2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
/ * *
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc . All Rights Reserved .
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT - style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https : //angular.io/license
* /
2017-06-22 09:42:31 -07:00
import { AUTO_STYLE , AnimationMetadata , AnimationMetadataType , animate , animation , group , keyframes , query , sequence , style , transition , trigger , useAnimation , ɵ StyleData } from '@angular/animations' ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
import { AnimationOptions } from '@angular/core/src/animation/dsl' ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
import { Animation } from '../../src/dsl/animation' ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
import { buildAnimationAst } from '../../src/dsl/animation_ast_builder' ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
import { AnimationTimelineInstruction } from '../../src/dsl/animation_timeline_instruction' ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
import { ElementInstructionMap } from '../../src/dsl/element_instruction_map' ;
2017-05-02 15:45:48 -07:00
import { MockAnimationDriver } from '../../testing' ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
function createDiv() {
return document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
export function main() {
describe ( 'Animation' , ( ) = > {
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
// these tests are only mean't to be run within the DOM (for now)
if ( typeof Element == 'undefined' ) return ;
let rootElement : any ;
let subElement1 : any ;
let subElement2 : any ;
beforeEach ( ( ) = > {
rootElement = createDiv ( ) ;
subElement1 = createDiv ( ) ;
subElement2 = createDiv ( ) ;
document . body . appendChild ( rootElement ) ;
rootElement . appendChild ( subElement1 ) ;
rootElement . appendChild ( subElement2 ) ;
} ) ;
afterEach ( ( ) = > { document . body . removeChild ( rootElement ) ; } ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
describe ( 'validation' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should throw an error if one or more but not all keyframes() styles contain offsets' ,
( ) = > {
const steps = animate ( 1000 , keyframes ( [
style ( { opacity : 0 } ) ,
style ( { opacity : 1 , offset : 1 } ) ,
] ) ) ;
expect ( ( ) = > { validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps ) ; } )
. toThrowError (
/Not all style\(\) steps within the declared keyframes\(\) contain offsets/ ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw an error if not all offsets are between 0 and 1' , ( ) = > {
let steps = animate ( 1000 , keyframes ( [
style ( { opacity : 0 , offset : - 1 } ) ,
style ( { opacity : 1 , offset : 1 } ) ,
] ) ) ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( /Please ensure that all keyframe offsets are between 0 and 1/ ) ;
steps = animate ( 1000 , keyframes ( [
style ( { opacity : 0 , offset : 0 } ) ,
style ( { opacity : 1 , offset : 1.1 } ) ,
] ) ) ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( /Please ensure that all keyframe offsets are between 0 and 1/ ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw an error if a smaller offset shows up after a bigger one' , ( ) = > {
let steps = animate ( 1000 , keyframes ( [
style ( { opacity : 0 , offset : 1 } ) ,
style ( { opacity : 1 , offset : 0 } ) ,
] ) ) ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( /Please ensure that all keyframe offsets are in order/ ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw an error if any styles overlap during parallel animations' , ( ) = > {
const steps = group ( [
sequence ( [
// 0 -> 2000ms
style ( { opacity : 0 } ) , animate ( '500ms' , style ( { opacity : .25 } ) ) ,
animate ( '500ms' , style ( { opacity : .5 } ) ) , animate ( '500ms' , style ( { opacity : .75 } ) ) ,
animate ( '500ms' , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) )
] ) ,
animate ( '1s 500ms' , keyframes ( [
// 0 -> 1500ms
style ( { width : 0 } ) ,
style ( { opacity : 1 , width : 1000 } ) ,
] ) )
] ) ;
expect ( ( ) = > { validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps ) ; } )
. toThrowError (
/The CSS property "opacity" that exists between the times of "0ms" and "2000ms" is also being animated in a parallel animation between the times of "0ms" and "1500ms"/ ) ;
} ) ;
2017-06-22 09:42:31 -07:00
it ( 'should not throw an error if animations overlap in different query levels within different transitions' ,
( ) = > {
const steps = trigger ( 'myAnimation' , [
transition ( 'a => b' , group ( [
query ( 'h1' , animate ( '1s' , style ( { opacity : 0 } ) ) ) ,
query ( 'h2' , animate ( '1s' , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ) ,
] ) ) ,
transition ( 'b => a' , group ( [
query ( 'h1' , animate ( '1s' , style ( { opacity : 0 } ) ) ) ,
query ( 'h2' , animate ( '1s' , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ) ,
] ) ) ,
] ) ;
expect ( ( ) = > validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps ) ) . not . toThrow ( ) ;
} ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
