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添加 Angular 组件路由,并且学习在视图之间导航
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
There are new requirements for the Tour of Heroes app:
* Add a *Dashboard* view.
* Add the ability to navigate between the *Heroes* and *Dashboard* views.
* When users click a hero name in either view, navigate to a detail view of the selected hero.
* When users click a *deep link* in an email, open the detail view for a particular hero.
When youre done, users will be able to navigate the app like this:
docs(aio): image sweep (#16609) * fix(aio): allow code blocks to clear floated images Previously the negative margin on the code headings were causing floated images to overlay the start of a code block. Now all code block successfully clear all floated elements. * feat(aio): add a `.clear` class for clearing floating images * fix(aio): tidy up image styles The css rules for `img.right` and `img.left` allow authors easy access to floating an image on the left or right, respectively. The `.image-display` rule which was always found on a figure has been simplified so that all figures have this styling. It is very unlikely that a figure will be used outside the content area; and at this time it seems like `figure` is as good an indicator that we want this kind of styling as anything. Now that images are all tagged with width and height values, we cannot assume to modify these dimensions via CSS as it can cause the image to lose its correct proportions. Until we find a better solition we must set `height` to `auto` when the screen width is below 1300px to ensure that these images maintain their proportions as they get shrunk to fit. * docs(aio): general tidy up of image HTML in guides Previously, the guides have a lot of inline image styling and unnecessary use of the `image-display` css class. Images over 700px are problematic for guide docs, so those have been given specific widths and associated heights. * docs(aio): use correct anchor for "back to the top" link The `#toc` anchor does not work when the page is wide enough that the TOC is floating to the side. * build(aio): add `#top-of-page` to path variants for link checking Since the `#top-of-page` is outside the rendered docs the `checkAnchorLinks` processor doesn't find them as valid targets for links. Adding them as a `pathVariant` solves this problem but will still catch links to docs that do not actually exist. * fix(aio): ensure that headings clear floated images * fix(aio): do not force live-example embedded image to 100% size This made them look too big, generally. Leaving them with no size means that they will look reasonable in large viewports and switch to 100% width in narrow viewports.
2017-05-09 23:53:32 +01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'en/master' into aio # Conflicts: # aio/content/guide/ajs-quick-reference.md # aio/content/guide/animations.md # aio/content/guide/aot-compiler.md # aio/content/guide/architecture.md # aio/content/guide/attribute-directives.md # aio/content/guide/bootstrapping.md # aio/content/guide/browser-support.md # aio/content/guide/cb-index.md # aio/content/guide/change-log.md # aio/content/guide/cheatsheet.md # aio/content/guide/cli-quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/component-interaction.md # aio/content/guide/component-styles.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection-in-action.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/deployment.md # aio/content/guide/displaying-data.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-component-loader.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-form.md # aio/content/guide/form-validation.md # aio/content/guide/forms.md # aio/content/guide/glossary.md # aio/content/guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/i18n.md # aio/content/guide/index.md # aio/content/guide/learning-angular.md # aio/content/guide/lifecycle-hooks.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule-faq.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule.md # aio/content/guide/npm-packages.md # aio/content/guide/pipes.md # aio/content/guide/quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/reactive-forms.md # aio/content/guide/router.md # aio/content/guide/security.md # aio/content/guide/server-communication.md # aio/content/guide/set-document-title.md # aio/content/guide/setup-systemjs-anatomy.md # aio/content/guide/setup.md # aio/content/guide/structural-directives.md # aio/content/guide/styleguide.md # aio/content/guide/template-syntax.md # aio/content/guide/testing.md # aio/content/guide/ts-to-js.md # aio/content/guide/typescript-configuration.md # aio/content/guide/upgrade.md # aio/content/guide/user-input.md # aio/content/guide/visual-studio-2015.md # aio/content/guide/webpack.md # aio/content/navigation.json # aio/content/tutorial/index.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt1.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt2.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt3.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt4.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt5.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt6.md # aio/package.json # aio/src/styles/main.scss # aio/transforms/angular.io-package/index.js
2017-07-30 00:03:22 +08:00
<img src='generated/images/guide/toh/nav-diagram.png' alt="查看导航">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
To satisfy these requirements, you'll add Angulars router to the app.
我们将把 Angular *路由器*加入应用中,以满足这些需求。
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="l-sub-section">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
For more information about the router, read the [Routing and Navigation](guide/router) page.
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
When you're done with this page, the app should look like this <live-example></live-example>.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
## Where you left off
## 延续上一步教程
Before continuing with the Tour of Heroes, verify that you have the following structure.
<div class='filetree'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='children'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='children'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='children'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
node_modules ...
<div class='file'>
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
## Keep the app transpiling and running
## 让应用代码保持转译和运行
Enter the following command in the terminal window:
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
<code-example language="sh" class="code-shell">
npm start
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
This command runs the TypeScript compiler in "watch mode", recompiling automatically when the code changes.
The command simultaneously launches the app in a browser and refreshes the browser when the code changes.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
You can keep building the Tour of Heroes without pausing to recompile or refresh the browser.
## Action plan
## 行动计划
Here's the plan:
* Turn `AppComponent` into an application shell that only handles navigation.
* Relocate the *Heroes* concerns within the current `AppComponent` to a separate `HeroesComponent`.
* Add routing.
* Create a new `DashboardComponent`.
* Tie the *Dashboard* into the navigation structure.
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="l-sub-section">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
*Routing* is another name for *navigation*. The router is the mechanism for navigating from view to view.
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
## Splitting the *AppComponent*
## 拆分 *AppComponent*
The current app loads `AppComponent` and immediately displays the list of heroes.
The revised app should present a shell with a choice of views (*Dashboard* and *Heroes*)
and then default to one of them.
The `AppComponent` should only handle navigation, so you'll
move the display of *Heroes* out of `AppComponent` and into its own `HeroesComponent`.
### *HeroesComponent*
`AppComponent` is already dedicated to *Heroes*.
Instead of moving the code out of `AppComponent`, rename it to `HeroesComponent`
and create a separate `AppComponent` shell.
Do the following:
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
* Rename the <code>app.component.ts</code> file to <code>heroes.component.ts</code>.
* Rename the `AppComponent` class as `HeroesComponent` (rename locally, _only_ in this file).
* Rename the selector `my-app` as `my-heroes`.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/heroes.component.ts" region="renaming" title="src/app/heroes.component.ts (showing renamings only)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Create *AppComponent*
### 创建 *AppComponent*
The new `AppComponent` is the application shell.
It will have some navigation links at the top and a display area below.
Perform these steps:
* add the supporting `import` statements.
* Create the file <code>src/app/app.component.ts</code>.
创建一个名叫<span ngio-ex>src/app/app.component.ts</span>的新文件。
* Define an exported `AppComponent` class.
定义一个导出的 `AppComponent`类。
* Add an `@Component` decorator above the class with a `my-app` selector.
* Move the following from `HeroesComponent` to `AppComponent`:
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
* `title` class property.
