2021-05-21 09:45:36 -07:00
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
export default `
2021-04-01 16:28:17 -07:00
<a name="<%- version %>"></a>
# <%- version %><% if (title) { %> "<%- title %>"<% } %> (<%- dateStamp %>)
const commitsInChangelog = commits.filter(includeInReleaseNotes());
for (const group of asCommitGroups(commitsInChangelog)) {
### <%- group.title %>
| Commit | Description |
| -- | -- |
for (const commit of group.commits) {
| <%- commit.shortHash %> | <%- commit.header %> |
const breakingChanges = commits.filter(contains('breakingChanges'));
if (breakingChanges.length) {
## Breaking Changes
for (const group of asCommitGroups(breakingChanges)) {
### <%- group.title %>
for (const commit of group.commits) {
<%- commit.breakingChanges[0].text %>
const deprecations = commits.filter(contains('deprecations'));
if (deprecations.length) {
## Deprecations
for (const group of asCommitGroups(deprecations)) {
### <%- group.title %>
for (const commit of group.commits) {
<%- commit.deprecations[0].text %>
const authors = commits.filter(unique('author')).map(c => c.author).sort();
if (authors.length === 1) {
## Special Thanks:
<%- authors[0]%>
if (authors.length > 1) {
## Special Thanks:
<%- authors.slice(0, -1).join(', ') %> and <%- authors.slice(-1)[0] %>
2021-05-21 09:45:36 -07:00