it ( 'should throw an error if an animation time is invalid' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [ animate ( '500xs' , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ] ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( /The provided timing value "500xs" is invalid/ ) ;
const steps2 = [ animate ( '500ms 500ms 500ms ease-out' , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ] ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps2 ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( /The provided timing value "500ms 500ms 500ms ease-out" is invalid/ ) ;
} ) ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
it ( 'should throw if negative durations are used' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [ animate ( - 1000 , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ] ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( /Duration values below 0 are not allowed for this animation step/ ) ;
const steps2 = [ animate ( '-1s' , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ] ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps2 ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( /Duration values below 0 are not allowed for this animation step/ ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw if negative delays are used' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [ animate ( '1s -500ms' , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ] ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( /Delay values below 0 are not allowed for this animation step/ ) ;
const steps2 = [ animate ( '1s -0.5s' , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ] ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps2 ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( /Delay values below 0 are not allowed for this animation step/ ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw if keyframes() is not used inside of animate()' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [ keyframes ( [ ] ) ] ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( /keyframes\(\) must be placed inside of a call to animate\(\)/ ) ;
const steps2 = [ group ( [ keyframes ( [ ] ) ] ) ] ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps2 ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( /keyframes\(\) must be placed inside of a call to animate\(\)/ ) ;
} ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
} ) ;
describe ( 'keyframe building' , ( ) = > {
describe ( 'style() / animate()' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should produce a balanced series of keyframes given a sequence of animate steps' ,
( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { width : 0 } ) , animate ( 1000 , style ( { height : 50 } ) ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 100 } ) ) , animate ( 1000 , style ( { height : 150 } ) ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 200 } ) )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( players [ 0 ] . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ height : AUTO_STYLE , width : 0 , offset : 0 } ,
{ height : 50 , width : 0 , offset : .25 } ,
{ height : 50 , width : 100 , offset : .5 } ,
{ height : 150 , width : 100 , offset : .75 } ,
{ height : 150 , width : 200 , offset : 1 } ,
] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fill in missing starting steps when a starting `style()` value is not used' ,
( ) = > {
const steps = [ animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 999 } ) ) ] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( players [ 0 ] . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ width : AUTO_STYLE , offset : 0 } , { width : 999 , offset : 1 }
] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should merge successive style() calls together before an animate() call' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { width : 0 } ) , style ( { height : 0 } ) , style ( { width : 200 } ) , style ( { opacity : 0 } ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 100 , height : 400 , opacity : 1 } ) )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( players [ 0 ] . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ width : 200 , height : 0 , opacity : 0 , offset : 0 } ,
{ width : 100 , height : 400 , opacity : 1 , offset : 1 }
] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should not merge in successive style() calls to the previous animate() keyframe' ,
( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { opacity : 0 } ) , animate ( 1000 , style ( { opacity : .5 } ) ) , style ( { opacity : .6 } ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
const keyframes = humanizeOffsets ( players [ 0 ] . keyframes , 4 ) ;
expect ( keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ opacity : 0 , offset : 0 } ,
{ opacity : .5 , offset : .4998 } ,
{ opacity : .6 , offset : .5002 } ,
{ opacity : 1 , offset : 1 } ,
] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support an easing value that uses cubic-bezier(...)' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { opacity : 0 } ) ,
animate ( '1s cubic-bezier(.29, .55 ,.53 ,1.53)' , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const player = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) [ 0 ] ;
2017-03-15 19:50:19 -07:00
const firstKeyframe = player . keyframes [ 0 ] ;
const firstKeyframeEasing = firstKeyframe [ 'easing' ] as string ;
