Demonstrates customizing the document title in the browser.
For more information, see [Set the document title](guide/set-document-title).
## Tour of Heroes tutorial application
The Tour of Heroes is a comprehensive tutorial that guides you through the process of building an application with many of Angular's most popular features.
### Tour of Heroes: completed application
Completed Tour of Heroes example application.
For more information, see [Tour of Heroes app and tutorial](tutorial).
### Tour of Heroes: Creating an application
Initial Tour of Heroes example application for beginning the tutorial.
For more information, see [Create a new project](tutorial/toh-pt0).
### Tour of Heroes: The hero editor
First step of the Tour of Heroes example application.
For more information, see [The hero editor](tutorial/toh-pt1).
### Tour of Heroes: Display a selection list
Second step of the Tour of Heroes example application.
For more information, see [Display a selection list](tutorial/toh-pt2).
### Tour of Heroes: Create a feature component
Third step of the Tour of Heroes example application.
For more information, see [Create a feature component](tutorial/toh-pt3).
### Tour of Heroes: Add services
Fourth step of the Tour of Heroes example application.
For more information, see [Add services](tutorial/toh-pt4).
### Tour of Heroes: Add in-app navigation with routing
Fifth step of the Tour of Heroes example application.
For more information, see [Add in-app navigation with routing](tutorial/toh-pt5).
### Tour of Heroes: Get data from a server
Sixth and final step of the Tour of Heroes example application.
For more information, see [Get data from a server](tutorial/toh-pt6).
## Working with templates
These examples demonstrate features of Angular templates.
### Accessibility
Demonstrates building Angular applications in a more accessible way.
For more information, see [Accessibility](guide/accessibility).
### Animations
Demonstrates Angular's animation features.
For more information, see [Introduction to Angular animations](guide/animations).
For more information, see the [`$any()` type cast function section](guide/template-expression-operators#the-any-type-cast-function) of [Template expression operators](guide/template-expression-operators).
### Interpolation
Demonstrates Angular interpolation.
For more information, see [Interpolation and template expressions](guide/interpolation).
Demonstrates how `providers` and `viewproviders` affect dependency injection.
For more information, see the [Providing services in `@Component()`](guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection#providing-services-in-component) section of [Hierarchical injectors](guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection).
Demonstrates Angular's resolution modifiers, such as `@Self()`.
For more information, see the [Modifying service visibility](guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection#modifying-service-visibility) section of [Hierarchical injectors](guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection).