2020-06-30 14:14:34 -04:00
# Testing Pipes
You can test [pipes ](guide/pipes ) without the Angular testing utilities.
< div class = "alert is-helpful" >
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For a hands-on experience you can < live-example name = "testing" stackblitz = "specs" noDownload > run tests and explore the test code< / live-example > in your browser as your read this guide.
2020-06-30 14:14:34 -04:00
2021-05-27 18:12:04 -07:00
If you'd like to experiment with the application that this guide describes, you can < live-example name = "testing" noDownload > run it in your browser< / live-example > or < live-example name = "testing" downloadOnly > download and run it locally< / live-example > .
2020-06-30 14:14:34 -04:00
< / div >
## Testing the `TitleCasePipe`
A pipe class has one method, `transform` , that manipulates the input
value into a transformed output value.
The `transform` implementation rarely interacts with the DOM.
Most pipes have no dependence on Angular other than the `@Pipe`
metadata and an interface.
Consider a `TitleCasePipe` that capitalizes the first letter of each word.
Here's an implementation with a regular expression.
< code-example path = "testing/src/app/shared/title-case.pipe.ts" header = "app/shared/title-case.pipe.ts" > < / code-example >
Anything that uses a regular expression is worth testing thoroughly.
Use simple Jasmine to explore the expected cases and the edge cases.
< code-example path = "testing/src/app/shared/title-case.pipe.spec.ts" region = "excerpt" header = "app/shared/title-case.pipe.spec.ts" > < / code-example >
{@a write-tests}
## Writing DOM tests to support a pipe test
These are tests of the pipe _in isolation_ .
They can't tell if the `TitleCasePipe` is working properly as applied in the application components.
Consider adding component tests such as this one:
< code-example path = "testing/src/app/hero/hero-detail.component.spec.ts" region = "title-case-pipe" header = "app/hero/hero-detail.component.spec.ts (pipe test)" > < / code-example >