expect ( firstKeyframeEasing . replace ( /\s+/g , '' ) ) . toEqual ( 'cubic-bezier(.29,.55,.53,1.53)' ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'sequence()' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should not produce extra timelines when multiple sequences are used within each other' ,
( ) = > {
const steps = [
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
style ( { width : 0 } ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 100 } ) ) ,
sequence ( [
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 200 } ) ) ,
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
sequence ( [
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 300 } ) ) ,
] ) ,
] ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 400 } ) ) ,
sequence ( [
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 500 } ) ) ,
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
] ) ,
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
expect ( players . length ) . toEqual ( 1 ) ;
const player = players [ 0 ] ;
expect ( player . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
{ width : 0 , offset : 0 } , { width : 100 , offset : .2 } , { width : 200 , offset : .4 } ,
{ width : 300 , offset : .6 } , { width : 400 , offset : .8 } , { width : 500 , offset : 1 }
] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should create a new timeline after a sequence if group() or keyframe() commands are used within' ,
( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { width : 100 , height : 100 } ) , animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 150 , height : 150 } ) ) ,
sequence ( [
group ( [
animate ( 1000 , style ( { height : 200 } ) ) ,
] ) ,
animate ( 1000 , keyframes ( [ style ( { width : 180 } ) , style ( { width : 200 } ) ] ) )
] ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 500 , height : 500 } ) )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( players . length ) . toEqual ( 4 ) ;
const finalPlayer = players [ players . length - 1 ] ;
expect ( finalPlayer . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ width : 200 , height : 200 , offset : 0 } , { width : 500 , height : 500 , offset : 1 }
] ) ;
} ) ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
it ( 'should push the start of a sequence if a delay option is provided' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { width : '0px' } ) , animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : '100px' } ) ) ,
sequence (
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : '200px' } ) ) ,
] ,
{ delay : 500 } )
] ;
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
const finalPlayer = players [ players . length - 1 ] ;
expect ( finalPlayer . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ width : '100px' , offset : 0 } ,
{ width : '200px' , offset : 1 } ,
] ) ;
expect ( finalPlayer . delay ) . toEqual ( 1500 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'subtitutions' , ( ) = > {
2017-05-18 12:59:54 -07:00
it ( 'should allow params to be subtituted even if they are not defaulted in a reusable animation' ,
( ) = > {
const myAnimation = animation ( [
style ( { left : '{{ start }}' } ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { left : '{{ end }}' } ) ) ,
] ) ;
const steps = [
useAnimation ( myAnimation , { params : { start : '0px' , end : '100px' } } ) ,
] ;
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps , { } ) ;
expect ( players . length ) . toEqual ( 1 ) ;
const player = players [ 0 ] ;
expect ( player . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ left : '0px' , offset : 0 } ,
{ left : '100px' , offset : 1 } ,
] ) ;
} ) ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
it ( 'should substitute in timing values' , ( ) = > {
2017-05-18 12:59:54 -07:00
function makeAnimation ( exp : string , options : { [ key : string ] : any } ) {
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const steps = [ style ( { opacity : 0 } ) , animate ( exp , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ] ;
2017-05-18 12:59:54 -07:00
return invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps , options ) ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
let players = makeAnimation ( '{{ duration }}' , buildParams ( { duration : '1234ms' } ) ) ;
expect ( players [ 0 ] . duration ) . toEqual ( 1234 ) ;
players = makeAnimation ( '{{ duration }}' , buildParams ( { duration : '9s 2s' } ) ) ;
expect ( players [ 0 ] . duration ) . toEqual ( 11000 ) ;
players = makeAnimation ( '{{ duration }} 1s' , buildParams ( { duration : '1.5s' } ) ) ;
expect ( players [ 0 ] . duration ) . toEqual ( 2500 ) ;
players = makeAnimation (
'{{ duration }} {{ delay }}' , buildParams ( { duration : '1s' , delay : '2s' } ) ) ;
expect ( players [ 0 ] . duration ) . toEqual ( 3000 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should allow multiple substitutions to occur within the same style value' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { transform : '' } ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { transform : 'translateX({{ x }}) translateY({{ y }})' } ) )
] ;
const players =
invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps , buildParams ( { x : '200px' , y : '400px' } ) ) ;