* `@Component` template `<h1>` element, which contains a binding to `title`.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
* Add a `<my-heroes>` element to the app template just below the heading so you still see the heroes.
* Add `HeroesComponent` to the `declarations` array of `AppModule` so Angular recognizes the `<my-heroes>` tags.
添加`HeroesComponent`组件到根模块的`declarations`数组中,以便 Angular 能认识`<my-heroes>`标签。
* Add `HeroService` to the `providers` array of `AppModule` because you'll need it in every other view.
* Remove `HeroService` from the `HeroesComponent` `providers` array since it was promoted.
* Add the supporting `import` statements for `AppComponent`.
The first draft looks like this:
<code-pane title="src/app/app.component.ts (v1)" path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.component.1.ts">
<code-pane title="src/app/app.module.ts (v1)" path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.module.1.ts">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
<div class="callout is-critical">
Remove <i>HeroService</i> from the <i>HeroesComponent</i> providers
Go back to the `HeroesComponent` and **remove the `HeroService`** from its `providers` array.
We are *promoting* this service from the `HeroesComponent` to the root `NgModule`.
We ***do not want two copies*** of this service at two different levels of our app.
The app still runs and displays heroes.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
## Add routing
## 添加路由
Instead of displaying automatically, heroes should display after users click a button.
In other words, users should be able to navigate to the list of heroes.
Use the Angular router to enable navigation.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
我们要使用 Angular *路由器*进行导航。
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
The Angular router is an external, optional Angular NgModule called `RouterModule`.
The router is a combination of multiple provided services (`RouterModule`),
multiple directives (`RouterOutlet, RouterLink, RouterLinkActive`),
and a configuration (`Routes`). You'll configure the routes first.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Angular 路由器是一个可选的外部 Angular NgModule名叫`RouterModule`
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
2017-03-06 10:43:33 +00:00
### *&lt;base href>*
Open `index.html` and ensure there is a `<base href="...">` element
(or a script that dynamically sets this element)
at the top of the `<head>` section.
打开`index.html`,确保它的`<head>`区顶部有一个`<base href="...">`元素(或动态生成该元素的脚本)。
2017-03-06 10:43:33 +00:00
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/index.html" region="base-href" title="src/index.html (base-href)">
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="callout is-important">
2017-03-06 10:43:33 +00:00
2017-03-06 10:43:33 +00:00
base href is essential
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
基地址base href是必须的
For more information, see the [Set the base href](guide/router)
section of the [Routing and Navigation](guide/router) page.
2017-07-30 12:32:56 +08:00
要了解更多信息,请参见[路由与导航](guide/router)章的[设置基地址base href](guide/router)部分。
2017-03-06 10:43:33 +00:00
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
2017-03-06 10:43:33 +00:00
{@a configure-routes}
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Configure routes
### 配置路由
Create a configuration file for the app routes.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
*Routes* tell the router which views to display when a user clicks a link or
pastes a URL into the browser address bar.
*路由*告诉路由器,当用户点击链接或者把 URL 粘贴到浏览器地址栏时,应该显示哪个视图。
Define the first route as a route to the heroes component.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.module.2.ts" region="heroes" title="src/app/app.module.ts (heroes route)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
The `Routes` are an array of *route definitions*.
This route definition has the following parts:
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
* *Path*: The router matches this route's path to the URL in the browser address bar (`heroes`).
**Path**: 路由器会用它来匹配浏览器地址栏中的地址,如`heroes`
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
* *Component*: The component that the router should create when navigating to this route (`HeroesComponent`).
*Component*: 导航到此路由时,路由器需要创建的组件(`HeroesComponent`)。
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="l-sub-section">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Read more about defining routes with `Routes` in the [Routing & Navigation](guide/router) page.
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Make the router available
### 让路由器可用
Import the `RouterModule` and add it to the `AppModule` imports array.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.module.2.ts" title="src/app/app.module.ts (app routing)">
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="l-sub-section">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
The `forRoot()` method is called because a configured router is provided at the app's root.
The `forRoot()` method supplies the Router service providers and directives needed for routing, and
performs the initial navigation based on the current browser URL.
`forRoot()`方法提供了路由需要的路由服务提供商和指令,并基于当前浏览器 URL 初始化导航。
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Router outlet
### 路由出口(Outlet)
If you paste the path, `/heroes`, into the browser address bar at the end of the URL,
the router should match it to the `heroes` route and display the `HeroesComponent`.
However, you have to tell the router where to display the component.
To do this, you can add a `<router-outlet>` element at the end of the template.
`RouterOutlet` is one of the directives provided by the `RouterModule`.
The router displays each component immediately below the `<router-outlet>` as users navigate through the app.
### Router links
### 路由器链接
Users shouldn't have to paste a route URL into the address bar.
Instead, add an anchor tag to the template that, when clicked, triggers navigation to the `HeroesComponent`.
我们当然不会真让用户往地址栏中粘贴路由的 URL
The revised template looks like this:
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.component.1.ts" region="template-v2" title="src/app/app.component.ts (template-v2)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Note the `routerLink` binding in the anchor tag.
The `RouterLink` directive (another of the `RouterModule` directives) is bound to a string
that tells the router where to navigate when the user clicks the link.
Since the link is not dynamic, a routing instructionis defined with a one-time binding to the route path.
Looking back at the route configuration, you can confirm that `'/heroes'` is the path of the route to the `HeroesComponent`.
由于这个链接不是动态的,我们只要用**一次性绑定**的方式绑定到路由的**路径 (path) **就行了。
回来看路由配置表,我们清楚的看到,这个路径 —— `'/heroes'`就是指向`HeroesComponent`的那个路由的路径。
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="l-sub-section">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Read more about dynamic router links and the link parameters array
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
in the [Appendix: Link Parameters Array](guide/router#link-parameters-array) section of the
[Routing & Navigation](guide/router) page.
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Refresh the browser. The browser displays the app title and heroes link, but not the heroes list.
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="l-sub-section">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
The browser's address bar shows `/`.
The route path to `HeroesComponent` is `/heroes`, not `/`.
Soon you'll add a route that matches the path `/`.
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Click the *Heroes* navigation link. The address bar updates to `/heroes`
and the list of heroes displays.
`AppComponent` now looks like this:
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.component.1.ts" region="v2" title="src/app/app.component.ts (v2)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
The *AppComponent* is now attached to a router and displays routed views.
For this reason, and to distinguish it from other kinds of components,
this component type is called a *router component*.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
## Add a dashboard
## 添加一个*仪表盘*
Routing only makes sense when multiple views exist.
To add another view, create a placeholder `DashboardComponent`, which users can navigate to and from.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/dashboard.component.1.ts" title="src/app/dashboard.component.ts (v1)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
You'll make this component more useful later.
