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include ../../../_includes/_util-fns
2015-09-11 16:50:19 -04:00
//- next line is needed whenever calling makeXXX mixin from within a partial
- current.pathToDocs = "../../";
2015-04-06 10:08:11 -04:00
2015-04-06 09:41:08 -04:00
h2 Code Examples
p Below are some examples of how you can add/customize code examples in a page.
### Including a code example from the `_examples` folder
One of the design goals for this documention was that any code samples that appear within the documentation be 'testable'.
In practice this means that a set of standalone testable examples exist somewhere in the same repository as the rest
of the documentation. These examples will each typically consist of a collection of html, javascript and css files.
Clearly there also needs to be some mechanism for including fragments of these files into the jade/harp generated
html. By convention all of the 'testable' examples within this repository should be created within the `docs\_examples` folder.
To include an example from somewhere in the `doc\_examples` folder you can use the `makeExample` mixin.
This mixin along with the `makeTabs` mixin both require that the 'included' file be marked
up with special comment markers. This markup will be described a bit later.
In addition there are several custom gulp tasks that must be run before any of the edits described below. These
gulp tasks are documented elsewhere.
In order to use the `makeExample` or `makeTabs` mixins each page that references the mixins must include the '_utilFns.jade'
file on the current page. This is usually accomplished simply by adding a path to this file at the top of any
page that needs either of these mixins.
include ../../../../_includes/_util-fns
The syntax for the `makeExample` mixin is:
#### +makeExample(basePath, filePath, title, stylePattern)
- *basePath:* base path under '_examples'
- *filePath:* will be combined with the base path to locate the actual file
- *title:* title displayed above the included text.
- *stylePattern:* (*optional) allows additional styling via regular expression ( described later).
#### Example:
code-example(format="linenums" language="js").
+makeExample('styleguide', 'js/index.html', 'index.html')
This will read the *_examples/styleguide/js/index.html* file and include it
with the heading 'index.html'. Note that the file will be properly escaped and
color coded according to the extension on the file ( html in this case).
+makeExample('styleguide', 'js/index.html', 'index.html')
There is a similar `makeTabs` mixin that provides the same service but for multiple examples
within a tabbed interface.
#### +makeTabs(basePath, filePaths, titles, stylePatterns)
- *basePath:* base path under '_examples'
- *filePaths:* a comma delimited string of paths that will each be combined with the base path to locate the actual file
- *titles:* a comma delimited string of titles corresponding to each of the filePaths above.
- *stylePatterns:* (*optional) allows additional styling via regular expression( described later).
#### Example:
code-example(format="linenums" language="js").
+makeTabs('styleguide', 'js/index.html, js/spec.js', 'index.html,unit test')
This will create two tabs, each with its own title and appropriately color coded.
+makeTabs('styleguide', 'js/index.html, js/spec.js', 'index.html,unit test')
2015-05-19 11:56:34 -04:00
### Marking up an example file for use by the `makeExample` and `makeTabs` mixins
2015-05-19 11:56:34 -04:00
At a minimum, marking up an example file simply consists of adding a single comment line to the top of the file
containing the string `#docregion`. Following this a second string that is the 'name' of the region is also allowed
but not required. A file may have any number of `#docregion` comments with the only requirement being that the names
of each region within a single file be unique. This also means that there can only be one *blank* docregion.
#### Example of a simple #docregion
code-example(format="linenums" language="js").
// #docregion
describe("Jasmine sample test", function() {
it("1+1 should be 2", function() {
var result = 1 + 1;
If a file only has a single `#docregion` then the entire file AFTER the `#docregion` comment is available for inclusion
via mixin. Portions of the file can be indicated by surrounding an area of the file with
`#docregion` and an `#enddocregion` tags. These regions, each with its own name, may be nested to any level and any regions that are not 'ended' explicitly
are assumed to be ended automatically at the bottom of the file. Any individual region within the file is accessible
to the `makeExample` and `makeTabs` mixins.
#### Example of a nested #docregion
code-example(format="linenums" language="js" escape="html").
(function() {
// #docregion
// #docregion class-w-annotations
var AppComponent = ng
// #docregion component
selector: 'my-app'
// #enddocregion
// #docregion view
template: '<h1 id="output">My First Angular 2 App</h1>'
// #enddocregion
// #docregion class
constructor: function () { }
// #enddocregion
// #enddocregion
HTML files can also contain #docregion comments:
2015-05-19 11:56:34 -04:00
code-example(format="linenums" language="html" escape="html").