expect ( players [ 0 ] . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ offset : 0 , transform : '' } ,
{ offset : 1 , transform : 'translateX(200px) translateY(400px)' }
] ) ;
} ) ;
2017-06-07 14:58:34 -07:00
it ( 'should substitute in values that are defined as parameters for inner areas of a sequence' ,
( ) = > {
const steps = sequence (
sequence (
sequence (
style ( { height : '{{ x0 }}px' } ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { height : '{{ x2 }}px' } ) ) ,
] ,
buildParams ( { x2 : '{{ x1 }}3' } ) ) ,
] ,
buildParams ( { x1 : '{{ x0 }}2' } ) ) ,
] ,
buildParams ( { x0 : '1' } ) ) ;
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
expect ( players . length ) . toEqual ( 1 ) ;
const [ player ] = players ;
expect ( player . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ offset : 0 , height : '1px' } , { offset : 1 , height : '123px' }
] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should substitute in values that are defined as parameters for reusable animations' ,
( ) = > {
const anim = animation ( [
style ( { height : '{{ start }}' } ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { height : '{{ end }}' } ) ) ,
] ) ;
const steps = sequence (
sequence (
useAnimation ( anim , buildParams ( { start : '{{ a }}' , end : '{{ b }}' } ) ) ,
] ,
buildParams ( { a : '100px' , b : '200px' } ) ) ,
] ,
buildParams ( { a : '0px' } ) ) ;
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
expect ( players . length ) . toEqual ( 1 ) ;
const [ player ] = players ;
expect ( player . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ offset : 0 , height : '100px' } , { offset : 1 , height : '200px' }
] ) ;
} ) ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
it ( 'should throw an error when an input variable is not provided when invoked and is not a default value' ,
( ) = > {
expect ( ( ) = > { invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , [ style ( { color : '{{ color }}' } ) ] ) } )
. toThrowError ( /Please provide a value for the animation param color/ ) ;
expect (
( ) = > { invokeAnimationSequence (
rootElement ,
style ( { color : '{{ start }}' } ) ,
animate ( '{{ time }}' , style ( { color : '{{ end }}' } ) ) ,
] ,
buildParams ( { start : 'blue' , end : 'red' } ) ) } )
. toThrowError ( /Please provide a value for the animation param time/ ) ;
} ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
} ) ;
describe ( 'keyframes()' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should produce a sub timeline when `keyframes()` is used within a sequence' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [
animate ( 1000 , style ( { opacity : .5 } ) ) , animate ( 1000 , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ,
animate (
2017-02-10 14:22:34 -08:00
1000 , keyframes ( [ style ( { height : 0 } ) , style ( { height : 100 } ) , style ( { height : 50 } ) ] ) ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { height : 0 , opacity : 0 } ) )
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( players . length ) . toEqual ( 3 ) ;
const player0 = players [ 0 ] ;
expect ( player0 . delay ) . toEqual ( 0 ) ;
expect ( player0 . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
2017-02-10 14:22:34 -08:00
{ opacity : AUTO_STYLE , offset : 0 } ,
{ opacity : .5 , offset : .5 } ,
{ opacity : 1 , offset : 1 } ,
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
] ) ;
const subPlayer = players [ 1 ] ;
expect ( subPlayer . delay ) . toEqual ( 2000 ) ;
expect ( subPlayer . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
2017-02-10 14:22:34 -08:00
{ height : 0 , offset : 0 } ,
{ height : 100 , offset : .5 } ,
{ height : 50 , offset : 1 } ,
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
] ) ;
const player1 = players [ 2 ] ;
expect ( player1 . delay ) . toEqual ( 3000 ) ;
expect ( player1 . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
2017-02-10 14:22:34 -08:00
{ opacity : 1 , height : 50 , offset : 0 } , { opacity : 0 , height : 0 , offset : 1 }
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should propagate inner keyframe style data to the parent timeline if used afterwards' ,
( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { opacity : 0 } ) , animate ( 1000 , style ( { opacity : .5 } ) ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) , animate ( 1000 , keyframes ( [
style ( { color : 'red' } ) ,
style ( { color : 'blue' } ) ,
] ) ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { color : 'green' , opacity : 0 } ) )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
const finalPlayer = players [ players . length - 1 ] ;
expect ( finalPlayer . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ opacity : 1 , color : 'blue' , offset : 0 } , { opacity : 0 , color : 'green' , offset : 1 }
] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should feed in starting data into inner keyframes if used in an style step beforehand' ,
( ) = > {
const steps = [
animate ( 1000 , style ( { opacity : .5 } ) ) , animate ( 1000 , keyframes ( [
style ( { opacity : .8 , offset : .5 } ) ,
style ( { opacity : 1 , offset : 1 } ) ,
] ) )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( players . length ) . toEqual ( 2 ) ;
const topPlayer = players [ 0 ] ;
