2017-01-03 16:54:46 -08:00
export declare const APP_BASE_HREF: InjectionToken<string>;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
2017-01-21 11:27:42 +01:00
export declare class AsyncPipe implements OnDestroy, PipeTransform {
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
constructor(_ref: ChangeDetectorRef);
ngOnDestroy(): void;
2018-02-12 09:06:17 -08:00
transform<T>(obj: Observable<T> | null | undefined): T | null;
2018-06-25 11:11:22 +02:00
transform<T>(obj: Promise<T> | null | undefined): T | null;
2017-03-24 09:54:02 -07:00
transform<T>(obj: undefined): undefined;
transform<T>(obj: null): null;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
2016-07-18 03:50:31 -07:00
export declare class CommonModule {
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare class CurrencyPipe implements PipeTransform {
2016-08-26 09:16:01 -07:00
constructor(_locale: string);
2018-01-26 11:06:13 +01:00
transform(value: any, currencyCode?: string, display?: 'code' | 'symbol' | 'symbol-narrow' | string | boolean, digitsInfo?: string, locale?: string): string | null;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare class DatePipe implements PipeTransform {
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
constructor(locale: string);
transform(value: any, format?: string, timezone?: string, locale?: string): string | null;
export declare class DecimalPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(_locale: string);
2018-01-26 11:06:13 +01:00
transform(value: any, digitsInfo?: string, locale?: string): string | null;
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
2017-03-22 17:13:24 -07:00
export declare const DOCUMENT: InjectionToken<Document>;
2018-02-23 22:28:07 +01:00
export declare function formatCurrency(value: number, locale: string, currency: string, currencyCode?: string, digitsInfo?: string): string;
export declare function formatDate(value: string | number | Date, format: string, locale: string, timezone?: string): string;
export declare function formatNumber(value: number, locale: string, digitsInfo?: string): string;
export declare function formatPercent(value: number, locale: string, digitsInfo?: string): string;
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
export declare enum FormatWidth {
Short = 0,
Medium = 1,
Long = 2,
2018-06-25 11:11:22 +02:00
Full = 3
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
export declare enum FormStyle {
Format = 0,
2018-06-25 11:11:22 +02:00
Standalone = 1
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
2018-01-26 11:06:13 +01:00
export declare function getCurrencySymbol(code: string, format: 'wide' | 'narrow', locale?: string): string;
2017-12-13 15:16:05 +01:00
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
export declare function getLocaleCurrencyName(locale: string): string | null;
export declare function getLocaleCurrencySymbol(locale: string): string | null;
export declare function getLocaleDateFormat(locale: string, width: FormatWidth): string;
export declare function getLocaleDateTimeFormat(locale: string, width: FormatWidth): string;
export declare function getLocaleDayNames(locale: string, formStyle: FormStyle, width: TranslationWidth): string[];
export declare function getLocaleDayPeriods(locale: string, formStyle: FormStyle, width: TranslationWidth): [string, string];
export declare function getLocaleEraNames(locale: string, width: TranslationWidth): [string, string];
export declare function getLocaleExtraDayPeriodRules(locale: string): (Time | [Time, Time])[];
export declare function getLocaleExtraDayPeriods(locale: string, formStyle: FormStyle, width: TranslationWidth): string[];
export declare function getLocaleFirstDayOfWeek(locale: string): WeekDay;
export declare function getLocaleId(locale: string): string;
export declare function getLocaleMonthNames(locale: string, formStyle: FormStyle, width: TranslationWidth): string[];
export declare function getLocaleNumberFormat(locale: string, type: NumberFormatStyle): string;
export declare function getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale: string, symbol: NumberSymbol): string;
2019-05-17 16:13:31 +02:00
export declare const getLocalePluralCase: (locale: string) => ((value: number) => Plural);
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
