For step-by-step instructions on how to update to the latest Angular release (and leverage our automated migration tools to do so), use the interactive update guide at [](
If you're curious about the specific migrations being run by the CLI, see the [automated migrations section](#migrations) for details on what code is changing and why.
For information about Angular's deprecation and removal practices, see [Angular Release Practices](guide/releases#deprecation-practices "Angular Release Practices: Deprecation practices").
-`tslib` is now listed as a peer dependency rather than a direct dependency. If you are not using the CLI, you must manually install `tslib`, using `yarn add tslib` or `npm install tslib --save`.
| [`CurrencyPipe` - `DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE`](api/common/CurrencyPipe#currency-code-deprecation)| `{provide: DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE, useValue: 'USD'}` | From v11 the default code will be extracted from the locale data given by `LOCAL_ID`, rather than `USD`. |
| `esm5` and `fesm5` distribution in `@angular/*` npm packages | `esm2015` and `fesm2015` entrypoints | See [`esm5` and `fesm5`](guide/deprecations#esm5-fesm5) |
| [`TestBed.get`](api/core/testing/TestBed#get) | [`TestBed.inject`](api/core/testing/TestBed#inject) | Same behavior, but type safe. |
| `@angular/forms` | `ngForm` element selector | `ng-form` element selector | none |
| `@angular/service-worker` | `versionedFiles` | `files` | In the service worker configuration file `ngsw-config.json`, replace `versionedFiles` with `files`. See [Service Worker Configuration](guide/service-worker-config#assetgroups). |
In Version 9, Angular Ivy is the default rendering engine. If you haven't heard of Ivy, you can read more about it in the [Angular Ivy guide](guide/ivy).
* Among other features, Ivy introduces more comprehensive type-checking within templates. For details, see [Template Type-checking](guide/template-typecheck).