expect ( topPlayer . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ opacity : AUTO_STYLE , offset : 0 } , { opacity : .5 , offset : 1 }
] ) ;
const subPlayer = players [ 1 ] ;
expect ( subPlayer . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ opacity : .5 , offset : 0 } , { opacity : .8 , offset : 0.5 } , { opacity : 1 , offset : 1 }
] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should set the easing value as an easing value for the entire timeline' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { opacity : 0 } ) , animate ( 1000 , style ( { opacity : .5 } ) ) ,
animate (
'1s ease-out' ,
keyframes ( [ style ( { opacity : .8 , offset : .5 } ) , style ( { opacity : 1 , offset : 1 } ) ] ) )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const player = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) [ 1 ] ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( player . easing ) . toEqual ( 'ease-out' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should combine the starting time + the given delay as the delay value for the animated keyframes' ,
( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { opacity : 0 } ) , animate ( 500 , style ( { opacity : .5 } ) ) ,
animate (
'1s 2s ease-out' ,
keyframes ( [ style ( { opacity : .8 , offset : .5 } ) , style ( { opacity : 1 , offset : 1 } ) ] ) )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const player = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) [ 1 ] ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( player . delay ) . toEqual ( 2500 ) ;
} ) ;
2017-02-10 14:22:34 -08:00
it ( 'should not leak in additional styles used later on after keyframe styles have already been declared' ,
( ) = > {
const steps = [
animate ( 1000 , style ( { height : '50px' } ) ) ,
animate (
2000 , keyframes ( [
style ( { left : '0' , transform : 'rotate(0deg)' , offset : 0 } ) ,
style ( {
left : '40%' ,
transform : 'rotate(250deg) translateY(-200px)' ,
offset : .33
} ) ,
style (
{ left : '60%' , transform : 'rotate(180deg) translateY(200px)' , offset : .66 } ) ,
style ( { left : 'calc(100% - 100px)' , transform : 'rotate(0deg)' , offset : 1 } ) ,
] ) ) ,
group ( [ animate ( '2s' , style ( { width : '200px' } ) ) ] ) ,
animate ( '2s' , style ( { height : '300px' } ) ) ,
group ( [ animate ( '2s' , style ( { height : '500px' , width : '500px' } ) ) ] )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-02-10 14:22:34 -08:00
expect ( players . length ) . toEqual ( 5 ) ;
const firstPlayerKeyframes = players [ 0 ] . keyframes ;
expect ( firstPlayerKeyframes [ 0 ] [ 'width' ] ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
expect ( firstPlayerKeyframes [ 1 ] [ 'width' ] ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
expect ( firstPlayerKeyframes [ 0 ] [ 'height' ] ) . toEqual ( AUTO_STYLE ) ;
expect ( firstPlayerKeyframes [ 1 ] [ 'height' ] ) . toEqual ( '50px' ) ;
const keyframePlayerKeyframes = players [ 1 ] . keyframes ;
expect ( keyframePlayerKeyframes [ 0 ] [ 'width' ] ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
expect ( keyframePlayerKeyframes [ 0 ] [ 'height' ] ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
const groupPlayerKeyframes = players [ 2 ] . keyframes ;
expect ( groupPlayerKeyframes [ 0 ] [ 'width' ] ) . toEqual ( AUTO_STYLE ) ;
expect ( groupPlayerKeyframes [ 1 ] [ 'width' ] ) . toEqual ( '200px' ) ;
expect ( groupPlayerKeyframes [ 0 ] [ 'height' ] ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
expect ( groupPlayerKeyframes [ 1 ] [ 'height' ] ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
const secondToFinalAnimatePlayerKeyframes = players [ 3 ] . keyframes ;
expect ( secondToFinalAnimatePlayerKeyframes [ 0 ] [ 'width' ] ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
expect ( secondToFinalAnimatePlayerKeyframes [ 1 ] [ 'width' ] ) . toBeFalsy ( ) ;
expect ( secondToFinalAnimatePlayerKeyframes [ 0 ] [ 'height' ] ) . toEqual ( '50px' ) ;
expect ( secondToFinalAnimatePlayerKeyframes [ 1 ] [ 'height' ] ) . toEqual ( '300px' ) ;
const finalAnimatePlayerKeyframes = players [ 4 ] . keyframes ;
expect ( finalAnimatePlayerKeyframes [ 0 ] [ 'width' ] ) . toEqual ( '200px' ) ;
expect ( finalAnimatePlayerKeyframes [ 1 ] [ 'width' ] ) . toEqual ( '500px' ) ;
expect ( finalAnimatePlayerKeyframes [ 0 ] [ 'height' ] ) . toEqual ( '300px' ) ;
expect ( finalAnimatePlayerKeyframes [ 1 ] [ 'height' ] ) . toEqual ( '500px' ) ;
} ) ;
2017-03-01 17:13:06 -08:00
it ( 'should respect offsets if provided directly within the style data' , ( ) = > {
const steps = animate ( 1000 , keyframes ( [
style ( { opacity : 0 , offset : 0 } ) , style ( { opacity : .6 , offset : .6 } ) ,
style ( { opacity : 1 , offset : 1 } )
] ) ) ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-03-01 17:13:06 -08:00
expect ( players . length ) . toEqual ( 1 ) ;
const player = players [ 0 ] ;
expect ( player . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ opacity : 0 , offset : 0 } , { opacity : .6 , offset : .6 } , { opacity : 1 , offset : 1 }
] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should respect offsets if provided directly within the style metadata type' , ( ) = > {
const steps =
animate ( 1000 , keyframes ( [