<!-- #docregion -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
2015-05-19 11:56:34 -04:00
as can CSS files:
code-example(format="linenums" language="css").
/* #docregion bar */
.center-global {
max-width: 1020px;
margin: 0 auto;
2015-05-19 11:56:34 -04:00
2015-04-06 09:41:08 -04:00
### Including a named #docregion via the makeExample or makeTabs mixins.
In order to include just a portion of an example file that has been marked up with a 'named' `#docregion`
you will pass in an 'extended' file name that indicates the name of both the file and the region.
An extended file name is simply the file name with the name of the file suffixed with a "-" followed by the
name of the region. So a a file `foo.js` with a "test" region would have an extended file name of `foo-test.js`.
#### Example
code-example(format="linenums" language="js").
+makeExample('styleguide', 'js/app-class-w-annotations.js')
is a request to include just the `class-w-annotations` region from the `app.js` file in the `_examples/styleguide`
folder and results in the following:
+makeExample('styleguide', 'js/app-class-w-annotations.js')
### Additional styling
In some cases you may want to add additional styling to an external file after it had been included in the documentation.
This styling is accomplished via the `stylePattern` and `stylePatterns` parameters in the `makeExample` and `makeTabs`
mixins. A `stylePattern` is actually just a javascript object where the keys are the names of styles to be applied to
some portion of the included text as defined by a regular expression ( or expressions). These regular expressions are the
value of each key. Each regular expression MUST specify at least a single capture group; the contents of the capture
group being what the style will actually apply to, not the entire regular expression. The idea here is that you may
need to include a contextual match in a regular expression but only want your styling to be applied to a subset
of the entire regular expression.
Current there are only three types of highlight styles available: Outlined (otl), Pink (pnk), and Black (blk), however the
mechanism described above will work with any style defined on the page.
#### Example
code-example(format="linenums" language="js" escape="none").
+makeExample('styleguide', 'js/index.html', 'index.html', { pnk: /script (src=.*&ampquot)/g })
Which will mark all of the quoted contents of each `script` tag within the index.html file in pink.
Note that expression replacement occurs AFTER the fragment has been included and html escaped.
This means that your regular expression must use escaped html text; i.e. the '&ampquot' in the regex above.
+makeExample('styleguide', 'js/index.html', 'index.html', {pnk: /script (src=.*&quot)/g})
A more complicated example might be:
code-example(format="linenums" language="js").
- var stylePattern = { pnk: /script (src=.*&ampquot)/g, otl: /(my-app)/ };
+makeExample('styleguide', 'js/index.html', 'index.html', stylePattern )
Which applies multiple styles and uses an intermediate javascript object as opposed to a literal.
- var stylePattern = { pnk: /script (src=.*&quot)/g, otl: /(my-app)/ };
+makeExample('styleguide', 'js/index.html', 'index.html', stylePattern )
`makeTabs` support for `stylePatterns` is slightly different from the `makeExample` mixin in that you can also
pass in an array of stylePattern objects where each is paired with its corresponding 'tab'. If only a single stylePattern
object is passed in then it is assumed to apply to all of the tabs.
code-example(format="linenums" language="js").
-var stylePatterns = [{ pnk: /script (src=.*&quot)/g }, {pnk: /(result)/ }];
+makeTabs('styleguide', 'js/index.html, js/spec.js', 'index.html,unit test', stylePatterns)
-var stylePatterns = [{ pnk: /script (src=.*&quot)/g }, {pnk: /(result)/ }];
+makeTabs('styleguide', 'js/index.html, js/spec.js', 'index.html,unit test', stylePatterns)
### Including a JSON file or just parts of one
To include an '.json' file from somewhere in the `doc\_examples` folder you can use the `makeJson` mixin. The `makeExample`
and `makeTabs` mixins cannot be used for this purpose because there is no standard 'comment' marker in a json file.
The `makeJson` mixin does however provide a similar capability to selectively pick which portions of the '.json' file
to display.
The syntax for the `makeExample` mixin is:
#### +makeExample(basePath, filePath, title, jsonConfig, stylePattern)
- *basePath:* base path under '_examples'
- *filePath:* will be combined with the base path to locate the actual file
- *title:* (optional) title displayed above the included text.
