You can store your component's template in one of two places.
You can define it *inline* using the `template` property, or you can define
the template in a separate HTML file and link to it in
the component metadata using the `@Component` !{_decorator}'s `templateUrl` property.
The choice between inline and separate HTML is a matter of taste,
circumstances, and organization policy.
Here the app uses inline HTML because the template is small and the demo
is simpler without the additional HTML file.
In either style, the template data bindings have the same access to the component's properties.
## Showing !{_an} !{_array} property with ***ngFor**
To display a list of heroes, begin by adding !{_an} !{_array} of hero names to the component and redefine `myHero` to be the first name in the !{_array}.
Now use the Angular `ngFor` directive in the template to display
each item in the `heroes` list.
This UI uses the HTML unordered list with `<ul>` and `<li>` tags. The `*ngFor`
in the `<li>` element is the Angular "repeater" directive.
It marks that `<li>` element (and its children) as the "repeater template":
~~~ {}
Don't forget the leading asterisk (\*) in `*ngFor`. It is an essential part of the syntax.
For more information, see the [Template Syntax](./template-syntax.html#ngFor) page.
Notice the `hero` in the `ngFor` double-quoted instruction;
it is an example of a template input variable. Read
more about template input variables in the [microsyntax](./template-syntax.html#ngForMicrosyntax) section of
the [Template Syntax](./template-syntax.html) page.
Angular duplicates the `<li>` for each item in the list, setting the `hero` variable
to the item (the hero) in the current iteration. Angular uses that variable as the
context for the interpolation in the double curly braces.
In this case, `ngFor` is displaying !{_an} !{_array}, but `ngFor` can
repeat items for any [iterable](!{_iterableUrl}) object.Now the heroes appear in an unordered list.
The app's code defines the data directly inside the component, which isn't best practice.
In a simple demo, however, it's fine.
At the moment, the binding is to !{_an} !{_array} of strings.
In real applications, most bindings are to more specialized objects.
To convert this binding to use specialized objects, turn the !{_array}
of hero names into !{_an} !{_array} of `Hero` objects. For that you'll need a `Hero` class.
Create a new file in the `!{_appDir}` folder called <ngio-expath="hero.ts"></ngio-ex> with the following code:
## Using the Hero class
After importing the `Hero` class, the `AppComponent.heroes` property can return a _typed_ !{_array}
of `Hero` objects:
Next, update the template.
At the moment it displays the hero's `id` and `name`.
Fix that to display only the hero's `name` property.
The display looks the same, but the code is clearer.
## Conditional display with NgIf
Sometimes an app needs to display a view or a portion of a view only under specific circumstances.
Let's change the example to display a message if there are more than three heroes.
The Angular `ngIf` directive inserts or removes an element based on a !{_boolean} condition.
To see it in action, add the following paragraph at the bottom of the template:
~~~ {}
Don't forget the leading asterisk (\*) in `*ngIf`. It is an essential part of the syntax.
Read more about `ngIf` and `*` in the [ngIf section](./template-syntax.html#ngIf) of the [Template Syntax](./template-syntax.html) page.
The template expression inside the double quotes,
`*ngIf="heros.length > 3"`, looks and behaves much like !{_Lang}.
When the component's list of heroes has more than three items, Angular adds the paragraph
to the DOM and the message appears. If there are three or fewer items, Angular omits the
paragraph, so no message appears. For more information,
see the [template expressions](./template-syntax.html#template-expressions) section of the
[Template Syntax](./template-syntax.html) page.
~~~ {}
Angular isn't showing and hiding the message. It is adding and removing the paragraph element from the DOM. That improves performance, especially in larger projects when conditionally including or excluding
big chunks of HTML with many data bindings.
Try it out. Because the !{_array} has four items, the message should appear.
Go back into <ngio-expath="app.component.ts"></ngio-ex> and delete or comment out one of the elements from the hero !{_array}.
The browser should refresh automatically and the message should disappear.
## Summary
Now you know how to use:
- **Interpolation** with double curly braces to display a component property.
- **ngFor** to display !{_an} !{_array} of items.
- A !{_Lang} class to shape the **model data** for your component and display properties of that model.
- **ngIf** to conditionally display a chunk of HTML based on a boolean expression.