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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {HttpHeaders} from '@angular/common/http';
import {BehaviorSubject, from, Observable, Observer, of} from 'rxjs';
import {concatMap, first} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {delayResponse} from './delay-response';
import {getStatusText, isSuccess, STATUS} from './http-status-codes';
import {InMemoryBackendConfig, InMemoryBackendConfigArgs, InMemoryDbService, ParsedRequestUrl, parseUri, PassThruBackend, removeTrailingSlash, RequestCore, RequestInfo, RequestInfoUtilities, ResponseOptions, UriInfo} from './interfaces';
* Base class for in-memory web api back-ends
* Simulate the behavior of a RESTy web api
* backed by the simple in-memory data store provided by the injected `InMemoryDbService` service.
* Conforms mostly to behavior described here:
* http://www.restapitutorial.com/lessons/httpmethods.html
export abstract class BackendService {
protected config: InMemoryBackendConfigArgs = new InMemoryBackendConfig();
protected db: {[key: string]: any} = {};
protected dbReadySubject: BehaviorSubject<boolean>|undefined;
private passThruBackend: PassThruBackend|undefined;
protected requestInfoUtils = this.getRequestInfoUtils();
constructor(protected inMemDbService: InMemoryDbService, config: InMemoryBackendConfigArgs = {}) {
const loc = this.getLocation('/');
this.config.host = loc.host; // default to app web server host
this.config.rootPath = loc.path; // default to path when app is served (e.g.'/')
Object.assign(this.config, config);
protected get dbReady(): Observable<boolean> {
if (!this.dbReadySubject) {
// first time the service is called.
this.dbReadySubject = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false);
return this.dbReadySubject.asObservable().pipe(first((r: boolean) => r));
* Process Request and return an Observable of Http Response object
* in the manner of a RESTy web api.
* Expect URI pattern in the form :base/:collectionName/:id?
* Examples:
* // for store with a 'customers' collection
* GET api/customers // all customers
* GET api/customers/42 // the character with id=42
* GET api/customers?name=^j // 'j' is a regex; returns customers whose name starts with 'j' or
* 'J' GET api/customers.json/42 // ignores the ".json"
* Also accepts direct commands to the service in which the last segment of the apiBase is the
* word "commands" Examples: POST commands/resetDb, GET/POST commands/config - get or (re)set the
* config
* HTTP overrides:
* If the injected inMemDbService defines an HTTP method (lowercase)
* The request is forwarded to that method as in
* `inMemDbService.get(requestInfo)`
* which must return either an Observable of the response type
* for this http library or null|undefined (which means "keep processing").
protected handleRequest(req: RequestCore): Observable<any> {
// handle the request when there is an in-memory database
return this.dbReady.pipe(concatMap(() => this.handleRequest_(req)));
protected handleRequest_(req: RequestCore): Observable<any> {
const url = req.urlWithParams ? req.urlWithParams : req.url;
// Try override parser
// If no override parser or it returns nothing, use default parser
const parser = this.bind('parseRequestUrl');
const parsed: ParsedRequestUrl =
(parser && parser(url, this.requestInfoUtils)) || this.parseRequestUrl(url);
const collectionName = parsed.collectionName;
const collection = this.db[collectionName];
const reqInfo: RequestInfo = {
req: req,
apiBase: parsed.apiBase,
collection: collection,
collectionName: collectionName,
headers: this.createHeaders({'Content-Type': 'application/json'}),
id: this.parseId(collection, collectionName, parsed.id),
method: this.getRequestMethod(req),
query: parsed.query,
resourceUrl: parsed.resourceUrl,
url: url,
utils: this.requestInfoUtils
let resOptions: ResponseOptions;
if (/commands\/?$/i.test(reqInfo.apiBase)) {
return this.commands(reqInfo);
const methodInterceptor = this.bind(reqInfo.method);
if (methodInterceptor) {
// InMemoryDbService intercepts this HTTP method.
// if interceptor produced a response, return it.