{ type : AnimationMetadataType . Style , offset : 0 , styles : { opacity : 0 } } ,
{ type : AnimationMetadataType . Style , offset : .4 , styles : { opacity : .4 } } ,
{ type : AnimationMetadataType . Style , offset : 1 , styles : { opacity : 1 } } ,
] ) ) ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-03-01 17:13:06 -08:00
expect ( players . length ) . toEqual ( 1 ) ;
const player = players [ 0 ] ;
expect ( player . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ opacity : 0 , offset : 0 } , { opacity : .4 , offset : .4 } , { opacity : 1 , offset : 1 }
] ) ;
} ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
} ) ;
describe ( 'group()' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should properly tally style data within a group() for use in a follow-up animate() step' ,
( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { width : 0 , height : 0 } ) , animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 20 , height : 50 } ) ) ,
group ( [ animate ( '1s 1s' , style ( { width : 200 } ) ) , animate ( '1s' , style ( { height : 500 } ) ) ] ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 1000 , height : 1000 } ) )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( players . length ) . toEqual ( 4 ) ;
const player0 = players [ 0 ] ;
expect ( player0 . duration ) . toEqual ( 1000 ) ;
expect ( player0 . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ width : 0 , height : 0 , offset : 0 } , { width : 20 , height : 50 , offset : 1 }
] ) ;
const gPlayer1 = players [ 1 ] ;
expect ( gPlayer1 . duration ) . toEqual ( 2000 ) ;
expect ( gPlayer1 . delay ) . toEqual ( 1000 ) ;
expect ( gPlayer1 . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ width : 20 , offset : 0 } , { width : 20 , offset : .5 } , { width : 200 , offset : 1 }
] ) ;
const gPlayer2 = players [ 2 ] ;
expect ( gPlayer2 . duration ) . toEqual ( 1000 ) ;
expect ( gPlayer2 . delay ) . toEqual ( 1000 ) ;
expect ( gPlayer2 . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ height : 50 , offset : 0 } , { height : 500 , offset : 1 }
] ) ;
const player1 = players [ 3 ] ;
expect ( player1 . duration ) . toEqual ( 1000 ) ;
expect ( player1 . delay ) . toEqual ( 3000 ) ;
expect ( player1 . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ width : 200 , height : 500 , offset : 0 } , { width : 1000 , height : 1000 , offset : 1 }
] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should support groups with nested sequences' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [ group ( [
sequence ( [
style ( { opacity : 0 } ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ,
] ) ,
sequence ( [
style ( { width : 0 } ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 200 } ) ) ,
] )
] ) ] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( players . length ) . toEqual ( 2 ) ;
const gPlayer1 = players [ 0 ] ;
expect ( gPlayer1 . delay ) . toEqual ( 0 ) ;
expect ( gPlayer1 . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ opacity : 0 , offset : 0 } ,
{ opacity : 1 , offset : 1 } ,
] ) ;
const gPlayer2 = players [ 1 ] ;
expect ( gPlayer1 . delay ) . toEqual ( 0 ) ;
expect ( gPlayer2 . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [ { width : 0 , offset : 0 } , { width : 200 , offset : 1 } ] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should respect delays after group entries' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { width : 0 , height : 0 } ) , animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 50 , height : 50 } ) ) , group ( [
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 100 } ) ) ,
animate ( 1000 , style ( { height : 100 } ) ) ,
] ) ,
animate ( '1s 1s' , style ( { height : 200 , width : 200 } ) )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( players . length ) . toEqual ( 4 ) ;
const finalPlayer = players [ players . length - 1 ] ;
expect ( finalPlayer . delay ) . toEqual ( 2000 ) ;
expect ( finalPlayer . duration ) . toEqual ( 2000 ) ;
expect ( finalPlayer . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ width : 100 , height : 100 , offset : 0 } ,
{ width : 100 , height : 100 , offset : .5 } ,
{ width : 200 , height : 200 , offset : 1 } ,
] ) ;
} ) ;
2017-02-13 11:56:06 -08:00
it ( 'should respect delays after multiple calls to group()' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [
group ( [ animate ( '2s' , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) , animate ( '2s' , style ( { width : '100px' } ) ) ] ) ,
animate ( 2000 , style ( { width : 0 , opacity : 0 } ) ) ,
group ( [ animate ( '2s' , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) , animate ( '2s' , style ( { width : '200px' } ) ) ] ) ,
animate ( 2000 , style ( { width : 0 , opacity : 0 } ) )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-02-13 11:56:06 -08:00
const middlePlayer = players [ 2 ] ;
expect ( middlePlayer . delay ) . toEqual ( 2000 ) ;
expect ( middlePlayer . duration ) . toEqual ( 2000 ) ;
const finalPlayer = players [ players . length - 1 ] ;
expect ( finalPlayer . delay ) . toEqual ( 6000 ) ;
expect ( finalPlayer . duration ) . toEqual ( 2000 ) ;
} ) ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
it ( 'should push the start of a group if a delay option is provided' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { width : '0px' , height : '0px' } ) ,
