Prefer spies as they are usually the easiest way to mock services.
These standard testing techniques are great for unit testing services in isolation.
However, you almost always inject services into application classes using Angular
dependency injection and you should have tests that reflect that usage pattern.
Angular testing utilities make it easy to investigate how injected services behave.
## Testing services with the _TestBed_
Your app relies on Angular [dependency injection (DI)](guide/dependency-injection)
to create services.
When a service has a dependent service, DI finds or creates that dependent service.
And if that dependent service has its own dependencies, DI finds-or-creates them as well.
As service _consumer_, you don't worry about any of this.
You don't worry about the order of constructor arguments or how they're created.
As a service _tester_, you must at least think about the first level of service dependencies
but you _can_ let Angular DI do the service creation and deal with constructor argument order
when you use the `TestBed` testing utility to provide and create services.
{@a testbed}
## Angular _TestBed_
The `TestBed` is the most important of the Angular testing utilities.
The `TestBed` creates a dynamically-constructed Angular _test_ module that emulates
an Angular [@NgModule](guide/ngmodules).
The `TestBed.configureTestingModule()` method takes a metadata object that can have most of the properties of an [@NgModule](guide/ngmodules).
To test a service, you set the `providers` metadata property with an
array of the services that you'll test or mock.
<code-examplepath="testing/src/app/demo/demo.testbed.spec.ts"region="value-service-before-each"header="app/demo/demo.testbed.spec.ts (provide ValueService in beforeEach)"></code-example>
Then inject it inside a test by calling `TestBed.inject()` with the service class as the argument.
<divclass="alert is-helpful">
**Note:** `TestBed.get()` was deprecated as of Angular version 9.
To help minimize breaking changes, Angular introduces a new function called `TestBed.inject()`, which you should use instead.
For information on the removal of `TestBed.get()`,
see its entry in the [Deprecations index](guide/deprecations#index).