// else InMemoryDbService chose not to intercept; continue processing.
const interceptorResponse = methodInterceptor(reqInfo);
if (interceptorResponse) {
return interceptorResponse;
if (this.db[collectionName]) {
// request is for a known collection of the InMemoryDbService
return this.createResponse$(() => this.collectionHandler(reqInfo));
if (this.config.passThruUnknownUrl) {
// unknown collection; pass request thru to a "real" backend.
return this.getPassThruBackend().handle(req);
// 404 - can't handle this request
resOptions = this.createErrorResponseOptions(
url, STATUS.NOT_FOUND, `Collection '${collectionName}' not found`);
return this.createResponse$(() => resOptions);
* Add configured delay to response observable unless delay === 0
protected addDelay(response: Observable<any>): Observable<any> {
const d = this.config.delay;
return d === 0 ? response : delayResponse(response, d || 500);
* Apply query/search parameters as a filter over the collection
* This impl only supports RegExp queries on string properties of the collection
* ANDs the conditions together
protected applyQuery(collection: any[], query: Map<string, string[]>): any[] {
// extract filtering conditions - {propertyName, RegExps) - from query/search parameters
const conditions: {name: string, rx: RegExp}[] = [];
const caseSensitive = this.config.caseSensitiveSearch ? undefined : 'i';
query.forEach((value: string[], name: string) => {
value.forEach(v => conditions.push({name, rx: new RegExp(decodeURI(v), caseSensitive)}));
const len = conditions.length;
if (!len) {
return collection;
// AND the RegExp conditions
return collection.filter(row => {
let ok = true;
let i = len;
while (ok && i) {
i -= 1;
const cond = conditions[i];
ok = cond.rx.test(row[cond.name]);
return ok;
* Get a method from the `InMemoryDbService` (if it exists), bound to that service
protected bind<T extends Function>(methodName: string) {
const fn = (this.inMemDbService as any)[methodName];
return fn ? fn.bind(this.inMemDbService) as T : undefined;
protected bodify(data: any) {
return this.config.dataEncapsulation ? {data} : data;
protected clone(data: any) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
protected collectionHandler(reqInfo: RequestInfo): ResponseOptions {
// const req = reqInfo.req;
let resOptions: ResponseOptions;
switch (reqInfo.method) {
case 'get':
resOptions = this.get(reqInfo);
case 'post':
resOptions = this.post(reqInfo);
case 'put':
resOptions = this.put(reqInfo);
case 'delete':
resOptions = this.delete(reqInfo);
resOptions = this.createErrorResponseOptions(
reqInfo.url, STATUS.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, 'Method not allowed');
// If `inMemDbService.responseInterceptor` exists, let it morph the response options
const interceptor = this.bind('responseInterceptor');
return interceptor ? interceptor(resOptions, reqInfo) : resOptions;
* Commands reconfigure the in-memory web api service or extract information from it.
* Commands ignore the latency delay and respond ASAP.
* When the last segment of the `apiBase` path is "commands",
* the `collectionName` is the command.
* Example URLs:
* commands/resetdb (POST) // Reset the "database" to its original state
* commands/config (GET) // Return this service's config object
* commands/config (POST) // Update the config (e.g. the delay)
* Usage:
* http.post('commands/resetdb', undefined);
* http.get('commands/config');
* http.post('commands/config', '{"delay":1000}');
protected commands(reqInfo: RequestInfo): Observable<any> {
const command = reqInfo.collectionName.toLowerCase();
const method = reqInfo.method;
let resOptions: ResponseOptions = {url: reqInfo.url};
switch (command) {
case 'resetdb':
resOptions.status = STATUS.NO_CONTENT;
return this.resetDb(reqInfo).pipe(
concatMap(() => this.createResponse$(() => resOptions, false /* no latency delay */)));
case 'config':
if (method === 'get') {
resOptions.status = STATUS.OK;
resOptions.body = this.clone(this.config);
// any other HTTP method is assumed to be a config update
} else {
const body = this.getJsonBody(reqInfo.req);
Object.assign(this.config, body);
this.passThruBackend = undefined; // re-create when needed
resOptions.status = STATUS.NO_CONTENT;
resOptions = this.createErrorResponseOptions(
reqInfo.url, STATUS.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, `Unknown command "${command}"`);
return this.createResponse$(() => resOptions, false /* no latency delay */);
protected createErrorResponseOptions(url: string, status: number, message: string):
ResponseOptions {
return {
body: {error: `${message}`},
url: url,
headers: this.createHeaders({'Content-Type': 'application/json'}),
status: status
* Create standard HTTP headers object from hash map of header strings
* @param headers
protected abstract createHeaders(headers: {[index: string]: string}): HttpHeaders;
* create the function that passes unhandled requests through to the "real" backend.