export declare function getLocaleTimeFormat(locale: string, width: FormatWidth): string;
export declare function getLocaleWeekEndRange(locale: string): [WeekDay, WeekDay];
2018-02-23 22:28:07 +01:00
export declare function getNumberOfCurrencyDigits(code: string): number;
2018-01-29 22:40:07 +01:00
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare class HashLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy {
constructor(_platformLocation: PlatformLocation, _baseHref?: string);
2016-06-23 18:19:32 -07:00
back(): void;
forward(): void;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
getBaseHref(): string;
2016-08-23 14:26:31 -07:00
onPopState(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
2016-06-26 11:52:32 -07:00
path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string;
pushState(state: any, title: string, path: string, queryParams: string): void;
replaceState(state: any, title: string, path: string, queryParams: string): void;
export declare class I18nPluralPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(_localization: NgLocalization);
transform(value: number, pluralMap: {
[count: string]: string;
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
}, locale?: string): string;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare class I18nSelectPipe implements PipeTransform {
2017-03-24 09:54:02 -07:00
transform(value: string | null | undefined, mapping: {
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
[key: string]: string;
}): string;
2017-02-22 16:49:46 -08:00
export declare function isPlatformBrowser(platformId: Object): boolean;
export declare function isPlatformServer(platformId: Object): boolean;
export declare function isPlatformWorkerApp(platformId: Object): boolean;
export declare function isPlatformWorkerUi(platformId: Object): boolean;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare class JsonPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any): string;
2018-06-06 21:31:22 +12:00
export interface KeyValue<K, V> {
key: K;
value: V;
export declare class KeyValuePipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(differs: KeyValueDiffers);
transform<K, V>(input: null, compareFn?: (a: KeyValue<K, V>, b: KeyValue<K, V>) => number): null;
transform<V>(input: {
[key: string]: V;
} | Map<string, V>, compareFn?: (a: KeyValue<string, V>, b: KeyValue<string, V>) => number): Array<KeyValue<string, V>>;
transform<V>(input: {
[key: number]: V;
} | Map<number, V>, compareFn?: (a: KeyValue<number, V>, b: KeyValue<number, V>) => number): Array<KeyValue<number, V>>;
transform<K, V>(input: Map<K, V>, compareFn?: (a: KeyValue<K, V>, b: KeyValue<K, V>) => number): Array<KeyValue<K, V>>;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare class Location {
2019-04-23 07:16:08 -07:00
constructor(platformStrategy: LocationStrategy, platformLocation: PlatformLocation);
2016-06-23 18:19:32 -07:00
back(): void;
forward(): void;
2019-02-06 14:42:57 -08:00
getState(): unknown;
2018-01-24 12:19:59 -05:00
go(path: string, query?: string, state?: any): void;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
isCurrentPathEqualTo(path: string, query?: string): boolean;
normalize(url: string): string;
2019-04-23 07:16:08 -07:00
onUrlChange(fn: (url: string, state: unknown) => void): void;
2016-06-26 11:52:32 -07:00
path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
prepareExternalUrl(url: string): string;
2018-01-24 12:19:59 -05:00
replaceState(path: string, query?: string, state?: any): void;
2018-02-27 17:06:06 -05:00
subscribe(onNext: (value: PopStateEvent) => void, onThrow?: ((exception: any) => void) | null, onReturn?: (() => void) | null): SubscriptionLike;
2019-08-22 19:24:00 -07:00
static joinWithSlash: (start: string, end: string) => string;
static normalizeQueryParams: (params: string) => string;
static stripTrailingSlash: (url: string) => string;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
2017-03-07 17:27:20 -05:00
export declare const LOCATION_INITIALIZED: InjectionToken<Promise<any>>;
2016-08-23 14:26:31 -07:00
export interface LocationChangeEvent {
2018-01-24 12:19:59 -05:00
state: any;
2016-08-23 14:26:31 -07:00
type: string;
export interface LocationChangeListener {
2018-05-03 09:53:12 +01:00
(event: LocationChangeEvent): any;
2016-08-23 14:26:31 -07:00