### Configure the dashboard route
### 配置仪表盘路由
To teach `app.module.ts` to navigate to the dashboard,
import the dashboard component and
add the following route definition to the `Routes` array of definitions.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.module.3.ts" region="dashboard" title="src/app/app.module.ts (Dashboard route)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Also import and add `DashboardComponent` to the `AppModule`'s `declarations`.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'en/master' into aio # Conflicts: # aio/content/guide/ajs-quick-reference.md # aio/content/guide/animations.md # aio/content/guide/aot-compiler.md # aio/content/guide/architecture.md # aio/content/guide/attribute-directives.md # aio/content/guide/bootstrapping.md # aio/content/guide/browser-support.md # aio/content/guide/cb-index.md # aio/content/guide/change-log.md # aio/content/guide/cheatsheet.md # aio/content/guide/cli-quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/component-interaction.md # aio/content/guide/component-styles.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection-in-action.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/deployment.md # aio/content/guide/displaying-data.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-component-loader.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-form.md # aio/content/guide/form-validation.md # aio/content/guide/forms.md # aio/content/guide/glossary.md # aio/content/guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/i18n.md # aio/content/guide/index.md # aio/content/guide/learning-angular.md # aio/content/guide/lifecycle-hooks.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule-faq.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule.md # aio/content/guide/npm-packages.md # aio/content/guide/pipes.md # aio/content/guide/quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/reactive-forms.md # aio/content/guide/router.md # aio/content/guide/security.md # aio/content/guide/server-communication.md # aio/content/guide/set-document-title.md # aio/content/guide/setup-systemjs-anatomy.md # aio/content/guide/setup.md # aio/content/guide/structural-directives.md # aio/content/guide/styleguide.md # aio/content/guide/template-syntax.md # aio/content/guide/testing.md # aio/content/guide/ts-to-js.md # aio/content/guide/typescript-configuration.md # aio/content/guide/upgrade.md # aio/content/guide/user-input.md # aio/content/guide/visual-studio-2015.md # aio/content/guide/webpack.md # aio/content/navigation.json # aio/content/tutorial/index.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt1.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt2.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt3.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt4.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt5.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt6.md # aio/package.json # aio/src/styles/main.scss # aio/transforms/angular.io-package/index.js
2017-07-30 00:03:22 +08:00
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.module.ts" region="dashboard" title="src/app/app.module.ts(dashboard)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Add a redirect route
### 添加重定向路由
Currently, the browser launches with `/` in the address bar.
When the app starts, it should show the dashboard and
display a `/dashboard` URL in the browser address bar.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
To make this happen, use a redirect route. Add the following
to the array of route definitions:
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.module.3.ts" region="redirect" title="src/app/app.module.ts (redirect)">
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="l-sub-section">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Read more about *redirects* in the [Redirecting routes](guide/router) section
of the [Routing & Navigation](guide/router) page.
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Add navigation to the template
### 添加导航到模版中
Add a dashboard navigation link to the template, just above the *Heroes* link.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.component.1.ts" region="template-v3" title="src/app/app.component.ts (template-v3)">
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="l-sub-section">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
The `<nav>` tags don't do anything yet, but they'll be useful later when you style the links.
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
In your browser, go to the application root (`/`) and reload.
The app displays the dashboard and you can navigate between the dashboard and the heroes.
## Add heroes to the dashboard
## 把英雄添加到仪表盘
To make the dashboard more interesting, you'll display the top four heroes at a glance.
Replace the `template` metadata with a `templateUrl` property that points to a new
template file.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/dashboard.component.ts" region="metadata" title="src/app/dashboard.component.ts (metadata)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Create that file with this content:
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/dashboard.component.1.html" title="src/app/dashboard.component.html">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
`*ngFor` is used again to iterate over a list of heroes and display their names.
The extra `<div>` elements will help with styling later.
### Sharing the *HeroService*
### 共享 *HeroService*
To populate the component's `heroes` array, you can re-use the `HeroService`.
Earlier, you removed the `HeroService` from the `providers` array of `HeroesComponent`
and added it to the `providers` array of `AppModule`.
That move created a singleton `HeroService` instance, available to all components of the app.
Angular injects `HeroService` and you can use it in the `DashboardComponent`.
Angular 会把`HeroService`注入到`DashboardComponent`,我们就能在`DashboardComponent`中使用它了。
### Get heroes
### 获取英雄数据
In <code>dashboard.component.ts</code>, add the following `import` statements.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/dashboard.component.ts" region="imports" title="src/app/dashboard.component.ts (imports)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
We need `OnInit` interface because we'll initialize the heroes in the `ngOnInit` method as we've done before.
We need the `Hero` and `HeroService` symbols in order to reference those types.
我们需要实现`OnInit`接口,因为我们将在`ngOnInit`方法中初始化英雄数组 —— 就像上次一样。
Now create the `DashboardComponent` class like this:
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/dashboard.component.ts" region="class" title="src/app/dashboard.component.ts (class)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
This kind of logic is also used in the `HeroesComponent`:
* Define a `heroes` array property.
* Inject the `HeroService` in the constructor and hold it in a private `heroService` field.
* Call the service to get heroes inside the Angular `ngOnInit()` lifecycle hook.
在 Angular 的`ngOnInit`生命周期钩子里面调用服务来获得英雄数据。
In this dashboard you specify four heroes (2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th) with the `Array.slice` method.
Refresh the browser to see four hero names in the new dashboard.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
## Navigating to hero details
## 导航到英雄详情
While the details of a selected hero displays at the bottom of the `HeroesComponent`,
users should be able to navigate to the `HeroDetailComponent` in the following additional ways:
* From the dashboard to a selected hero.
* From the heroes list to a selected hero.
* From a "deep link" URL pasted into the browser address bar.
把一个指向该英雄的“深链接” URL 粘贴到浏览器的地址栏。
### Routing to a hero detail
### 路由到一个英雄详情
You can add a route to the `HeroDetailComponent` in `app.module.ts`, where the other routes are configured.
The new route is unusual in that you must tell the `HeroDetailComponent` which hero to show.
You didn't have to tell the `HeroesComponent` or the `DashboardComponent` anything.
Currently, the parent `HeroesComponent` sets the component's `hero` property to a
hero object with a binding like this:
<code-example language="html">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
&lt;hero-detail [hero]="selectedHero">&lt;/hero-detail>
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
But this binding won't work in any of the routing scenarios.
最后一种场景肯定不行,我们无法将一个完整的 hero 对象嵌入到 URL 中!不过我们本来也不想这样。
### Parameterized route
### 参数化路由
You can add the hero's `id` to the URL. When routing to the hero whose `id` is 11,
you could expect to see a URL such as this:
我们*可以*把英雄的`id`添加到 URL 中。当导航到一个`id`为 11 的英雄时,我们期望的 URL 是这样的:
<code-example format="nocode">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
The `/detail/` part of the URL is constant. The trailing numeric `id` changes from hero to hero.
You need to represent the variable part of the route with a *parameter* (or *token*) that stands for the hero's `id`.
我们要把路由中可变的那部分表示成一个*参数 (parameter) *或*令牌 (token) *,代表英雄的`id`
### Configure a route with a parameter
### 配置带参数的路由
Use the following *route definition*.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.module.3.ts" region="hero-detail" title="src/app/app.module.ts (hero detail)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
The colon (:) in the path indicates that `:id` is a placeholder for a specific hero `id`
when navigating to the `HeroDetailComponent`.
