With special Angular syntax in your templates, you can extend the HTML vocabulary of your apps.
For example, Angular helps you get and set DOM (Document Object Model) values dynamically with features such as built-in template functions, variables, event listening, and data binding.
However, because an Angular template is part of an overall webpage, and not the entire page, you don't need to include elements such as `<html>`, `<body>`, or `<base>`.
You can focus exclusively on the part of the page you are developing.
* [Interpolation](guide/interpolation)—learn how to use interpolation and expressions in HTML.
* [Template statements](guide/template-statements)—respond to events in your templates.
* [Binding syntax](guide/binding-syntax)—use binding to coordinate values in your app.
* [Property binding](guide/property-binding)—set properties of target elements or directive `@Input()` decorators.
* [Attribute, class, and style bindings](guide/attribute-binding)—set the value of attributes, classes, and styles.
* [Event binding](guide/event-binding)—listen for events and your HTML.
* [Two-way binding](guide/two-way-binding)—share data between a class and its template.
* [Built-in directives](guide/built-in-directives)—listen to and modify the behavior and layout of HTML.
* [Template reference variables](guide/template-reference-variables)—use special variables to reference a DOM element within a template.
* [Inputs and Outputs](guide/inputs-outputs)—share data between the parent context and child directives or components
* [Template expression operators](guide/template-expression-operators)—learn about the pipe operator, `|`, and protect against `null` or `undefined` values in your HTML.
* [SVG in templates](guide/svg-in-templates)—dynamically generate interactive graphics.