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare abstract class LocationStrategy {
2016-06-23 18:19:32 -07:00
abstract back(): void;
abstract forward(): void;
abstract getBaseHref(): string;
2016-08-23 14:26:31 -07:00
abstract onPopState(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
2016-06-26 11:52:32 -07:00
abstract path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
abstract prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string;
abstract pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
abstract replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
export declare class LowerCasePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string): string;
2019-02-18 16:12:42 -08:00
export declare class NgClass extends NgClassBase implements DoCheck {
2016-09-09 12:03:51 -07:00
klass: string;
2016-07-07 16:35:13 -07:00
ngClass: string | string[] | Set<string> | {
2016-09-09 12:03:51 -07:00
[klass: string]: any;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
2019-02-18 16:12:42 -08:00
constructor(delegate: NgClassImpl);
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
ngDoCheck(): void;
2019-02-18 16:12:42 -08:00
export declare class NgClassBase {
protected _delegate: NgClassImpl;
constructor(_delegate: NgClassImpl);
getValue(): {
[key: string]: any;
} | null;
2019-10-11 12:28:12 -07:00
static ɵdir: any;
2019-10-11 14:18:45 -07:00
static ɵfac: any;
2019-02-18 16:12:42 -08:00
2017-01-25 17:41:08 -08:00
export declare class NgComponentOutlet implements OnChanges, OnDestroy {
2016-09-01 14:00:14 +03:00
ngComponentOutlet: Type<any>;
ngComponentOutletContent: any[][];
ngComponentOutletInjector: Injector;
2017-01-25 17:41:08 -08:00
ngComponentOutletNgModuleFactory: NgModuleFactory<any>;
constructor(_viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef);
2016-09-01 14:00:14 +03:00
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
2017-01-25 17:41:08 -08:00
ngOnDestroy(): void;
2016-09-01 14:00:14 +03:00
2018-04-13 17:11:21 -07:00
export declare class NgForOf<T> implements DoCheck {
2019-10-03 18:31:28 +02:00
ngForOf: NgIterable<T> | undefined | null;
2017-03-14 20:46:29 -07:00
ngForTemplate: TemplateRef<NgForOfContext<T>>;
2017-01-25 13:45:06 -08:00
ngForTrackBy: TrackByFunction<T>;
2017-03-14 20:46:29 -07:00
constructor(_viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, _template: TemplateRef<NgForOfContext<T>>, _differs: IterableDiffers);
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
ngDoCheck(): void;
2018-10-03 10:57:46 -07:00
static ngTemplateContextGuard<T>(dir: NgForOf<T>, ctx: any): ctx is NgForOfContext<T>;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
2017-03-14 20:46:29 -07:00
export declare class NgForOfContext<T> {
$implicit: T;
count: number;
readonly even: boolean;
readonly first: boolean;
index: number;
readonly last: boolean;
ngForOf: NgIterable<T>;
readonly odd: boolean;
constructor($implicit: T, ngForOf: NgIterable<T>, index: number, count: number);
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare class NgIf {
ngIf: any;
2018-02-18 18:41:43 -08:00
ngIfElse: TemplateRef<NgIfContext> | null;
ngIfThen: TemplateRef<NgIfContext> | null;
2016-12-07 21:41:27 -08:00
constructor(_viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, templateRef: TemplateRef<NgIfContext>);
2019-05-03 00:34:09 +02:00
static ngTemplateGuard_ngIf: 'binding';
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
2017-03-14 20:46:29 -07:00
export declare class NgIfContext {
$implicit: any;
ngIf: any;
2016-12-12 22:16:12 +03:00
export declare class NgLocaleLocalization extends NgLocalization {
protected locale: string;
2019-10-11 09:30:19 +02:00
constructor(locale: string);
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
getPluralCategory(value: any, locale?: string): string;
2016-12-12 22:16:12 +03:00
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare abstract class NgLocalization {
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
abstract getPluralCategory(value: any, locale?: string): string;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
2016-07-07 14:47:06 -07:00
export declare class NgPlural {
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
ngPlural: number;
2016-06-23 18:19:32 -07:00
constructor(_localization: NgLocalization);