路径中的冒号 (:) 表示`:id`是一个占位符,当导航到这个`HeroDetailComponent`组件时,它将被填入一个特定英雄的`id`
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="l-sub-section">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Be sure to import the hero detail component before creating this route.
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
You're finished with the app routes.
You didn't add a `'Hero Detail'` link to the template because users
don't click a navigation *link* to view a particular hero;
they click a *hero name*, whether the name displays on the dashboard or in the heroes list.
You don't need to add the hero clicks until the `HeroDetailComponent`
is revised and ready to be navigated to.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
## Revise the *HeroDetailComponent*
## 修改*HeroDetailComponent*
Here's what the `HeroDetailComponent` looks like now:
2017-04-19 16:09:00 +02:00
<code-example path="toh-pt4/src/app/hero-detail.component.ts" title="src/app/hero-detail.component.ts (current)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
The template won't change. Hero names will display the same way.
The major changes are driven by how you get hero names.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
You'll no longer receive the hero in a parent component property binding.
The new `HeroDetailComponent` should take the `id` parameter from the `paramMap` Observable
in the `ActivatedRoute` service and use the `HeroService` to fetch the hero with that `id`.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Add the following imports:
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/hero-detail.component.1.ts" region="added-imports" title="src/app/hero-detail.component.ts">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Inject the `ActivatedRoute`, `HeroService`, and `Location` services
into the constructor, saving their values in private fields:
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/hero-detail.component.ts" region="ctor" title="src/app/hero-detail.component.ts (constructor)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/hero-detail.component.ts" region="rxjs-import" title="src/app/hero-detail.component.ts (switchMap import)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Tell the class to implement the `OnInit` interface.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/hero-detail.component.ts" region="implement" title="src/app/hero-detail.component.ts">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Inside the `ngOnInit()` lifecycle hook, use the `paramMap` Observable to
extract the `id` parameter value from the `ActivatedRoute` service
and use the `HeroService` to fetch the hero with that `id`.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/hero-detail.component.ts" region="ngOnInit" title="src/app/hero-detail.component.ts">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
The `switchMap` operator maps the `id` in the Observable route parameters
to a new `Observable`, the result of the `HeroService.getHero()` method.
注意`switchMap`运算符如何将可观察的路由参数中的 `id` 映射到一个新的`Observable`
If a user re-navigates to this component while a `getHero` request is still processing,
`switchMap` cancels the old request and then calls `HeroService.getHero()` again.
如果用户在 `getHero` 请求执行的过程中再次导航这个组件,`switchMap` 再次调用`HeroService.getHero()`之前,
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
The hero `id` is a number. Route parameters are always strings.
So the route parameter value is converted to a number with the JavaScript (+) operator.
所以我们需要通过 JavaScript 的 (+) 操作符把路由参数的值转成数字。
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="l-sub-section">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Do you need to unsubscribe?
### 我需要取消订阅吗?
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
As described in the [ActivatedRoute: the one-stop-shop for route information](guide/router#activated-route)
section of the [Routing & Navigation](guide/router) page,
the `Router` manages the observables it provides and localizes
the subscriptions. The subscriptions are cleaned up when the component is destroyed, protecting against
memory leaks, so you don't need to unsubscribe from the route `paramMap` `Observable`.
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Add *HeroService.getHero()*
### 添加 *HeroService.getHero()*
In the previous code snippet, `HeroService` doesn't have a `getHero()` method. To fix this issue,
open `HeroService` and add a `getHero()` method that filters the heroes list from `getHeroes()` by `id`.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/hero.service.ts" region="getHero" title="src/app/hero.service.ts (getHero)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Find the way back
### 回到原路
Users have several ways to navigate *to* the `HeroDetailComponent`.
To navigate somewhere else, users can click one of the two links in the `AppComponent` or click the browser's back button.
Now add a third option, a `goBack()` method that navigates backward one step in the browser's history stack
using the `Location` service you injected previously.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/hero-detail.component.ts" region="goBack" title="src/app/hero-detail.component.ts (goBack)">
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="l-sub-section">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Going back too far could take users out of the app.
In a real app, you can prevent this issue with the <em>CanDeactivate</em> guard.
Read more on the [CanDeactivate](api/router/CanDeactivate) page.
2017-07-30 12:32:56 +08:00
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
You'll wire this method with an event binding to a *Back* button that you'll add to the component template.
然后,我们通过一个事件绑定把此方法绑定到模板底部的 *Back后退*按钮上。
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/hero-detail.component.html" region="back-button">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Migrate the template to its own file
called <code>hero-detail.component.html</code>:
并把模板移到独立的<span ngio-ex>hero-detail.component.html</span>文件中去。
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/hero-detail.component.html" title="src/app/hero-detail.component.html">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Update the component metadata with a `templateUrl` pointing to the template file that you just created.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/hero-detail.component.ts" region="metadata" title="src/app/hero-detail.component.ts (metadata)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Refresh the browser and see the results.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
## Select a dashboard hero
## 选择一个*仪表盘*中的英雄
When a user selects a hero in the dashboard, the app should navigate to the `HeroDetailComponent` to view and edit the selected hero.
Although the dashboard heroes are presented as button-like blocks, they should behave like anchor tags.
When hovering over a hero block, the target URL should display in the browser status bar
and the user should be able to copy the link or open the hero detail view in a new tab.
当鼠标移动到一个英雄方块上时,目标 URL 应该显示在浏览器的状态条上,用户应该能拷贝链接或者在新的浏览器标签页中打开英雄详情视图。
To achieve this effect, reopen `dashboard.component.html` and replace the repeated `<div *ngFor...>` tags
with `<a>` tags. Change the opening `<a>` tag to the following:
要达到这个效果,再次打开`dashboard.component.html`,将用来迭代的`<div *ngFor...>`替换为`<a>`,就像这样:
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/dashboard.component.html" region="click" title="src/app/dashboard.component.html (repeated &lt;a&gt; tag)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Notice the `[routerLink]` binding.
As described in the [Router links](tutorial/toh-pt5#router-links) section of this page,
top-level navigation in the `AppComponent` template has router links set to fixed paths of the
destination routes, "/dashboard" and "/heroes".
注意`[routerLink]`绑定。正如本章的[Router links](tutorial/toh-pt5#router-links)部分所说,
This time, you're binding to an expression containing a *link parameters array*.
The array has two elements: the *path* of
the destination route and a *route parameter* set to the value of the current hero's `id`.
该数组有两个元素,目标路由和一个用来设置当前英雄的 id 值的**路由参数**。
The two array items align with the *path* and *:id*
token in the parameterized hero detail route definition that you added to
`app.module.ts` earlier:
这两个数组项与之前在`app.module.ts`添加的参数化的英雄详情路由定义中的 ***path*** 和 ***:id*** 对应。
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.module.3.ts" region="hero-detail" title="src/app/app.module.ts (hero detail)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Refresh the browser and select a hero from the dashboard; the app navigates to that heros details.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
## Refactor routes to a _Routing Module_
## 重构路由为一个**路由模块**
Almost 20 lines of `AppModule` are devoted to configuring four routes.
