2021-04-22 16:34:36 +02:00
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "platform",
constraint_values = [
2021-05-04 15:32:58 +02:00
exec_properties = {
# We use a basic docker image from the Google Cloud container registry that supports
# browser tests. Note that we usually do not use any of the local browsers, but the image
# guarantees that necessary dependencies for launching browsers are installed. Since we
# do not rely on many binaries/tools from the image, the image doesn't need to be updated
# frequently. There are rare cases where it needs to be updated. e.g. for a more recent Bash
# version, or new system settings that are required for launching browsers. In order to do that,
# we need to either see if the `rbe-ubuntu16-04-webtest` image can be updated, or if we need to
# build and publish our own image to the Google cloud image registry.
"container-image": "docker://gcr.io/cloud-marketplace/google/rbe-ubuntu16-04-webtest@sha256:886a12dc4726f5b991b46386292afa8d943b6703a5496c8a1e07cfde778d9044",
# The `SYS_ADMIN` capability is added so that browsers can be launched with sandbox mode enabled. Related
# # information: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/puppeteer/troubleshooting#running_puppeteer_in_docker
"dockerAddCapabilities": "SYS_ADMIN",
# By default in Google Cloud Remote build execution, network access is disabled. We explicitly set the
# property in the platform again in case the default ever changes. Network access is not desirable in
# Bazel builds as it is potential source of flaky tests and therefore also breaks hermeticity.
"dockerNetwork": "off",
2021-04-22 16:34:36 +02:00
name = "files",
srcs = [