animate ( 1500 , style ( { width : '100px' , height : '100px' } ) ) ,
group (
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : '200px' } ) ) ,
animate ( 2000 , style ( { height : '200px' } ) ) ,
] ,
{ delay : 300 } )
] ;
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
const finalWidthPlayer = players [ players . length - 2 ] ;
const finalHeightPlayer = players [ players . length - 1 ] ;
expect ( finalWidthPlayer . delay ) . toEqual ( 1800 ) ;
expect ( finalWidthPlayer . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ width : '100px' , offset : 0 } ,
{ width : '200px' , offset : 1 } ,
] ) ;
expect ( finalHeightPlayer . delay ) . toEqual ( 1800 ) ;
expect ( finalHeightPlayer . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ height : '100px' , offset : 0 } ,
{ height : '200px' , offset : 1 } ,
] ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'query()' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should delay the query operation if a delay option is provided' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { opacity : 0 } ) , animate ( 1000 , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ,
query (
'div' ,
style ( { width : 0 } ) ,
animate ( 500 , style ( { width : 200 } ) ) ,
] ,
{ delay : 200 } )
] ;
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
const finalPlayer = players [ players . length - 1 ] ;
expect ( finalPlayer . delay ) . toEqual ( 1200 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw an error when an animation query returns zero elements' , ( ) = > {
const steps =
[ query ( 'somethingFake' , [ style ( { opacity : 0 } ) , animate ( 1000 , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ] ) ] ;
expect ( ( ) = > { invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ; } )
. toThrowError (
/`query\("somethingFake"\)` returned zero elements\. \(Use `query\("somethingFake", \{ optional: true \}\)` if you wish to allow this\.\)/ ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should allow a query to be skipped if it is set as optional and returns zero elements' ,
( ) = > {
const steps = [ query (
'somethingFake' , [ style ( { opacity : 0 } ) , animate ( 1000 , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ] ,
{ optional : true } ) ] ;
expect ( ( ) = > { invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ; } ) . not . toThrow ( ) ;
const steps2 = [ query (
'fakeSomethings' , [ style ( { opacity : 0 } ) , animate ( 1000 , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ] ,
{ optional : true } ) ] ;
expect ( ( ) = > { invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps2 ) ; } ) . not . toThrow ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should delay the query operation if a delay option is provided' , ( ) = > {
const steps = [
style ( { opacity : 0 } ) , animate ( 1300 , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ,
query (
'div' ,
style ( { width : 0 } ) ,
animate ( 500 , style ( { width : 200 } ) ) ,
] ,
{ delay : 300 } )
] ;
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
const fp1 = players [ players . length - 2 ] ;
const fp2 = players [ players . length - 1 ] ;
expect ( fp1 . delay ) . toEqual ( 1600 ) ;
expect ( fp2 . delay ) . toEqual ( 1600 ) ;
} ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
} ) ;
describe ( 'timing values' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should properly combine an easing value with a delay into a set of three keyframes' ,
( ) = > {
const steps : AnimationMetadata [ ] =
[ style ( { opacity : 0 } ) , animate ( '3s 1s ease-out' , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const player = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) [ 0 ] ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( player . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
2017-03-15 19:50:19 -07:00
{ opacity : 0 , offset : 0 } , { opacity : 0 , offset : .25 , easing : 'ease-out' } ,
{ opacity : 1 , offset : 1 }
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should allow easing values to exist for each animate() step' , ( ) = > {
const steps : AnimationMetadata [ ] = [
style ( { width : 0 } ) , animate ( '1s linear' , style ( { width : 10 } ) ) ,
animate ( '2s ease-out' , style ( { width : 20 } ) ) , animate ( '1s ease-in' , style ( { width : 30 } ) )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( players . length ) . toEqual ( 1 ) ;
const player = players [ 0 ] ;
expect ( player . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
2017-03-15 19:50:19 -07:00
{ width : 0 , offset : 0 , easing : 'linear' } , { width : 10 , offset : .25 , easing : 'ease-out' } ,
{ width : 20 , offset : .75 , easing : 'ease-in' } , { width : 30 , offset : 1 }
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should produce a top-level timeline only for the duration that is set as before a group kicks in' ,
( ) = > {
const steps : AnimationMetadata [ ] = [
style ( { width : 0 , height : 0 , opacity : 0 } ) ,
animate ( '1s' , style ( { width : 100 , height : 100 , opacity : .2 } ) ) , group ( [
animate ( '500ms 1s' , style ( { width : 500 } ) ) , animate ( '1s' , style ( { height : 500 } ) ) ,
sequence ( [
animate ( 500 , style ( { opacity : .5 } ) ) ,