Most applications have many more routes and they add guard services
to protect against unwanted or unauthorized navigations. (Read more about guard services in the [Route Guards](guide/router#guards)
section of the [Routing & Navigation](guide/router) page.)
Routing considerations could quickly dominate this module and obscure its primary purpose, which is to
establish key facts about the entire app for the Angular compiler.
`AppModule`中有将近 20 行代码是用来配置四个路由的。
路由的配置可能迅速占领这个模块,并掩盖其主要目的,即为 Angular 编译器设置整个应用的关键配置。
It's a good idea to refactor the routing configuration into its own class.
The current `RouterModule.forRoot()` produces an Angular `ModuleWithProviders`,
a class dedicated to routing should be a *routing module*.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
For more information, see the [Milestone #2: The Routing Module](guide/router#routing-module)
section of the [Routing & Navigation](guide/router) page.
当前的`RouterModule.forRoot()`产生一个Angular `ModuleWithProviders`,所以这个路由类应该是一种模块类。
By convention , a routing module name contains the word "Routing" and
aligns with the name of the module that declares the components navigated to.
按约定,**路由模块**的名字应该包含 “Routing”并与导航到的组件所在的模块的名称看齐。
Create an `app-routing.module.ts` file as a sibling to `app.module.ts`. Give it the following contents, extracted from the `AppModule` class:
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/app-routing.module.ts" title="src/app/app-routing.module.ts">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
The following points are typical of routing modules:
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
* The Routing Module pulls the routes into a variable. The variable clarifies the
routing module pattern in case you export the module in the future.
将路由抽出到一个变量中。如果你将来要导出这个模块,这种 "路由模块" 的模式也会更加明确。
* The Routing Module adds `RouterModule.forRoot(routes)` to `imports`.
* The Routing Module adds `RouterModule` to `exports` so that the components in the companion module have access to Router declarables ,
such as `RouterLink` and `RouterOutlet`.
* There are no `declarations`. Declarations are the responsibility of the companion module.
* If you have guard services, the Routing Module adds module `providers`. (There are none in this example.)
### Update *AppModule*
### 修改 *AppModule*
Delete the routing configuration from `AppModule` and import the `AppRoutingModule`.
Use an ES2015 `import` statement *and* add it to the `NgModule.imports` list.
(使用 ES `import`语句导入,**并**将它添加到`NgModule.imports`列表)。
Here is the revised `AppModule`, compared to its pre-refactor state:
Merge remote-tracking branch 'en/master' into aio # Conflicts: # aio/content/guide/ajs-quick-reference.md # aio/content/guide/animations.md # aio/content/guide/aot-compiler.md # aio/content/guide/architecture.md # aio/content/guide/attribute-directives.md # aio/content/guide/bootstrapping.md # aio/content/guide/browser-support.md # aio/content/guide/cb-index.md # aio/content/guide/change-log.md # aio/content/guide/cheatsheet.md # aio/content/guide/cli-quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/component-interaction.md # aio/content/guide/component-styles.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection-in-action.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/deployment.md # aio/content/guide/displaying-data.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-component-loader.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-form.md # aio/content/guide/form-validation.md # aio/content/guide/forms.md # aio/content/guide/glossary.md # aio/content/guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/i18n.md # aio/content/guide/index.md # aio/content/guide/learning-angular.md # aio/content/guide/lifecycle-hooks.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule-faq.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule.md # aio/content/guide/npm-packages.md # aio/content/guide/pipes.md # aio/content/guide/quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/reactive-forms.md # aio/content/guide/router.md # aio/content/guide/security.md # aio/content/guide/server-communication.md # aio/content/guide/set-document-title.md # aio/content/guide/setup-systemjs-anatomy.md # aio/content/guide/setup.md # aio/content/guide/structural-directives.md # aio/content/guide/styleguide.md # aio/content/guide/template-syntax.md # aio/content/guide/testing.md # aio/content/guide/ts-to-js.md # aio/content/guide/typescript-configuration.md # aio/content/guide/upgrade.md # aio/content/guide/user-input.md # aio/content/guide/visual-studio-2015.md # aio/content/guide/webpack.md # aio/content/navigation.json # aio/content/tutorial/index.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt1.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt2.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt3.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt4.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt5.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt6.md # aio/package.json # aio/src/styles/main.scss # aio/transforms/angular.io-package/index.js
2017-07-30 00:03:22 +08:00
<code-pane path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.module.ts" title="src/app/app.module.ts (after)"></code-pane>
<code-pane path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.module.3.ts" title="src/app/app.module.ts (before)"></code-pane>
2017-04-16 17:32:34 +02:00
The revised and simplified `AppModule` is focused on identifying the key pieces of the app.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'en/master' into aio # Conflicts: # aio/content/guide/ajs-quick-reference.md # aio/content/guide/animations.md # aio/content/guide/aot-compiler.md # aio/content/guide/architecture.md # aio/content/guide/attribute-directives.md # aio/content/guide/bootstrapping.md # aio/content/guide/browser-support.md # aio/content/guide/cb-index.md # aio/content/guide/change-log.md # aio/content/guide/cheatsheet.md # aio/content/guide/cli-quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/component-interaction.md # aio/content/guide/component-styles.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection-in-action.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/deployment.md # aio/content/guide/displaying-data.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-component-loader.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-form.md # aio/content/guide/form-validation.md # aio/content/guide/forms.md # aio/content/guide/glossary.md # aio/content/guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/i18n.md # aio/content/guide/index.md # aio/content/guide/learning-angular.md # aio/content/guide/lifecycle-hooks.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule-faq.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule.md # aio/content/guide/npm-packages.md # aio/content/guide/pipes.md # aio/content/guide/quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/reactive-forms.md # aio/content/guide/router.md # aio/content/guide/security.md # aio/content/guide/server-communication.md # aio/content/guide/set-document-title.md # aio/content/guide/setup-systemjs-anatomy.md # aio/content/guide/setup.md # aio/content/guide/structural-directives.md # aio/content/guide/styleguide.md # aio/content/guide/template-syntax.md # aio/content/guide/testing.md # aio/content/guide/ts-to-js.md # aio/content/guide/typescript-configuration.md # aio/content/guide/upgrade.md # aio/content/guide/user-input.md # aio/content/guide/visual-studio-2015.md # aio/content/guide/webpack.md # aio/content/navigation.json # aio/content/tutorial/index.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt1.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt2.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt3.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt4.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt5.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt6.md # aio/package.json # aio/src/styles/main.scss # aio/transforms/angular.io-package/index.js
2017-07-30 00:03:22 +08:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
## Select a hero in the *HeroesComponent*
## 在 *HeroesComponent* 中选择一位英雄
In the `HeroesComponent`,
the current template exhibits a "master/detail" style with the list of heroes
at the top and details of the selected hero below.