protected abstract createPassThruBackend(): PassThruBackend;
* return a search map from a location query/search string
protected abstract createQueryMap(search: string): Map<string, string[]>;
* Create a cold response Observable from a factory for ResponseOptions
* @param resOptionsFactory - creates ResponseOptions when observable is subscribed
* @param withDelay - if true (default), add simulated latency delay from configuration
protected createResponse$(resOptionsFactory: () => ResponseOptions, withDelay = true):
Observable<any> {
const resOptions$ = this.createResponseOptions$(resOptionsFactory);
let resp$ = this.createResponse$fromResponseOptions$(resOptions$);
return withDelay ? this.addDelay(resp$) : resp$;
* Create a Response observable from ResponseOptions observable.
protected abstract createResponse$fromResponseOptions$(resOptions$: Observable<ResponseOptions>):
* Create a cold Observable of ResponseOptions.
* @param resOptionsFactory - creates ResponseOptions when observable is subscribed
protected createResponseOptions$(resOptionsFactory: () => ResponseOptions):
Observable<ResponseOptions> {
return new Observable<ResponseOptions>((responseObserver: Observer<ResponseOptions>) => {
let resOptions: ResponseOptions;
try {
resOptions = resOptionsFactory();
} catch (error) {
const err = error.message || error;
resOptions = this.createErrorResponseOptions('', STATUS.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, `${err}`);
const status = resOptions.status;
try {
resOptions.statusText = status != null ? getStatusText(status) : undefined;
} catch (e) { /* ignore failure */
if (status != null && isSuccess(status)) {
} else {
return () => {}; // unsubscribe function
protected delete({collection, collectionName, headers, id, url}: RequestInfo): ResponseOptions {
if (id == null) {
return this.createErrorResponseOptions(
url, STATUS.NOT_FOUND, `Missing "${collectionName}" id`);
const exists = this.removeById(collection, id);
return {
headers: headers,
status: (exists || !this.config.delete404) ? STATUS.NO_CONTENT : STATUS.NOT_FOUND
* Find first instance of item in collection by `item.id`
* @param collection
* @param id
protected findById<T extends {id: any}>(collection: T[], id: any): T|undefined {
return collection.find((item: T) => item.id === id);
* Generate the next available id for item in this collection
* Use method from `inMemDbService` if it exists and returns a value,
* else delegates to `genIdDefault`.
* @param collection - collection of items with `id` key property
protected genId<T extends {id: any}>(collection: T[], collectionName: string): any {
const genId = this.bind('genId');
if (genId) {
const id = genId(collection, collectionName);
if (id != null) {
return id;
return this.genIdDefault(collection, collectionName);
* Default generator of the next available id for item in this collection
* This default implementation works only for numeric ids.
* @param collection - collection of items with `id` key property
* @param collectionName - name of the collection
protected genIdDefault<T extends {id: any}>(collection: T[], collectionName: string): any {
if (!this.isCollectionIdNumeric(collection, collectionName)) {
throw new Error(`Collection '${
collectionName}' id type is non-numeric or unknown. Can only generate numeric ids.`);
let maxId = 0;
collection.reduce((prev: any, item: any) => {
maxId = Math.max(maxId, typeof item.id === 'number' ? item.id : maxId);
}, undefined);
return maxId + 1;
protected get({collection, collectionName, headers, id, query, url}: RequestInfo):
ResponseOptions {
let data = collection;
if (id != null && id !== '') {
data = this.findById(collection, id);
} else if (query) {
data = this.applyQuery(collection, query);
if (!data) {
return this.createErrorResponseOptions(
url, STATUS.NOT_FOUND, `'${collectionName}' with id='${id}' not found`);
return {body: this.bodify(this.clone(data)), headers: headers, status: STATUS.OK};
/** Get JSON body from the request object */
protected abstract getJsonBody(req: any): any;
* Get location info from a url, even on server where `document` is not defined
protected getLocation(url: string): UriInfo {
if (!url.startsWith('http')) {
// get the document iff running in browser
const doc = (typeof document === 'undefined') ? undefined : document;
// add host info to url before parsing. Use a fake host when not in browser.