animate ( 500 , style ( { opacity : .6 } ) ) ,
animate ( 500 , style ( { opacity : .7 } ) ) ,
animate ( 500 , style ( { opacity : 1 } ) ) ,
] )
] )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const player = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) [ 0 ] ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( player . duration ) . toEqual ( 1000 ) ;
expect ( player . delay ) . toEqual ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should offset group() and keyframe() timelines with a delay which is the current time of the previous player when called' ,
( ) = > {
const steps : AnimationMetadata [ ] = [
style ( { width : 0 , height : 0 } ) ,
animate ( '1500ms linear' , style ( { width : 10 , height : 10 } ) ) , group ( [
animate ( 1000 , style ( { width : 500 , height : 500 } ) ) ,
animate ( 2000 , style ( { width : 500 , height : 500 } ) )
] ) ,
animate ( 1000 , keyframes ( [
style ( { width : 200 } ) ,
style ( { width : 500 } ) ,
] ) )
] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( players [ 0 ] . delay ) . toEqual ( 0 ) ; // top-level animation
expect ( players [ 1 ] . delay ) . toEqual ( 1500 ) ; // first entry in group()
expect ( players [ 2 ] . delay ) . toEqual ( 1500 ) ; // second entry in group()
expect ( players [ 3 ] . delay ) . toEqual ( 3500 ) ; // animate(...keyframes())
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'state based data' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should create an empty animation if there are zero animation steps' , ( ) = > {
const steps : AnimationMetadata [ ] = [ ] ;
2017-02-22 15:14:49 -08:00
const fromStyles : ɵStyleData [ ] = [ { background : 'blue' , height : 100 } ] ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
2017-02-22 15:14:49 -08:00
const toStyles : ɵStyleData [ ] = [ { background : 'red' } ] ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const player = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps , { } , fromStyles , toStyles ) [ 0 ] ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( player . duration ) . toEqual ( 0 ) ;
expect ( player . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [ ] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should produce an animation from start to end between the to and from styles if there are animate steps in between' ,
( ) = > {
const steps : AnimationMetadata [ ] = [ animate ( 1000 ) ] ;
2017-02-22 15:14:49 -08:00
const fromStyles : ɵStyleData [ ] = [ { background : 'blue' , height : 100 } ] ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
2017-02-22 15:14:49 -08:00
const toStyles : ɵStyleData [ ] = [ { background : 'red' } ] ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps , { } , fromStyles , toStyles ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
expect ( players [ 0 ] . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
{ background : 'blue' , height : 100 , offset : 0 } ,
{ background : 'red' , height : AUTO_STYLE , offset : 1 }
] ) ;
} ) ;
2017-03-15 15:31:06 -07:00
it ( 'should produce an animation from start to end between the to and from styles if there are animate steps in between with an easing value' ,
( ) = > {
const steps : AnimationMetadata [ ] = [ animate ( '1s ease-out' ) ] ;
const fromStyles : ɵStyleData [ ] = [ { background : 'blue' } ] ;
const toStyles : ɵStyleData [ ] = [ { background : 'red' } ] ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const players = invokeAnimationSequence ( rootElement , steps , { } , fromStyles , toStyles ) ;
2017-03-15 15:31:06 -07:00
expect ( players [ 0 ] . keyframes ) . toEqual ( [
2017-03-15 19:50:19 -07:00
{ background : 'blue' , offset : 0 , easing : 'ease-out' } ,
{ background : 'red' , offset : 1 }
2017-03-15 15:31:06 -07:00
] ) ;
} ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2017-02-22 15:14:49 -08:00
function humanizeOffsets ( keyframes : ɵStyleData [ ] , digits : number = 3 ) : ɵ StyleData [ ] {
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
return keyframes . map ( keyframe = > {
keyframe [ 'offset' ] = Number ( parseFloat ( < any > keyframe [ 'offset' ] ) . toFixed ( digits ) ) ;
return keyframe ;
} ) ;
function invokeAnimationSequence (
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
element : any , steps : AnimationMetadata | AnimationMetadata [ ] , locals : { [ key : string ] : any } = { } ,
startingStyles : ɵStyleData [ ] = [ ] , destinationStyles : ɵStyleData [ ] = [ ] ,
subInstructions? : ElementInstructionMap ) : AnimationTimelineInstruction [ ] {
2017-05-02 15:45:48 -07:00
const driver = new MockAnimationDriver ( ) ;
return new Animation ( driver , steps )
. buildTimelines ( element , startingStyles , destinationStyles , locals , subInstructions ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
function validateAndThrowAnimationSequence ( steps : AnimationMetadata | AnimationMetadata [ ] ) {
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
const errors : any [ ] = [ ] ;
const ast = buildAnimationAst ( steps , errors ) ;
2017-01-26 11:16:51 -08:00
if ( errors . length ) {
throw new Error ( errors . join ( '\n' ) ) ;
2017-04-26 10:44:28 -07:00
function buildParams ( params : { [ name : string ] : any } ) : AnimationOptions {
return < AnimationOptions > { params } ;