2017-04-19 16:09:00 +02:00
<code-example path="toh-pt4/src/app/app.component.ts" region="template" title="src/app/heroes.component.ts (current template)" linenums="false">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Delete the `<h1>` at the top.
Delete the last line of the template with the `<hero-detail>` tags.
You'll no longer show the full `HeroDetailComponent` here.
Instead, you'll display the hero detail on its own page and route to it as you did in the dashboard.
However, when users select a hero from the list, they won't go to the detail page.
Instead, they'll see a mini detail on *this* page and have to click a button to navigate to the *full detail* page.
### Add the *mini detail*
### 添加 *mini 版英雄详情*
Add the following HTML fragment at the bottom of the template where the `<hero-detail>` used to be:
在模板底部原来放`<hero-detail>`的地方添加下列 HTML 片段:
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/heroes.component.html" region="mini-detail" title="src/app/heroes.component.ts">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
After clicking a hero, users should see something like this below the hero list:
docs(aio): image sweep (#16609) * fix(aio): allow code blocks to clear floated images Previously the negative margin on the code headings were causing floated images to overlay the start of a code block. Now all code block successfully clear all floated elements. * feat(aio): add a `.clear` class for clearing floating images * fix(aio): tidy up image styles The css rules for `img.right` and `img.left` allow authors easy access to floating an image on the left or right, respectively. The `.image-display` rule which was always found on a figure has been simplified so that all figures have this styling. It is very unlikely that a figure will be used outside the content area; and at this time it seems like `figure` is as good an indicator that we want this kind of styling as anything. Now that images are all tagged with width and height values, we cannot assume to modify these dimensions via CSS as it can cause the image to lose its correct proportions. Until we find a better solition we must set `height` to `auto` when the screen width is below 1300px to ensure that these images maintain their proportions as they get shrunk to fit. * docs(aio): general tidy up of image HTML in guides Previously, the guides have a lot of inline image styling and unnecessary use of the `image-display` css class. Images over 700px are problematic for guide docs, so those have been given specific widths and associated heights. * docs(aio): use correct anchor for "back to the top" link The `#toc` anchor does not work when the page is wide enough that the TOC is floating to the side. * build(aio): add `#top-of-page` to path variants for link checking Since the `#top-of-page` is outside the rendered docs the `checkAnchorLinks` processor doesn't find them as valid targets for links. Adding them as a `pathVariant` solves this problem but will still catch links to docs that do not actually exist. * fix(aio): ensure that headings clear floated images * fix(aio): do not force live-example embedded image to 100% size This made them look too big, generally. Leaving them with no size means that they will look reasonable in large viewports and switch to 100% width in narrow viewports.
2017-05-09 23:53:32 +01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'en/master' into aio # Conflicts: # aio/content/guide/ajs-quick-reference.md # aio/content/guide/animations.md # aio/content/guide/aot-compiler.md # aio/content/guide/architecture.md # aio/content/guide/attribute-directives.md # aio/content/guide/bootstrapping.md # aio/content/guide/browser-support.md # aio/content/guide/cb-index.md # aio/content/guide/change-log.md # aio/content/guide/cheatsheet.md # aio/content/guide/cli-quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/component-interaction.md # aio/content/guide/component-styles.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection-in-action.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/deployment.md # aio/content/guide/displaying-data.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-component-loader.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-form.md # aio/content/guide/form-validation.md # aio/content/guide/forms.md # aio/content/guide/glossary.md # aio/content/guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/i18n.md # aio/content/guide/index.md # aio/content/guide/learning-angular.md # aio/content/guide/lifecycle-hooks.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule-faq.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule.md # aio/content/guide/npm-packages.md # aio/content/guide/pipes.md # aio/content/guide/quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/reactive-forms.md # aio/content/guide/router.md # aio/content/guide/security.md # aio/content/guide/server-communication.md # aio/content/guide/set-document-title.md # aio/content/guide/setup-systemjs-anatomy.md # aio/content/guide/setup.md # aio/content/guide/structural-directives.md # aio/content/guide/styleguide.md # aio/content/guide/template-syntax.md # aio/content/guide/testing.md # aio/content/guide/ts-to-js.md # aio/content/guide/typescript-configuration.md # aio/content/guide/upgrade.md # aio/content/guide/user-input.md # aio/content/guide/visual-studio-2015.md # aio/content/guide/webpack.md # aio/content/navigation.json # aio/content/tutorial/index.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt1.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt2.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt3.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt4.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt5.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt6.md # aio/package.json # aio/src/styles/main.scss # aio/transforms/angular.io-package/index.js
2017-07-30 00:03:22 +08:00
<img src='generated/images/guide/toh/mini-hero-detail.png' alt="Mini版英雄">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Format with the uppercase pipe
### 使用*uppercase*管道格式化
The hero's name is displayed in capital letters because of the `uppercase` pipe
that's included in the interpolation binding, right after the pipe operator ( | ).
注意,英雄的名字全被显示成大写字母。那是`uppercase`管道的效果,借助它,我们能干预插值表达式绑定的过程。可以管道操作符 ( | ) 后面看到它。
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/heroes.component.html" region="pipe">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Pipes are a good way to format strings, currency amounts, dates and other display data.
Angular ships with several pipes and you can write your own.
Angular 自带了一些管道,我们也可以写自己的管道。
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="l-sub-section">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Read more about pipes on the [Pipes](guide/pipes) page.
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Move content out of the component file
### 把内容移出组件文件
You still have to update the component class to support navigation to the
`HeroDetailComponent` when users click the *View Details* button.
The component file is big.
It's difficult to find the component logic amidst the noise of HTML and CSS.
这个组件文件太大了。要想在 HTML 和 CSS 的噪音中看清组件的工作逻辑太难了。
Before making any more changes, migrate the template and styles to their own files.
First, move the template contents from `heroes.component.ts`
into a new <code>heroes.component.html</code> file.
Don't copy the backticks. As for `heroes.component.ts`, you'll
come back to it in a minute. Next, move the
styles contents into a new <code>heroes.component.css</code> file.
The two new files should look like this:
<code-pane title="src/app/heroes.component.html" path="toh-pt5/src/app/heroes.component.html">
<code-pane title="src/app/heroes.component.css" path="toh-pt5/src/app/heroes.component.css">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Now, back in the component metadata for `heroes.component.ts`,
delete `template` and `styles`, replacing them with
`templateUrl` and `styleUrls` respectively.
Set their properties to refer to the new files.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/heroes.component.ts" region="metadata" title="src/app/heroes.component.ts (revised metadata)">
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="l-sub-section">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
The `styleUrls` property is an array of style file names (with paths).
You could list multiple style files from different locations if you needed them.
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Update the _HeroesComponent_ class
### 更新 _HeroesComponent_ 类
The `HeroesComponent` navigates to the `HeroesDetailComponent` in response to a button click.
The button's click event is bound to a `gotoDetail()` method that navigates _imperatively_
by telling the router where to go.