2016-07-07 14:47:06 -07:00
addCase(value: string, switchView: SwitchView): void;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare class NgPluralCase {
value: string;
2016-07-07 14:47:06 -07:00
constructor(value: string, template: TemplateRef<Object>, viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, ngPlural: NgPlural);
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
2019-02-18 16:12:42 -08:00
export declare class NgStyle extends NgStyleBase implements DoCheck {
2016-07-07 16:35:13 -07:00
ngStyle: {
2019-02-18 16:12:42 -08:00
[klass: string]: any;
} | null;
constructor(delegate: NgStyleImpl);
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
ngDoCheck(): void;
2019-02-18 16:12:42 -08:00
export declare class NgStyleBase {
protected _delegate: NgStyleImpl;
constructor(_delegate: NgStyleImpl);
getValue(): {
[key: string]: any;
} | null;
2019-10-11 12:28:12 -07:00
static ɵdir: any;
2019-10-11 14:18:45 -07:00
static ɵfac: any;
2019-02-18 16:12:42 -08:00
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare class NgSwitch {
ngSwitch: any;
2016-11-07 12:22:36 -08:00
export declare class NgSwitchCase implements DoCheck {
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
ngSwitchCase: any;
2016-06-23 18:19:32 -07:00
constructor(viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, templateRef: TemplateRef<Object>, ngSwitch: NgSwitch);
2016-11-07 12:22:36 -08:00
ngDoCheck(): void;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare class NgSwitchDefault {
2016-11-07 12:22:36 -08:00
constructor(viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, templateRef: TemplateRef<Object>, ngSwitch: NgSwitch);
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
2016-08-04 20:28:36 +02:00
export declare class NgTemplateOutlet implements OnChanges {
2019-01-22 11:17:13 -08:00
ngTemplateOutlet: TemplateRef<any> | null;
ngTemplateOutletContext: Object | null;
2016-06-23 18:19:32 -07:00
constructor(_viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef);
2016-09-14 15:41:44 +02:00
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
export declare enum NumberFormatStyle {
Decimal = 0,
Percent = 1,
Currency = 2,
2018-06-25 11:11:22 +02:00
Scientific = 3
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
export declare enum NumberSymbol {
Decimal = 0,
Group = 1,
List = 2,
PercentSign = 3,
PlusSign = 4,
MinusSign = 5,
Exponential = 6,
SuperscriptingExponent = 7,
PerMille = 8,
Infinity = 9,
NaN = 10,
TimeSeparator = 11,
CurrencyDecimal = 12,
2018-06-25 11:11:22 +02:00
CurrencyGroup = 13
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare class PathLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy {
constructor(_platformLocation: PlatformLocation, href?: string);
2016-06-23 18:19:32 -07:00
back(): void;
forward(): void;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
getBaseHref(): string;
2016-08-23 14:26:31 -07:00
onPopState(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
2016-06-26 11:52:32 -07:00
path(includeHash?: boolean): string;
2016-06-23 18:19:32 -07:00
prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string, queryParams: string): void;
export declare class PercentPipe implements PipeTransform {
2016-08-26 09:16:01 -07:00
constructor(_locale: string);
2018-01-26 11:06:13 +01:00
transform(value: any, digitsInfo?: string, locale?: string): string | null;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare abstract class PlatformLocation {
2018-06-25 11:11:22 +02:00
abstract readonly hash: string;
2019-02-11 10:56:50 -08:00
abstract readonly hostname: string;
2019-04-23 07:16:08 -07:00
abstract readonly href: string;
2018-06-25 11:11:22 +02:00
abstract readonly pathname: string;
2019-02-11 10:56:50 -08:00
abstract readonly port: string;
abstract readonly protocol: string;
2018-06-25 11:11:22 +02:00
abstract readonly search: string;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
abstract back(): void;
2016-06-23 18:19:32 -07:00
abstract forward(): void;
abstract getBaseHrefFromDOM(): string;
2019-02-06 14:42:57 -08:00
abstract getState(): unknown;
2016-08-23 14:26:31 -07:00
abstract onHashChange(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
abstract onPopState(fn: LocationChangeListener): void;
2016-06-23 18:19:32 -07:00
abstract pushState(state: any, title: string, url: string): void;