const base = doc ? doc.location.protocol + '//' + doc.location.host : 'http://fake';
url = url.startsWith('/') ? base + url : base + '/' + url;
return parseUri(url);
* get or create the function that passes unhandled requests
* through to the "real" backend.
protected getPassThruBackend(): PassThruBackend {
return this.passThruBackend ? this.passThruBackend :
this.passThruBackend = this.createPassThruBackend();
* Get utility methods from this service instance.
* Useful within an HTTP method override
protected getRequestInfoUtils(): RequestInfoUtilities {
return {
createResponse$: this.createResponse$.bind(this),
findById: this.findById.bind(this),
isCollectionIdNumeric: this.isCollectionIdNumeric.bind(this),
getConfig: () => this.config,
getDb: () => this.db,
getJsonBody: this.getJsonBody.bind(this),
getLocation: this.getLocation.bind(this),
getPassThruBackend: this.getPassThruBackend.bind(this),
parseRequestUrl: this.parseRequestUrl.bind(this),
* return canonical HTTP method name (lowercase) from the request object
* e.g. (req.method || 'get').toLowerCase();
* @param req - request object from the http call
protected abstract getRequestMethod(req: any): string;
protected indexOf(collection: any[], id: number) {
return collection.findIndex((item: any) => item.id === id);
/** Parse the id as a number. Return original value if not a number. */
protected parseId(collection: any[], collectionName: string, id: string): any {
if (!this.isCollectionIdNumeric(collection, collectionName)) {
// Can't confirm that `id` is a numeric type; don't parse as a number
// or else `'42'` -> `42` and _get by id_ fails.
return id;
const idNum = parseFloat(id);
return isNaN(idNum) ? id : idNum;
* return true if can determine that the collection's `item.id` is a number
* This implementation can't tell if the collection is empty so it assumes NO
* */
protected isCollectionIdNumeric<T extends {id: any}>(collection: T[], collectionName: string):
boolean {
// collectionName not used now but override might maintain collection type information
// so that it could know the type of the `id` even when the collection is empty.
return !!(collection && collection[0]) && typeof collection[0].id === 'number';
* Parses the request URL into a `ParsedRequestUrl` object.
* Parsing depends upon certain values of `config`: `apiBase`, `host`, and `urlRoot`.
* Configuring the `apiBase` yields the most interesting changes to `parseRequestUrl` behavior:
* When apiBase=undefined and url='http://localhost/api/collection/42'
* {base: 'api/', collectionName: 'collection', id: '42', ...}
* When apiBase='some/api/root/' and url='http://localhost/some/api/root/collection'
* {base: 'some/api/root/', collectionName: 'collection', id: undefined, ...}
* When apiBase='/' and url='http://localhost/collection'
* {base: '/', collectionName: 'collection', id: undefined, ...}
* The actual api base segment values are ignored. Only the number of segments matters.
* The following api base strings are considered identical: 'a/b' ~ 'some/api/' ~ `two/segments'
* To replace this default method, assign your alternative to your
* InMemDbService['parseRequestUrl']
protected parseRequestUrl(url: string): ParsedRequestUrl {
try {
const loc = this.getLocation(url);
let drop = (this.config.rootPath || '').length;
let urlRoot = '';
if (loc.host !== this.config.host) {
// url for a server on a different host!