This approach requires the following changes to the component class:
1. Import the `Router` from the Angular router library.
从 Angular 路由器库导入`Router`
1. Inject the `Router` in the constructor, along with the `HeroService`.
1. Implement `gotoDetail()` by calling the router `navigate()` method.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/heroes.component.ts" region="gotoDetail" title="src/app/heroes.component.ts (gotoDetail)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Note that you're passing a two-element *link parameters array*&mdash;a
path and the route parameter&mdash;to
the router `navigate()` method, just as you did in the `[routerLink]` binding
back in the `DashboardComponent`.
Here's the revised `HeroesComponent` class:
注意,我们将一个包含两个元素的**链接参数数组** &mdash;
路径和路由参数 &mdash; 传递到路由的`navigate`
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/heroes.component.ts" region="class" title="src/app/heroes.component.ts (class)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Refresh the browser and start clicking.
Users can navigate around the app, from the dashboard to hero details and back,
from heroes list to the mini detail to the hero details and back to the heroes again.
我们能在应用中导航:从仪表盘到英雄详情再回来,从英雄列表到 mini 版英雄详情到英雄详情,再回到英雄列表。
You've met all of the navigational requirements that propelled this page.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
## Style the app
## 美化本应用
The app is functional but it needs styling.
The dashboard heroes should display in a row of rectangles.
You've received around 60 lines of CSS for this purpose, including some simple media queries for responsive design.
As you now know, adding the CSS to the component `styles` metadata
would obscure the component logic.
Instead, edit the CSS in a separate `*.css` file.
我们不能把这 60 来行 CSS 粘贴到组件元数据的`styles`中,否则它会淹没组件的工作逻辑。反之,我们应该在独立的`*.css`文件中编辑这些CSS。
Add a <code>dashboard.component.css</code> file to the `app` folder and reference
that file in the component metadata's `styleUrls` array property like this:
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/dashboard.component.ts" region="css" title="src/app/dashboard.component.ts (styleUrls)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Add stylish hero details
### 美化英雄详情
You've also been provided with CSS styles specifically for the `HeroDetailComponent`.
我们还拿到了一些`HeroDetailComponent`特有的 CSS 风格。
Add a <code>hero-detail.component.css</code> to the `app`
folder and refer to that file inside
the `styleUrls` array as you did for `DashboardComponent`.
Also, in `hero-detail.component.ts`, remove the `hero` property `@Input` decorator
and its import.
`app`目录下添加<span ngio-ex>hero-detail.component.css</span>文件,
并且在`styleUrls`数组中引用它 —— 就像之前在`DashboardComponent`中做过的那样。
Here's the content for the component CSS files.
上述组件的 CSS 文件内容如下:
<code-pane title="src/app/hero-detail.component.css" path="toh-pt5/src/app/hero-detail.component.css">
<code-pane title="src/app/dashboard.component.css" path="toh-pt5/src/app/dashboard.component.css">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Style the navigation links
### 美化导航链接
The provided CSS makes the navigation links in the `AppComponent` look more like selectable buttons.
You'll surround those links in `<nav>` tags.
设计师还给了我们一些 CSS用于让`AppComponent`中的导航链接看起来更像可被选择的按钮。
Add an <code>app.component.css</code> file to the `app` folder with the following content.
`app`目录下添加一个<span ngio-ex>app.component.css</span>文件,内容如下:
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.component.css" title="src/app/app.component.css (navigation styles)">
2017-04-10 16:51:13 +01:00
<div class="l-sub-section">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
**The *routerLinkActive* directive**
The Angular router provides a `routerLinkActive` directive you can use to
add a class to the HTML navigation element whose route matches the active route.
All you have to do is define the style for it.
Angular路由器提供了`routerLinkActive`指令,我们可以用它来为匹配了活动路由的 HTML 导航元素自动添加一个 CSS 类。
Merge remote-tracking branch 'en/master' into aio # Conflicts: # aio/content/guide/ajs-quick-reference.md # aio/content/guide/animations.md # aio/content/guide/aot-compiler.md # aio/content/guide/architecture.md # aio/content/guide/attribute-directives.md # aio/content/guide/bootstrapping.md # aio/content/guide/browser-support.md # aio/content/guide/cb-index.md # aio/content/guide/change-log.md # aio/content/guide/cheatsheet.md # aio/content/guide/cli-quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/component-interaction.md # aio/content/guide/component-styles.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection-in-action.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/deployment.md # aio/content/guide/displaying-data.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-component-loader.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-form.md # aio/content/guide/form-validation.md # aio/content/guide/forms.md # aio/content/guide/glossary.md # aio/content/guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/i18n.md # aio/content/guide/index.md # aio/content/guide/learning-angular.md # aio/content/guide/lifecycle-hooks.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule-faq.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule.md # aio/content/guide/npm-packages.md # aio/content/guide/pipes.md # aio/content/guide/quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/reactive-forms.md # aio/content/guide/router.md # aio/content/guide/security.md # aio/content/guide/server-communication.md # aio/content/guide/set-document-title.md # aio/content/guide/setup-systemjs-anatomy.md # aio/content/guide/setup.md # aio/content/guide/structural-directives.md # aio/content/guide/styleguide.md # aio/content/guide/template-syntax.md # aio/content/guide/testing.md # aio/content/guide/ts-to-js.md # aio/content/guide/typescript-configuration.md # aio/content/guide/upgrade.md # aio/content/guide/user-input.md # aio/content/guide/visual-studio-2015.md # aio/content/guide/webpack.md # aio/content/navigation.json # aio/content/tutorial/index.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt1.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt2.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt3.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt4.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt5.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt6.md # aio/package.json # aio/src/styles/main.scss # aio/transforms/angular.io-package/index.js
2017-07-30 00:03:22 +08:00
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.component.ts" region="template" title="src/app/app.component.ts (active router links)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Add a `styleUrls` property that refers to this CSS file as follows:
首先把`moduleId: module.id`添加到`AppComponent`组件的`@Component`元数据中以启用*相对于模块的*文件URL。
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/app/app.component.ts" region="styleUrls" title="src/app/app.component.ts">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
### Global application styles
### 应用的全局样式
When you add styles to a component, you keep everything a component needs&mdash;HTML,
the CSS, the code&mdash;together in one convenient place.
It's easy to package it all up and re-use the component somewhere else.
当我们把样式添加到组件中时,我们假定组件所需的一切 &mdash; HTML、CSS、程序代码 &mdash; 都在紧邻的地方。
You can also create styles at the *application level* outside of any component.
The designers provided some basic styles to apply to elements across the entire app.
These correspond to the full set of master styles that you installed earlier during [setup](guide/setup).
Here's an excerpt:
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/styles.1.css" title="src/styles.css (excerpt)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Create the file <code>styles.css</code>.
Ensure that the file contains the [master styles provided here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/angular/angular/master/aio/tools/examples/shared/boilerplate/src/styles.css).
Also edit <code>index.html</code> to refer to this stylesheet.