abstract replaceState(state: any, title: string, url: string): void;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
export declare enum Plural {
Zero = 0,
One = 1,
Two = 2,
Few = 3,
Many = 4,
2018-06-25 11:11:22 +02:00
Other = 5
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
2016-12-12 20:57:22 +03:00
export interface PopStateEvent {
pop?: boolean;
2018-01-24 12:19:59 -05:00
state?: any;
2016-12-12 20:57:22 +03:00
type?: string;
url?: string;
2017-11-24 18:47:24 +01:00
export declare function registerLocaleData(data: any, localeId?: string | any, extraData?: any): void;
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare class SlicePipe implements PipeTransform {
2019-04-26 11:37:53 +02:00
transform<T>(value: ReadonlyArray<T>, start: number, end?: number): Array<T>;
transform(value: string, start: number, end?: number): string;
transform(value: null, start: number, end?: number): null;
transform(value: undefined, start: number, end?: number): undefined;
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
export declare type Time = {
hours: number;
minutes: number;
2016-12-08 16:33:24 -08:00
export declare class TitleCasePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string): string;
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
export declare enum TranslationWidth {
Narrow = 0,
Abbreviated = 1,
Wide = 2,
2018-06-25 11:11:22 +02:00
Short = 3
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
2016-06-22 14:56:10 -07:00
export declare class UpperCasePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string): string;
2016-11-30 13:52:08 -08:00
export declare const VERSION: Version;
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
2018-05-17 07:33:50 -04:00
export declare abstract class ViewportScroller {
abstract getScrollPosition(): [number, number];
abstract scrollToAnchor(anchor: string): void;
abstract scrollToPosition(position: [number, number]): void;
abstract setHistoryScrollRestoration(scrollRestoration: 'auto' | 'manual'): void;
abstract setOffset(offset: [number, number] | (() => [number, number])): void;
2019-10-15 12:41:30 -07:00
static ɵprov: never;
2018-05-17 07:33:50 -04:00
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00
export declare enum WeekDay {
Sunday = 0,
Monday = 1,
Tuesday = 2,
Wednesday = 3,
Thursday = 4,
Friday = 5,
2018-06-25 11:11:22 +02:00
Saturday = 6
feat(common): drop use of the Intl API to improve browser support (#18284)
BREAKING CHANGE: Because of multiple bugs and browser inconsistencies, we have dropped the intl api in favor of data exported from the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).
Unfortunately we had to change the i18n pipes (date, number, currency, percent) and there are some breaking changes.
1. I18n pipes
* Breaking change:
- By default Angular now only contains locale data for the language `en-US`, if you set the value of `LOCALE_ID` to another locale, you will have to import new locale data for this language because we don't use the intl API anymore.
* Features:
- you don't need to use the intl polyfill for Angular anymore.
- all i18n pipes now have an additional last parameter `locale` which allows you to use a specific locale instead of the one defined in the token `LOCALE_ID` (whose value is `en-US` by default).
- the new locale data extracted from CLDR are now available to developers as well and can be used through an API (which should be especially useful for library authors).
- you can still use the old pipes for now, but their names have been changed and they are no longer included in the `CommonModule`. To use them, you will have to import the `DeprecatedI18NPipesModule` after the `CommonModule` (the order is important):
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule } from '@angular/common';
imports: [
// import deprecated module after
export class AppModule { }
Dont forget that you will still need to import the intl API polyfill if you want to use those deprecated pipes.
2. Date pipe
* Breaking changes:
- the predefined formats (`short`, `shortTime`, `shortDate`, `medium`, ...) now use the patterns given by CLDR (like it was in AngularJS) instead of the ones from the intl API. You might notice some changes, e.g. `shortDate` will be `8/15/17` instead of `8/15/2017` for `en-US`.