// assume it's collection is actually here too.
drop = 1; // the leading slash
urlRoot = loc.protocol + '//' + loc.host + '/';
const path = loc.path.substring(drop);
const pathSegments = path.split('/');
let segmentIndex = 0;
// apiBase: the front part of the path devoted to getting to the api route
// Assumes first path segment if no config.apiBase
// else ignores as many path segments as are in config.apiBase
// Does NOT care what the api base chars actually are.
let apiBase: string;
if (this.config.apiBase == null) {
apiBase = pathSegments[segmentIndex++];
} else {
apiBase = removeTrailingSlash(this.config.apiBase.trim());
if (apiBase) {
segmentIndex = apiBase.split('/').length;
} else {
segmentIndex = 0; // no api base at all; unwise but allowed.
apiBase += '/';
let collectionName = pathSegments[segmentIndex++];
// ignore anything after a '.' (e.g.,the "json" in "customers.json")
collectionName = collectionName && collectionName.split('.')[0];
const id = pathSegments[segmentIndex++];
const query = this.createQueryMap(loc.query);
const resourceUrl = urlRoot + apiBase + collectionName + '/';
return {apiBase, collectionName, id, query, resourceUrl};
} catch (err) {
const msg = `unable to parse url '${url}'; original error: ${err.message}`;
throw new Error(msg);
// Create entity
// Can update an existing entity too if post409 is false.
protected post({collection, collectionName, headers, id, req, resourceUrl, url}: RequestInfo):
ResponseOptions {
const item = this.clone(this.getJsonBody(req));
if (item.id == null) {
try {
item.id = id || this.genId(collection, collectionName);
} catch (err) {
const emsg: string = err.message || '';
if (/id type is non-numeric/.test(emsg)) {
return this.createErrorResponseOptions(url, STATUS.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTRY, emsg);
} else {
return this.createErrorResponseOptions(
`Failed to generate new id for '${collectionName}'`);
if (id && id !== item.id) {
return this.createErrorResponseOptions(
url, STATUS.BAD_REQUEST, `Request id does not match item.id`);
} else {
id = item.id;
const existingIx = this.indexOf(collection, id);
const body = this.bodify(item);
if (existingIx === -1) {
headers.set('Location', resourceUrl + '/' + id);
return {headers, body, status: STATUS.CREATED};
} else if (this.config.post409) {
return this.createErrorResponseOptions(
`'${collectionName}' item with id='${
id} exists and may not be updated with POST; use PUT instead.`);
} else {
collection[existingIx] = item;
return this.config.post204 ? {headers, status: STATUS.NO_CONTENT} : // successful; no content
{headers, body, status: STATUS.OK}; // successful; return entity
// Update existing entity
// Can create an entity too if put404 is false.
protected put({collection, collectionName, headers, id, req, url}: RequestInfo): ResponseOptions {
const item = this.clone(this.getJsonBody(req));
if (item.id == null) {
return this.createErrorResponseOptions(
url, STATUS.NOT_FOUND, `Missing '${collectionName}' id`);
if (id && id !== item.id) {
return this.createErrorResponseOptions(
url, STATUS.BAD_REQUEST, `Request for '${collectionName}' id does not match item.id`);
} else {
id = item.id;
const existingIx = this.indexOf(collection, id);
const body = this.bodify(item);
if (existingIx > -1) {
collection[existingIx] = item;
return this.config.put204 ? {headers, status: STATUS.NO_CONTENT} : // successful; no content
{headers, body, status: STATUS.OK}; // successful; return entity
} else if (this.config.put404) {
// item to update not found; use POST to create new item for this id.
return this.createErrorResponseOptions(
`'${collectionName}' item with id='${
id} not found and may not be created with PUT; use POST instead.`);
} else {
// create new item for id not found
return {headers, body, status: STATUS.CREATED};
protected removeById(collection: any[], id: number) {
const ix = this.indexOf(collection, id);
if (ix > -1) {
collection.splice(ix, 1);
return true;
return false;
* Tell your in-mem "database" to reset.
* returns Observable of the database because resetting it could be async
protected resetDb(reqInfo?: RequestInfo): Observable<boolean> {
this.dbReadySubject && this.dbReadySubject.next(false);
const db = this.inMemDbService.createDb(reqInfo);
const db$ = db instanceof Observable ?
db :
typeof (db as any).then === 'function' ? from(db as Promise<any>) : of(db);
db$.pipe(first()).subscribe((d: {}) => {
this.db = d;
this.dbReadySubject && this.dbReadySubject.next(true);
return this.dbReady;