<code-example path="toh-pt5/src/index.html" region="css" title="src/index.html (link ref)">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
Look at the app now. The dashboard, heroes, and navigation links are styled.
docs(aio): image sweep (#16609) * fix(aio): allow code blocks to clear floated images Previously the negative margin on the code headings were causing floated images to overlay the start of a code block. Now all code block successfully clear all floated elements. * feat(aio): add a `.clear` class for clearing floating images * fix(aio): tidy up image styles The css rules for `img.right` and `img.left` allow authors easy access to floating an image on the left or right, respectively. The `.image-display` rule which was always found on a figure has been simplified so that all figures have this styling. It is very unlikely that a figure will be used outside the content area; and at this time it seems like `figure` is as good an indicator that we want this kind of styling as anything. Now that images are all tagged with width and height values, we cannot assume to modify these dimensions via CSS as it can cause the image to lose its correct proportions. Until we find a better solition we must set `height` to `auto` when the screen width is below 1300px to ensure that these images maintain their proportions as they get shrunk to fit. * docs(aio): general tidy up of image HTML in guides Previously, the guides have a lot of inline image styling and unnecessary use of the `image-display` css class. Images over 700px are problematic for guide docs, so those have been given specific widths and associated heights. * docs(aio): use correct anchor for "back to the top" link The `#toc` anchor does not work when the page is wide enough that the TOC is floating to the side. * build(aio): add `#top-of-page` to path variants for link checking Since the `#top-of-page` is outside the rendered docs the `checkAnchorLinks` processor doesn't find them as valid targets for links. Adding them as a `pathVariant` solves this problem but will still catch links to docs that do not actually exist. * fix(aio): ensure that headings clear floated images * fix(aio): do not force live-example embedded image to 100% size This made them look too big, generally. Leaving them with no size means that they will look reasonable in large viewports and switch to 100% width in narrow viewports.
2017-05-09 23:53:32 +01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'en/master' into aio # Conflicts: # aio/content/guide/ajs-quick-reference.md # aio/content/guide/animations.md # aio/content/guide/aot-compiler.md # aio/content/guide/architecture.md # aio/content/guide/attribute-directives.md # aio/content/guide/bootstrapping.md # aio/content/guide/browser-support.md # aio/content/guide/cb-index.md # aio/content/guide/change-log.md # aio/content/guide/cheatsheet.md # aio/content/guide/cli-quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/component-interaction.md # aio/content/guide/component-styles.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection-in-action.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/deployment.md # aio/content/guide/displaying-data.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-component-loader.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-form.md # aio/content/guide/form-validation.md # aio/content/guide/forms.md # aio/content/guide/glossary.md # aio/content/guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/i18n.md # aio/content/guide/index.md # aio/content/guide/learning-angular.md # aio/content/guide/lifecycle-hooks.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule-faq.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule.md # aio/content/guide/npm-packages.md # aio/content/guide/pipes.md # aio/content/guide/quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/reactive-forms.md # aio/content/guide/router.md # aio/content/guide/security.md # aio/content/guide/server-communication.md # aio/content/guide/set-document-title.md # aio/content/guide/setup-systemjs-anatomy.md # aio/content/guide/setup.md # aio/content/guide/structural-directives.md # aio/content/guide/styleguide.md # aio/content/guide/template-syntax.md # aio/content/guide/testing.md # aio/content/guide/ts-to-js.md # aio/content/guide/typescript-configuration.md # aio/content/guide/upgrade.md # aio/content/guide/user-input.md # aio/content/guide/visual-studio-2015.md # aio/content/guide/webpack.md # aio/content/navigation.json # aio/content/tutorial/index.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt1.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt2.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt3.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt4.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt5.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt6.md # aio/package.json # aio/src/styles/main.scss # aio/transforms/angular.io-package/index.js
2017-07-30 00:03:22 +08:00
<img src='generated/images/guide/toh/heroes-dashboard-1.png' alt="查看导航栏">
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
## Application structure and code
## 应用结构和代码
Review the sample source code in the <live-example></live-example> for this page.
Verify that you have the following structure:
<div class='filetree'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='children'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='children'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='children'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
<div class='file'>
node_modules ...
<div class='file'>
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
## The road youve travelled
## 走过的路
Here's what you achieved in this page:
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
* You added the Angular router to navigate among different components.
添加了 Angular *路由器*在各个不同组件之间导航。
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
* You learned how to create router links to represent navigation menu items.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
* You used router link parameters to navigate to the details of the user-selected hero.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
* You shared the `HeroService` among multiple components.
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
* You moved HTML and CSS out of the component file and into their own files.
把 HTML 和 CSS 从组件中移出来,放到了它们自己的文件中。
2017-04-01 01:57:13 +02:00
* You added the `uppercase` pipe to format data.
Your app should look like this <live-example></live-example>.
### The road ahead
### 前方的路
You have much of the foundation you need to build an app.
You're still missing a key piece: remote data access.
In the [next tutorial page](tutorial/toh-pt6 "Http")
youll replace the mock data with data retrieved from a server using http.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'en/master' into aio # Conflicts: # aio/content/guide/ajs-quick-reference.md # aio/content/guide/animations.md # aio/content/guide/aot-compiler.md # aio/content/guide/architecture.md # aio/content/guide/attribute-directives.md # aio/content/guide/bootstrapping.md # aio/content/guide/browser-support.md # aio/content/guide/cb-index.md # aio/content/guide/change-log.md # aio/content/guide/cheatsheet.md # aio/content/guide/cli-quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/component-interaction.md # aio/content/guide/component-styles.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection-in-action.md # aio/content/guide/dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/deployment.md # aio/content/guide/displaying-data.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-component-loader.md # aio/content/guide/dynamic-form.md # aio/content/guide/form-validation.md # aio/content/guide/forms.md # aio/content/guide/glossary.md # aio/content/guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection.md # aio/content/guide/i18n.md # aio/content/guide/index.md # aio/content/guide/learning-angular.md # aio/content/guide/lifecycle-hooks.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule-faq.md # aio/content/guide/ngmodule.md # aio/content/guide/npm-packages.md # aio/content/guide/pipes.md # aio/content/guide/quickstart.md # aio/content/guide/reactive-forms.md # aio/content/guide/router.md # aio/content/guide/security.md # aio/content/guide/server-communication.md # aio/content/guide/set-document-title.md # aio/content/guide/setup-systemjs-anatomy.md # aio/content/guide/setup.md # aio/content/guide/structural-directives.md # aio/content/guide/styleguide.md # aio/content/guide/template-syntax.md # aio/content/guide/testing.md # aio/content/guide/ts-to-js.md # aio/content/guide/typescript-configuration.md # aio/content/guide/upgrade.md # aio/content/guide/user-input.md # aio/content/guide/visual-studio-2015.md # aio/content/guide/webpack.md # aio/content/navigation.json # aio/content/tutorial/index.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt1.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt2.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt3.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt4.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt5.md # aio/content/tutorial/toh-pt6.md # aio/package.json # aio/src/styles/main.scss # aio/transforms/angular.io-package/index.js
2017-07-30 00:03:22 +08:00
在下一章,我们将从硬编码模拟数据改为使用 http 服务从服务器获取数据。