- the narrow version of eras is now `GGGGG` instead of `G`, the format `G` is now similar to `GG` and `GGG`.
- the narrow version of months is now `MMMMM` instead of `L`, the format `L` is now the short standalone version of months.
- the narrow version of the week day is now `EEEEE` instead of `E`, the format `E` is now similar to `EE` and `EEE`.
- the timezone `z` will now fallback to `O` and output `GMT+1` instead of the complete zone name (e.g. `Pacific Standard Time`), this is because the quantity of data required to have all the zone names in all of the existing locales is too big.
- the timezone `Z` will now output the ISO8601 basic format, e.g. `+0100`, you should now use `ZZZZ` to get `GMT+01:00`.
| Field type | Format | Example value | v4 | v5 |
| Eras | Narrow | A for AD | G | GGGGG |
| Months | Narrow | S for September | L | MMMMM |
| Week day | Narrow | M for Monday | E | EEEEE |
| Timezone | Long location | Pacific Standard Time | z | Not available |
| Timezone | Long GMT | GMT+01:00 | Z | ZZZZ |
* Features
- new predefined formats `long`, `full`, `longTime`, `fullTime`.
- the format `yyy` is now supported, e.g. the year `52` will be `052` and the year `2017` will be `2017`.
- standalone months are now supported with the formats `L` to `LLLLL`.
- week of the year is now supported with the formats `w` and `ww`, e.g. weeks `5` and `05`.
- week of the month is now supported with the format `W`, e.g. week `3`.
- fractional seconds are now supported with the format `S` to `SSS`.
- day periods for AM/PM now supports additional formats `aa`, `aaa`, `aaaa` and `aaaaa`. The formats `a` to `aaa` are similar, while `aaaa` is the wide version if available (e.g. `ante meridiem` for `am`), or equivalent to `a` otherwise, and `aaaaa` is the narrow version (e.g. `a` for `am`).
- extra day periods are now supported with the formats `b` to `bbbbb` (and `B` to `BBBBB` for the standalone equivalents), e.g. `morning`, `noon`, `afternoon`, ....
- the short non-localized timezones are now available with the format `O` to `OOOO`. The formats `O` to `OOO` will output `GMT+1` while the format `OOOO` will be `GMT+01:00`.
- the ISO8601 basic time zones are now available with the formats `Z` to `ZZZZZ`. The formats `Z` to `ZZZ` will output `+0100`, while the format `ZZZZ` will be `GMT+01:00` and `ZZZZZ` will be `+01:00`.
* Bug fixes
- the date pipe will now work exactly the same across all browsers, which will fix a lot of bugs for safari and IE.
- eras can now be used on their own without the date, e.g. the format `GG` will be `AD` instead of `8 15, 2017 AD`.
3. Currency pipe
* Breaking change:
- the default value for `symbolDisplay` is now `symbol` instead of `code`. This means that by default you will see `$4.99` for `en-US` instead of `USD4.99` previously.
* Deprecation:
- the second parameter of the currency pipe (`symbolDisplay`) is no longer a boolean, it now takes the values `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow`. A boolean value is still valid for now, but it is deprecated and it will print a warning message in the console.
* Features:
- you can now choose between `code`, `symbol` or `symbol-narrow` which gives you access to more options for some currencies (e.g. the canadian dollar with the code `CAD` has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`).
4. Percent pipe
* Breaking change
- if you don't specify the number of digits to round to, the local format will be used (and it usually rounds numbers to 0 digits, instead of not rounding previously), e.g. `{{ 3.141592 | percent }}` will output `314%` for the locale `en-US` instead of `314.1592%` previously.
Fixes #10809, #9524, #7008, #9324, #7590, #6724, #3429, #17576, #17478, #17319, #17200, #16838, #16624, #16625, #16591, #14131, #12632, #11376, #11187
PR Close #18284
2017-08-22 20:30:59 +02:00