2017-02-06 19:06:13 -08:00
'use strict'; // necessary for es6 output in node
2016-10-06 23:25:52 +01:00
import { browser, element, by } from 'protractor';
2015-12-20 13:17:16 -08:00
describe('Structural Directives', function () {
2017-02-06 19:06:13 -08:00
beforeAll(function () {
2015-12-20 13:17:16 -08:00
2017-02-06 19:06:13 -08:00
it('first div should show hero name with *ngIf', function () {
const allDivs = element.all(by.tagName('div'));
expect(allDivs.get(0).getText()).toEqual('Mr. Nice');
2015-12-20 13:17:16 -08:00
2017-02-06 19:06:13 -08:00
it('first li should show hero name with *ngFor', function () {
const allLis = element.all(by.tagName('li'));
expect(allLis.get(0).getText()).toEqual('Mr. Nice');
it('ngSwitch have three <happy-hero> instances', function () {
const happyHeroEls = element.all(by.tagName('happy-hero'));
2015-12-20 13:17:16 -08:00
2017-02-06 19:06:13 -08:00
it('should toggle *ngIf="hero" with a button', function () {
const toggleHeroButton = element.all(by.cssContainingText('button', 'Toggle hero')).get(0);
const paragraph = element.all(by.cssContainingText('p', 'I turned the corner'));
expect(paragraph.get(0).getText()).toContain('I waved');
toggleHeroButton.click().then(() => {
expect(paragraph.get(0).getText()).not.toContain('I waved');
2015-12-20 13:17:16 -08:00
2017-02-06 19:06:13 -08:00
it('should have only one "Hip!" (the other is erased)', function () {
const paragraph = element.all(by.cssContainingText('p', 'Hip!'));
it('myUnless should show 3 paragraph (A)s and (B)s at the start', function () {
const paragraph = element.all(by.css('p.unless'));
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
it('myUnless should show 1 paragraph (B) after toggling condition', function () {
const toggleConditionButton = element.all(by.cssContainingText('button', 'Toggle condition')).get(0);
const paragraph = element.all(by.css('p.unless'));
toggleConditionButton.click().then(() => {
2015-12-20 13:17:16 -08:00
2017-02-06 19:06:13 -08:00