- *jsonConfig:* (optional) an object that defines which portions of the .json file to select for display.
- *rootPath:* (optional default=null) a json property path at which the 'paths' parameter below should start.
- *paths:* a comma delimited list of property paths for those elements to be selected.
- *space:* (optional default=" " [2 spaces]) a String or Number object that's used to insert white space into the output JSON
- *stylePattern:* (*optional) allows additional styling via regular expression ( described above).
#### Example:
code-example(format="linenums" language="js").
+makeJson('styleguide', 'package.json', "Entire package.json file")
+makeJson('styleguide', 'package.json', "Entire package.json file")
A subset of the '.json' file can also be selected.
code-example(format="linenums" language="js").
+makeJson('styleguide', 'package.json', "Selected parts of the package.json file", {paths: 'version, scripts.tsc, scripts.start '} )
+makeJson('styleguide', 'package.json', "Selected parts of the package.json file", {paths: 'version, scripts.tsc, scripts.start '} )
### Inline code and code examples provided directly i.e. not from an example file.
The `makeExample` and `makeTabs` mixins are both both built on top of a custom jade 'style'; `code-example`.
In those cases where you want to include code directly inline i.e. not from some external file; you can use
this style.
This style has several named attributes
#### code-example attributes
- *name:" Name displayed in Tab (required for tabs)
- *language* javascript, html, etc.
- *escape:* html (escapes html, woot!)
- *format:* linenums (or linenums:4 specify starting line)
#### Example
2015-04-06 09:41:08 -04:00
2015-05-18 09:41:26 -04:00
code-example(format="linenums" language="html").
code-example(format="linenums" language="javascript").
2015-05-19 11:56:34 -04:00
2015-04-06 09:41:08 -04:00
h3 Specify starting line number
2015-05-18 09:41:26 -04:00
code-example(language="javascript" format="linenums:4").
code-example(language="html" format="linenums:4").
var title = "This starts on line four";
2015-05-19 11:56:34 -04:00
2015-04-06 10:08:11 -04:00
h3 Specify a language
Prettify makes a best effort to guess the language but
works best with C-like and HTML-like languages. For
others, there are special language handlers that are
chosen based on language hints. Add a class that matches
your desired language (example below uses <strong>.lang-html</strong>)
code-example(language="html" format="linenums").
h1 Title
p This is some copy...
2015-04-06 10:08:11 -04:00
2015-04-06 09:41:08 -04:00
h3 Code Highlighting
There are three types of highlights avialable
<strong>Outlined</strong>, <strong>Pink</strong>, and
<strong>Black</strong>. You can see examples below and
the class names needed for each type.
2015-05-18 09:41:26 -04:00
// Pink Background Version
// class="pnk"
var elephants = "The <span class='pnk'>pink</span> elephants were marching...";
// Black Background Version
// class="blk"
var night = "The night was pitch <span class='blk'>black</span>.";
// Outlined Version
// class="otl"
var match = "The <span class='otl'>bird</span> ate <span class='otl'>bird</span> seed near the <span class='otl'>bird</span> bath ";
h3 Code Tabs
Code Tabs are a great way to show different languages and versions
of a particular piece of code. When using these tabs make sure the
<strong>content is always related</strong>.
2015-04-06 09:41:08 -04:00
code-pane(language="javascript" format="linenums" name="ES5").
// ES5
var hello = 'blah';
2015-04-06 09:41:08 -04:00
code-pane(language="javascript" format="linenums" name="TypeScript").
// TypeScript
var hello = 'blah';
2015-05-18 09:41:26 -04:00
p To create code tabs simply use the directives below
code-pane(format="linenums" name="Tab 1").
code-pane(format="linenums" name="Tab 2").
### Combining makeExample, makeTabs mixins with code-example style attributes
As mentioned above the `makeExample` and `makeTabs` mixins are built on top of the `code-example` style. By default
the mixins automatically determine a language based on the example file's extensions and always include line numbers.
You can override this behavior by including code-example attributes within parentheses after the mixin parameters.
#### Example
+makeExample('styleguide', 'js/app-class-w-annotations.js')(format="linenums:15")
Starts the numbering of the example at line 15.
+makeExample('styleguide', 'js/app-class-w-annotations.js')(format="linenums:15")