules don't need to _import_ the root NgModule.
`AppComponent` 放到 `exports` 中只是为了演示导出的语法,这在本例子中实际上是没必要的。
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## NgModules and components
## NgModule 和组件
2018-03-24 01:12:42 -04:00
NgModules provide a _compilation context_ for their components. A root NgModule always has a root component that is created during bootstrap, but any NgModule can include any number of additional components, which can be loaded through the router or created through the template. The components that belong to an NgModule share a compilation context.
NgModule 为其中的组件提供了一个*编译上下文环境*。根模块总会有一个根组件,并在引导期间创建它。
但是,任何模块都能包含任意数量的其它组件,这些组件可以通过路由器加载,也可以通过模板创建。那些属于这个 NgModule 的组件会共享同一个编译上下文环境。
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<img src="generated/images/guide/architecture/compilation-context.png" alt="Component compilation context" class="left">
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A component and its template together define a _view_. A component can contain a _view hierarchy_, which allows you to define arbitrarily complex areas of the screen that can be created, modified, and destroyed as a unit. A view hierarchy can mix views defined in components that belong to different NgModules. This is often the case, especially for UI libraries.
一个视图层次结构中可以混合使用由不同 NgModule 中的组件定义的视图。
这种情况很常见,特别是对一些 UI 库来说。
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<img src="generated/images/guide/architecture/view-hierarchy.png" alt="View hierarchy" class="left">
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When you create a component, it is associated directly with a single view, called the _host view_. The host view can be the root of a view hierarchy, which can contain _embedded views_, which are in turn the host views of other components. Those components can be in the same NgModule, or can be imported from other NgModules. Views in the tree can be nested to any depth.
这些组件可以位于相同的 NgModule 中,也可以从其它 NgModule 中导入。
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The hierarchical structure of views is a key factor in the way Angular detects and responds to changes in the DOM and app data.
视图的这种层次结构是 Angular 在 DOM 和应用数据中检测与响应变更时的关键因素。
2018-03-24 01:12:42 -04:00
## NgModules and JavaScript modules
## NgModule 和 JavaScript 的模块
2018-03-24 01:12:42 -04:00
The NgModule system is different from and unrelated to the JavaScript (ES2015) module system for managing collections of JavaScript objects. These are two different and _complementary_ module systems. You can use them both to write your apps.
NgModule 系统与 JavaScriptES2015用来管理 JavaScript 对象的模块系统不同,而且也没有直接关联。
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In JavaScript each _file_ is a module and all objects defined in the file belong to that module.
The module declares some objects to be public by marking them with the `export` key word.
Other JavaScript modules use *import statements* to access public objects from other modules.
JavaScript 中,每个*文件*是一个模块,文件中定义的所有对象都从属于那个模块。
通过 `export` 关键字,模块可以把它的某些对象声明为公共的。
其它 JavaScript 模块可以使用*import 语句*来访问这些公共对象。
<code-example path="architecture/src/app/app.module.ts" region="imports" linenums="false"></code-example>
<code-example path="architecture/src/app/app.module.ts" region="export" linenums="false"></code-example>
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<a href="">Learn more about the JavaScript module system on the web.</a>
<a href="">学习更多关于 JavaScript 模块的知识。</a>
## Angular libraries
## Angular 自带的库
2018-03-24 01:12:42 -04:00
<img src="generated/images/guide/architecture/library-module.png" alt="Component" class="left">
Angular ships as a collection of JavaScript modules. You can think of them as library modules. Each Angular library name begins with the `@angular` prefix. Install them with the `npm` package manager and import parts of them with JavaScript `import` statements.
Angular 自带了一组 JavaScript 模块,你可以把它们看成库模块。每个 Angular 库的名称都带有 `@angular` 前缀。
使用 `npm` 包管理器安装它们,并使用 JavaScript 的 `import` 语句导入其中的各个部分。
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<br class="clear">
For example, import Angular's `Component` decorator from the `@angular/core` library like this:
例如,像下面这样,从 `@angular/core` 库中导入 `Component` 装饰器:
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<code-example path="architecture/src/app/app.component.ts" region="import" linenums="false"></code-example>
You also import NgModules from Angular _libraries_ using JavaScript import statements.
For example, the following code imports the `BrowserModule` NgModule from the `platform-browser` library:
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2018-07-27 08:22:07 -04:00
还可以使用 JavaScript 的导入语句从 Angular *库*中导入 Angular *模块*
比如,下列代码从 `platform-browser` 库中导入了 `BrowserModule` 这个 NgModule。
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<code-example path="architecture/src/app/mini-app.ts" region="import-browser-module" linenums="false"></code-example>
In the example of the simple root module above, the application module needs material from within the `BrowserModule`. To access that material, add it to the `@NgModule` metadata `imports` like this.
在上面这个简单的根模块范例中,应用的根模块需要来自 `BrowserModule` 中的素材。要访问这些素材,就要把它加入 `@NgModule` 元数据的 `imports` 中,代码如下:
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<code-example path="architecture/src/app/mini-app.ts" region="ngmodule-imports" linenums="false"></code-example>
In this way you're using both the Angular and JavaScript module systems _together_. Although it's easy to confuse the two systems, which share the common vocabulary of "imports" and "exports", you will become familiar with the different contexts in which they are used.
通过这种方式,你可以*同时*使用 Angular 和 JavaScript 的这两种模块系统。
虽然这两种模块系统容易混淆(它们共享了同样的词汇 `import` 和`export`),不过只要多用用你就会熟悉它们各自的语境了。
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Learn more from the [NgModules](guide/ngmodules) page.
更多信息,参见 [NgModules](guide/ngmodules)。